Chapter 31
When Na Ri walked out the door of her apartment that day, she was more determined than ever before. It was freezing outside, as it was the end of November. So Na Ri made sure her coat was buttoned all the way up and her scarf was wrapped tightly around her neck. There was no way she was getting sick again.
But when she walked forward, busy wrapping the scarf around her neck, her eyes forgot to focus on the path in front of her and she suddenly felt a hard hit against her head and when she looked up, she nearly passed out from embarrassment.
"I'm... I'm sorry!" Na Ri yelled-stuttered when she saw Namjoon grabbing his head, looking tired and startled.
"Na Ri-ssi... good morning," Namjoon said, trying to keep his posture, "that's okay, it was an accident."
"B... but..." Na Ri whispered, but Namjoon was already on his way towards the elevator, making Na Ri swallow her words before she followed right behind.
After getting on the elevator and pressing the button for the ground floor, both of them stood next to each other without saying a word. The sound of the elevator moving was the only thing audible in the small space. Never before had she been able to hear everything so clearly, and she suddenly remembered every movie scene where an elevator stopped in the middle of nowhere, or a cable broke loose, causing it to fall. Luckily, Na Ri already knew not to trust such movies. Breaking one cable wouldn't be nearly enough to make the elevator fall and looking at the state of it, there was no reason for it to stop abruptly.
The sound of the doors opening all of a sudden, brought Na Ri out of her daydream and when she came to, Namjoon had already left and was walking down the sidewalk.
Na Ri hurried out as well and followed right behind Namjoon, feeling to awkward to walk next to him, but too stressed about missing her train to fall behind. Because of this, Na Ri had the pleasure of looking at Namjoon's back all the way to the station, the air around them feeling especially cold in this late fall weather.
Even the train which was filled with people felt quieter than usual. The distance Namjoon took from Na Ri was eye catching, and Na Ri felt her heart aching when she watched Namjoon from afar, looking at his phone as if she wasn't even there. She barely even noticed when the train stopped, not until Namjoon began moving and Na Ri finally noticed how everyone was flocking to the door.
Before Na Ri had been able to finish another thought, she was standing outside on the platform, listening to the train disappearing behind her and Namjoon nowhere in sight.
What a weird morning, Na Ri thought to herself before she began her journey towards the University.
But no weird morning was going to take away Na Ri's determination. She was going to get everyone to cooperate. It was almost December, they had less than a month left to prepare their project and no matter if they wanted to be in the same room or not, Na Ri would make sure they did it anyway. All she had to do was find them and talk some sense into their heads. And her first target was Min Ji.
That was if she would be able to find her.
"Taehyung-ssi," Na Ri said and approached Taehyung during lunch break, after spending the past few lectures wondering where Min Ji was; "have you seen Min Ji-ssi?"
"No," Taehyung said with a worried expression in his eyes, "I've tried texting her and calling her all day, but she doesn't answer. She hasn't been going to class at all?" Na Ri shook her head.
"Do you think... she is sick?" Na Ri asked and Taehyung looking into the air while thinking.
"She was feeling perfectly fine yesterday..." Taehyung said, "maybe we should try asking her roommate, I think I saw her somewhere in the Cafeteria." Na Ri followed behind Taehyung, while he walked around the Cafeteria, until he approached a small innocent-looking girl with short hair and round cheeks. She was sitting with a group of friends, chatting and laughing, until Taehyung got up to her and she turned quiet.
"Taehyung-ssi," the girl said and Na Ri followed the conversation from behind Taehyung's back, "what is it?"
"Se Ji-ssi, have you seen Min Ji-ya?" Taehyung asked, "is she perhaps sick?"
"Min Ji-ya?" Se Ji said with a raised eyebrow, "aren't you supposed to know what's up with her, she's your girlfriend after all." Taehyung took in a deep breath, holding back the desire to roll his eyes all the way back into his head.
"If you know what's up, can't you just tell me?" Taehyung then asked and Se Ji looked down for a second until she again lifted her head, looking at Taehyung with a more gentle expression.
"She said she didn't want to go to school today, she didn't even want to get out of bed," Se Ji explained and then continued, "as it is the anniversary of her brother's death."
Both Na Ri and Taehyung's eyes widened and Taehyung quickly thanked Se Ji for the information and walked away.
"So that was it," Taehyung said, looking like he was talking to himself, "but why did the anniversary of her brother's death suddenly have such a strong effect on her? The two previous years I don't remember her staying home from school because of it, that's why I never even considered this as a reason."
Memories of that one day back in October, where Na Ri ate dinner with Min Ji and her mom, suddenly flashed before her eyes and Taehyung looked at her in confusion as her expression turned blank.
"Na Ri-ssi..." Taehyung said and waved his hand in front of her eyes, but just then, Na Ri moved out of her frozen posture and looked at Taehyung with a glare so cold it could kill a person.
"Where is Jeon Jungkook?"
After leading the way towards the hallway of the Department of Performing Arts, Na Ri found herself in the middle of a half empty auditorium, standing right in front of Jungkook whose eyes were the size of tea cups.
"Na Ri-"
"What day is it today?" Na Ri asked, no stutter or shyness visible in her voice. Jungkook was taken aback by her question and he looked at Taehyung for answer, but his eyes were glued to the floor.
"It's... Friday?" Jungkook said a bit hesitant, but he quickly regretted when Na Ri slammed both her hands down at the table Jungkook was sitting by.
"Don't act like you're stupid," Na Ri yelled, "you know exactly what I mean when I ask what day it is." Taehyung stared at Na Ri as he held his breath and Jungkook did the same, until he let out a huff of air and looked down.
"So I guess Min Ji-ya really didn't come to school today," Jungkook said under a breath, still avoiding eye contact.
"How could you do this to her?" Na Ri yelled before Jungkook had a chance to say anything else, "Just for this one day you couldn't put your feelings aside and just be there for your friend?" Jungkook immediately looked up, this time with an angry expression on his face.
"What was I supposed to do then?" Jungkook yelled back at Na Ri, "go up to her and say 'hey I know some things happened, but let's go visit your brother's grave like we do every year' or what?"
"Yes!" Na Ri said firmly, "imagine how Min Ji must be feeling right now. When she first told me about her brother's death, she held her head high and you know why? Because she said she had a friend who was always by her side and because of that she was never alone."
"You make it sound like she's all alone in this world," Jungkook argued, "but she has you and she has her boyfriend too. What does she need me for?" Jungkook glared at Taehyung, but the anger in his eyes had slowly faded away and was replaced by a sad look.
"I know you're hurt," Na Ri said in a calm voice, again making Taehyung eye her in confusion from her complete change of character today, "but Min Ji-ssi is hurt too. And telling you about her and Taehyung wasn't easy for her. She was so scared of losing you, and now her worst fear has gotten real." Jungkook looked at Na Ri, not able to find the right words, his eyes fallen and a sigh released from his mouth.
"She didn't... lose me..." Jungkook said in a low voice, while avoiding eye contact with Na Ri.
"Then prove it!" Na Ri said and Jungkook looked up. He then let out another sigh and got up from his chair.
"Fine, I'll go talk to her," Jungkook said and Na Ri felt adrenaline rush through her entire body due to this small victory of hers, "but you guys are coming with me!"
"Really," Taehyung asked, having stayed silent for a while, "you want me to be there as well?"
"I guess I do," Jungkook said and packed up his books, an action which made Na Ri's smile disappear.
"Wait... are we going... right now?" Na Ri asked and Jungkook nodded, "but that means..."
"We'll have to skip classes," Jungkook said and winked at Na Ri. Taehyung looked at her while waiting for some sort of reaction, not knowing what to expect from her anymore.
"Fine," Na Ri said, "I'll go get my stuff and meet you outside." Na Ri quickly walked out of the room, leaving Taehyung and Jungkook with a shocked expression on their face.
"What's going on with Na Ri-ssi today?" Jungkook asked, looking at the empty space where Na Ri had been standing before.
"I don't know," Taehyung answered, also staring into thin air, "she's very determined. I had no idea she had it in her." Taehyung turned his head and looked at Jungkook, and it suddenly hit him who he was talking to which made him turn his head away quickly.
"I'll... meet you outside," Taehyung said and sent Jungkook one last look before he left the room.
Min Ji turned around her bed once again and scrolled through the pictures on her phone. The days where she ran around the streets of Busan with Jungkook by her side seemed so far away.
She really ruined everything.
While she was in the middle of reminiscing about the past and beating herself up for all the stupid decisions she had made in life, a loud knock on her door pulled her out of her thoughts.
Wondering who would be knocking on her door in the middle of the day, Min Ji dragged her lifeless body out of bed opened the door, whereafter Na Ri stormed inside.
"Find your subway card, quickly!" Na Ri said the second she was inside and Min Ji looked at her in utter shock, a shock which only got bigger when she was followed by Taehyung.
"Yeah I know, Na Ri-ssi has gone insane," Taehyung said and walked inside.
"What-" Min Ji said but suddenly took notice of the person who was still standing outside her door, "Jungkook-a."
"Hey," Jungkook said, diverting his eyes from Min Ji when he walked inside.
"What... what's going on here?" Min Ji stuttered, trying to calm her beating heart.
"We're going to Busan!" Taehyung said and Na Ri added, "and we should get going soon... it takes a while to get there."
"Really?" Min Ji asked and then looked at Jungkook, "are you... coming too?" Jungkook nodded his head slightly.
"Why?" Min Ji asked and Jungkook looked at her to find an angry expression on her face, "I don't need your pity."
"It's not pity," Jungkook said firmly, "But we've been going to visit your brother's grave every year. He was also my friend, I miss him too, you know!" Min Ji swallowed when she heard Jungkook's words.
"I'm sorry...," Min Ji said, "But... maybe we should just each go on our own..."
"If you felt that way, why didn't you leave already?" Jungkook asked and Min Ji looked down, "you don't want to go alone... and... neither do I... so... let's just go together." Min Ji looked at Jungkook with tears visible in her eyes and she took in a deep breath while blinking away the tears.
"Alright," she said with a faint smile, "let's go."
The two and a half hour train ride was anything but exciting. The atmosphere between the four friends was still too tense and there was barely any conversation between them on the entire ride. Min Ji sat across from Jungkook, both of them seated by the window, constantly looking outside without saying a single word or looking at each other for even a second. Na Ri, who sat next to Jungkook and in front of Taehyung, got eye contact with Taehyung once in a while, but it always turned out awkward as none of them knew how to converse with each other and therefor ended up diverting their eyes again.
It was almost liberating when they finally reached their stop and they left the train together. After getting on a bus, going towards the cemetery, the atmosphere seemed to get a little warmer. After they got of the bus, Taehyung and Na Ri followed behind the other two and they noticed how a small conversation started to take form.
"I messaged my mom, saying we arrived," Min Ji said, keeping her eyes on the road ahead of her, "she said to stop by before we go home, but if you don't want to-"
"I want to!" Jungkook said, "besides... she'll bombard you with questions if I don't go."
"That's true," Min Ji replied with a slight chuckle, "thank you." Jungkook nodded and continued on.
"It's always weird walking these streets," Jungkook then said, "remember how we used to race each other on our way home from school."
"Yes and Min Ho-ya would always lose," Min Ji answered, "when he was here that is."
"He was in the hospital a lot," Jungkook said, lowering his head, "that poor kid never even got to enjoy his life." Na Ri heard the emotional conversation between the two childhood friends walking in front of her and she looked at Taehyung to gain his attention.
"Taehyung-ssi..." Na Ri said a bit hesitant, nervous that Min Ji or Jungkook would hear, "do you know... why Min Ji-ssi's brother... d... died?" Taehyung looked at Na Ri and took in a deep breath.
"I only know he had cancer," he answered quietly, "she never really talked to... me... about it." Taehyung looked at Min Ji and Jungkook in front of him, feeling a stinging sensation in his chest.
"I guess... she just felt more comfortable speaking to Jungkook about it," Taehyung said and let out a sigh. Na Ri just watched him as they continued ahead, wanting to comfort him in some way, but having no idea how.
"Min Ji-ssi... really... she really loves you..." Na Ri then said and Taehyung widened his eyes when he heard those words, "she... in time... I'm sure she will... open up to you... it's not easy... opening up to another person..." A smile appeared on Taehyung's face when he looked at Na Ri speaking so honestly to him and he suddenly swung his arm around her and gave her a quick squeeze, making Na Ri's heart jump up in her throat.
"You're alright, Na Ri-ssi," Taehyung then said after letting her go, "I'm sorry I've been so harsh to you all this time." Na Ri looked at Taehyung in disbelief of what she was hearing, but then a faint smile appeared on her lips as well and warmth spread throughout her body.
"Thank you."
"Well here it is," Min Ji-ssi said and when Na Ri looked up, they were standing outside a cemetery, Jungkook in the middle of opening the gate. A thick silence filled the air around the four kids as they entered the cemetery, walking past one grave stone after another. Until Min Ji took a halt in front of a small gravestone with the name "Lee Min Ho" on it.
"We didn't even bring flowers," Min Ji said, suddenly realizing, "I'm such a horrible sister."
"Min Ho-ya will forgive you," Jungkook said and moved up to stand next to Min Ji, "he's just happy we're here. Both of us." Min Ji looked up and a single tear slid down her cheek.
"Thank you for coming with me," Min Ji said and then turned around where Na Ri and Taehyung stood awkwardly next to each other, "thank you to you as well, I'm really glad you're here with me."
After a while they all left the cemetery, each one of them with tears in their eyes, so they kept their eyes down as they walked towards Min Ji's parents' house in silence.
"Min Ji, my daughter!" Min Ji's mother, Kang Su Bin yelled when she opened the door, "and Jungkook-a! My dear Jungkook-a, it's been so long! Come in, come in."
"Mom, calm down please," Min Ji said as she stepped inside and gestured for Taehyung and Na Ri to do the same.
"My my, who do we have here," Su Bin said when she saw the two kids who followed her daughter inside.
"Mom, this is Song Na Ri, she's my very best friend," Min Ji said with a smile, "and this... this is..." Min Ji looked at Jungkook as she struggled to get the words out.
"Hello, my name is Kim Taehyung, I've been going out with your daughter since recently," Taehyung said and bowed politely, while Su Bin's eyes were about to fall out of her head.
"Oh my," she said and took a better look at Taehyung, "such a fine young man, and you're dating my daughter? How wonderful." Both Min Ji and Taehyung blushed from Su Bin's comment.
"But I'm so surprised," Su Bin then continued, "I always thought Jungkook would snatch you up one of these days."
"Mom, stop it!" Min Ji said, wanting to crawl down a hole, "we'll be in my room, don't disturb us."
"Sure sure," Su Bin said, "you're all staying for dinner, right?" Min Ji didn't answer, but just quickly went inside her room and as soon as everyone was inside, she closed the door behind her.
"So I guess we're all staying for dinner," Jungkook said, trying to lift the heavy atmosphere a little.
"Jungkook-a, I'm so sorry for my mom's remark... I-"
"It's okay, let's just forget it," Jungkook said and sat down on the floor.
"Is this... your brother?" Na Ri asked as she took notice of a picture standing on a shelf. Taehyung quickly followed up behind her and looked at a photo with a young Min Ji in it and a boy who looked a lot like her, standing by her side.
"Yes, that's my brother," Min Ji said and looked at the picture with a smile, "that was taken... right before he got recurrence."
"Recurrence?" Na Ri asked as she didn't quite understand.
"Min Ho-ya got leukemia when he was 6 years old. He was just about to start school like me, but he ended up in the hospital instead. He stayed there for more than two years, before they cleared him to go home permanently," Na Ri and Taehyung both looked at Min Ji who was explaining the situation, all the while Jungkook still sat on the floor behind them, listening to the all too familiar story, "while he was in the hospital, he had been following along on his school work the best he could, but he was such an outsider when he returned to school. Everyone already had friends and he was a shy kid. If it... hadn't been for Jungkook-a... I think he would've felt really lonely in school." Taehyung and Na Ri shifted their eyes to Jungkook, but quickly shifted them back to Min Ji again.
"But he had you, right?" Taehyung asked.
"Yes, but we weren't in the same class," Min Ji answered, "he had a really hard time going to school until he and Jungkook became friends and before I knew it, all three of us were friends, hanging out everyday. Everything seemed perfect... until he turned 13." A silence took over the small room as everyone looked at Min Ji who had a lump in her throat while trying to tell the story to the end.
"The cancer was back, he was admitted to the hospital and started chemo therapy again," Min Ji said while the tears pushed on, "he was so sad when he had to go back. All he wanted to do was go to school and be with his friends. And he was so sad he would lose his hair again. He was a teenager now and he was concerned about his looks. It didn't matter how much mom and I told he was handsome, when he looked at himself in the mirror, he saw a person looking dead already. He was... just so sad all the time."
Min Ji stopped talking again and Taehyung could tell she was trying to blink away her tears.
"Min Ji-ya, you don't have to push yourself," Taehyung then said.
"I know," Min Ji answered before taking in another deep breath, "but you two mean so much to me now, I want you to know about this."
"Okay but... just take your time," Taehyung then said and Min Ji nodded. She took in a few more deep breaths before she started talking again.
"Things started getting better after some time. The doctors said he was getting better and we all started getting our hopes up. Jungkook-a and I went to visit him in the hospital everyday after school. We would buy him all sorts of snacks and books and other stuff to keep him company. His spirit was high, he started talking about how much he looked forward to going back to school again. We were all excited. But then he got an infection. He went from feeling better to feeling worse than ever and before we could blink twice... he was... no longer here." Min Ji couldn't hold her tears back anymore and Taehyung couldn't just stand and watch anymore, so without worrying about Jungkook or Na Ri, he wrapped his arms around Min Ji, enveloping her in a warm hug.
"Thank you for telling us all this," Taehyung said while he held Min Ji in his arms, "it must've been very hard for you." Na Ri looked at Jungkook who was sitting on the ground like he did from the beginning. His eyes were staring into thin air and he was blinking like a maniac, but it wasn't enough to keep the tears in check. Slowly, Na Ri sat down next to Jungkook and looked at him in worry. She took in a deep breath and then gave him a gentle pad on his back.
"It must've been... hard... for you as well," Na Ri stuttered, "losing a friend like that..."
"Yeah..." Jungkook said while wiping away his tears, "life sucks sometimes."
"Knock know," a soft voice said while the door slowly opened, "I have some snacks for you- what's going on in here? Why is everyone sad?" Min Ji quickly broke free from Taehyung's grip.
"Mom, I thought I said we didn't want to be disturbed," Min Ji said, trying to hide her red eyes.
"Did something happen?" Su Bin asked and looked at the rest.
"Min Ji-ssi... she told us... about her brother," Na Ri said and Su Bin suddenly went silent as she looked at her daughter.
"Is that so," Su Bin said and looked at Min Ji, "I'm glad you're talking about your brother, but... I wish you could talk about him with a smile on your face. I'm sure... Min Ho wouldn't want you to cry everytime you talk about him."
"I know..." Min Ji said, "I want him to be a happy memory to me as well... It's just... not that easy."
"Oh I know," Su Bin said and put down the plate with snacks, before she gave her daughter a quick hug, "but I know you can do it. Now enjoy these snacks with your friends, I won't disturb you again before dinner's ready."
"Thanks mom," Min Ji said before Su Bin left the room.
"Alright everyone, let's not be sad anymore," Min Ji said and took in a deep breath, "my mom is right, Min Ho wouldn't want us to be sad. Let's just eat snacks and take about good times."
And that's exactly what they did. Jungkook and Min Ji both shared their best memories with Min Ho. The fun ones, the emotional ones and the cute ones, while Na Ri and Taehyung both listened with curious ears, laughing at the funny stories and smiling at the cute stories. It continued on all the way until Su Bin knocked on the door again, announcing that dinner was ready. Taehyung and Na Ri were the first to leave the room and Jungkook was next, but Min Ji stopped him just before he walked out.
"Thank you for today," Min Ji said, "I know you probably didn't want to be around me right now, so... thank you."
"I want to thank you too... I'm... glad I came today," Jungkook said, "I think I needed this. It was a little like a wake-up call."
"A wake-up call?"
"Yes. I've liked you for so long and I always thought that one day we would... be together," Jungkook said, "It really broke my heart when I found out you liked someone else... and worst of all it was my best friend. It shattered my heart and I really didn't know what to do with myself. I kept living in the dream I had created, but everytime I saw you with Taehyung-a, that dream shattered all over again. Until today. Going here with you brought me back to the times we were just friends. It made me remember all the precious memories we have together. And I realized I don't want to lose you... I already lost Min Ho-ya... I don't want to just throw our friendship away and lose you too."
"What... does that mean?"
"It means I want to try... and be your friend," Jungkook said, "the last couple of weeks has been really lonely to me. You had Taehyung-a by your side, Na Ri-ssi too... but I was all alone. And I missed being with my friends. So even if things can't be the same as they were before... I want to give it a try."
"I'm really sorry about all this... I'm sorry you had to go through all this... alone," Min Ji said, "from now on... I'll try to be there for you more!"
"No, don't overdo it," Jungkook quickly said, "I'm still not over you... so I might still be a little distant. I will work on the project with our group and I will stop avoiding you in school, but it won't be the way it was before, not when I'm feeling this way, but I'm confident that little by little, I'll get over you."
"Alright, I won't push you then, just do things in your pace," Min Ji said, "maybe you just need to fall in love with someone else- OH do you want me to set you up with someone?"
"Let's take it easy there," Jungkook said and laughed, "for now, let's just go down and eat dinner with your family. I'm sure they're all waiting for us."
Hello everyone!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Remember to stay warm and eat healthy and take care of yourself. Stay safe.
Also, don't forget to leave a comment down below.
Love, Annalise~