Picture of Annalise

The beginning of a beautiful online writing community

My name is Annalise and I am the founder of "House of Writing", an online writing community in the making. Over the upcoming years, I hope to see this website grow from a single author's platform, and become a beautiful writing community. But until that happens, House of Writing will be the home of my novels, one-shots, short stories and poems.

Background information

The idea for House of Writing came to me in the beginning of 2020, at the point I was still an active member of the platform called Wattpad. So for a long time, House of Writing stayed as only an idea in my head, since writing on Wattpad was keeping me content.

But all good things come to an end and of course the same happened with my time on Wattpad. In spite of all their bugs and constant updates that always made the platform worse, I stuck with Wattpad for many years. That was until July 2020, when Wattpad fell victim to a security breach and I finally had enough and left the platform for good.

Now I had nowhere to publish my stories and I had never felt more empty in my life. So it didn't take long before I begged my husband to help me in making a website. And 4 months later, House of Writing was up and running.

Who is Annalise?

I am a young woman who has been writing for nearly 10 years and has plans to write till the day I die. I don't write because I want to become a published author or because I want to be famous, but simply because I love to write.

My goal with House of Writing is to spread joy through my writing. I sincerely hope that every person who finds my books will feel happy while reading it.

I will be keeping a blog where I discuss various things like giving out writing tips, talking about KPOP and giving an insight in my life overall. I hope this blog will bring us all closer to each other.

Don't feel shy, reach out to me

Every single person reading this is more than welcome to reach out to me on one of my socials or by sending an email. Whether you have a wish for something I should incorporate in my blog, want to ask me something personal or writing related, or you simply want to keep in touch, all inquiries are welcome!