Chapter 16
"School musical"
It felt like stepping on needles everytime Na Ri took another step forward and in the end she was practically dragging her feet behind her, barely lifting them from the ground as she walked ahead. Maybe this week had just been a bit too eventful for her body to handle or maybe she just wasn't used to doing her part time job in the morning. But today she had to make an exception because she had already promised to go see Jungkook and Taehyung in their school musical tonight and she knew Min Ji was counting on her.
Na Ri took another step forward and let out a sigh of relief as she could finally catch a glimpse of her apartment building in the distance. She reached into her pocket and took out her phone to check the time. She still had quite a while until she would have to start getting ready and that meant she had enough time to take a nap.
A nap.
That word alone was enough to give her new strength and she could almost feel her soft pillow calling her from the distance. She could already hear Cat purring while sleeping next to her. The thoughts all felt so good to her.
Too good to be true.
"Na Ri-ya, there you are!" Na Ri's eyes widened to twice the size when she saw Min Ji who was now running directly towards her with the same big smile as always.
"Are you just coming home from work? You look a little tired, do you want to grab some food before we start?" Min Ji said, talking too fast for Na Ri to even comprehend what was happening.
"Well... I..." Na Ri stuttered, feeling a bit startled and confused. Min Ji looked at her with the same confusion and she moved a step closer as she said:
"Did you forget about our plans? That we would get ready for the musical together?"
"Well..." Na Ri said again, this time with an embarrassed look on her face, "I'm... I'm sorry..." she then continued, finding no other way out of this than with the truth.
"That's okay, I'm sure you've had a busy week with your mom coming over and all. We all forget sometimes," Min Ji said in a sweet and carefree tone, "but we don't have to get ready together. If you want, we can just meet up at school instead."
"No!" Na Ri said, her mind feeling a bit conflicted but at the same time very clear, "I'm just... a little tired... so... I might not be very fun to be with." Min Ji let out a lighthearted giggle and Na Ri looked up with a nervous face and pink cheeks.
"Don't worry, you just have to be yourself," Min Ji then said, "because you're always fun to be with in my opinion."
Na Ri looked at Min Ji with a somewhat relieved look in her eyes and Min Ji walked up to her, locked arms with her and held out her hand in gesture for Na Ri to show her to her apartment. And like that, without words spoken, the two girls walked together to Na Ri's front door which she quickly unlocked and slowly opened, making sure Cat wouldn't run out.
"HOW CUTE!!!!" Min Ji almost screamed when she saw the little cat sitting on the floor, looking up at her with it's big green eyes.
"Meow," Cat said and tilted it's head a bit to the left.
"WAHHHH I LOVE IT!" Min Ji screamed again and Na Ri stepped back a little while putting away her jacket.
"How long have you had a cat? What's it's name?" Min Ji started asking a bunch of questions while Na Ri reached out to take Min Ji's jacket before hanging it next to her own.
"Not that long. I found her outside my apartment building one day, so I took her in," Na Ri started explaining, trying to make it as short as possible, "her name is Cat."
Na Ri immediately heard a loud laughter from Min Ji, but she quickly retained herself when she saw Na Ri's embarrassed face.
"I'm sorry," Min Ji quickly apologized, "but did you say her name is 'Cat'? That's a very... overall name."
"I just... I couldn't think of anything... I'm not really... imaginative..."
"Well..." Min Ji said in a lighthearted tone, "I think the name 'Cat' suits her very well. I like it."
Na Ri looked at Min Ji with a faint smile on her lips and Min Ji smiled back before she said:
"Should we start getting ready?"
Na Ri thought it was way too early for them to start getting ready, but that was until Min Ji opened the enormous bag she had brought with her. She had brought a hair straighter, make-up, 10 different outfits and jewelries to go with them. Na Ri simply stared at all the things which was now scattered all over her bed and she felt like she might have a semi heart attack any minute, but Min Ji made sure there was no time for that. She kept her occupied with questions, asking for her opinion on all the different outfits.
"What are you wearing?" Min Ji asked after she had finally settled on one outfit. A black skirt with a pink shirt and a waist belt plastered with sequins so she shined brightly everytime she moved even an inch.
"This?" Na Ri said while gesturing towards the outfit she was wearing now.
"Oh... I see," Min Ji said and immediately noticed Na Ri's depressed look on her face, "no no don't get me wrong! You can wear whatever you want and you should only wear what you're comfortable in. But for me, I want to use the opportunities I have to dress up. It's not that often I have the opportunity so when it's there, I want to take advantage of it. Don't you ever feel the same way?"
"I... don't know..." Na Ri said a little nervous, "I never had an opportunity before... or maybe... maybe I didn't look at it as an opportunity... I don't know." Na Ri started feeling more nervous as her thoughts went on a long run and Min Ji noticed how her hands began shaking and her breathing became faster.
"Woah there's no need to stress, here sit down for a minute!" Min Ji hurried and helped Na Ri to sit down on one of the few empty spots on the bed, "let me get you something to drink, you haven't had anything since you came back from work." Na Ri just stayed on the bed like an obedient little child and waited for Min Ji to return with a glass of water. After Na Ri had finished drinking it, Min Ji put away the glass and sat down next to Na Ri.
"Feel any better?" Na Ri just replied with a nod, "you don't have to be so nervous about tonight. But if you want to do a little extra I can help pick out some clothes. What do you think?" Again, Na Ri simply nodded and Min Ji quickly got up and extended her hand to Na Ri.
"Alright then, show me to your wardrobe."
Min Ji spent a long time looking through all of Na Ri's clothes even though most of it was pretty much the same. It was long pants and hoodies and others shirts, most of it black or grey or other dark colors. It took a while until Min Ji had searched to the back of the closet and looked at all the clothes she simply dropped on the floor in the process. She kept apologizing to Na Ri, promising she would clean it up afterwards but Na Ri's head was filled with so many thoughts she didn't have room to worry about this as well.
"How about this?" Min Ji said and started putting together some of the clothes, "you don't have many dresses and they're all black but that's okay. We don't want you to show up looking like someone else. You have to stay true to yourself. So if we take this... and this... and then with a pair of shoes... yes!" Na Ri looked at the outfit that was neatly displayed on her bed in between all the mess. A very basic black dress reaching down to her knees, a pair of stocking, important on these cold evenings, and a pair of black boots with a bit of a heel on them.
"Then you can match it with the brown coat I saw was hanging in your hallway," Min Ji said and looked at Na Ri with a smile, "but only if you feel comfortable in it."
"I... don't know..." Na Ri said and looked at the clothes again, "Dresses don't suit me... And I'm too tall to wear heels. I'll look weird."
"Just because you're tall you can't wear heels? That's nonsense!" Min Ji said, "besides, tall girls look good. Why do you think models are always tall?" Na Ri looked at Min Ji who so eagerly tried to encourage her.
"I don't... like to stand out."
"Oh..." Min Ji then said, "so that's the real problem? Then I understand better." Na Ri looked at the ground, not knowing how to respond.
"You should do what you're most comfortable with, but I think you deserve to shine a bit too sometimes. Don't you think?" Na Ri looked into Min Ji's eyes and suddenly felt a million times calmer. She then turned her eyes to the outfit again and let out a sigh.
"Maybe I should just... try it on..."
"Yes! Yes you can just try it on then it'll be easier to make a decision!"
Na Ri picked up the clothes, then walked to the bathroom and quickly changed into it. For a while she just stayed inside and looked at her reflection in the mirror. It had been a while since she wore a dress. She couldn't really make up her mind about it.
Who was the girl in the mirror?
Was it still her?
Had she changed into someone new?
What was happening these days?
Who was she?
Who was Song Na Ri?
"Hey, is everything okay in there?" Min Ji asked and knocked on the door very lightly but in the same second, Na Ri came rushing out, wearing the same clothes as before and holding the black dress in her hand.
"I can't! I can't! I can't do it!" Na Ri said over and over and over again as she walked around in her bedroom, still holding the dress in her hand.
"Wait, Na Ri-ya, slow down!" Min Ji said and tried to catch up with Na Ri's fast pace, "take a deep breath. Here give me the dress." Min Ji quickly snatched away the dress and threw it on the ground.
"I... can't! It's not me... I don't know... what's happening to me... I can't recognize myself anymore..."
"Calm down, let's just talk about this," Min Ji said and took Na Ri's hand but she quickly pulled away. Min Ji stayed in her spot and decided to give Na Ri some space for now, simply waiting for her to calm down a little before she continued and said:
"I'm sorry... I was pushing you too much. I just wanted you to see how beautiful you are." Na Ri looked at Min Ji and saw her saddened expression.
"You always hide away in these hoodies and you hunch wherever you go. I just wanted you to straighten your back tonight and show everyone how beautiful you are, on the inside and on the outside." Na Ri just looked at Min Ji while trying to find the words, but her mind was completely blank.
"But we don't have to do this today, just wear the clothes you're wearing now. I want you to enjoy this night and if you can't do that in a dress then you shouldn't wear one."
"Thank... you..." Na Ri said and looked at the ground.
"You're welcome," Min Ji said and sent her a smile, "I'm going to put on some make-up now. Can I use the bathroom?" Na Ri quickly nodded and Min Ji grabbed her make-up bag and went to the bathroom.
Min Ji stood in front of the mirror and looked carefully while she applied her lipstick, trying not to mess it up. Then, just as she was done, she noticed the silhouette of someone in the mirror and turned around to find Na Ri standing in front of her, wearing the same dress she had discarded just a minute ago.
"The make-up..." Na Ri said and interrupted Min Ji before she could speak, "can I borrow some of it?" Min Ji looked like a ghost while she stared at Na Ri, but before long, her usual kind facial expression returned and she looked at Na Ri with a smile.
"Of course," Min Ji then said, "do you want me to put it on you?"
"If it's not... too much trouble for you..." Na Ri said a bit nervous, "I would like that..."
"It's no trouble at all, I'm already done."
Min Ji carefully started applying the make-up while Na Ri just tried to stay as still as possible, but it was hard because it felt ticklish everytime the make-up broom touched her face. But Min Ji didn't seem to feel troubled by it at all, she just gently applied the make-up and kept asking Na Ri for her opinion, but Na Ri just said she trusted Min Ji's opinion.
"You know, these days make-up has become very controversial," Min Ji started while she continued working, "people say you're fake if you wear make-up. But that's because they don't understand how to use it. You shouldn't use it to cover yourself up or to hide away yourself. First of all you should learn to love yourself and then you can use the make-up to highlight your favorite features. Use it in a way that makes you feel beautiful. So that everytime you walk past a mirror and look at yourself you can do it confidently."
"What are your favorite features on yourself?" Na Ri then asked and Min Ji stayed quiet for a while.
"On my face I'd say my lips, that's why I like to wear lipstick or lip gloss," Min Ji started explaining, "but overall I really like my hands. That's why I love wearing nail polish. I always feel really pretty whenever I match my nail polish to my outfit." Na Ri let out a slight chuckle and Min Ji almost hit her in the eye with the mascara when she moved.
"Stay still," Min Ji said, acting fake annoyed.
"Sorry," Na Ri said, "but I did notice you always match your nail polish to your outfit. It must be a lot of work."
"That's okay, I enjoy it. Maybe one day we can paint our nails together. I always wanted a girlfriend I could do such things with!" Min Ji said and got all excited, but she quickly returned back to earth, "but... maybe you don't like girly things like that."
"I'm sorry... for being a boring girlfriend..." Na Ri said in a low voice.
"You're not a boring girlfriend! I'm so happy I became you friend, I was never very good around girls. They always found me quite annoying. You're the first close girlfriend I've had." Na Ri looked at Min Ji who had stopped applying makeup and just looked at her with a smile.
"Me too..." Na Ri said and felt a little shy. Min Ji couldn't help but giggle and then quickly changed the subject and said:
"All done, take a look." Na Ri looked in the mirror and widened her eyes at the sight.
"I worked mostly around your eyes, you really have beautiful eyes but you tend to hide behind your glasses. Now not even your glasses can hide away your beautiful eyes."
"It's... don't you think... it's not too much?" Na Ri said and looked a bit nervous at her reflection, "people will think... I look weird."
"No they won't!" Min Ji said firmly, "and if they stare at you it's only because you're beautiful. Now are you ready to go, we have to leave soon if we want to make it in time." Na Ri just nodded while her eyes stayed focused on her reflection.
Was Min Ji right? Did she look... Beautiful?
"Are you coming?" Min Ji called from the hallway.
"I'm coming," Na Ri said and grabbed her shoes and went to the hallway. She looked around her apartment which was still a huge mess. Min Ji had already put most of her clothes back in the closet, but the rest of the place still looked like the Destruction of Jerusalem.
"Meow!" Cat said loudly while looking up at the two girls.
"Aww! Goodbye Cat," Min Ji said and petted the little cat. Na Ri also crouched down and gently petted the cat over it's soft fur. She looked at her apartment again and just sighed. The mess would just have to wait.
Both girls walked out of the apartment and Min Ji patiently waited next to Na Ri while she made sure the door was probably locked. Afterwards she started double checking she didn't forget anything. She had her wallet. Her phone. Her powerbank. Her hand sanitizer. Her-
"Professor Kim." Na Ri almost had a heart attack when she heard Min Ji's surprised voice speak those words and when Na Ri turned around her worst fear became a realization.
"Good evening, you look like you're going out tonight," Namjoon said and tried to look at Min Ji but his eyes kept turning towards Na Ri who wished she could crawl into a big hole someone far away.
"Yes, we're going to watch a musical some of our friends from the Department of Performing Arts are in," Min Ji said.
"That sounds like a fun Saturday evening," Namjoon said, but then turned more serious and continued, "Song Na Ri-ssi. I didn't get to tell you before now, but I'm sorry if I said something unnecessary that day at the restaurant." Na Ri looked up in surprise and felt her throat close in, making it almost impossible to reply in words.
"No... it's fine..." Na Ri simply said and looked away. Namjoon let out a sigh and then decided to end their awkward conversation.
"Well you both look nice, I hope you'll have a great evening," Namjoon said and opened the door to his apartment, but before he closed it, he one last time locked eyes with Na Ri.
"Thank you, see you Monday!" Min Ji said just as he closed the door and disappeared inside his apartment.
The two girls walked in silence across the external gallery and into the elevator. Only then, after the elevator door had shut in and they were all alone, did Min Ji turn around and look at Na Ri with a smirk on her face.
"You sure kept that hidden for quite some time," Min Ji said and Na Ri just gave her a confused look.
"Your next door neighbor is our Professor. Our young... kind and very handsome Professor."
"So what?" Na Ri asked but when she quickly diverted her eyes, Min Ji knew she was hiding something.
"You know, when Professor Kim said we looked nice, he only looked at you." Na Ri quickly turned her face and glared at Min Ji who just continued saying;
"What, it's the truth! And your cheeks turned red like a tomato when you saw him."
"You're crazy," Na Ri said and walked out as the elevator door opened, "I was just surprised to see him. Nothing is going on!" Na Ri's voice was slowly getting more high pitched and Min Ji could tell she had to back off before she got really angry.
"I'm sorry, I was just teasing you a bit," Min Ji apologized, "but for some more serious advice... Be careful! There might be nothing going on between you two, but if other people find out you live next to each other, they could start spreading rumors."
"I know..." Na Ri just replied, "that's why I didn't want anyone to know."
"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. And I won't tease you anymore either."
"Thank you," Na Ri said and sent Min Ji a faint smile. Min Ji looked at Na Ri for a while and then said:
"You know, even with all the makeup in the world and the most beautiful dresses, nothing makes a girl more beautiful than a smile. The same applies to you." Na Ri's smile quickly disappeared and she just looked at the ground feeling shy.
"I'm sorry, I say such cheesy things all the time," Min Ji said and nervously laughed at herself, "come on, let's just go."
The school theater was filled to the max with students from all the different departments and Min Ji thanked herself for asking Jungkook to save them some seats. He didn't have to get them seats in the front row though, but now that he did, Min Ji wasn't going to complain.
Na Ri just hurried to their seats and sat down, trying to block out all the noise and all the people around her. But then the light dimmed down and everyone became quiet.
Na Ri's heart was pounding as she watched the musical, but not in the way it usually did. It was more like dancing in her chest, eager to see what would happen next and drawn in by the lively performance.
Min Ji too was thrilled to see Jungkook and Taehyung on stage. They looked so professional, nothing like the two dorks she knew personally. Taehyung played the main lead who was in love with a girl he couldn't have. Jungkook played a supporting character but he had a story as well and it was beautifully displayed through song and dancing. Min Ji remembered the days they spend together as kids and how emerged he was in dancing and singing. His voice had grown so much since then, he really had the voice of an angel, one that would soothe you and console you when you're feeling blue. She made sure to clap even louder after his big scene was over.
But even after being captivated by Jungkook's performance, Min Ji couldn't help but get drawn in by Taehyung. He performed with such passion, such seriousness that she could barely even recognize him. That was how it always felt when she saw him preform. Since the first time she saw him on stage, she had viewed him in a different light. He might goof around, he might act lazy at times and say something stupid once in a while. But on stage he was in his right element. With a voice deep like the ocean, he drew everyone in, even those in the back seats furthest away from the stage would feel captivated by him. He moved so effortlessly across the floor, you wouldn't even notice his feet moving.
The scene was coming to an end. It was a passionate scene between Taehyung and the girl lead. They sang so beautifully together, perfectly completing each other's lines and harmonizing with each other.
And then it happened. The final conclusion. The girl and the boy get each other and they meet in a heartfelt true love's kiss. It was truly the end of the show.
And it was also truly the end of Min Ji.
Hello everyone!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Remember to stay warm and eat healthy and take care of yourself. Stay safe.
Also, don't forget to leave a comment down below.
Love, Annalise~