Chapter 18
"And that's all for today," Namjoon said and the auditorium was soon filled with the sound of people talking and packing up their things.
"Arg I'm too tired today," Taehyung whined as he stretched out his body, "let's hurry and pack our stuff so we can go grab some lunch." Na Ri looked up the same second those words left Taehyungs mouth and they went straight to Min Ji who was sitting like a statue, starring into thin air.
"Min Ji-ya," Jungkook then said and waved his hand in front of her, "let's go eat." Min Ji finally seemed to wake up from her daze and she quickly started fumbling with her things as she said:
"Sorry, not today. I have... I have something to do."
"But?" Jungkook said while Min Ji got up from her chair.
"I'll see you later," she said as she ran out of the auditorium.
"What's going on with her? Did something happen?" Taehyung asked and Na Ri was certain she spotted a hint of concern in his eyes. He looked almost sad.
"I don't know," Jungkook said with a sigh, "it's been going on for a week now. I've tried talking to her but she keeps shutting me out. What about you Na Ri-ssi? Did she tell you anything?" Na Ri's eyes widened and her heart began beating faster.
"No... she didn't... say anything..." she replied, ready for the disappointed looks she'd find in Taehyung and Jungkook's eyes.
"I see," Jungkook said and got up, "well I'm going to eat something, will you join us?"
"I... I think... I will try... talking to Min Ji..." Na Ri said and both Taehyung and Jungkook was taken aback.
"Okay, we'll see you later then," Jungkook said.
"W...wait!" Na Ri yelled out but in a low squeaky voice, "are we still... working on the project tomorrow?"
"Oh man I forgot about that," Taehyung said and looked like someone took away his candy.
"Yes we're still working on the project," Jungkook said, completely ignoring Taehyung, "if you can get Min Ji to come then definitely."
"I will!" Na Ri said, giving a more determined look than Taehyung and Jungkook had ever seen in her eyes before.
While the two boys walked towards the cafeteria, Na Ri packed up the rest of her stuff and moved towards the hallway. She had only taken one step through the door, when someone appeared as if from nowhere and she felt her body floating in the air, about to hit the ground.
"Oh I'm so sorry, Song Na Ri-ssi." Na Ri opened her eyes and looked into Namjoon's widened, concerned eyes. She looked around while wondering why she didn't feel any pain when she hit the ground, until she noticed Namjoon's hand around her waist, holding tightly so she didn't fall backwards.
Quickly, Na Ri stood up straight and released herself from Namjoon's grip.
"S...sorry..." Na Ri said and looked at the ground.
"No no, it's my fault for walking so carelessly," Namjoon said while trying to make eye contact with Na Ri, "I forgot my phone in my desk, that's why I came back." Na Ri didn't say anything but just kept her eyes on the ground.
"Is everything okay?" Na Ri suddenly couldn't look away anymore, too surprised by Namjoon's sudden question. Not knowing how to respond or what to say, Na Ri just gave a small nod.
"Really? Because I noticed that lately, Min Ji hasn't been with you like usual. I was just wondering if something happened." Na Ri stared at Namjoon, feeling her heartbeat increase and her legs slowly turned into jelly. But just as her fear was about to overpower her, she saw the silhouette of a short girl with a pink shirt walk through the hallway.
Completely forgetting about Namjoon and every worry she had before, Na Ri stormed out of the auditorium and towards Min Ji.
"Well... goodbye then..." Namjoon said as he watched Na Ri disappear into the hallway and before walking towards his desk, he let out a quiet sigh, shaking his head at his sad attempt of comforting Na Ri.
"M...Min Ji-ya!" Na Ri yelled and Min Ji nearly had a heart attack when she turned around and saw Na Ri coming running right towards her.
"Na Ri-ya? What's going on? Did something happen?" Na Ri shook her head while she was trying to catch her breath.
"I was... worried... about you..." Na Ri said in between her pants. Min Ji looked at Na Ri with a smile, but somehow the smile looked more sad than the stone face she had been wearing before.
"Ah... I'm sorry for worrying you," Min Ji said, "nothing is wrong, really! I'll be back to normal soon."
"Really?" Na Ri asked.
"Then..." Na Ri said and looked at the ground, "will you come tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow?" Min Ji said with a confused look until the realization dropped on her, "ah... the project... I completely forgot about that. I..." Min Ji stopped talking as she looked at Na Ri's big widened eyes, so full of concern and fear. No words were needed, Na Ri was wearing her fear like clothes, everyone would be able to notice. After letting out a sigh, Min Ji forced a smile onto her lips and said:
"I'll be there, I promise!"
"She's not coming," Taehyung said while impatiently tapping his fingers on the floor where he was sitting.
"She will come," Jungkook said with another sigh. Na Ri looked at the two boys while sitting on the ground in silence, her arms around her knees and her chin resting upon them.
Another few minutes passed by while the silence in the small dorm room grew and Taehyung looked at the watch again.
"I'm telling you, she's not coming!"
"She will come, just be a little patient," Jungkook hissed at him.
"I have been patient, it's almost an hour since the planned time."
"Maybe something happened," Jungkook said.
"Something did happen," Taehyung said in anger, "but she won't tell us what it is, so she's just avoiding us instead."
"Just wait a little while longer," Jungkook said.
"She's not coming."
"Stop it!" Jungkook said.
"But she isn't-"
"SHE WILL COME!" Na Ri yelled and the two boys immediately turned their eyes towards her, "she... she promised me she'd come. Min Ji-ya wouldn't lie."
After that Taehyung didn't say another word, but she earned a smile from Jungkook as he mouthed a 'thank you'.
A quiet knock on the door interrupted the uncomfortable silence and Jungkook hurried to the door.
"I'm sorry I'm late..." Min Ji said as she didn't even dare make eye contact with anyone.
"It's okay, you're here now," Jungkook said and guided Min Ji to the middle of the room where the others were sitting.
But even with another person in the room, the silence still seemed to take over and Min Ji just stared awkwardly at her feet while Na Ri tried to calm down her beating heart.
"Shall we... begin?" Na Ri asked and Jungkook and Taehyung nodded.
"Yes, let's get this over with," Taehyung said.
"I can't!" Min Ji said in a firm voice and the room again turned silent.
"You can't what?" Jungkook asked and tried to get Min Ji to look up.
"I can't focus... I can't work on this project today... I just can't..." Min Ji said everything so fast it was almost impossible to make out her words.
"Wow slow down," Jungkook said, "we don't have to do this today if you aren't feeling good."
"Yeah, we can just relax today," Taehyung said, almost sounding thrilled about his own idea.
But... the project...
"Do you want to go sing karaoke?" Jungkook asked and Min Ji finally looked up. She gave a small nod and Jungkook sent her a smile.
"Then it's settled, let's go."
"I..." Na Ri said as she got up, "I think I will go home... I need to... work on the project." Min Ji looked at Na Ri's slender fingers which were wrapped around her shoulder bag. They were clenching it hard but you could still see how much they were shaking. Min Ji quickly got up and took Na Ri's hand in hers.
"Let's talk," she said and dragged Na Ri to the bathroom where she locked the door behind her.
"Na Ri-ya... I'm really sorry. I know it must be stressful to you that we can't work on the project today. But I promise you, everything will turn out okay. We will get everything done in time."
"No buts, just trust me on this," Min Ji said, "I just can't do this today... I need to do something else. Get my mind on something else."
"Why?" Na Ri said.
"Can we... talk about it some other time?" Min Ji pleaded and Na Ri just nodded.
"Now... please come with us. I don't want you to go home and worry all night. Come and have fun with us tonight, okay?" Na Ri looked at Min Ji with a doubtful face but then said:
"What was that all about?" Taehyung said when Min Ji and Na Ri returned from the bathroom, "are you having secret meetings in the bathroom now."
"It's nothing," Min Ji said and tried keeping a straight face but she could barely look Taehyung in the eyes, "let's go."
🎵 My love is on fire
Now burn baby burn
Buljangnan (oh-oh-oh-oh)
My love is on fire
So don't play with me boy
Buljangnan 🎵
"That's her fifth song in a row," Taehyung said while Min Ji sang loud and clear, "seems like she's going all out tonight."
"Yeah," Jungkook said, "I think she just needed to let off some steam."
"Why though?" Taehyung said and Jungkook shrugged his shoulders.
"Let's just have fun tonight, I think that's what Min Ji want as well."
"Do you want to sing a song next, Na Ri-ssi?" Na Ri looked at Jungkook in fear and quickly shook her head.
"Maybe later then," Jungkook replied.
"What's going on over here?" Min Ji said before swallowing the rest of her drink.
"Wow take it easy, didn't you drink a lot already," Jungkook said.
"What are you, my mother?" Min Ji said with a raised eyebrow before pouring herself another drink, "Na Ri-ya, don't you want a refill?"
"I..." Na Ri hesitated for a second, but before she could finish her answer, Min Ji just poured her the drink and passed it to her.
"Here," she said with a smile, "let's forgot everything tonight and have fun." Na Ri looked at the glass in front of her.
Thoughts of school, exams, projects, her mom, it all flashed before her mind. How she had to go to work tomorrow, how she had several classes she hadn't finished preparing for yet, how she was still concerned for Min Ji, how she was still concerned for herself.
Without another thought, Na Ri took the glass and moved it towards her mouth and swallowed everything in one go.
"Woah woah woah," Taehyung said and moved a bit away from Na Ri, "I'm getting all scared."
"That's the spirit!" Min Ji yelled, "another one?" Na Ri looked at Min Ji before giving a nod and handing her the class.
"Why do we have to go home now?" Min Ji whined while she leaned against Jungkook who was trying to pay the bill.
"Because you need to go home and sleep, it's late already."
"I'm a big girl, I can stay up for as long as I want!"
"Yes yes," Jungkook said while getting Min Ji to move her feet so they could leave the karaoke bar.
"What about this one?" Taehyung said and pointed at Na Ri who was standing next to a lamppost, admiring it deeply.
"Maybe someone should take her home, she seems a bit tipsy," Jungkook said.
"Na Ri-ssi," Taehyung said and walked towards her.
"That's me!" Na Ri said with a bright smile as she turned around to face Taehyung.
"Wow... so different," Taehyung whispered to himself, "Na Ri-ssi, we have to go home now. Can you tell me where you live? I'll take you home?"
"No!" Na Ri said in a firm voice and crossed her arms.
"Why not?"
"I don't like you!" Na Ri said and lifted her chin so her nose pointed towards the dark sky. Jungkook just burst out laughing while he tried keeping Min Ji in check.
"I guess it's true that children and drunk people tell the truth," Jungkook said while laughing.
"Very funny," Taehyung said, "then what do we do? Should we get her a cab?"
"That's too expensive," Jungkook said, "hey let me check something. Na Ri-ssi?"
"Yes Jungkook-ssi?" Jungkook looked startled when Na Ri approached him in such a calm voice.
"It's weird, I know," Taehyung said but Jungkook quickly brushed it off.
"Would you mind if I took you home, or at least walk you to the train station?"
"That..." Na Ri said and Jungkook and Taehyung both looked at her.
"That?" Jungkook asked after a little while.
"That is SOOOOOOOO kind of you... You are always SOOOOOO kind!" Jungkook looked at Taehyung with a smirk but he just rolled his eyes at him.
"Fine, you walk that woman to the train station and I'll walk Min Ji to her dorm room."
"No!" This time it was Min Ji speaking up.
"What now?" Taehyung said with a sigh.
"I don't want you to walk me home!"
"What is it with everyone tonight?" Taehyung said in annoyance.
"That's what you get for being an idiot."
"Okay I don't care! Min Ji-ya, I'm walking you home wether you like it or not, I'll see you back at the dorm, Jungkook-a"
"Okay, good luck."
"Same to you."
Through the quiet streets of Seoul, during the cold autumn night, Taehyung walked next to Min Ji, constantly keeping an eye on her, making sure she didn't trip over anything or walk into something. But every time he walked up to her, she gave him a cold look and walked ahead of him again.
"Min Ji-ya?" Taehyung said but that only made Min Ji walk faster, and as she walked faster, she also walked in bigger circles, having trouble keeping her balance.
"Min Ji!" Taehyung yelled and quickly grabbed her before she tripped over a loose stone in the sidewalk. Min Ji looked up at Taehyung's eyes as he held onto her.
"Let go of me!" she yelled out annoyed and ripped herself apart from Taehyung.
"What's wrong? Why are you mad at me?" Taehyung asked.
"Because you're stupid!" Min Ji said.
"I've always been stupid but you have never acted this way towards me before, tell me what's really wrong!"
"Alright come here!" Taehyung said and grabbed Min Ji's hand even though she struggled to get out of his grip, but she didn't succeed before Taehyung let go himself and she looked around to see that they had entered a small park near their dorm.
"What?" Min Ji asked, slowly starting to sober up from the cold autumn wind.
"Tell me why you are mad at me?" Min Ji just looked away and started nervously rubbing her left arm with her right hand.
"Min Ji, look at me," Taehyung said and moved closer to her.
"Why are you dropping the formalities all of a sudden?" Min Ji asked.
"Because I want you attention," Taehyung replied, "I want an answer and you're not leaving until I get one."
"Are you going out?" Min Ji said, almost yelled and Taehyung raised his eyebrow in confusion.
"You... and Yoon Ji Woo,"
"What does Ji Woo-hoobae have to do with anything?" Taehyung asked.
"Are you going out? Are you dating?" Min Ji said while her cheeks turned more and more pink.
"Dating? Why would you think that?" Min Ji looked at Taehyung, confused about his last statement. Should she be relieved? Should she be embarrassed?
"It's... it's nothing..." Min Ji said and turned around, but Taehyung didn't let her get away that easily. He quickly got a hold of her and pulled her closer to him, holding onto both her arms while looking deep in the eyes.
"Why did you think I was dating Ji Woo-hoobae?" Min Ji raised her head up high to meet with Taehyung's eyes in the dark, but she quickly lowered her face again.
"You... kissed..."
"In a play! You think every actor who kisses another actor are dating?" Taehyung asked and Min Ji quickly pulled away.
"No but... you seemed so close. You were laughing... you were being intimate... and then... when you danced with her... you..."
"Min Ji?" Min Ji looked up as Taehyung mentioned her name and interrupted her, "why did the fact that I am close with another girl make you mad at me?" Min Ji took a step back but Taehyung just took one forward.
"Tell me?"
"Because..." Min Ji said and didn't notice that Taehyung took another step towards her, and then another.
"Because-" Min Ji said again but when she looked up, Taehyung was only inches away from her.
"Because?" Taehyung said as he gazed into her eyes. Min Ji blushed and she could feel the heat in her cheeks, which made her look away. Taehyung slowly moved his hand towards Min Ji's chin and gently guided her head her to face him again.
"I like you." Min Ji looked at Taehyung with widened eyes.
"What?" Min Ji said, wanting to look away but Taehyung's hand was still resting below her chin.
"I said, I like you," Taehyung said, "I'm not dating Ji Woo, I don't like her in that way. She's just a hoobae I'm teaching, she's very talented and she's funny. But I don't have any interest in her. I only like you." For a second, Min Ji forgot to breathe and she was trying hard to persuade herself that she didn't hear it wrong.
"Aren't you going to respond?" Taehyung asked as he moved closer to Min Ji, only making her blush harder, "if you don't, I might kiss you."
"I li-" Min Ji got cut off when Taehyung's lips met hers in a sweet kiss. His lips were cold from being outside for so long, but after a few seconds, they turned warm and Min Ji felt his warmth spread to her entire body.
Taehyung slowly pulled away and looked down at Min Ji who still had her eyes closed, but when she opened them and looked at Taehyung, he just smirked and said:
"Sorry about that, you were too slow."
Hello everyone!
Oh wow, would you look at all the fluff... well well, I just hope you enjoyed it and it put a smile on your face. If it did (actually even if it didn't) please leave a comment down below!
Other than that, take care of yourself and stay safe!
Love, Annalise~