With the only background noise being the sound of water running, Na Ri carefully rubbed the soap into her palms and she scrubbed her hands under the warm water. Then she turned of the hose and carefully wiped her hands dry, whereafter she held them up in front of her face, examining them closely.
After taking in a deep breath, Na Ri left the bathroom and walked back into her living room, where she was met by a calm smile.
"Are you okay?" Namjoon asked as he looked up from the piece of paper he was holding.
"Me?" Na Ri said and placed her hands behind her back so he couldn't see how much they were shaking, "I'm fine."
"Really?" Namjoon asked while getting up from the bed, "because that's the third time you've washed your hands in the last hour."
"Is that so?" Na Ri said and diverted her eyes, but she couldn't escape Namjoon's gaze as he walked up to her.
"Relax," he said as he laid down his hands on her shoulders to help her loosen up, "you're so tense. There's no need to worry, I've read it multiple times, it's perfect."
"It's not good enough," Na Ri said and moved away from Namjoon, "I've only written a few sentences and it still took me hours to write it." Na Ri walked over to the bed and grabbed the piece of paper lying on the blanket. Her eyes quickly scanned over the words written on it and she let out a sigh.
"How can it get worse everytime I read it?" Na Ri said and was about to tear the paper in half.
"Wow, hold it right there!" Namjoon yelled and ran over and took the paper, "I'll hold onto this until you need it." Na Ri looked up at Namjoon with big doe eyes filled with worry and Namjoon quickly bend down to give her a gentle kiss on her cheek.
"Alright, now I'll go to my apartment and get changed, so I suggest you do the same," Namjoon said while walking towards the door, "let's meet outside so we can get going. We can't be late, right?"
"Right..." Na Ri said and tried displaying a smile as Namjoon closed the door behind him.
15 minutes passed by and Namjoon walked outside and locked his door, whereafter he stood along the railing on the external gallery, waiting for Na Ri to come out. But as time passed by, the door remained closed and Namjoon slowly grew more and more worried.
After almost half an hour, Namjoon decided to make a move and walked up to Na Ri's door, placing a good solid knock on the surface.
"Na Ri, are you alright?" Namjoon said and waited for a response; "can I come in?"
In the same second, the door opened and Na Ri appeared in front of Namjoon. She had her eyes on the ground, while Namjoon had his eyes completely focused on her, unable to look away.
"Na Ri-ssi, you look... beautiful!" Namjoon said and Na Ri looked up, making her red cheeks visible.
"Really?" Na Ri said and looked down at her long green silk dress, "Min Ji helped me pick out the dress."
"Well, she did a good job," Namjoon said while his eyes kept moving up and down Na Ri, taking it all in.
"Are you ready to go, then?" Namjoon asked and Na Ri nodded, but as she took a step forward, she twisted her ankle and tripped.
"Wow, are you okay?" Namjoon said as he caught her, just before she hurt herself.
"Yeah," Na Ri said and got back up to her feet, "it's because I'm wearing heels... I can't walk well in them, but Min Ji said it would make the dress look better."
"Well, then I guess you have to hold onto me for the entire day," Namjoon said and looked at Na Ri, "I don't mind that at all."
"Stop looking at me like that," Na Ri said and pushed Namjoon away, "we really have to go now."
"You're right, let's go," Namjoon said and chuckled as he looked at Na Ri's flustered face.
After getting into the car, Namjoon turned on the radio and started their long car ride towards Daegu. Na Ri leaned against the car door while looking out of the window, watching the landscapes move past them quickly.
"Namjoon-ssi," Na Ri said after they had been sitting in the car for a while in silence.
"Do you think... do you think my dad will be there?" Namjoon turned his head and looked at Na Ri for half a second, before he returned his focus to the road.
"I don't know, Na Ri-ssi," Namjoon said, "I know your brother invited him, but he never replied, did he?"
"He hadn't replied the last time I asked Woo Jin-a." Namjoon let out a sigh and turned down the volume a bit.
"I don't know if he'll be there," Namjoon then said, "but I promise you, no matter what, I'll make sure you can enjoy this day with your brother." Na Ri looked at Namjoon with a smile and he smiled back.
"You really look beautiful," Namjoon said after returning his eyes to the road. Na Ri looked away, feeling a smile bigger than the one before, form on her lips.
Maybe the day wouldn't be as bad as she feared.
After arriving in Daegu, Namjoon asked Na Ri to turn on the GPS to find the exact location, and not long after, they had parked outside a small hotel.
"It must be here, look at all those people," Namjoon said after helping Na Ri out of the car, "I feel so out of place, I don't know a single person."
"I feel the same way," Na Ri said.
"But it's your family?"
"I know but... I don't see them very often. Besides, there's a lot of people from Woo Jin-a and Soo Ri-a's school and workplace."
"You're right, it looks like those two have a lot of friends," Namjoon said.
"Yeah," Na Ri said and held onto Namjoon's arm as they walked inside the building.
It was hard to get through the crowd in the small hallway and into the banquet hall. People didn't seem to mind the lack of personal space, all except Na Ri who just kept moving closer and closer to Namjoon, trying to avoid getting in contact with those around her.
"I think I see an opening, come on let's be quick," Namjoon said and dragged Na Ri along and before she had blinked twice, they were standing inside the big hall.
"It's a little less crowded in here," Namjoon said and Na Ri nodded, "do you see your brother anywhere?"
"Noona!" As if on cue, Woo Jin turned up in front of them, wrapping his arms around Na Ri and giving her a tight hug, "you made it, the ceremony is just about to start."
"Good, I was scared we would miss it," Namjoon said.
"No, you're right on time," Woo Jin said and gave Namjoon a firm handshake, "come on, I'll show you to your seats." Na Ri and Namjoon followed Woo Jin through the hall and sat down on their designated seats.
"Soo Ri-a is with her parents, but you can meet her after the ceremony," Woo Jin said, "I have to go and get ready."
"Okay," Na Ri said and Woo Jin quickly disappeared, leaving the two behind.
Na Ri leaned back in the chair and let out a sigh. She kept rubbing her hands together, feeling them get sweatier by the second, but then suddenly, she felt Namjoon's hand on hers.
"No, don't touch my hands, they're really sweaty," Na Ri said and tried to pull away, but Namjoon didn't let her.
"It doesn't matter," Namjoon said, "the only thing that matters right now is making you relax."
"Okay... I can relax... I just..." Na Ri said and Namjoon let out a chuckle.
"Wow if you're this nervous at your brother's wedding, how will you be at ours?"
"What?" Na Ri stared at Namjoon and he started back at her as he realized what he just said.
"I mean..." Namjoon stuttered, but before he could clear up the air, their conversation was interrupted.
"Oh my, isn't that Na Ri-ssi?" a hoarse female voice spoke and Na Ri looked to the side where her grandmother stood with a big smile on her face.
"Grandma, how are you?" Na Ri asked.
"I'll be fine once my granddaughter gives me a hug," the elderly lady said and Na Ri quickly got up from her chair and gave her grandmother a big hug.
"It's so good to see you're doing well," her grandmother said, "it must be your turn next time, I see." Her grandmother moved her head and looked at Namjoon who was still sitting on his chair, but when he felt the elderly lady's eyes on him, he hurried to Na Ri's side.
"I'm sorry for my manners, my name is Kim Namjoon, I'm Na Ri-ssi's boyfriend."
"What a handsome man you've found yourself," Na Ri's grandmother said, "you better marry him before he slips away."
"Grandma, we've only-"
"Now if everyone could please get seated, the ceremony will start in just a few minutes."
"Oh my, I better get back to my seat," the elderly lady said, "I'll see you two later."
Na Ri just stayed in the same spot as if she had been frozen or glued to the ground, that was until Namjoon laid his hand on her shoulder.
"Come on, Na Ri-ssi, let's get seated."
The ceremony was beautiful, but Na Ri still couldn't think about anything besides the comment from Namjoon and the similar comment from her grandmother. The words kept lingering in her mind and she didn't even realize until the ceremony was over and Woo Jin and Soo Ri were standing right in front of them.
"Congratulations you two," Namjoon said and his voice seemed to be the source of Na Ri's awakening.
"Yes, congratulations," Na Ri said, "I'm so happy for you."
"Thank you," Soo Ri said, "and Unnie, you look so beautiful! Doesn't she look beautiful, Woo Jin-a?"
"She does," Woo Jin said, "I don't think I've ever seen her so dolled up. A silk dress, jewelries and you even did your hair."
"I just put in some hairpins," Na Ri said, trying to tone down the compliments.
"Anyway, I'm so glad you're both here," Soo Ri said, "oh and you don't have to worry about your dad, he's not here."
"He's not?" Na Ri asked.
"No," Woo Jin replied, "he sent us a gift, that's it."
"How kind of him," Na Ri said and sighed.
"Oh, who cares about him," Woo Jin said, "all the people I love are here with me, I couldn't ask for more."
"Now, we wish we could talk some more, but I can see your mom and my parents looking at us very impatiently," Soo Ri said.
"Soo Ri-a is right, we have to go," Woo Jin said.
"Okay, we'll talk later," Na Ri said and waved while Woo Jin and Soo Ri walked towards their families.
"Namjoon-ssi, I don't know how I'm going to handle this day," Na Ri said the second they were out of sight, "it's only just begun and I'm already tired."
"Don't worry, I'm here with you, right?" Namjoon said and took Na Ri's hand, "soon we'll get something to eat, that'll help you relax, then you give your speech and you can enjoy the rest of the evening in peace."
"The speech!" Na Ri said as she suddenly remembered the original reason she was scared of coming.
"Oh, I shouldn't have reminded you of that, I'm sorry," Namjoon said and wished he could smack himself back to the past and change his words, "come on, let's go see if they put out the food."
And eating did help a little, but Na Ri still worried and even more as the evening moved along since she knew it could be her turn any minute.
"Song Na Ri-ssi?" a man in a black suit asked.
"Yes?" Na Ri answered.
"You're up next." The man quickly disappeared, leaving Na Ri alone at her table.
"Okay, I have your speech, here," Namjoon said and handed her the piece of paper, but when he did, he couldn't help but see how much Na Ri's hands were shaking.
"Hey, it'll be alright," Namjoon said.
"No... no it won't be alright... it won't..."
"Wow, take it easy," Namjoon said and stopped Na Ri from saying more, "you're worried that your throat will close up and you won't be able to get the words out, right?"
"A little..." Na Ri said, "but mostly... I'm worried... I might cry."
"Because... I'm so happy." Namjoon let out a chuckle and Na Ri looked at him in confusion.
"Na Ri-ssi, you're so cute!" Namjoon said, "there's nothing wrong in crying when you're happy. You're just showing your brother how much you care for him, he would only be happy."
"Do you really think so?" Na Ri asked and Namjoon nodded.
"I'm certain," Namjoon said, "now go, I'll be right here when you get back."
Na Ri got up from her chair and took of her jacket, giving full spotlight to the green silk dress she was wearing.
"Yes that's it," Namjoon said in excitement, "now, even if you make a mistake, people will be too blinded by your beauty to notice anything." Na Ri laughed silently, but then looked at Namjoon in all seriousness as she said:
"I won't make a mistake." She then straightened her back and walked up on stage, leaving Namjoon behind with a proud smile on his face.
"I know you won't," he said to himself as Na Ri neared the microphone stand that was placed on the stage.
After clearing her throat slightly, getting the attention of people seated around the hall, Na Ri took out her paper and looked down.
"Good evening," Na Ri said, her voice echoing in the entire room, "my name is Song Na Ri, I'm Woo Jin-a's older sister." Na Ri looked up and felt every single pair of eyes focused on her and she quickly looked down again, taking in a deep breath.
"Dear Woo Jin-a and Soo Ri-a. Congratulations on your wedding day," Na Ri said and continued, "I don't have to wish for you to get a happy life, because I know for sure... that you two will make each other happy." Na Ri looked up again, this time scanning the room to find her brother and when she did, she looked straight at him, lowered her hand with the speech and just looked directly into his eyes as she continued:
"Woo Jin-a... I know... I haven't been... there for you as I should have been as your older sister. But... I want you to know... that I'm going to start doing that now." Na Ri took in a deep breath, but it wasn't enough to stop the silent tears from sliding down her cheeks.
"You can depend on me... I promise... I'll always be there for you," Na Ri said and wiped away her tears, "that's all."
Na Ri quickly left the stage, barely hearing the sound of people clapping, as she was busy walking back to her table, but before she was even halfway there, she was stopped by her brother who immediately grabbed her and pulled her into a tight hug.
"Thank you," he whispered as he kept holding onto Na Ri, "you can depend on me too."
"I know that already," Na Ri said and tightened her grip around Woo Jin, "we siblings... we gotta stick together."
"Na Ri-ya." The voice of their mother quickly made them let go of each other and Na Ri looked at Hye Jin while wiping away the remaining tears.
"That was... really beautiful," Hye Jin said.
"Thank you," Na Ri said and silence quickly overtook the conversation until Na Ri continued, "how have you been?"
"Me? Like always," Hye Jin said, "I'm more excited to hear how you have been. You finished your education last month, but... I haven't heard from you at all."
"I'm sorry," Na Ri said, "I still don't know... what I want to do with my life."
"That's okay, there's no rush," Hye Jin said, "just take your time figuring it out."
"I will," Na Ri said, "I have to get back to Namjoon-ssi."
"Yes of course, I'll see you later."
"Yes, and I'll see you later Woo Jin-a."
"Yes," Woo Jin said and Na Ri walked back to her table where Namjoon quickly gave her a thumbs up.
"You did great, how do you feel now?"
"Like I can finally breathe again," Na Ri said and leaned back in her chair, "do you think... there's any cake left?" Namjoon started laughing as he got up from his chair.
"I'll go check, I'm glad your appetite is back," Namjoon said and went out on a treasure hunt to find the cake. As he returned a few minutes later, with a big plate full of cake, he saw a middle aged woman standing next to Na Ri.
"Don't avoid the subject, I saw the man you were with," the woman said, "I'm sure you two are already discussing marriage."
"Auntie... we..."
"Cake!" Namjoon exclaimed as he quickly interrupted the conversation, making Na Ri let out a sigh of relief as she made eye contact with Namjoon.
"Oh my, I have to get going, I'll se you later, Na Ri-ya," the woman said and walked away the same second.
"Who was that?" Namjoon asked as he put down the plate in front of Na Ri.
"My mother's sister," Na Ri said and looked at the cake in front of her. She grabbed the spoon next to her plate, but she didn't start eating. The cake suddenly seemed unappealing, her mouth felt dry and her head was hurting.
"I need some air," Na Ri said and got up from her chair, walking towards the exit.
The evening breeze was cold on the later summer night, the sky was full of clouds, making it impossible to spot even a single star and it made everything seem even darker.
"Na Ri-ssi," Namjoon said as he walked outside and found her standing a few meters from the entrance.
"Na Ri-ssi... I know it must be hard being here at your brother's wedding when people keep implying you should get married soon," Namjoon said, "but don't listen to them. We'll do things our pace. I mean, we've only dated for half a year and it wasn't until recently we made our relationship public. We don't have to rush."
"But you implied it too," Na Ri said, "before my grandmother, before my aunt, you mentioned marriage first!"
"I know... I'm sorry..." Namjoon said, "it's just... we're at a wedding, you start imagining things. It just slipped my tongue."
"But that means you've thought about it," Na Ri said, "about marriage."
"Na Ri-ssi, I'm 29 years old, of course I'm thinking about marriage." They both turned quiet and just started at each other, suddenly feeling a few droplets fall on their heads.
"Is it starting to rain?" Namjoon asked, but Na Ri didn't want to avoid this topic.
"You've never mentioned marriage to me before," she said, "but now you're telling me it's something you're thinking about already."
"I haven't mentioned it because I didn't want you to feel pressured," Namjoon said.
"Is that also why you won't let me meet your parents?" Namjoon swallowed as he diverted his eyes.
"Look, if I take you home to meet my parents, they'll start planning our wedding the same night," Namjoon said, "at least my mom will." Na Ri looked away, feeling a few more droplets hit her head, but she didn't care.
"You can talk to me... about marriage..." Na Ri said, "you don't have to hold back... because of me."
"Na Ri-ssi," Namjoon said and let out a sigh, "if I asked you right here and right now, if you would marry me... what would you say?" Na Ri turned completely silent as she stared at Namjoon like a deer caught in the headlights.
"If I told you I love you, that I want to marry you, live with you, build a family with you, grow old with you... what would your answer to me be?" As they rain started falling from the sky, Na Ri and Namjoon stayed in the same spot, staring at each other without saying a single word.
"See, that's what I thought," Namjoon said as he walked closer to Na Ri, "you're not ready and that's okay. Now... let's get inside before we're soaked." Namjoon turned around and walked towards the entrance.
"Yes," Na Ri yelled and Namjoon turned around, discovering that Na Ri hadn't moved a single millimeter.
"What?" Namjoon asked.
"If you asked me... right here... right now..." Na Ri said, her voice shaking in the process, "my answer would be yes."
"Na Ri-ssi."
"If you ask my tomorrow, my answer will be yes... If you ask me next week, my answer will be yes... if you ask me in a year, my answer will be yes," Na Ri continued while Namjoon stared at her in shock, "I've known for a long time... that you're the man I want to spend the rest of my life with... so please... don't just decide things on your own because you think you know me... don't hold back because of me."
In the same second, Namjoon ran towards Na Ri, pulling her into a sweet kiss as the rain kept falling, making them both drenched, but neither of them cared about that.
"I won't hold back, then," Namjoon said after releasing Na Ri from their kiss, looking at her with a large smile on his face, "I will take you to meet my parents. I will invite your mom to dinner. And I will propose to you, in a proper way and on a day where your younger brother didn't just get married... I'll buy you a ring, I'll get down on one knee and I'll ask you." Na Ri looked at Namjoon with the same wide smile as he was wearing.
"And I'll say yes."
The End