Interlude 2
Winter 2007
(A/N: In the year of 2007, Song Na Ri is 11 years old and Song Woo Jin is 10 years old. Their mother Lee Hye Jin is 29 years old and their father Song Kwan So is 30 years old)
Hye Jin was standing in the kitchen as if she was frozen on the spot. While she held onto the dishwashing brush with one hand and the water kept running continuously, Hye Jin used the other hand to hold onto her phone, her phone which she had been staring at for a long time.
Suddenly, Hye Jin felt something wet on her sleeve and she looked down and let out a gasp. The bucket she had put into the sink with all the dishes, was long ago filled to its max and at this point, the whole sink overflowing, the water falling down to the floor like a small waterfall.
"Crap!" Hye Jin cursed, although she usually wasn't the type of person who would use such a language, and she quickly put away her phone and closed the water hose.
Using both her hands to support her fragile body, Hye Jin hovered over the sink, the kitchen cabinet, her floor, her sooks and sweater all drained from the water.
A small tear seemed to find its way out of the corner of her eye and down her cheek. She didn't even bother to wipe it away but just let it slide down her face, then down her throat until it reached her shirt, which was already wet.
"Mom." Hye Jin jumped up when she heard the voice of her young daughter, "why is everything wet?"
"Oh hi sweetie," Hye Jin said and made sure to put on her best smile when she turned around to face Na Ri, "oh mom is just about to wash the floor."
"Really?" Na Ri asked and then continued, "because it seemed like you-"
"I said I'm about to wash the floor!" Hye Jin insisted, a bit harshly so she quickly lowered her voice, "why don't you go do your homework?"
"I did them all," Na Ri said, "I'm bored." Hye Jin let out a sigh, still trying to maintain her smile.
"Then, why don't you go help out your brother with his homework?"
"He can't be helped, he's hopeless when it comes to schoolwork," Na Ri said and rolled her eyes.
"Na Ri-ya! Don't speak that way about your brother," Hye Jin scolded her, "just go and ask him if he needs any help."
"Fine," Na Ri said and turned around, but just as she was about to leave her mother alone, she turned around again, "when is dad coming home?"
"I DON'T KNOW!" Hye Jin yelled, her last strain of patience long gone, "I don't know when dad is coming home, my gosh, can't you just go help your brother when your mom tells you too?" Na Ri stared at her mom with her eyes wide open and her pupils dilated, making Hye Jin swallow.
"Na Ri-ya I'm so-" Hye Jin started, but before she could finish her sentence, Na Ri had run away, the sound of her crying vaguely in the air. Hye Jin was ready to run after her immediately, but in the same second, she heard the door unlock.
"Honey, I'm home," the voice of Kwan Soo rang across the house, but there was no response, only the sound of someone rustling to take off his coat and shoes, whereafter he walked out of the hallway and into the kitchen.
"There you are," Kwan Soo said and walked over to give his wife a kiss, "why didn't you say anything."
"Back off," Hye Jin said and pushed Kwan Soo away just before he could place his lips on hers.
"What's wrong?" Kwan Soo said and he suddenly looked down and noticed the small pool on the floor, "what happened here?" Hye Jin didn't reply but simply stomped to the kitchen counter and grabbed her phone, whereafter she shoved it right in Kwan Soo's face.
The kitchen turned completely silent, only the sound of small drops falling from the hose and hitting the water in the sink, echoed in the small room.
"Hye Jin-a... I can explain," Kwan Soo started and Hye Jin retracked her phone with a sigh.
"You can explain?" She said, "then please, be my guest. Explain why your lips are plastered to this bimbo?"
"Hey, she's not a bimbo!" Kwan Soo yelled until he realized he was only making things worse, "I mean... I'm sorry... it was a one-time thing... I've been working so much lately and I missed you. I wasn't being myself."
"Oh stop it, will you?" Hye Jin yelled, "we both know this isn't a one-time thing. Oh well, it might be with this one, but I know you'd had other girls on the side for many years now." Kwan Soo swallowed and lowered his head to the floor.
"What is wrong with you? How can you do this to me?" Hye Jin yelled, "what are you thinking?"
"I'm thinking that I have been taking care of this family for more than 11 years now, I have been working non-stop to earn money so you and our kids can live a good life," Kwan Soo said, his voice firm like Hye Jin's, "I'm thinking you should show me a little more gratitude for all the hard work I've done throughout the years while you've just been sitting at home."
"Sitting at home?" Hye Jin said, "you think looking after our kids, keeping the house neat, washing clothes, cooking dinner and all the other things I take care of is just 'sitting at home'? And even if it was, how does that justify you cheating on me?"
"Everyone needs to blow off some steam once in a while when they work the hours I do," Kwan Soo said, "if you were a good wife you wouldn't blame me for this, but thank me for staying with you in spite of everything."
"I should thank you for staying with me?" Hye Jin said, "you're unbelievable. For 4 years I've known of your cheating. My friends kept telling me to scold you and make you come clean, but I was sure it was just a phase, something that would pass with time. But who was I kidding? You can never change, you're just a horrible person inside out."
"Well you're the one who married me," Kwan Soo said, "I don't remember anyone forcing you into that marriage, I'm actually pretty sure your parents opposed to it."
"Because we were both students at the time," Hye Jin exclaimed, "it was only because you got me pregnant. I had to stop my education to become a housewife so I could take care of our kid."
"I got you pregnant?" Kwan Soo said, "I'm pretty sure it takes two people to get pregnant."
"Yes I admit it, we were both uncareful," Hye Jin said, "and I don't regret getting pregnant, I love my kids more than anything in the world. The only thing I regret is staying with you for this long. So now I'm going to do what should have done for a long time ago."
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying I'm going to divorce you," Hye Jin said firmly, "and I don't care if I have to take three jobs to earn enough money so I can get a lawyer, but I will make sure you can never see your kids again!"
"You can't do that."
"Yes I can! I'm a mother, and mothers look out for their children," Hye Jin said, "I want you to leave, right now."
"You're just going to throw me out like that? This is my house!"
"Correction, this is my parents' house which they gave to us, and I'm pretty sure when they hear about what you did, they'll make sure the house is given to me," Hye Jin said, "so I want you to leave now. You can come back tonight when the kids are sleeping, I'll make sure all your things are packed by then." The room turned silent again and they just looked at each other until Kwan Soo spoke, this time with a more gentle voice.
"Are you seriously going to do this?" Kwan Soo said, "aren't you thinking about what this will do to our kids?"
"I'm doing this because I'm thinking about our kids," Hye Jin said, "now leave." Kwan Soo looked at Hye Jin for another second, but her burning eyes were enough to eventually make him walk to the hallway, put on his coat and shoes and then leave the house, slamming the door behind him.
Hye Jin dragged the two large suitcases through the living room, past the kitchen and into the hallway.
"That's all you're getting from me, you bastard," Hye Jin whispered to herself.
"Mom." Hye Jin turned around and was surprised when she saw her daughter standing behind her, rubbing her eyes and yarning.
"Na Ri-ya, why aren't you in bed?" Hye Jin asked.
"Why isn't dad home yet?" Hye Jin looked at her daugther, unable to find a suitable way to answer her question.
"Na Ri-ya, dad-" In the same second, the door opened and Kwan Soo walked inside.
"Dad!" Na Ri exclaimed and ran into her father's embrace.
"Na Ri-ya, why aren't you sleeping?"
"I was waiting for you!" Na Ri said and nuzzled her head into her dad's belly.
Kwan Soo looked at Hye Jin and she quickly walked over to pull away Na Ri.
"Sweetheart, let go of your father now," Hye Jin said while Kwan Soo grabbed the two suitcases.
"Is this all?" Kwan Soo asked.
"That's all," Hye Jin said.
"Wait, dad, where are you going?" Once again, Kwan Soo looked at Hye Jin for an answer and she grabbed Na Ri once again.
"Come on sweetheart, let's get you back to bed."
"No wait!" Na Ri said as she watched her dad open the door, "DAD! DON'T LEAVE ME!" Her dad turned around just as he stepped out in the cold winter and he looked at his daughter and smiled.
Hello everyone!
I hope you enjoyed this interlude. Remember to stay warm and eat healthy and take care of yourself. Stay safe.
Also, don't forget to leave a comment down below.
Love, Annalise~