Chapter 35
"Four hands on one piano"
Na Ri slowly opened her eyes and stretched out her body before sitting up in bed. She looked around the guest bedroom she had now been living in for a few days. Everything seemed so quiet. She looked down to the foot of the bed and saw the cat all curled up, looking very content as it was sleeping peacefully. Woo Jin probably left already, it was Monday and he would be working all day, he explained to Na Ri the day before.
Very carefully, Na Ri stepped out of the bed, making sure not to wake up the cat in the process, and she walked over to the window and opened the curtains. Her eyes immediately lit up when she saw the beautiful white snow covering the entire street and the sparkling snowflakes which slowly fell from the sky.
She couldn't just sit inside this quiet house all day when the weather had made for such a beautiful scenery outside. Besides, she had to pay back her brother for letting her stay.
With the cat still sound asleep on the bed, Na Ri refilled the water and food bowl before she got ready to head out. Before leaving her room, her eyes fell on the nightstand. She hadn't opened the drawer in 3 days and she was determined to make that into 4 days.
As Na Ri headed down the stairs, she looked around in the empty living room. Woo Jin had a pretty big house considering he was only 21 years old, but it made sense as he started working when he was around 16. He got a part time job at a carpenter's firm when he was still in High School, but once he graduated, his boss offered him a full time job and Woo Jin didn't hesitate for even a second to take it.
It wasn't until this moment Na Ri realized how long it had been since she last spoke to Woo Jin. Did he still work as a carpenter? He only said he was going to work, he didn't tell her where. Did she really know her own little brother so poorly?
Na Ri walked past the large couch which was pointed towards the television. Her eyes lingered for too long and it was becoming harder and harder to push herself to go outside. It had been so long since she last sat down to watch television by herself. No responsibilities. No homework. No stress.
No, Na Ri told herself and turned around, not until you get back.
The weather was simply too nice, the fridge was simply too empty and besides, Na Ri needed some fresh air. She had been confided in this house for too long and she was starting to grow mad.
The last big item to catch Na Ri's attention before she was out of the living room, was the large acoustic piano placed against the back wall. It was staring at her, staring right into her soul. Just looking at it made her feel uncomfortable and she quickly regained her senses and walked to the hallway.
She tied up her boots, zipped up her jacket and wrapped her scarf around her neck, whereafter she stepped outside in the cold winter. Everything was dead silent, there was no wind, not even a slight breeze swirling around. It felt like everything happened in slowmotion when Na Ri took the first step onto the street and heard the sound of snow being pushed down by her boot. Her lips curled into a smile as she took another step and enjoyed everytime she heard the funny sound the snow made when she stepped down on it.
A few people passed her by and everyone with a smile on their face, something which made Na Ri send one back as if it was nothing. She politely nodded her head to greet the mother on her way home with grocery bags, as well as the elderly man who was walking his dog.
The cold weather was painting everyone's cheeks into a bold red color, ears and nose as well and after a while, Na Ri regretted not bringing a hat with her. Her ears were starting to hurt and she prayed to herself that the grocery store wasn't too far away.
To her luck, not too long after, she spotted a small convenience store and decided to check it out.
The sound of a bell ringing, echoed in the entire store when she opened the door and stepped inside. She got eye contact with the cashier who looked like a young High School boy. After awkwardly nodding her head as a greeting, Na Ri started walking around in the store.
Her cooking skills weren't great, but she still had to do something to thank her brother. In the end her basket was filled to its max and the poor cashier looked at all the products he had to scan.
"Shopping for the big gourmet meal I see?" the boy said as he scanned the fifth pack of ramyeon and Na Ri suddenly felt embarrassed about her purchase.
"It's for... my younger brother..." Na Ri said, not really knowing how to respond, but she just couldn't stand the awkward silence.
"He must be a big fan of ramyeon."
"No... I'm just... a really bad cook." The boy suddenly stopped scanning the products and looked at Na Ri after her last comment. Na Ri felt her heart starting to beat faster and her hands became sweaty, until suddenly, the boy burst out laughing.
"You're really funny," he said before he started scanning again, "but I'm sure he's going to appreciate the effort you're putting in." Na Ri looked at the young boy. He had dark brown hair, slightly parted to the side, the way most young boys styled their hair these days. His smile seemed really genuine and Na Ri felt his happiness transfer to herself.
"Thank you," Na Ri said and smiled, but she quickly looked down, feeling a little shy, "I hope you're right."
"You seem like a nice older sister, I'm sure he'll be happy," the boy said while packing up Na Ri's items into two plastic bags, "not like my older sister, she just keeps nagging me to study." The boy laughed again and Na Ri did too, even though she was pretty sure that was how she used to be as well.
"Thank you," Na Ri said when the boy handed her the bags and she quickly looked at his name tag, "Kang... Taehyun." The boy looked surprised at first, until he looked down.
"Oh right, I always forget I'm wearing a name tag," Taehyun said, "what's your name?"
"Song Na Ri," Na Ri said and Taehyun nodded.
"Have a nice day, Song Na Ri noona," Taehyun said and waved goodbye as she walked out of the store, "I'll see you around." Na Ri just nodded and waved before she opened the door and left the store.
When Na Ri reached home and took of her jacket, she suddenly looked at herself in the mirror and noticed how the smile from before was still plastered on her face. She took a closer look, but no, it was true. The smile was genuine and when she looked at herself, she couldn't help but laugh. Like a complete maniac, she stood in the hallway with her jacket half off, laughing at her own reflection until her stomach started hurting.
After finally regaining her senses, Na Ri went to the kitchen and unpacked the groceries. She decided to eat some kimbap for lunch and grabbed a package she brought with her to the living room. She put down the food and then started looking through Woo Jin's TV cabinet.
It was filled with all sorts of movies, both Korean and Hollywood, as well as a few TV series.
Na Ri took out the huge box with the letters F.R.I.E.N.D.S. written on them and she quickly put a DVD on and turned on the TV. Then, with a kimbap in her hand, Na Ri leaned back in the couch and pressed play on the remote, ready to one long awaited break from the world.
"Mom, I'm telling you she's okay," Woo Jin spoke over the phone, "no, I don't know why she's here, she won't tell me."
"Why doesn't she answer my calls?" Hye Jin asked, "how long is she planning on staying at your place?"
"I don't know, mom," Woo Jin said, "maybe she just needs a break from everything. She's probably been pushing herself too hard."
"How would you know, you two never talk," Hye Jin said.
"No but I still lived with her for 17 years and from what I can tell, she hasn't changed one bit," Woo Jin said and Hye Jin suddenly turned silent, "don't worry too much, mom. Just give her some space and I'm sure she'll come around."
"Alright," Hye Jin said with a sigh, "just, take good care of her."
"I will, bye mom." Woo Jin hung up the phone and just stared at it before he put it back in his pocket.
Family... Woo Jin thought to himself before he opened the door to his house and stepped inside. He was in the middle of taking off his shoes when he heard something that sounded like an elephant running around house, but he soon realized it was simply his sister running down the stairs and then right towards him.
"You're home," Na Ri said as she appeared before him, "I'll cook dinner."
"Woah, take it easy," Woo Jin said as Na Ri was already on her way to the kitchen, "there's no rush. Besides, what are you planning on making?"
"Ah... ram... yeon..." Na Ri said and looked away.
"Okay," Woo Jin said and Na Ri looked up, "that sounds good, but let's wait a bit. Let me just come inside. I want to take a shower first, I always feel sweaty after a long day's work."
"Okay," Na Ri said and took a step back as Woo Jin walked inside. He was wearing light brown pants with a black belt to hold a bunch of tools.
"Are you... still working as a carpenter?" Na Ri asked and Woo Jin turned around.
"Yes," Woo Jin answered, "why do you ask?"
"I just... wanted to know," Na Ri said and quickly disappeared into the kitchen, afraid of what other questions he might ask her.
Before they knew it, Na Ri and Woo Jin were sitting across from each other, both staring at the pot while waiting for the timer to ring and once it finally did, they both made a move for it.
"Let's eat," Woo Jin said as he took off the lit. They both filled up their bowl and started stuffing themselves. It didn't take long before the pot was completely empty and both of them had fallen back in their chair, too full to get up.
"Thanks for the food," Woo Jin said and Na Ri nodded her head.
"You're welcome," she replied.
For a while, both of them sat in silence, too tired to do anything. Na Ri knew she had to do the dishes, but she just wanted to postpone it for a little while longer. Woo Jin knew he had another long day ahead of him tomorrow, he should be going to bed soon, but he didn't want to leave Na Ri alone already.
"Mom called again today," Woo Jin said and interrupted the silence, "are you going to call her back?" Na Ri looked at Woo Jin and shrugged her shoulders.
"She seems really worried, I'm sure she's called you many times," Woo Jin said.
"I turned off my phone," Na Ri answered.
"What? How can you just turn it off?" Woo Jin asked.
"I just wanted... a break."
"Why do you suddenly want a break? Why won't you tell me what's going on?" Na Ri suddenly got up from her chair and started carrying out the dishes.
"I'll clean up now, then I'm going to bed," Na Ri said and Woo Jin quickly went after her.
"No, wait, let's just forget about mom for now," Woo Jin said, "we haven't even talked since you came 3 days ago."
"Then, what do you want to talk about?" Na Ri asked and looked at Woo Jin whose face was completely blank.
"Well..." Woo Jin said and Na Ri let out a sigh.
"Either get out of my way or help with the dishes," Na Ri said and looked at Woo Jin with a firm look.
"Alright, alright, I'll help then," Woo Jin said and pulled up his sleeves, "hand me the cloth." Na Ri looked at her brother for a while, but after seeing his genuine and determined look, she threw the cloth to him.
With the sound of the water running in the background, Woo Jin looked at his older sister while trying to think of a subject.
"Have you ever thought about growing out your hair?" Woo Jin asked, not sure if he stepped on a landmine or hit jackpot.
"My hair?" Na Ri asked, "why?"
"I don't know... you've had short hair since you were in middle school," Woo Jin said, "I thought girls liked to change it up. Long one day, short the next, then after a few years it'll be long again." Na Ri thought for a while.
"It's easier when it's short," she said, "but... does it.... Look bad?"
"No no, that's not why I asked!" Woo Jin said, "it looks great, but I think long hair would suit you too. And I'm sure all the boys at the university would go crazy."
"Really?" Na Ri said and her eyes lit up while the image of Namjoon flashed before her eyes.
"Oh, maybe there's already someone at the university you have your eyes set on?" Woo Jin said and winked at Na Ri, but she just quickly looked away and finished up the last of the dishes.
"Here," Na Ri said and handed it to Woo Jin, "I'm going to bed."
"Wait," Woo Jin said while watching Na Ri walk away, "did I say something to upset you? If I did then I'm sorry." Na Ri turned around and looked at Woo Jin with a sad expression in her eyes, but still a smile on her lips.
"No, it's nothing," Na Ri said, "I'm just... I'm just tired."
"But-" Woo Jin stopped mid sentence as Na Ri was already out of sight. He stood for a while, watching the spot Na Ri had been in, until he turned around and dried up the last of the dishes.
Family... Woo Jin thought to himself and shook his head.
"Na Ri-ssi." Na Ri head the soothing voice of Namjoon whispering into her ear.
"Na Ri-ssi, wake up," Namjoon whispered and Na Ri slowly opened her eyes, in shock when she saw Namjoon hovering over her bed.
"Namjoon-ssi, why are you here?" Na Ri whispered, "how did you even get in?"
"I missed you," Namjoon said and looked at Na Ri who was trying to calm down her beating heart, "did you perhaps... miss me too?"
"I..." Na Ri said while looking into Namjoon's dark brown eyes, "I..."
Na Ri sat up in bed at the speed of light, quickly looking around in the very empty bedroom. Her only company was the cat who was staring at her with a weird expression.
"It was a dream," Na Ri said and let out a sigh while stroking the cat over its fur, "it's certain... I've gone insane." Na Ri stepped out of bed, deciding it was better to get something to drink before going back to sleep. Also, she was a tiny bit scared of having another dream like that.
The house seemed even more quiet at night and Na Ri made sure to stay extra quiet as she walked into the kitchen and filled up a cup of water. But when she made it back into the living room, Woo Jin was standing at the foot of the staircase.
"Noona, why are you up?" Woo Jin asked while rubbing his eyes.
"I... I couldn't sleep," Na Ri answered, still a little startled to see Woo Jin, "I'm sorry I woke you up... I tried to be quiet."
"No, it's okay," Woo Jin said, "I'm a light sleeper, it takes nothing to wake me up."
"Ah... okay..." Na Ri said.
"Why couldn't you sleep?" Woo Jin asked, "did you have a bad dream?"
"No... just... a weird dream..." Na Ri said.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Woo Jin asked, but Na Ri quickly shook her head.
"Do you want to go back to bed?" Woo Jin then asked and this time Na Ri looked a bit indecisive and ended up shrugging her shoulders as a reply.
"I've... been thinking about something for the last few days," Na Ri said after a little while without anyone saying anything.
"Yeah?" Woo Jin said, excited to finally have Na Ri initiate a conversation, "what is it?"
"That piano," Na Ri said and pointed towards the piano, "is it... the one..."
"The one we had as kids? Our father's piano?" Woo Jin said and Na Ri nodded her head, "yes, it is. I asked mom if I could have it when I moved to this house."
"Do you still play?" Na Ri asked and Woo Jin nodded his head.
"I do," he answered, "what about you?"
"No... I haven't played... in a very very long time..." Na Ri said.
"Really?" Woo Jin said, "well... I'm sure if you sat down and spend some time, it would all come back to you."
"I doubt it," Na Ri said.
"No I'm sure it will," Woo Jin said and moved towards the piano, "come on, let's try it?"
"What?" Na Ri said in shock when Woo Jin opened the piano.
"Do you remember how dad taught us a song we could play together?" Woo Jin asked, "so we could play four hands on one piano."
"Yes..." Na Ri said, a bit hesitant.
"Let's try it, come sit down."
"I... don't know..."
"Just try it." Na Ri looked at Woo Jin and took in a deep breath before she moved over and sat down on the piano chair next to him.
"Alright, put your hands here... and here," Woo Jin said and guided Na Ri to where her hands should be, "do you remember anything?"
"No, not a thing," Na Ri said, already sounding like she wanted to give up.
"Don't worry, you'll remember soon enough," Woo Jin said, "I'll try first and then you can try it." Na Ri had her doubts, but she still watched very carefully as Woo Jin played the first part of the song.
"Okay, now you try," Woo Jin said and looked at Na Ri.
"O...kay..." Na Ri said and looked at her hands. She tried pressing down a few notes, but it sounded all wrong.
"No, no I can't do it!" Na Ri said and lifted her hands from the piano, "I told you I didn't remember."
"Wait, don't give up yet," Woo Jin said and grabbed both of Na Ri's hand, "you were on the right track, let me show you. First this note, then this one, yes that's right, okay continue like that, yes yes." Na Ri looked at her hands and then at Woo Jin with a smile as she finally felt the music coming back to her. That was until she suddenly pressed a wrong note again and went into a spiral of wrong notes, making the song sound horrible.
"Arg no!" Na Ri yelled out and got up from the chair, "I... I can't do it!"
"Wait, take it easy," Woo Jin, "it's okay to make mistakes. It's to be expected if you haven't played in years. You're doing well." Na Ri looked at Woo Jin a little skeptical.
"You really are, believe me," Woo Jin said, trying to convince Na Ri to sit down again, "you have to make mistakes to get better, that's how life is. Just sit down and let's continue." Na Ri looked at Woo Jin for a while until she did as he said and sat down again.
"Okay, but you have to help me," Na Ri said.
"Of course."
Neither Na Ri nor Woo Jin gave time a single thought as they continued playing until it actually started sounding okay. Even Na Ri had a smile on her lips in the end.
"It's really nice to play again," Na Ri said as they took a break, "but it's weird to play on this piano without it being out of tune."
"Yeah, dad never really wanted to pay someone to tune it," Woo Jin said with a laugh, "I got it tuned after we moved it here. It was really weird playing it after that."
"I believe you on that," Na Ri said and laughed, "you know... I'm really sorry I haven't kept in touch."
"That's okay," Woo Jin said, but suddenly, his smile seemed to fade away, "I didn't really... try to keep in touch with you either."
"No that's-"
"I really hated you, you know," Woo Jin suddenly said and looked at Na Ri with a cold look in his eyes, "you and mom... I hated both of you so much. All you ever talked about was grades and school and getting a good education and a good job. It was driving me crazy. That's why I moved here after I turned 19. I just had to get away from everything." The room turned silent with the sudden spin the conversation had taken and both Woo Jin and Na Ri had their eyes on the ground.
"I'm sorry... I don't know... what to say..." Na Ri said and looked up to meet Woo Jin's eyes.
"It's okay... I just had to get it off my chest," Woo Jin said, "I'm glad you came to me when you needed help, I'm glad we could get to know each other again as adults. Hopefully you'll be able to confide in me one day."
"I'll try..." Na Ri said, "I'm sorry we made you move away."
"That's okay, I wouldn't have meet Soo Ri-ya if I didn't move away," Woo Jin said, "by the way... what do you think... of Soo Ri-ya?"
"She's sweet," Na Ri said with a smile.
"Yeah?" Woo Jin asked and Na Ri nodded, "it's because... actually... I've been planning on asking her to marry me... on New Years Eve." Na Ri's eyes widened to twice the size and she looked at Woo Jin who was diverting his eyes.
"Really?" Na Ri asked and Woo Jin looked at her in worry, "that's great!"
"I'm a little nervous, I haven't even found her a ring yet," Woo Jin said with a nervous laughter.
"I'm sure you'll find the perfect ring," Na Ri said.
"Thank you," Woo Jin said and then looked at Na Ri again, "do you think... you'd like to come with me to pick a ring?" Na Ri looked at Woo Jin with an even more shocked expression than before, but it soon changed into a happy and cheerful smile.
"Of course I would," she said and Woo Jin sent her a smile of relief, "I'd be honored to."
Hello everyone!
This chapter is dedicated to my younger brother (although he has no idea about it, lol). But I really thought a lot about my own relationship with my brother as I wrote this. Until a few years ago I felt like I didn't know my brother at all. I had no idea what he wanted with his life, what his hobbies were and what his personality was like. But for a little over a year he's been visiting our place several times a month and we've really gotten to know each other a lot. It turns out we have a lot in common (shocking, right?)
I've come to realize how much my brother means to me. I really want him to have a good life and be happy and I'll do everything I can to make that happy and make sure he knows he'll always have me by his side. If y'all have siblings, make sure to cherish them, okay? Even if they seem annoying right now, when you get older you'll be so happy you have them by your side.
But what did you think of this chapter? I really hope you enjoyed it, so please leave a comment down below and let me know your thoughts!
Take care and stay safe!
Love, Annalise~