Chapter 43
Min Ji looked at her friend who was curled up like a ball on the floor of her dorm room. She hadn't said anything since they arrived and Min Ji didn't feel it would help to put pressure on her, but after a certain amount of time had passed, Min Ji couldn't hold back anymore.
"Na Ri-ya," Min Ji said calmly as she looked at her, "what's this about? You're making all nervous."
"Actually..." Na Ri said while fidgeting with her fingers, "it's about Namjoon-ssi."
"Who's Namjoon-ssi... wait, are you talking about Professor Kim?" Na Ri nodded while looking down.
"Okay, I think you've got some explaining to do," Min Ji said, "first of all, I want to know when Professor Kim changed into 'Namjoon-ssi'." Na Ri looked up and let out a sigh as she began the longest, most draining story she had ever told out loud to another person.
She explaining everything. From the first time she met Namjoon when she didn't even know he would be her Professor. About the time he helped looked for her cat. About the times they spoke to each other while being outside on the balcony. About their shared love for FRIENDS and about the times they watched it together. About the time she ended up sleeping in his bed because she was too drunk to go to her own apartment. About... everything.
"Wow," Min Ji said after Na Ri was done explaining and busy catching her breath, "I knew you had a crush in Professor Kim, but I had no idea you two were already this entangled."
"You... you knew?" Na Ri asked and Min Ji raised her eyebrow.
"You didn't know I knew?" Min Ji asked and Na Ri shook her head, "well it's been pretty obvious. I just thought you didn't want to do anything about it because it would be inappropriate."
"Yes that and... I think I was... shy," Na Ri said, "I didn't really understand my feelings at first... and now that I do... I don't know what to do about it."
"Well that's easy," Min Ji said and Na Ri looked at her in anticipation as she continued; "confess."
"C... confess?"
"Yes," Min Ji said, "you don't choose who you fall in love with, besides, after this semester, he's not your Professor anymore, so it's not inappropriate."
"I... I know that..."
"What is it? Are you nervous?"
"It's just... he kinda already confessed to me," Na Ri said and Min Ji's eyes widened to twice their side before Na Ri continued; "and I rejected him."
"Oh," Min Ji said and looked troubled.
"It's not good... I know..." Na Ri said, "and I'm afraid, even if I tell him how I feel... he'll just reject me."
"Then you should take the rejection." Na Ri looked at Min Ji in shock.
"Look, I don't know what will happen if you confess your feelings to Professor Kim. I want to tell you he'll accept you with open arms, but I can't promise you that," Min Ji explained while Na Ri listened carefully, "but even still, I think you should tell him how you feel, to get it out of your system. And if he's mad about that time you rejected him, then take the scolding."
"Won't I just... make a complete fool out of myself... for doing that?"
"Yes, but Professor Kim already did that, so don't you think he deserves that you do the same?" Na Ri lowered her head and nodded shamefully. She already knew she deserved to hear his rejection up front, just like he got it from her.
"So, when are you going to do it?" Min Ji asked.
"I'm thinking about... tomorrow?"
"That seems like a good idea, even if he rejects you, you don't have to see him again before Monday." Na Ri nodded and let out a sigh as she started picturing the entire scene inside her mind.
"So, what do you want to do now? Do you want to go home or should we call over the boys and hear all the details about that blind date?" Min Ji asked and looked at Na Ri with a smug smile.
"I'm also curious about that blind date," Na Ri answered and Min Ji sent her a thumbs up.
"Alright then, let's get your mind off of everything for now and just have fun," Min Ji said as she pulled out her phone and called up the boys.
"I... I like you..." Na Ri said and let out a deep sigh while anxiously waiting for the response.
"Meow!" Cat replied and Na Ri looked down at it's big green eyes.
"Yes... I understand..." she said and nodded. The cat just continued to look at her like she had gone crazy while Na Ri turned around and laid down flat on her back.
"I shouldn't do it, right Cat?" Na Ri said while the cat was busy rubbing its soft fur against Na Ri's arm, "no... no I should do it... ugh!" Na Ri rolled to her side and hid her face in her hands, wishing she could disappear.
"Okay!" Na Ri then said as she sat up on the floor, "okay... okay I'll just do it... I'll just get it over with!"
"Meow," the cat said again when Na Ri got up and she looked down with a smile.
"Thanks for the support," she said before leaving her apartment and walking towards Namjoon's apartment door with firm steps. She stood up straight in front of it and took in a deep breath, ready to place two knocks on the door, but just as she was about to hit the rough surface, she stopped.
As if her arm was going into cramp in the middle of the movement, she stayed in the same spot, looking like a maniac with her arm raised and her fist just a few centimeters from the door. She kept breathing in and out in fast heaves while it seemed like the sound of her heartbeat was getting louder and louder, to the point where she was afraid Namjoon would hear it from inside his apartment and come out.
And as if on cue, the door suddenly opened and Na Ri nearly had a heart attack when she saw Namjoon, but judging by his face, it seemed like he was having the exact same reaction.
"Na Ri-ssi..." Namjoon said, "what... are you doing?" Na Ri suddenly realized her arm was still raised and in a position ready to knock on the door, so she quickly retracted her arm.
"I... I wanted... to talk to you... if you have time," Na Ri stuttered while continuously looking Namjoon in the eyes and then looking away.
"I have time," Namjoon said, "I was on my way to the convenience store, but that can wait. What do you want to talk about?"
Na Ri looked around to see if anyone was watching and she slowly took a step forward, making Namjoon widen his eyes.
"Can I... come inside for a moment?" It took a while for Namjoon to process the words leaving Na Ri's mouth, but as soon as he came to, he nodded.
"Of course, come on in," Namjoon said and made way for Na Ri to walk past him inside his apartment.
Na Ri looked around the apartment mirroring her own, while trying to figure out some way to stand without looking awkward or uncomfortable.
"Do you want something to drink?" Namjoon asked.
"No thank you," Na Ri answered firmly.
"Alright..." Namjoon then said, "please sit down wherever."
"No, it's fine," Na Ri then said and quickly realized she was acting rude, but she didn't dare move from her spot or she was certain her legs would give in and she would fall down.
She looked up and saw Namjoon standing in front of her, also looking around the place like he wasn't entirely sure what to make of this situation, so Na Ri decided it was better to hurry up before it got anymore awkward.
"So..." Na Ri said and Namjoon immediately turned his head and looked at her.
"First of all... I want to... I just want to make things clear," Na Ri started, "I didn't come back... because you said so... or because my mom did or... anyone did..." Namjoon looked at Na Ri who had stopped talking, waiting for her to continue after taking in another deep breath.
"But... you were right," Na Ri said and Namjoon looked at her in surprise.
"What... do you mean?" Namjoon asked and looked at little confused.
"I was trying to hurt my mom by saying I wouldn't finish my education... I wasn't thinking straight," Na Ri said, "I still don't know what I want to do... I've never thought about that before. But for now I've decided to finish the last semester and then I'll start thinking about what I want to do." Na Ri lifted her head which she had been facing towards the floor during most of her speech and she now looked directly into Namjoon's eyes.
"I'm sorry... for not listening to you that day... for treating you that way..." Na Ri said and bowed down in front of Namjoon.
"Wait, stop, what are you doing? There's no reason for you to bow this way and apologize!" Namjoon said in a state of panic when he saw what Na Ri was doing, "it's really not that big of a deal."
"I have many things to apologize to you for, it's only right," Na Ri said.
"Well so do I," Namjoon said and Na Ri stood up straight while looking at him.
"I'm sorry for overstepping my boundaries as your Professor, so many times I can't even count," Namjoon said, "I'm sorry for trying to push my opinion onto you, I was being too harsh and not being patient with you after everything you've been trough. I just... I can't stop worrying about you."
"I know, I shouldn't feel this way about you, you're my student and you've made yourself clear so many times," Namjoon said while diverting his eyes, "but it's just so hard. Without realizing, my mind just goes to you. I wonder if you're doing okay, if something is troubling you and if I can help you in any way. I'm sorry... I know this must be making you feel uncomfortable." Namjoon finally looked at Na Ri again and he had to look twice to make sure he wasn't hallucinating when he noticed her flushed red cheeks.
"Actually..." Na Ri said and diverted her eyes while Namjoon couldn't take his eyes off of her, "it doesn't... make me uncomfortable... it... makes me happy..." Na Ri stopped talking as she had to allow herself to breathe before she would pass out. Her heart was beating faster than ever before and she was sure her face was red as a tomato.
"Na Ri-ssi... you're not playing fair," Namjoon said and Na Ri looked up to see his face in the same color she feared hers was, "you're too cute... you have no idea how much I want to hug you and kiss you right now..." Na Ri felt her heart skip a beat and she tried to internally calm herself down.
"But," Namjoon said and Na Ri held her breath as he continued, "I can't do that."
"Why..." Na Ri said and immediately wished she could swallow her own words when she saw the smug smile on Namjoon's face.
"Not until you tell me straight up how you feel about me," Namjoon said, "no more beating around the bush... I want to hear it from your lips." Namjoon kept his eyes locked on Na Ri and she looked back at him in the same way, not breaking eye contact for even a second.
"Namjoon-ssi... I like you."
Even after being the one who pushed Na Ri to say the words out loud, Namjoon felt himself holding his breath as he looked at her, trying to convince himself what was happening before him, was indeed real.
"I'm sorry... I rejected you last time..." Na Ri then said after a while, "I just... a lot of things... were happening... I couldn't handle anymore... so I just told myself I didn't like you... but the truth is... I think I've liked you for a long time-" Namjoon didn't need to hear anymore as he reached out and pulled Na Ri closer before wrapping both his arms around her and enveloping her in a tight, warm hug.
"But... we can't date in public... before I finish my education..." Na Ri stuttered while still in Namjoon's arms, trying to ignore her loud heartbeat and nervous breathing, "will you... wait for me?" Namjoon released Na Ri from the hug and took a step back as he continued holding onto both her arms and looked at her with joy written all over his face.
"Of course I'll wait for you," he said, "even if you decided to take the Master's degree and you'll be my student for 3 more years, I'll wait for you. You've given me a lot of practice in patience lately."
"Sorry..." Na Ri said and looked away in embarrassment.
"Don't be sorry," Namjoon said, "I'm too happy right now to be mad about the past." Na Ri looked at Namjoon with a smile and he sent one back to her. Then slowly, he moved his hand to her cheek and she immediately started blushing again, something which only made Namjoon's heart beat faster.
He took a step forward and when he saw Na Ri didn't move away, he took another step forward and he continued until their bodies were so close they were touching.
He looked down, through her round glasses and into her dark brown eyes that looked right back at him. After placing both his hands on her face, gently pulling her face closer to his, Na Ri closed her eyes, waiting for the moment their lips would meet.
But the moment didn't come and after a few seconds, Na Ri opened her eyes again, noticing a very flustered look on Namjoon's face.
"I know you already said you like me..." Namjoon said before Na Ri could finish her question, "but I keep getting flashbacks to the night I kissed you and you pushed me away. I seem to be more of a coward than I thought."
"No..." Na Ri said and looked at Namjoon, "it's my fault... I'm sorry... I promise... I'll make it up to you..."
Before Namjoon could finish his sentence, Na Ri wrapped both her arms around Namjoon's neck and stretched out her body and placed her lips on Namjoon's. Ignoring her beating heart, her sweaty hands, her head telling her to run away, she just kept pulling Namjoon closer to her and slowly, she felt Namjoon wrap his arms around her body, holding her tight as he kissed her back.
The End
Hello everyone!
Seriously, you have no idea how emotionally straining it was for me to write this last chapter! I haven't written such a romantic scene in... who knows how long. I really thought I would never finish writing it because I kept squirming like a crazy person!
I don't even know what to say, I just hope you enjoyed this story and I hope you're satisfied with the ending. So make sure to leave a comment down below before you go to the next chapter.
Yes you guessed correctly, it isn't completely over yet. Besides 2 extra chapters, there's also an epilogue, so why wait? Go read it!
Love, Annalise~