
In a small, dark studio apartment, at the third floor of a tall building, a woman were seated on her bed, her hands folded together in her lap. The apartment was almost empty, only furnished with the absolute necessities, but everything had a place and not even a single stray sock was scattered on the floor. 

With a slow movement, the woman extended her arm and gently pushed away her curtain, only to be blinded by the sun that had already risen from the horizon, now on full display in the sky.

Today was the day. Today was the beginning of her last year in University and the day was just waiting for her, ready to be seized.

The clock by her bed was ticking for every second that passed by and it was slowly driving her crazy.




But the woman's inner voice had soon overshadowed every other sound to be heard.

"Get up!" the woman told herself.

"Don't get up," the inner voice said.

"You have to get ready," the woman whispered.

"Please stay home, don't go outside," the inner voice pleaded.

"You can't stay here," the woman yelled, "GET UP!"

"STAY!" the inner voice responded, "outside is dangerous!"

Back and forth the woman argued with herself, while her heart rate was getting faster by the second and her breathing turned into short, fast heaves until it was almost impossible for her to function. The tears started streaming from her eyes, something that she had no control over. She grabbed her head and pulled her hair, screaming internally as she tried to drown out the inner voice. But the voice only got louder and it wouldn't leave her alone until she grabbed her pillow and buried her face as she screamed out of her lungs full capacity, totally and completely silencing the inner voice.

The woman slowly raised her head from the pillow, looking at the two wet circles her tears had left on it. Her body was shaking but her heart was slowly calming down and she focused all her energy on breathing in and breathing out.

"Now get up," the woman told herself again.

And then.

The woman got up.

Hello everyone!

I hope you enjoyed the beginning of this story.

There's so much more to come, get ready for a long journey with lots of ups and downs. But together we will get through and hopefully you will enjoy every step of the way.

Please leave a comment down below and let me know what you think!

Love, Annalise~

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