Chapter 39
"A loving push"
"I'm telling you, she hasn't come out of her room for two days now," Woo Jin whispered to Soo Ri, as they stood at the foot of the staircase.
"Well maybe you shouldn't have been so insensitive when you told her about your dad," Soo Ri said in a low but firm voice, "or maybe you should've at least gone with her to meet him."
"I tried, she wouldn't let me come," Woo Jin said, "she's really headstrong when it comes to some things."
"I guess that's true," Soo Ri said, "but we can't just let her rot in her room, she needs to go outside and talk to people."
"Try telling her that," Woo Jin said sarcastically.
"Okay," Soo Ri said and took a step up the stairs, but Woo Jin stopped her before she got far.
"Wait, are you serious?"
"Why not? If you won't talk to her, then let me do it," Soo Ri said.
"I already tried talking to her, she won't even open the door."
"That's because you're just her annoying brother," Soo Ri said and winked. Woo Jin looked at her and exhaled, cleared offended by her statement, so Soo Ri quickly continued: "just let me try, okay? I'm telling you, this whole situation needs a woman's touch." Woo Jin looked at Soo Ri for a second, until he finally let go of her hand and stepped back.
"Fine, if you really think you can get her to come out of her room, then be my guest."
"Thank you," Soo Ri said and sent Woo Jin a smile before she walked up the stairs.
The hallway was completely silent and it was hard to believe that someone was confided in the guestroom just ahead, but Soo Ri continued walking until she was standing in front of the door.
She placed two firm knocks on the door and then put her ear against it, trying to hear any footsteps, but it was dead silent.
"Unnie, it's me, Soo Ri," she said in the most gentle voice she could muster, "can I come in?" Soo Ri waited for a while, until she heard a low, hoarse voice speak.
"It's open."
Soo Ri turned the knot on the door and slowly took a step inside the room. It was dark and stuffy, which immediately made Soo Ri walk towards the window and open the curtains, blinding herself and Na Ri in the process. She heard an unsatisfied noise come from behind her and she turned around and saw a human-like figure curled up under the blanket on the bed.
"Unnie, you can't stay in your bed forever," Soo Ri said as she walked over to Na Ri who just rolled on to her side, her face against the wall.
"Look, I know how you're feeling," Soo Ri said and Na Ri quickly turned around and glared at her, making Soo Ri swallow her words.
"Okay, maybe I don't know exactly how you're feeling, but I know the feeling of not wanting to get out of bed," Soo Ri continued, "I've had days too where I felt like it would be much better to just stay in bed, rather than getting up and dealing with my problems. But guess what? Life still moves on whether you stay in bed or not." Na Ri looked at Soo Ri while listening intensely.
"It's okay when life is too much too handle, but when that happens, it's better to get away for a while. Do something to distract your mind and then later, when your head is clear, you can work out your problems."
"But..." Na Ri said and slowly sat up in her bed, "I already... tried that... by coming here."
"I know, but then some things happened while you were here, so for now, I think it would be good for you to get out of the house," Soo Ri explained and Na Ri nodded subtly.
"But... where should I go?" Na Ri asked and Soo Ri's face turned even brighter as she smiled at Na Ri.
"I'm glad you asked me that."
Woo Jin was standing at the foot of the staircase, impatiently tapping his finger on his arm while shifting his look from the floor and up to see if Soo Ri was back yet.
Then suddenly, he heard the sound of footsteps nearing and he looked up in anticipation as Soo Ri's figure became visible on the stairs.
"See, I told you it was no use-" Woo Jin started, but soon after he saw the silhouette of his older sister appear behind Soo Ri and he quickly shut his mouth.
"Why are you still here? Aren't you going to work?" Soo Ri asked when she passed by her fiancé.
"Well... I am..." Woo Jin said, watching in awe as Na Ri followed behind Soo Ri.
"I guess we'll see you tonight then," Soo Ri yelled from the hall and Woo Jin walked out to see, both her, and Na Ri fully dressed and ready to go out.
"Wait, where are you going?" Woo Jin asked while looking at his sister, who was still remaining silent.
"To work," Soo Ri replied and Woo Jin looked up.
"Yes I know where you're going," Woo Jin said, looking tired already, "I was asking Noona."
"And I answered you," Soo Ri said and opened the door, letting in the light of the sun that was shining beautifully on this winter day, "we're going to work." Woo Jin looked in confusion as he watched both women walk out of the door and he could barely let out any word other than:
"You're both going?"
"Yes," Soo Ri yelled while she continued to walk forward, "don't worry, just go to work already." Woo Jin thought about yelling something back, when he saw a mother with her son walking by, looking up at him with a strange expression, one that made him go back inside and close the door behind him.
I guess we're all going to work then, Woo Jin thought to himself before gathering his things so he could leave as well.
Na Ri looked down in fear, while two large eyes looked up at her with great curiosity. She tried smiling, but the kid's facial expression didn't change one bit. The young boy just stared at her without saying or doing anything.
"Soo Ri-ssi..." Na Ri whispered, trying to make it subtle as the boy was still watching her every move, "Soo Ri-ssi..."
"What is it?" Soo Ri asked while she walked past Na Ri with a bunch of toys in her arms, headed to the shelves to put them back into their place.
"What... what should I do?" Na Ri whispered nervously, "he... he keeps staring at me like there's something he wants me to do."
"Ki Seok-a, don't just stare at people, say hello," Soo Ri said with a firm, but gentle voice as she looked at the boy.
"Hello," the boy said and bowed politely, "my name is Kim Ki Seok, what's your name?"
"My name is Song Na Ri," Na Ri answered and bowed as well, even though she found the whole situation weird. She quickly looked at Soo Ri for confirmation, and she sent her a smile and a thumbs up.
"Ki Seok-a, why aren't you playing outside with the other kids?" Soo Ri asked as she walked up and stood next to Na Ri.
"I don't want to go outside!" Ki Seok said loudly, making Na Ri jump in surprise. Soo Ri gave her a little push and gestured for her to continue the conversation with the boy.
"Why... why don't you want to go outside?" Na Ri asked and tried to put on her best smile.
"Because!" Ki Seok yelled, "everyone's stupid!"
"Why would you say that?" Na Ri asked, not even noticing how Soo Ri had disappeared beside her. Ki Seok lowered his head and looked down on his feet, which he moved a bit back and forth.
"Ki Seok-a," Na Ri said in her most gentle voice as she squatted down before him, so she were at his eye level, "is anyone teasing you?" Ki Seok lifted his head and then nodded with a pout on his lips.
"How do they tease you?" Na Ri asked.
"They say I'm boring... and weird... because I just like to be inside and draw... they say they don't want to play with me," Ki Seok said as his lips started trembling.
"That's no good," Na Ri said, "real friends wouldn't do that, right?" Ki Seok shook his head continuously.
"Well, Ki Seok-a, would you like to stay inside and draw with me instead of going outside today?" Ki Seok's pout immediately changed into a huge smile and he kept nodding his head, making Na Ri laugh.
"Alright alright, then let's go to the table," Na Ri said and nudged Ki Seok so he started moving forward.
As Na Ri and Ki Seok went to the table, Soo Ri helped them find pencils and paper, whereafter Ki Seok happily started drawing. Na Ri, on the other hand, engaged in a intense staring contest with the blank piece of paper lying in front of her.
"Aren't you going to draw?" Ki Seok asked after looking up and realizing Na Ri's paper was still empty.
"I'm not really... good at drawing..." Na Ri said.
"That's okay, it's just for fun," Ki Seok said and showed his colorful drawing of something that looked like an animal in a forest.
"That's really nice," Na Ri complimented Ki Seok's drawing.
"Thanks," Ki Seok said and grabbed a new piece of paper. Na Ri stared at him as he, without any hesitation, started drawing again.
Then, after taking in a deep breath, Na Ri grabbed a black pencil and slowly started sketching the outline of a building. It seemed like something that was possible, even for her, to draw and she kept drawing, without thinking about anything else. After a while of silence, Ki Seok looked up from his own little masterpiece and started observing Na Ri instead.
"That's pretty," Ki Seok said and Na Ri nearly had a heart attack, having completely forgotten time and space, "is this where you live?" Na Ri took a look at the building and the two balconies next to each other and she suddenly realized what she had drawn.
"Yeah... it is..." Na Ri answered, feeling herself blushing from embarrassment.
"Do you have a cat?" Ki Seok asked and pointed at the small shadow of a cat Na Ri had drawn to be standing behind the glass door.
"Yes, that's my cat," Na Ri answered.
"I have a cat too!" Ki Seok exclaimed happily and Na Ri chuckled at his excitement.
"Who's that?" Ki Seok asked and pointed at a dark silhouette on the other balcony and Na Ri swallowed.
"That's... that's my neighbor," Na Ri answered, "our balconies are really close... so when we're both outside, we can talk to each other."
"Woah," Ki Seok said and took a closer look at the drawing, "you two must be really close then."
"Eh..." Na Ri said, not knowing how to respond as Ki Seok looked up at her.
"Lunch time everyone," Soo Ri yelled and Na Ri let out a sigh of relief as Ki Seok ran towards Soo Ri, just like the rest of the kids who were back after playing outside.
Na Ri looked at her drawing one more time when suddenly, she felt someone standing behind her.
"What's this?" Soo Ri asked and Na Ri quickly turned around the paper, hiding her drawing.
"Nothing," Na Ri said, "so... lunch?" Soo Ri laughed and nodded.
"I'm just happy to see you're having a good time," Soo Ri said while they went to get something to eat as well, "Ki Seok-a is a good kid, isn't he?" Na Ri nodded.
"He's sweet," Na Ri said.
"I guess all kids aren't scary then?" Soo Ri asked and Na Ri laughed as she remembered her statement from the night they were out eating together.
"No, I guess they aren't," Na Ri answered.
As the day went by, Na Ri realized she was quite popular around kids, mostly because she didn't say much, giving room for kids to talk as much as they want. All she had to do was laugh and respond once in a while, and the kids did the rest for her.
"Ki Seok-a, your mom is here to pick you up," Soo Ri yelled from the hallway.
"I'm coming," Ki Seok yelled back and started walking towards the hallway, but he stopped halfway and looked back at Na Ri.
"Will you be here tomorrow?" Ki Seok asked and Na Ri looked startled by his questions. Soo Ri suddenly appeared behind him and Na Ri looked at her as she said:
"I don't know, that depend on Soo Ri-ssi."
"Im Soo Ri-ssi, can she please come tomorrow too?" Ki Seok begged as he looked up at Soo Ri with large puppy eyes.
"If that's what she wants, she's very welcome!"
"Yay!" Ki Seok exclaimed, "I'll see you tomorrow then!"
"See you tomorrow," Na Ri said and waved goodbye to Ki Seok with a big smile on her face.
Hello everyone!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Remember to stay warm and eat healthy and take care of yourself. Stay safe.
Also, don't forget to leave a comment down below.
Love, Annalise~