The Perfect Student

Last updated at: 2 years ago


"You're a good person, Professor Kim."

Namjoon looked up in surprise, fearing he was starting to hear things, but when he saw the genuine smile on Na Ri's face, he knew he had heard correctly.

"Can we please speak comfortably to each other when we're outside school?" This time it was Na Ri's turn to be surprised.


Namjoon couldn't help but laugh when he saw her flustered face as she struggled to get those words past her lips, but when Na Ri got even more flustered and started blushing, Namjoon quickly stopped laughing and looked directly at her as he said:

"You're a good person too, Na Ri-ssi."

Song Na Ri is a University student who's majoring in english literature. She's the top of her class, always getting the best grades and her teachers love her. But deep down under the surface, hides a face that Na Ri won't let anyone see. A broken, scattered and ugly face. But in her last semester, a new teacher moves to University and he's quick to see past the perfect marks and flawless reports. Will Professor Kim be able to teach Na Ri something that wasn't a major, will he be able to teach her to be imperfect?