Chapter 37
"Grow up"
"So, when are you coming back?" Min Ji asked over the phone, and Na Ri leaned back in the couch before replying.
"Soon," Na Ri said, "I just want a few more days to relax. I can't remember the last time I had time to breathe freely."
"It's good you're relaxing," Min Ji said, "you seem like a completely different person, much more carefree."
"I am not," Na Ri said, "I'm really stressed about how I will catch up after missing all the winter sessions. I'm counting on you to help me."
"Me?" Min Ji said and laughed, "I think you've misunderstood something. You're the genius, not me."
"I'm not genius," Na Ri said, "If I don't study I'll fail, just like everyone else."
"Okay, maybe that's true, but you'll be alright, You'll return to school with newfound energy after resting for a while," Min Ji said and quickly changed the topic, "so what did you do today?"
"Nothing much, just helped around the house," Na Ri answered, "went to the convenience store. The part timer who's working there is really sweet."
"Boy or girl?" Min Ji asked and Na Ri already knew where this was going.
"His name is Kang Taehyun," Na Ri replied.
"Ohhhhhh," Min Ji said, "sounds interesting!"
"He's a High Schooler," Na Ri said.
"So what," Min Ji said, "is he cute?"
"Who's cute?" Taehyung yelled in the background, "I hope you're talking about me."
"Why would we talk about you being cute?" Min Ji asked and Na Ri chuckled silently.
"Be careful or you'll make your boyfriend jealous," Na Ri said.
"Yeah, you're right," Min Ji said, "it's just too easy to tease him. Besides, he teases me too!"
"I do not!" Taehyung yelled from the background again.
"I think your boyfriend needs attention," Na Ri said and laughed again.
"He's like a puppy, he needs attention all the time," Min Ji said, "but you're right, I better hang up and spend some time with him. Will you call me tomorrow?"
"I will," Na Ri said, "wait!"
"What is it?" Min Ji asked.
"Did you... talk to Professor Kim?"
"I already told you I did," Min Ji said, "unless there's a new message you want me to convey on your behalf. I could tell him about the cute High Schooler you've been talking to?"
"No don't- I mean... why would you even say that?" Na Ri asked.
"I'm just teasing you," Min Ji said, "Professor Kim didn't mention you after I told him you're planning on coming back soon, but I'm sure he's looking forward to seeing you, just as much as you're looking forward to seeing him."
"Bye!" Before Na Ri could speak another word, Min Ji had already hung up and Na Ri looked at her phone while shaking her head.
It will be good to go back and see everyone again, Na Ri thought to herself, and she suddenly realized she hadn't told her mom about her plans yet. She didn't really want to, but out of fear that she'd call Namjoon again, Na Ri unlocked her phone and quickly typed in a message. She was just on her way to shut off her phone, when she noticed her dad's contact all the way at the bottom of her chats. She hadn't heard from him in a while, but then again, she hadn't tried to contact him either. And just like that, she opened the chat to her dad and wrote a short message.
Na Ri let out a sigh of relief as she looked at the message. It finally felt real, going back to school, going back to her friends. Back to everyone.
"Noona," Woo Jin called from the kitchen and Na Ri looked up, "can you help me?"
"Coming," Na Ri said and quickly got up from the couch. She still held her phone in her hand, but decided to lay it down on the dining table, so she had both her hands available when helping Woo Jin.
"I'm sorry it took so long," Na Ri said when she entered the kitchen and grabbed a cloth, ready to help with the dishes, "you shouldn't have started without me."
"No that's okay," Woo Jin said with a smile, "were you talking to your friend from University?"
"Yes," Na Ri said and couldn't hide the joy in her eyes.
"I'm glad you finally got in touch with your friends again," Woo Jin said while cleaning the last pot, "are you planning on going back soon?"
"Mm," Na Ri said with her eyes focused on drying the dishes.
"Don't be nervous," Woo Jin said and Na Ri looked at him in surprise, "I can tell when I look at you, but don't worry. Everything will turn out fine once you're back."
"Thanks," Na Ri said and put the pot back in it's designated cabinet.
"That was it," Woo Jin said and looked at the clean kitchen, "wanna watch TV before going to bed?"
"Sure," Na Ri said and they both headed for the living room, Na Ri walking in front.
When Na Ri took a step into the living room and Woo Jin passed the dining table, he suddenly heard something virabte and he looked to his right where Na Ri's phone was.
"Noona your phone," Woo Jin said and grabbed her phone to hand her, but as he did, the screen turned on and the unread text message became visible.
"Oh, I completely forgot about my phone," Na Ri said and walked towards her brother who was staring at the screen. Na Ri extended her hand, but Woo Jin stayed like he was frozen on the spot, still holding her phone tight in his hand.
"Woo Jin-a?" Na Ri said and Woo Jin looked up.
"Are you still getting messages from... dad?" Woo Jin said and Na Ri looked at him in confusion.
"Yes..." Na Ri said a little hesitant, "why?"
"Have you... Have you ever spoken on the phone with him?" Na Ri felt her heartbeat increase and she swallowed while looking at Woo Jin.
"No," Na Ri said and felt her voice shaking, "but... that's okay... I mean, dad is really busy... working in America and all that."
"Noona," Woo Jin said in a calm voice, "please stop."
"W... what?" Na Ri said while her eyes were plastered on Woo Jin.
"Dad isn't in America," Woo Jin said and Na Ri held her breath, "you must know that by now." It became completely silent between the two siblings standing on the doorstep to the living room.
"What are... what... no..." Na Ri stuttered and Woo Jin let out a sigh before putting Na Ri's phone down on the table.
"Seriously, do you still believe in mom's lies?" Woo Jin said firmly, "I thought you would've grown up by now."
"I don't understand..." Na Ri said and looked around anxiously, "please explain it to me so I can understand. If dad isn't in America anymore, then why didn't he tell me when we texted?"
"Noona, dad was never in America!" Woo Jin yelled out, his patience long gone, "and the one messaging you... it... isn't dad."
"What are you talking about?"
"The one you're receiving all these messages from isn't dad, it's... it's mom," Woo Jin said, "she's been filling you with lies all these years. I thought you'd be able to figure this out on your own when you grew up."
"But... Dad is... in America."
"Dad is in Korea!" Woo Jin yelled again, "he's living in Daejeon with his new family." Again it got completely silent while Na Ri just stared at Woo Jin with horror and confusion all over her face.
"You... you're lying," Na Ri whispered.
"What did you say?" Woo Jin asked, as it was hard to understand her when she spoke quietly like that.
"You're lying!" Na Ri then yelled out, "you're lying, what you're saying isn't true. You... you're just saying it to hurt me! You've always hated me! You were always so jealous of me because I got all of dad's attention!"
"Really, we're going there?" Woo Jin asked with a laugh, "sure I hated you and yes I was jealous. That's how I found out the truth."
"What do you mean?"
"After our dad left, I never heard anything from him, but you always got messages. Whenever you got a good score or aced a test, I was jealous," Woo Jin said, "so one day I took your phone and I tried calling the number from my own phone. When I did, I heard a phone ringing from inside our house and I followed the sound to mom's bedroom."
"I... I don't understand," Na Ri said while her head was spinning like crazy, "why... would mom do that? And... why didn't you tell me?"
"Because mom made me promise not to tell you," Woo Jin said, "she said it would make you so depressed you couldn't focus on your studies." Na Ri just stared at her brother, trying to comprehend what he was telling her, and whether or not she should believe him.
"It's always been about your studies..." Woo Jin said after a while, "I only kept my mouth shut because I was sure mom would tell you eventually, or you would figure it out on your own. I mean, did it never occur to you how strange it was that dad never called you or met up with you." Na Ri stayed quiet and looked at her feet, her facial expression too easy to read for Woo Jin.
"Why should I believe you?" Na Ri asked and looked up, "if what you're saying is true, then you lied to me for years. How do I know you're speaking the truth now?" Woo Jin sighed and walked past Na Ri.
"Wait here," Woo Jin said while walking upstairs. Na Ri just stayed in the same spot, unable to feel her legs, and her entire body was shaking. She stared at her phone and quickly grabbed it. She looked over the latest message from her dad, she looked over every message she ever sent to him. Her heart was racing, could it be?
"Here." Na Ri was startled when Woo Jin suddenly returned and handed her a piece of paper. "This is our dad's address. If you don't believe me, why don't you go and talk to him yourself?"
Hello everyone!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Remember to stay warm and eat healthy and take care of yourself. Stay safe.
Also, don't forget to leave a comment down below.
Love, Annalise~