Side Story - Part 2
"Part Two"
"So, Na Ri-ssi is back," Jungkook spoke over the phone while lying in bed.
"Oh, she's the one you've talked about," Mi Young said on the other side of the call, "the one who got stage fright and went to live with her brother for a while."
"Yes, that's her, she got back last week," Jungkook said, "it's weird, she seems like a completely different person now."
"Maybe she just needed some space," Mi Young said.
"Maybe," Jungkook said and let out sigh, "anyway, how have you been?"
"Me?" Mi Young said in a high pitched voice, "I'm fine... I'm fine... but let's not talk about me, tell me more about that Na Ri girl."
"Are you sure?" Jungkook said, "you sound a bit off, is something wrong?"
"No, nothing is wrong, why would anything be wrong?" Mi Young said, "...actually, I think I have to go now. I should practice."
"Really?" Jungkook said, "let's talk later then, bye."
"Bye," Mi Young said as she hung up the phone.
Jungkook stared at his screen as he saw Mi Young's caller ID disappear and he was sent back to his home screen.
"Soooo," Taehyung sang as he walked up to Jungkook, "how was your girlfriend doing?"
"What? She's not my girlfriend!" Jungkook claimed stubbornly, "we've only been on three dates."
"Maybe, but you call each other nearly every day," Taehyung said, "it's pretty obvious that you're into each other."
"Shut up," Jungkook said and hit Taehyung on his arm making him wheeze in pain.
"Stop violence!" Taehyung whined.
"Stop whining," Jungkook replied and Taehyung stuck out his tongue before heading back to his own bed, where his computer was lying with a TV show paused on the screen.
"Actually," Jungkook said, just as Taehyung was about to put on his headphones, "Mi Young-a... she sounded a little sad on the phone. I'm worried if something happening."
"Really? Like what?"
"I don't know, she never tells me anything," Jungkook said frustrated, "but it can't be easy going to school with a disability. Even if she tries to laugh it off, I'm sure she must struggle sometimes too."
"What do you mean "it must be hard going to school", doesn't she play the cello?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook nodded.
"Yeah, she studies at a music conservatory," Jungkook said and Taehyung nodded understandingly.
"So... I was thinking about going to her school. Just to check up on her."
"Have you been there before?" Taehyung asked.
"No, but I'm sure I can find it and when I get there, I'll just ask around."
"That sounds like a plan," Taehyung said with a smile.
"Alright," Jungkook then said and got up from his bed, "alright, then I'll do it. Don't touch my stuff while I'm out."
"What? I would never do that!" Taehyung said, but Jungkook sent him a glare and a raised eyebrow which made Taehyung let out a sigh, "fine, I won't touch anything."
"Good, see you later," Jungkook said as he opened the door.
"See you later, oh and Jungkook-a," Taehyung said and Jungkook turned around just as he was about to close the door, "I'm glad you've found someone you care about." Jungkook stared at Taehyung who's eyes were filled with mixed feelings, happiness along with an apologetic look.
Jungkook just sent him a smile and then closed the door behind him, whereafter he walked out of the dorm, looking up the address of the music conservatory on his phone.
It was a few stops away by train, and then a decent walk by foot, but Jungkook didn't mind. The weather was finally getting warmer and the sun was out more often now, something which really lightened the mood.
When Jungkook finally reached the conservatory, he suddenly felt overwhelmed as he looked at the large building in front of him, where several people walked in and out of every second. He suddenly felt unsure if he would be able to find Mi Young, but at the same time, he couldn't turn back now.
After pulling himself together, he walked towards the big entrance and he took a step inside the fascinating building.
In some ways it felt like stepping inside the University; the crowded hallways, the many people talking, but the one big difference was the music that surrounded you wherever you went.
From nearly every corner of the building, some kind of music could be heard. Some of it was vague, some was a bit too loud and high pitched, but it was certain, this building was filled with musicians.
After walking around the hallways, trying to keep track of where he'd already been, Jungkook decided he should ask someone to help, but a sudden social anxiety hit him for the first time in his life.
Everyone seemed to be on a different scale than him, on some kind of different wave length, making it impossible for them to understand him, even if he tried talking to them.
Although Jungkook spend a lot of time with vocal training and listened to music as a part of his own education, he knew this was different, but he simply had to push past his fear, or this whole trip would've been for nothing.
"Excuse me," Jungkook said to someone who looked like a teacher.
"Yes," the middle aged woman said, "can I help you."
"Yes, I'm looking for a student who goes here," Jungkook started explaining, "her name is Kang Mi Young... do you know her?"
"Ah Kang Mi Young, she plays the cello, right?"
"Yes, she does!" Jungkook said, feeling excited to have gotten a little closer.
"I know her, I haven't seen her today, but she usually practice in the afternoon," the teacher explained, "if you follow that hallway you'll find a door leading to another building, try checking the practice rooms in there."
"I will, thank you for your help," Jungkook said and bowed politely, before he headed in the direction she had shown him.
After reaching the building, he found a floor map describing what each room was used for. It seemed there were 5 different practice rooms, so he decided to simply start from the beginning.
When he reached the first door, he didn't even have to knock as he could hear the sound of a piano from outside. Instead he moved to the next room, and to the next, until finally, he could hear soft melodies from a cello coming from inside.
Jungkook placed two gentle knocks on the door, but he got no response and the music just continued. So he slowly opened the door and peeked inside, finding Mi Young sitting all alone in the room with her cello.
While listening to the calming melody Mi Young kept repeating, Jungkook slowly neared her. When he was only a few meters from her, a loud ear piercing sound filled the room and Mi Young stopped abruptly, silently cussing to herself. Jungkook stayed quiet as Mi Young brushed her hair back, behind her shoulders and then started playing again, completely emerged and focused.
She played the same part again, this time without any mistake and when she was done, Jungkook started clapping as he said:
"That was great." Jungkook had a big smile on his face as he spoke, but when he saw the frightened look on Mi Young's face as she immediately jumped up from her chair, dropping her cello in the process, Jungkook dropped his smile as well.
"Wow," Jungkook said as he ran over and grabbed her cello before it hit the ground, "that was close, it would have been terrible if this broke. I'm sure it's expensive."
"What are you doing here?" Mi Young said and Jungkook looked at her.
"Mi Young-a, you're shaking," Jungkook said and rushed towards her, but the second Mi Young felt his touch, she moved away.
"How could you sneak up on me like that?" she said, her entire body still shaking like crazy.
"I... I'm sorry..." Jungkook said as he gently put the cello down into its case, "you seemed so concentrated, I didn't want to disturb you."
"Don't do that again," Mi Young said, "ever!"
"Okay, I won't, I promise," Jungkook said, "I'm sorry. Are you okay?" Jungkook looked at Mi Young and noticed how her lip started trembling and she kept blinking, until she suddenly turned around and walked away, both arms in front of her so she didn't walk into anything.
"Hey, where are you going?" Jungkook said as he ran after her and when he finally caught her, he continued, "what's wrong?"
"N... nothing..." Mi Young stuttered and Jungkook quickly grabbed onto her arm, forcing her to turn around. He looked at Mi Young in horror as her tear-stained face was revealed and he felt his insides twist and turn.
"You're crying," Jungkook said with a worried voice, "I'm sorry, I didn't know you would be so surprised."
"I... I was scared..." Mi Young said while the tears still rolled down her face, "I thought... it was some of the other students."
"Why would that make you scared?" Jungkook asked, "is someone mistreating you? Is that why you sounded sad today?" Jungkook reached out to hold Mi Young's hand but she immediately pulled away, holding onto both her arms while facing away from Jungkook.
"I don't blame them..." Mi Young said in a firm voice, "I'm always a nuisance to everyone because of my disability."
"That's not true," Jungkook said and wanted to continue, but Mi Young quickly spoke again.
"Of course it's true," Mi Young said, "I'll always be a nuisance to the people around me. Sometimes... I wonder if I should just stay single all my life, so I don't make life harder for anyone else."
"You don't make other's life harder," Jungkook said.
"What do you even care?" Mi Young said, "you're still in love with that Min Ji girl, you've talked about her on every date we've had. It's clear you're not over her yet."
"What? Just because I've spoken about Min Ji-ya, doesn't mean I'm not over her," Jungkook said, "it just means she's been a big part of my life, that doesn't change even if my feelings for her do."
"Whatever!" Mi Young said, "even if you don't love her, you'll never fall for someone like me."
When the last word left Mi Young's mouth, Jungkook felt his body act on his own and before he knew it, he had grabbed Mi Young and slammed his lips onto hers, giving her a small heart attack in the process.
"I've already fallen for you," Jungkook said as he released Mi Young from his grip, "in the last three weeks, I haven't thought about any other girl than you. You seem to have captured my heart." Jungkook slowly reached for Mi Young's hand and guided it to his chest.
Mi Young held her breath as she felt Jungkook's heartbeat at alarming speed against her palm.
"Can't you feel it?" Jungkook asked and let go of Mi Young's hand.
"But... why?" Mi Young said, a single tear still lingering in the corner of her eyes, "why would you want to be with me... I'll only make your life harder."
"I'm pretty sure you'll only make my life better," Jungkook said and chuckled, finally earning a vague smile from Mi Young.
"Mi Young-a," Jungkook said as he grabbed her hand again and this time, Mi Young didn't pull away. She only twitched a little from the surprise, but she let Jungkook's hand remain in hers, feeling the warmth spread to her entire body.
"I want you to know, I'll be there for you whenever you need me. You can lean on me, actually, I want you to lean on me," Jungkook, "so what do you say? Do you want to be my girlfriend?"
"Really? I mean, yes! Of course I want to," Mi Young said and squeezed Jungkook's hand while sending him the biggest smile he had seen.
Jungkook let go of her hand and lead both his hands to rest on her cheeks as he said:
"Just a heads up, I'm going to kiss you again."
"Just be quiet and do it," Mi Young said as she closed her eyes and Jungkook let out a chuckle before he bend down and kissed her lips softly.
Hello everyone!
Yes, that's all you get. So I hope you liked it and enjoyed the side story showing how Jungkook gets over Min Ji.
I also wish I could write more about Jungkook and Mi Young, I'm sure if I put my mind to it, I could write an entire book about them. But sadly, there's no time for that. I have too many stories hidden in the back of my head and too little time to write them all. So I'm gonna have to be selective, I hope you understand and I hope this at least gave you some sort of satisfying ending to Jungkook's part of the story.
Please take good care of yourself and remember to leave a comment down below before you continue to the epilogue!
Love, Annalise~