Chapter 27
"A rumor"
Na Ri was standing with eyes wide open, feeling the sweet sensation of Namjoon's lips on hers, but Na Ri was in no place to enjoy or even just process what was happening at the moment.
Her insides were twisting and turning, her head was spinning and all she could think about was how to get away.
In a quick movement, Na Ri put both her hands in front of her chest and pushed as hard as she could so Namjoon almost fell backwards, but he managed to keep his balance.
Namjoon looked at Na Ri who had a frightened look on her face, her arms wrapped around her upper body as she breathed only faster and faster.
"Na Ri-ssi," Namjoon said and took a step towards her, but she only backed up, putting one hand in front, signaling for him to stay away.
As her body was going on high alert, Na Ri felt her legs getting weaker and she slowly squatted down on the ground, holding one hand in front of her mouth while the tears started soundlessly falling down her cheeks.
While Namjoon couldn't do anything but watch as Na Ri sat on the ground crying, and wishing he could take back his last action, he slowly took a step closer, still keeping a decent distance.
"Na Ri-ssi, I'm really sorry," Namjoon said, "I mean, I'm not sorry I kissed you, well I'm sorry that kissing you made you feel this way. I didn't realize it would hurt you." Na Ri looked up with a somewhat annoyed expression.
"You thought... I would be happy?" Na Ri asked, slowly getting back on her feet again, "you're... my teacher."
"I know, and I know it isn't optimal, but I won't be your teacher forever," Namjoon said, feeling like a lunatic while talking.
"I know..." Na Ri said and looked away.
"Is it maybe... because you aren't comfortable with physical contact?" Namjoon asked and made Na Ri's eyes shoot up.
"Why would you say that?" Na Ri asked, staring at Namjoon with a frightened expression.
"I know you struggle with some things, but it's okay. I want to help."
"I don't need your help! I don't need anything from you!" Na Ri yelled while her entire body started shaking, "just leave me alone."
"Okay!" Namjoon said when he saw Na Ri's panicked expression, "okay, I'm sorry, I won't say anymore. Let me just... walk you home." Na Ri glared at Namjoon in a suspicious way.
"I just don't want you to walk home all alone this late at night," Namjoon added, "I won't say anything, I'll just be like a shadow, making sure you get home safe." Na Ri looked at Namjoon for a while and then nodded her head.
"Fine," Na Ri said and started walking, Namjoon following right behind her in silence.
As they reached their building and took the elevator to their floor, Namjoon followed Na Ri until they were both standing in front of their apartment.
"Na Ri-ssi," Namjoon said while she struggled to find her key, "I'm sorry about tonight, I hope you can forgive me and we can just forget about all this." Na Ri grabbed her key and stuck it in the keyhole. Just before opening the door she turned her head and looked at Namjoon with an expressionless face, before she unlocked the door and disappeared inside.
"That's him," a student whispered, just loud enough that Namjoon could hear it.
"No way, I don't believe you," another student whispered, "it's just a stupid rumor."
"No no, a student saw him perform," the first student whispered again.
The last statement made Namjoon turn his face and when the two students noticed his curious glare, they quickly turned silent and walked away.
Not knowing what to make of the conversation he had been unintentionally listening in on, Namjoon shook it off and walked towards the auditorium to teach his class.
He was almost at the entrance when he saw the back of a tall girl with short black hair and he immediately felt his heart jump all the way up in his throat. He wanted to turn around and walk in the opposite direction, but he knew that wasn't an option. Instead he decided to put on his best smile and greet her just how he always did.
"Good morning, Song Na Ri-ssi," Namjoon said and Na Ri quickly turned around. She just looked at him with dark circles beneath her eyes and an empty expression.
"Good morning," Na Ri replied with no life in her voice.
"Look look, I told you something is going on," Namjoon heard a voice whisper.
"Do you really think Song Na Ri-ssi was at such an event?" Another voice whispered and in the same second, two students walked past Namjoon and Na Ri, entering the auditorium in front of them.
Namjoon looked at Na Ri who clearly heard everything as well.
What was going on?
Before Namjoon came to his senses, Na Ri also hurried inside and Namjoon decided to leave it be and focus on his class. That was until he entered the auditorium and heard the many silent whispered, which combined made for a loud disturbance. Everyone's eyes were either on Namjoon or Na Ri, as they all continued to whisper and talk even after Namjoon had reached his desk.
"Good morning," Namjoon said loud and clear, making all the students go silent and look up, "it's good to hear you're all speaking comfortably with each other, but let's try to focus our attention on today's lesson." Namjoon let his eyes fall on the students who either nodded their heads or just stayed quiet, and Namjoon then turned around, ready to start writing on the board when the noise from the speaker interrupted him.
"Professor Kim Namjoon, please respond to the principal's office."
Namjoon turned around to see 50 sets of curious eyes on him and he gulped, wondering what kind of thoughts they would have of a Professor being called to the principal's office in the middle of a class.
"Why don't you start out by reading the chapter for today and I will be right back," Namjoon said before leaving the auditorium.
When Namjoon reached the office, he placed two quick knocks on the door and he was immediately called inside. He still remembered Principal Choi as a kind man who was easy to talk to, but he hadn't spoken to him much since the first day he arrived.
Namjoon took a step forward, and the elderly man behind the large desk at the end of the room lifted his head and looked up over his glasses."
"Professor Kim," he said in his husky voice, "were you teaching a class?"
"I was, Principal Choi," Namjoon replied, standing in front of the desk.
"I'm sorry about that, but it was too important to wait," Principal Choi said, "please have a seat." Namjoon took a seat and looked at Professor Choi who had a serious expression on his face, one that made Namjoon feel even more nervous.
"I'm sure you've noticed something is going on around campus," Principal Choi said, leaning forward in his chair, "there's a rumor going around, and it's about you."
"Me?" Namjoon asked, already fearing the worst.
"Yes," Principal Choi said with a sigh, "apparently some people claim they saw you doing some kind of underground rap performance this weekend."
"Ah..." Namjoon said while nervously rubbing his neck, "that's actually true." The eyes of Principal Choi widened to twice the size, and Namjoon swallowed before he continued to explain the situation.
"When I was younger I used to write songs and perform them as a hobby with some of my friends, but when I started University it became harder to keep up with this hobby. I still performed once in a while until I reached the year of my master's degree and it all started to fade out."
"Okay," Principal Choi said while listening carefully.
"Then, this weekend, I met up with an old friend and he suggested we do a performance together."
"Okay," Principal Choi said again and interrupted Namjoon, "I think I understand the situation. Of course we can't decide what you do in your spare time, but please remember that whatever you do, affect this school's image."
"I understand, Principal Choi," Namjoon said, "I didn't think it through. I'll be more careful next time."
"I'm glad to hear that," Principal Choi said, but his face was still serious as he continued, "but that's not the end of the rumor."
"What do you mean?" Namjoon asked.
"Not only do they say they saw you at this performance, they also say they saw you together with your student, Song Na Ri-ssi." Namjoon swallowed hard as he stared at Principal Choi.
"Now, I don't want you to freak out, these kind of rumors happen all the time," Principal Choi said when saw the frightened look on Namjoon's face, "for now I want you to simply lay low, don't engage in any discussion with the students. Just be patient and the rumor will surely die out on its own."
"That... that all sounds very good, Principal Choi," Namjoon stuttered, "but the thing is... Song Na Ri-ssi, she... she's my next door neighbor. So the rumor isn't all wrong. Song Na Ri-ssi and I do know each other outside of school."
"Is that so?" Principal Choi asked, surprisingly calm, "then I understand everything better. Well, there's not really anything we can do about it, but try to be careful, because even if nothing is going on between you and Song Na Ri-ssi, people can quickly spread some rumors."
"I understand, Principal Choi," Namjoon said, "I will make sure to be careful."
"Look over there," a girl whispered, "she's the girl I told you about."
"Her? Isn't she the top student or something?"
"She is, it's weird I know, but people say it's definitely her."
"Wow, Professor Kim with a student, it's crazy."
Na Ri sat at a table in the cafeteria with Min Ji and Taehyung, eating her lunch while trying to block out all the voices and whispers.
"What's up with people today?" Taehyung said and shook his head, "didn't their parents teach them not to gossip?"
"They don't care," Min Ji answered, "are you okay, Na Ri-ya?" Na Ri looked up in surprise.
"Y... yes..." Na Ri replied and quickly diverted her eyes.
"Don't worry too much, it will calm down in a few days," Min Ji said with a reassuring smile.
"But Na Ri-ssi, those rumors going around," Taehyung said, "is it tru- OUCH!" Taehyung looked at Min Ji in anger who just elbowed him in the side.
"Just eat your lunch, Taehyung-a!" Min Ji said and rolled her eyes at him. In the same second, a shadow passed by the three friends and they all looked up, only to lower their heads just as quickly, except Na Ri.
"Jungkook-ssi," Na Ri said, making Min Ji and Taehyung wishing they could crawl down a hole somewhere.
"Na Ri-ssi, hello," Jungkook said, looking at only her, "people sure are talking a lot today, are you okay?" Na Ri nodded her head.
"Just so you know, I wasn't the one who told the whole school," Jungkook said sincerely.
"I know," Na Ri replied quickly, surprising Jungkook, but at the same time bringing a smile to his face.
"That's good to hear," he said with the same smile plastered to his face, "take care." Jungkook nodded his head at Na Ri and then moved on to an empty table with his plate of food.
"What was that about?" Taehyung asked, glancing at Jungkook for a second.
"Did you meet Jungkook this weekend?" Min Ji then asked.
"Yes," Na Ri replied, "shortly."
"Is he... still mad at me?" Min Ji then asked, lowering her head in shame.
"I don't know," Na Ri said and looked down at her plate while thinking, "he didn't... look angry... more like... he looked sad." Na Ri looked up when she didn't get any response for a while and she saw Min Ji and Taehyung with a dejected expression on their faces. Min Ji had her eyes on the plate in front of her and Taehyung glanced out in the cafeteria, not really looking at anyone or anything.
"I'm sorry!" Na Ri quickly said, "I didn't mean... to make you sad..."
"No it's okay," Min Ji said and looked up, "but I just wish everything could go back to the way it was."
"It doesn't work like that," Taehyung said.
"I know!" Min Ji answered, slightly annoyed. She was ready to give her counterattack to Taehyung, when she was interrupted by a sudden cough from Na Ri.
"Are you turning sick?" Min Ji asked, looking at Na Ri with a worried expression.
"I'm fine," Na Ri replied but soon after she started coughing again.
"It sounds like you're about to get sick," Min Ji said and added, "make sure to get a lot of rest tonight and stay warm."
"I have work... tonight..." Na Ri said, already fearing what Min Ji would say.
"Are you sure it's a good idea to go to work?" Min Ji asked.
"I have to," Na Ri just replied before coughing again, making both Taehyung and Min Ji eye Na Ri in worry.
Hello everyone!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Remember to stay warm and eat healthy and take care of yourself. Stay safe.
Also, don't forget to leave a comment down below.
Love, Annalise~