Side Story - Part 1
"Part One"
Jungkook was lying on the soft bed with his arms stretched out as he held the manga over his head, slowly turning the pages as he read through the chapter.
"So how is it being roommates with Taehyung-a again?" Jimin asked and Jungkook turned his head to look at Jimin who was sitting on the floor.
"It's fine I guess..." Jungkook said and returned his focus to the manga, "but he talks to Min Ji-ya on the phone a lot and sometimes it's just too much for me."
"That makes sense," Jimin said with a sigh.
"Thanks for letting me hang out in your room whenever I feel like getting away, Jimin Hyung."
"Ah, no problem," Jimin answered, "you even lived here for a while so of course it's okay. I'm one of the few students who have a dorm room to myself, so it's nice to have someone around." Jungkook looked at Jimin with a smile before turning the page again, continuing to read.
"Hey Jungkook," Jimin then said after a while.
"Isn't it about time you meet a sweet girl? Get over Min Ji-ssi?" Jungkook put down the manga and sat up on the bed while looking at Jimin.
"It's not that easy," he answered before looking away.
"But it is!" Jimin said and sat up straight, "you just have to get out there. How about I set you up with someone? I know a lot of cute girls!"
"I don't need-"
"Come on, it'll be fun!" Jimin said and looked at Jungkook all excited, "just tell me what your type is and I'll set you up with the girl of your dreams."
"Are you serious, hyung?" Jungkook asked with a raised eyebrow, but Jimin just sent the same glare right back at him.
"Yes, I'm serious," Jimin answered, "so just tell me what your ideal type is!"
"Alright then," Jungkook said and let out a sigh, as he looked into the air while thinking, "I guess I like short girls, around 160cm. I like girls with long hair and a feminine face. I like it if she dress feminine too, like dresses or skirts. Oh and it's really cute when a girl use nail polish!"
"Got it," Jimin said, "a girl identical to Lee Min Ji-ssi!"
"Hey!" Jungkook said, but as he thought about it, he couldn't say anything to defend himself.
"Look, I can't find a girl who fits all your criteria, that one is already taken," Jimin said and Jungkook looked down in disappointment, "but I do have someone in mind. I think you would definitely find her interesting."
Jungkook looked at his reflection as he walked by the store windows, and he wondered if he overdressed for the occasion. It just felt nice to dress up once in a while. Spending just a few extra minutes on your hair. Trying on at least three different outfits before landing on one. Feeling confident about yourself when you looked at your reflection.
Jungkook stopped when he reached the Café Jimin had sent him the address to. He looked at the door and took in a deep breath before reaching for the handle.
I can't believe I'm actually going through with this, Jungkook thought to himself as he entered the cafe and heard the sound of a bell ringing when he opened the door.
It felt nice and cozy inside the cafe. The large windows allowed for the sunlight to shine through and the white walls made everything seem brighter. Even if it was still winter outside, inside this café it felt like spring already. Everywhere around were small pots of flowers and the scent hit you the second you stepped inside.
Jungkook looked around, trying to spot someone sitting alone somewhere, looking a little lost and awkward just like he did.
Mostly it was couples or small groups of friends who had gathered around a table. He also spotted a few people who seemed to be studying, while enjoying a cup of coffee with something sweet.
And then he looked towards one of the tables alongside the windows. And at one of those tables, a young girl was seated, no cup of coffee in front of her, no food, no computer or books making it seem like she was studying.
It had to be her.
Slowly, Jungkook walked towards her, waiting for her to look up and notice his presence, but even as he stood right before her, she didn't look at him. She was wearing a pink blouse with flowers on it and what seemed to be a black skirt from what Jungkook was able to see. Her hair was a light brown and was put up with a few hairpins to keep it away from her face. Only her short bangs covered her forehead.
Jungkook realized he had been staring at the girl for quite some time and he was just about to speak up when she beat him to it.
"Is someone there?" she said and Jungkook made a little jump from the surprise.
"Jeon Jungkook," he said quickly, "I'm looking for a Kang Mi Young?"
"That's me," the girl said and got up from her seat, still looking right past Jungkook, "I'm your blind date." Mi Young winked and Jungkook looked at her strangely, although she couldn't see it.
"You get it?" Mi Young said and pointed at her eyes, "because I'm blind."
"I got it," Jungkook said, "I just didn't find it funny."
"Really?" Mi Young said and looked a little dejected, but she quickly found her smile again, "anyways, why don't you sit down?"
"Shouldn't I go order first? I'll get yours too," Jungkook said.
"Really? Thank you," Mi Young said and then told her order to Jungkook.
"Alright, I'll be right back."
While standing in line at the counter, Jungkook couldn't help but let his eyes fall upon Mi Young once or twice. He kept getting this feeling in his chest. Like a dejavu.
"What can I get you?" the barista said and Jungkook quickly swapped out of his head and back to reality, placing his order and paying.
"There you go," Jungkook said as he placed the cup and plate in front of Mi Young who was still wearing the same smile as before.
"Thank you," she said and slowly started searching the table with her hand, until she felt the warm surface of the cup and she carefully lifted it to her mouth.
"Mmm... it's good," Mi Young said after placing the cup back on the table, "how's yours?"
"It's fine," Jungkook said.
It quickly got quiet around the table and Jungkook just kept tilting his cup from side to side, watching the hot liquid slide against the surface of the cup.
"That was my only icebreaker, you know," Mi Young suddenly said and Jungkook looked up in surprise, "the 'Blind Date' pun. So it's your turn to try breaking the ice now."
"Breaking the ice you say... Alright," Jungkook said and sat up straight, "so, I was in love with my best friend for who knows how many years, only to see her end up with my other best friend. Now they're dating happily, so I said yes to go on a blind date to try and forget her." Jungkook looked at the girl who didn't smile anymore, but instead looked rather serious as she stared into nothing.
"There you go..." Jungkook said firmly, although he felt a little bad about blurting out everything like that, "was that enough of an ice breaker for you?" Mi Young didn't answer and Jungkook wondered if he had scared her away for good. After a while he even pondered if it was better to simply leave and let her be, but just then, the girl opened her mouth.
"Well if that's the approach we're going with, then I want in too!" Mi Young said and Jungkook looked at her in confusion as she continued, "I used to be able to see, you know. I lived a normal life, until one day when I got into accident and I lost my sight completely. At first I could at least remember how everything looked, but day by day, I seem to be forgetting more and more and it scares me more than anything else to imagine a day when all I remember is darkness."
It got quiet around the table again and Jungkook just stared at the girl in horror, until he let out a sigh and said:
"Fine, you win. Your story is the saddest." Mi Young let out a giggle, as she took another sip of her drink.
"Yeah, I always win at these sorts of things," she said with the same cheerful smile as earlier, "it's one of the only perks of this disability."
"I can imagine," Jungkook said and chuckled slightly, just loudly enough for Mi Young to hear.
Jungkook looked at her again, her round face and red cheeks. Her small nose and brown eyes. It all seemed so familiar. Not only because she reminded him of Min Ji. No, it was something else.
"You're being quiet again?" Mi Young said a little disappointed, "I thought we broke the ice by telling our traumatic stories."
"Ah, sorry," Jungkook said, realizing he must have been making her uncomfortable, "I was just looking at you... I feel like I've seen you before."
"Well I have definitely not seen you before," Mi Young said and winked again, making Jungkook sigh deeply.
"Seriously, why are you making so many jokes about your disability?" Jungkook asked.
"Otherwise it's just too sad, didn't you hear my story?"
"Alright, I get it," Jungkook said, "but, I really do feel like we've met before."
"You're right, your voice feels familiar to me too."
"Really?" Jungkook asked and at the same second, something clicked inside his mind, "ah! I remember! Bus number 7!" The girl stayed quiet for a while, looking like she was trying to decipher what Jungkook was saying, until suddenly, her face lit up.
"Ah, yes I remember too!" she said joyfully, "you knocked me over and then helped me get on the right bus."
"Yes, exactly!" Jungkook said, feeling a certain type of accomplishment after figuring it out.
"You were really drunk that night, weren't you?"
"How did you know?" Jungkook asked and looked away in shame.
"You smelled really strongly of alcohol."
"Ah, I see," Jungkook said, "I'm sorry I caused you so much inconvenience that night."
"No that's okay. Now it's just a funny memory seeing how our paths are crossing again," Mi Young said and continued, "it must be fate." Mi Young let out a giggle after the last sentence while Jungkook stayed silent.
"Do you believe in that stuff?" Jungkook asked and Mi Young shrugged her shoulders while saying:
"I don't know, maybe?" Jungkook just shook his head.
"You're weird."
"I know," Mi Young said, "life's more fun that way."
Jungkook opened the door to his room and threw his tired body on the bed. Before he knew it, they had been talking for hours. At first he thought she was almost a replica of Min Ji, but the more he talked to her, the more he realized, she was nothing like her. She was entirely her own person, and a weird one at that.
Jungkook chuckled as he remembered their conversation, but his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing.
"Yes?" Jungkook said as he answered the phone.
"So," Jimin said on the other end of the phone, "how did it go?"
"Not bad," Jungkook said teasingly.
"That's just code for amazing," Jimin said.
"No way," Jungkook said and laughed.
"Oh really?" Jimin said, "so... did you get her number?" It was quiet on the phone until Jungkook answered.
"Uh huh."
"I see," Jimin replied and started laughing, "well, I'm just glad you two hit it off."
"Well... she was nice..." Jungkook said, "I had fun."
"So, is there going to be a second date?"
"Hm," Jungkook said while thinking, "who knows?"
Hello everyone!
Did you really think I would drop a bomb on you in the last chapter, mentioning that Jungkook went on a blind date and not do anything about it? I've planned this for months!
So, in case you didn't realize already, this chapter takes place BEFORE Na Ri goes back to school, as Taehyung mentioned that Jungkook went on the date "last week" when he talked about it.
But you got your answers everyone. And before you start whining about wanting more content, just remember that this was called "Part One", which indicated there'll be a "Part Two as well. So what are you waiting for?
Love, Annalise~