Chapter 8

"A midsummer night's dream"

It was pitch black in the small studio apartment as Na Ri laid in bed while staring at the ceiling. Her eyes had gotten used the dark a long time ago since it was hours since she woke up. She kept staring at her alarm clock which stood next to her bed. It was 6 AM and she had hours until she was supposed to get up, but she knew herself well enough to know that she wouldn't be able to fall back asleep again. Now she was just waiting for the sun to begin rising. Then she allow herself to get up and begin her day.

Next to her stiff body, her cat was all curled up against her while it purred happily in its sleep. She didn't even notice how she kept stroking it back and forth, just like she did every night and every morning. It calmed her down in some way. And calm was what she needed to be right now.

Her head had been spinning all night and even after she got into bed, she couldn't fall asleep. The flashbacks of her evening and night in Namjoon's apartment came back to haunt her every waking minute and their conversations were on replay in her head.

Then, when she finally found herself drifting off to dreamland, it didn't take long before she was woken up by a loud and disturbing sound. It took her awhile to understand the source of the sound, until she realized it was coming from the apartment next door where she could hear Namjoon coughing again and again.

In the beginning he only coughed a few times over an hour, but as time went by, his coughing intensified and Na Ri now found herself unable to fall back asleep, not only because of her haunting thoughts, but also her worry for her dear neighbor and professor.

Did she cause him to catch a cold?

Would he be alright on his own?

What if he had a fever too?

No matter what she did to stop herself from thinking those thoughts, they kept coming back to her and in the end, she laid worrying until early morning.

She tilted her head a bit and looked at the cat who was sound asleep next to her with a smile on it's face. Some people say cats can't smile, but Na Ri didn't agree with that.

Na Ri suddenly drew back her face when she felt a sharp ray of sun hit her in the eye and she felt a weird sense of relief when she realized she was now able to get out of bed and do something to distract herself from all her worries.

She took out her calendar and turned the pages to Saturday, but only to be hit by the realization that today wouldn't be a very easy day. She was going to the University dorm to work on the Shakespeare project with her group and just the thoughts of it made her insides twist and turn.


Na Ri looked down on the floor where the cat stood staring up at her. It seemed like her cat was a morning person too. Or maybe it was just hungry. At least it seemed to get very eager when it saw Na Ri walk to it's food bowl and she happily filled it to the max.

Na Ri then heard Namjoon coughing again and she sighed to herself, feeling her conscience bugging her. She then looked at her alarm clock again. She had several hours until she was meeting the group, so without anymore pointless worry, she went into action.


 Namjoon slowly opened his eyes, only to be woken up entirely when he coughed loudly two times in a row and then reached for his chest which was hurting after coughing all night long. He needed something to drink, but his body felt weak and he got tired just by the thought of standing up. So he just allowed himself to fall asleep again, as his body was screaming for rest.

The next time he woke up, his throat felt dangerously sore and dry so this time he forced himself to get up and get something to drink.

Just before getting up he looked at his phone and was shocked when he saw what time it was. It was 10.30 AM, he hadn't sleep in that long since he was a teenager, it must've meant his body needed the rest.

After pushing his body beyond it's limits and using all his energy to get to the kitchen, he reached out and took a water bottle from the fridge which he emptied in less than a minute. It didn't seem to help his sore throat though and he was also craving food, his stomach growling in pain, not being the slightest bit satisfied by only getting water.

Opening up the fridge again, Namjoon looked around and didn't find anything which would satisfy his hunger. Whatever he looked at made him feel nauseous and he ended up simply closing the fridge again, about to walk back into bed.

But just then, he heard the sound of his doorbell and wondered who'd be ringing his bell this Saturday morning. He wasn't expecting anyone and he wouldn't imagine his mom coming to visit him again so soon.

Dragging his almost lifeless body to the door, he unlocked it and opened it only to be confused when there was no one outside. He was just about to close it again, thinking it must've been some kids playing around, when he suddenly noticed something on his doormat.

It was wooden food tray with a dish of food and something that looked like a pack of medication. It took the rest of his energy to carry the tray inside and all the way to his bed, but when he reached there and took the lid of the dish he was thrown back by the lovely smell. He just felt relieved to find some food that didn't making him feel like he wanted to throw up, and before even wondering who would've sent the food, he devoured everything and then leaned back in his bed, already feeling his energy return.

That was when he took notice of the little post-it stuck to the side of the dish and he reached out and read the words which were so neatly written.

I'm sorry if I caused you to catch a cold. I hope the medicine will help. I'm not a very good cook so I went out to by some food I know is good when you have a cold. Get better soon.

- Song Na Ri

With a smile on his face, Namjoon put down the post-it and then took the medication that was on the tray as well. He wanted to thank her but he didn't have her number and he didn't think it was a good idea to meet her in person right now, in case she would get infected as well. So reminding himself to thank her the next time he saw her, Namjoon laid down on his bed again and closed his eyes to yet again drift away into dreamland.


Na Ri walked around in the huge dorm while continuously shifting her eyes from the numbers on the doors to the numbers of the piece of paper she was holding. At this point she had been walking around for a long time and when she reached the number '23' for the third time, she became certain that she was walking in circles. 

She came to a halt and looked around, only to feel even more lost, and she cursed herself for spending so much time figuring out what to wear. As a person who usually just put on the first thing she picked out from her dresser, it surprised her when she suddenly felt insecure this morning about what to wear. But in the end she still put on something neutral, a pair of comfortable pants and a pullover with a simple t-shirt under, something practical since she also had to go to work after this.

Na Ri let out a sigh when she realized this meant she would have to ask for directions, but in the same minutes, her prayers were heard as she took notice of a floor map on the wall just a few meters away. She quickly located the dorm room she was looking for and then walked with firm steps towards it. When she reached it she knocked on the door two times and then stood up straight while waiting for the door to be opened.

"Oh Na Ri-ssi!" Jungkook said and looked surprised when he opened the door. He quickly looked at his watch and then continued: "you're early."

Na Ri felt her heartbeat increase and she took a look at the time as well, only to be confused when she saw the number 12.30 PM.

"I... I thought we were supposed to meet at noon," Na Ri said and wondered if she had misunderstood something.

"Oh well that's true," Jungkook said and sent her a smile, "I guess we just didn't think you would be this punctual. But please do come in." Na Ri did a quick bow and then walked inside the small and quite messy dorm room.

"I'm sorry for the mess," Jungkook then said and started cleaning up the worst, "Taehyung-a is taking a bath right now, but he went in a long time ago so he should be done soon. Oh and Min Ji-ya just messaged me that she'll be here soon." Na Ri didn't reply but just stood in the middle of the room as a statue, trying to calm down her racing heart while she tried to figure out what to do of herself. Just then there was another knock on the door and while saying "oh that's probably Min Ji-ya" Jungkook went to open the door.

"Oh Na Ri-ya you're already here!" Min Ji said with a big flashing smile when she walked inside and Na Ri felt her heart calm down a little bit, "it's good you were able to make it today." Na Ri just replied with a single nod and Min Ji then walked further inside and put down her bag.

"Where's Taehyung-a?" she asked after looking around a bit confused.

"Someone asking for me?" Taehyung said as he came out from the bathroom in sweatpants, a hoodie and a towel wrapped around his neck. His hair was still wet and small drops were slowly sliding down his forehead.

Na Ri suddenly felt a bit awkward looking at Taehyung and instead shifted her eyes to Min Ji, but she was surprised when she saw how flushed red Min Ji's cheeks were.

"I see that everyone is already here," Taehyung said before throwing the towel on the radiator, "it seems like we have some punctual group members."

"Well some of us have to be since we aren't expecting too much from you," Min Ji said before sitting down on the floor and starting to take out her books and papers.

"As feisty as ever, I see," Taehyung just replied.

After the group all sat down on the ground, the planning finally started and Na Ri diligently wrote down everything they said, just as a secretary during an important meeting.

"I'm bored, let's play a game!" Taehyung suddenly said and Na Ri looked at him in utter shock.

"Taehyung-a, pull yourself together a little bit," Min Ji said while giving him the look.

"But we've been working really hard and it's weekend!" Taehyung complained.

"We might've worked hard," Jungkook added, "but we haven't even figured out what play we want to perform."

"Fine!" Taehyung exclaimed, "we can figure that out but then I want to take a break." Even though Na Ri felt a slight annoyance about Taehyung's lack of stamina she managed to keep her cool and just focused on taking notes.

"Na Ri-ya." Na Ri was surprised to suddenly hear her name, having hoped she would be able to stay as passive as possible in this group project.

"Y...yes.." Na Ri said and looked at Min Ji.

"What play do you think we should pick?" Min Ji asked and all eyes turned to Na Ri. She already had a play in mind but she just couldn't seem to get the words out.

"It doesn't seem like she has any idea either," Taehyung said as he was getting impatient, "let's just pick Romeo and Juliet." 

Just hearing the name of that play made Na Ri let out a huge sigh, one that quickly caught Min Ji's attention.

"I don't think Na Ri wants to do that play," she said and Na Ri looked up in surprised, wondering if Min Ji was indeed able to read her thoughts.

"Well does our passive group member have a better idea then?" Taehyung said in a spiteful tone and Na Ri was starting to get tired of his impatient behavior.

"I do!" Na Ri almost yelled and scared the crap out of Taehyung and herself as well, "just... give me a second. Please." Taehyung looked at Na Ri and felt like it was the first time he had really looked at her. When he saw those eyes filled with struggles and worries he suddenly felt his conscience torment him.

"I'm sorry... I guess I'm a little tired today," he said and looked at Na Ri, "please tell us what you have in mind. I wont rush you again."

The dorm room got dead silent as everyone just waited for Na Ri to collect her thought so she was able to finally put her words together in a sentence.

"What about... a midsummer night's dream?"

The room was again silent and Na Ri wondered if she had chosen something stupid, but when she looked at Min Ji she just had a big smile plastered on her face.

"That's a great idea! I love that play. I don't know why I hadn't thought of that one," Min Ji said and noticed how a little smile of relief showed up on Na Ri's face.

"Alright I know I've heard the name before," Taehyung said, "but I can't remember what it's about."

"The same applies to me," Jungkook added.

"Do you want to explain?" Min Ji asked Na Ri but she quickly gestured for her to go ahead and explain. Just the thought of how many words she'd have to put into sentences to explain that play was making her tired.

"Alright so," Min Ji started after clearing her throat, "It's a comedy that takes place on the night before the wedding of the duke of Athens, Theseus and the Amazon queen, Hippolyta. We have the two lovers Hermia and Lysander hiding in the forest because Hermia is being forced to marry Demetrius. Then we have Helena who's in love with Demetrius, so to win his favor, she tells him about Hermia and Lysander and they both go look for them in the forest. But in the forest we have a lot of fairies, also there to attend the wedding, and in attempt to help the two couples by using a love potion to make Demetrius fall in love with Helena, they unfortunately just mess up everything instead. With this mistakes follows a lot of comical scenes, but eventually, the fairy king turns everything back to normal and it all works out one way or another."

"Okay that was a lot of information right there," Taehyung said while rubbing his temples.

"I know and I'm not really the best to explain this," Min Ji said and nervously rubbed her neck, "but since half our group doesn't know the play, why don't we find the script and read it together?"

"That sounds like a good idea," Jungkook said and took out his phone, already in the middle of searching for the script.

"It sounds like a lot of work," Taehyung said but he felt cold sweat down his spine when did received a deadly glare from Na Ri.

"Okay then what about we do this?" Min Ji said when she noticed the Cold War that was about to break out, "we can order a pizza and then read the script while eating."

"That's an amazing idea!" Taehyung said and used his phone's speed dial to call up the nearby pizzeria.

"He has the pizzeria on speed dial?" Min Ji whispered to Jungkook.

"Let's just say we have pizza quite often," Jungkook whispered back.

After the pizza arrived and everyone happily ate their share while reading the script together, Taehyung finally got his way and convinced everyone to take a break. Even Na Ri was okay with it since she was tired from all the reading. She leaned back against the wall and looked at the time.

"When do you have to be at work?" Min Ji said and it took a little while until Na Ri realized it was her she was asking.

"I... in two hours," Na Ri replied.

"Where do you work?" Taehyung asked, curious as he was.

"At a library..." Na Ri said and then added, "I clean there."

"That must be hard work," Min Ji said.

"It's okay."

"Can I ask you something?" Jungkook suddenly said and Na Ri nodded her head even though she wished they would all just change the subject, "why don't you live in the dorm? I bet it would be cheaper for you than living in an apartment." Everyone turned silent and just looked at Na Ri, feeling equally curious to hear her reply, all the while, Na Ri was searching for the shortest sentence she could use to reply to his question.

"I like to have... privacy," was all she could come up with but luckily, Jungkook seemed to be satisfied with that answer and they all moved on to talk about something else.

Sitting in the middle of the dorm room, listening to the three students chat with each other, Na Ri found it clear that they were more than just fellow classmates. They were friends, close friends at that, and she was sure they'd been friends for a while. Even though they atmosphere was lovely, Na Ri felt like a knife was being stabbed into her chest everytime she heard the laughter from the three of them.

"I'm really happy we can all be in a group together," Min Ji then suddenly said, "I just hope we aren't shutting you out Na Ri-ya."

"" Na Ri said.

"We're quite close so just say it if we're being annoying," Min Ji added.

"How did you become friends?" Na Ri asked and the group was surprised that she suddenly asked such a personal question, but Min Ji was only happy to see Na Ri finally open up a bit.

"Well... Jungkook-a and I are both from Busan so we practically grew up together. I still remember the day we both got our acceptance letter from Korea University. I was so happy we would be able to both move to Seoul together even if we weren't going to be in the same department."

"I felt the same," Jungkook said, "moving far away from home to go to University felt a bit scary at the time, so having someone you knew by your side made it a lot easier."

"-And I'm the outsider," Taehyung then said.

"No you are not!" Min Ji said, "stop whining just because you don't have a long history with us."

"Okay okay," Taehyung said and laughed, "well I got to know Jungkook-a back in freshman year when we became roommates. It didn't take long to become close and soon after he introduced me to Min Ji-ya."

"And then this year the boys told me they could choose to take the Shakespeare course as a selective class, so we decided that they'd sign up for it so we'd at least have one class together in our last year."

"That's nice," Na Ri said and smiled even though her heart was full of envy.

"What about you?" Min Ji said, "did you come to Seoul all by yourself?" Na Ri just gave a quick nod and Min Ji followed up with a: "it must've been tough."

"I don't know," Na Ri said and started rubbing her hands together nervously, "I focus a lot on studies so I don't have time for friends."

"Studies should never take up so much of your time. When will you be able to recharge if all you do is study and work?" Jungkook said and Na Ri looked at him.

"I... I don't know," she said and started feeling slightly comfortable, "I... have to go now. I have to go to work!" Na Ri quickly got up and started gathering her things before anyone could even finish a single thought.

"Goodbye!" Na Ri said.

"Wait!" Min Ji yelled and got up as well, "I'll walk you to the station. I want to say a proper goodbye to you. I'll see you guys later, okay?"

"Sure," they both said in unison.

The two girls walked next to each other in a slow pace towards the station, enjoying the fresh evening breeze that wasn't too brutal or harsh.

"I hope we didn't scare you away today," Min Ji then said after a while of silence, "the boys can get a little curious. In facts so can I. Well to tell the truth I've been curious about you for a while now."

"Me?" Na Ri asked and was surprised anyone even noticed her in school.

"Yes you. The top student of our department who acts like she wants to stay invisible," Min Ji said in a calm tone, "I know it might not seem that way, but I think we have more in common than you think."

"I... I don't know..." Na Ri said, not knowing what to do of herself.

"Na Ri-ya?"


"Can I have your number?"

"My number?" Na Ri said and felt her heart almost stop for a second.

"Yes it's just... more practical that way," Min Ji said, "well that's actually just an excuse. I really just want your number because I want us to be friends. I hope I'm not being to pushy."

"No it's... it's okay..." Na Ri said and started rustling in her bag to find her phone.

"Here," Na Ri said and handed the phone to Min Ji so she could type in her number.

"There you go," Min Ji said after giving it back, "don't worry, I won't spam you with texts. But I hope it would be alright to message you once in a while."

"That's... okay," Na Ri said and put her phone back in her pocket.

"Well... seems like we reached the station," Min Ji said, "I hope work isn't too tough and you can go home soon and get some rest."

"Thank you," Na Ri said.

"You know... Jungkook and Taehyung-a are amazing friends. But I've missed having a girl around. I really hope we can be good friends." Na Ri didn't really know how to reply to Min Ji but just tried to send her a smile while giving her a nod.

"Then... goodbye," Min Ji said and waved her hand at Na Ri.

"Bye," Na Ri said and got on the train.

There weren't many people on the train this Saturday evening and Na Ri was lucky to find an empty seat where she plopped down herself and just leaned her back against the train's wall. She took in a deep breath and then exhaled slowly. She did that same thing a few times and stretched out her tired legs and arms before looking at her phone.

"Min Ji 💘"

She was fifth contact in her phone, next after her mom, her dad, her brother and her boss. She never expected to have a fellow classmate's number in her phone's contact and she honestly didn't know how she felt about it yet. All she knew was that she was completely drained from all energy and she almost couldn't imagine going to work at this point, but there was nothing to do about that. She just wished and hoped the future gatherings with the group wouldn't be as tiring as today or she wouldn't stand a chance getting through this.

But she couldn't do anything about it right now. All she could do was take one day at the time, one little thing at the time and cross her fingers that everything would work out in the end.

Hello everyone!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Remember to stay warm and eat healthy and take care of yourself. Stay safe.

Also, don't forget to leave a comment down below.

Love, Annalise~

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