Chapter 23
"Another woman"
Na Ri yarned again while she continued doing the dishes, after her small and humble dinner. Her entire body was yearning for rest, she couldn't remember when she last had to go through a day as straining as this one, but sadly, her day wasn't over yet. Before she could finally curl up under her warm blanket and fall asleep next to Cat, she had a few hours of cleaning to look forward to.
So when she had finished cleaning up the kitchen, she went to put on her jacket and her winter boots. Then, just as she was about to leave her apartment, she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She reached for her phone and took a quick scan at the caller ID before answering the call.
"Hello," Na Ri said as she answered the call and stayed silent as she waited in anticipation, but all she heard were a few silent sniffles.
"Na Ri-ya," she heard Min Ji's hoarse voice speak over the phone, "Na Ri-ya..." she said again.
"Min Ji-ssi, what's wrong?" Na Ri said as her mind started imagining all kinds of scenarios that could've made Min Ji this upset.
"Jungkook-a... he..." Min Ji said while she tried her hardest to hold back the tears, but it was evident in her voice, she had been crying for while now.
"Where are you?" Na Ri asked when all she heard from Min Ji was the sniffles.
"Outside... the dorm..." Min Ji answered and Na Ri quickly opened her door and locked it with her right hand, still holding onto the phone with her left hand.
"I'll be right there," Na Ri said in a determined voice, "stay where you are."
"No!" Min Ji said but Na Ri kept walking towards the elevator, "it's already... late... just stay home."
"I'm coming," Na Ri said and Min Ji started arguing again, but Na Ri cut her off by saying; "I'm entering the elevator now so the signal will go away, I'll be there soon."
It was pitch black outside and many lamps around campus really needed to get the lightbulb changed, so Na Ri had a hard time finding her way. In the end she almost gave up and decided to call Min Ji, when suddenly, she heard a silent cry coming from not too far away.
Following the sound, she walked up to a bench where the silhouette of a person sat with her face buried in her hands, all the while she continued sobbing quietly.
"Min Ji-ssi..." Na Ri said when she looked at Min Ji and she slowly lifted her head.
"Na Ri-ya... you didn't have to come," Min Ji said and wiped away her tears. Na Ri let out a sigh and sat down next to Min Ji.
"I wanted to..." Na Ri replied and looked at Min Ji whose lips kept quivering, "tell me... what happened?"
Min Ji sat up and tried to explain the situation between her and Jungkook without breaking into tears again. Na Ri tried to keep eye contact, making sure Min Ji knew she was listening to everything she said.
"He was... I have never seen him... so angry," Min Ji said in between her sobs, "I don't know... I don't know what to do... I think... he hates me now." Min Ji broke down again and Na Ri watched as tears were streaming down her face.
It felt like a force tried to pull Na Ri towards Min Ji, but something else in her body kept rejecting it. Everything in her heart told her to embrace Min Ji, to let her feel she was there for her, but her body wouldn't let her. As soon as she moved even an inch closer, her heartbeat would increase and her throat closed off, making it impossible for her to breathe.
"I'm... sorry... Min Ji-ssi," Na Ri said and Min Ji looked up in confusion, her mascara running down her cheeks, making her resemble a drowned panda.
"Why... are you apologizing?" Min Ji asked as she continued crying silently.
"I'm not... good with physical contact..." Na Ri said and looked away in shame.
"That's not something you have to be sorry for!" Min Ji said in a serious voice, although it was still hoarse, "you being here with me is enough."
"Really?" Na Ri asked and looked at Min Ji who nodded, before she lowered her head again with a dejected look in her eyes.
"But... I really don't know what to do now..." Min Ji said with her hair covering most of her face. Na Ri looked at Min Ji and took in a deep breath before quietly scooching over on the bench. She carefully placed her hand on Min Ji's back and moved it up and down in a comforting way, making Min Ji look up in surprise. She watched Na Ri look away while her arm moved robotically on its own.
"It's okay..." Na Ri said, "things will work out... somehow." Min Ji couldn't help but smile and without any type of warning, she threw herself on Na Ri and gave her a quick, but tight hug.
"I'm sorry," Min Ji said as she quickly moved away again, "but I was just... too happy."
"It's... okay..." Na Ri said, although her body language spoke differently.
Just as the two girls sat in silence, trying to calm down after the way too serious talk they had, Min Ji felt her phone vibrate and when she took it out, she saw a text message from Taehyung which made her eyes widen.
"Na Ri-ya," Min Ji said as she nearly shoved the phone in her face. Na Ri quickly read the text and then looked at Min Ji, both of them certain they had the exact same thought, as they got up from the bench and ran towards the boys' dorm room.
They hadn't even reached their room before they could hear yelling, and they didn't even care to knock but simply barged inside, finding Taehyung hovering over Jungkook who was busy packing up a suitcase.
"I can't believe you're acting like this!" Taehyung yelled at Jungkook, "just how immature are you?"
"And that comes from you? The most immature person on the planet," Jungkook yelled back at Taehyung.
"Please stop this!" Min Ji then yelled out, grabbing the attention of both boys, Taehyung with a relieved look in his eyes, while Jungkook had a more surprised look in his.
"What are you doing here?" Jungkook yelled at Min Ji, "I don't even want to look at you right now."
"How dare you speak to her that way?" Taehyung yelled as he grabbed Jungkook by the collar.
"Yes go ahead, just hit me," Jungkook said, no fear visible in his eyes.
"No!" Min Ji then yelled, "Taehyung-a, let go of Jungkook-a. Violence isn't going to solve this!" Taehyung did as Min Ji said and let go of Jungkook.
"Such a loyal boyfriend you have," Jungkook said in a mocking tone while looking at Min Ji.
"Can't you just let this go?" Taehyung asked, "how are we supposed to be in the same room together when you're like this?"
"Well that it's, we can't be in the same room together," Jungkook answered calmly, "so instead I'll leave."
"Leave?" Min Ji asked and Jungkook looked at her.
"I'm staying in another classmate's room for the time being," Jungkook said and then shifted his look to Na Ri before continuing, "and I think I'll have to stay out of our group project as well."
"But... we can't just put the project on hold," Na Ri said in worried voice, to which Jungkook simply shrugged his shoulders before grabbing the suitcase.
"That's your problem, but don't expect to see me anytime soon," Jungkook said and walked towards the door, "goodbye." And with those words Jungkook slammed the door behind him as he left all three in the dorm room.
Taehyung, Min Ji and Na Ri spoke for a while before they decided to part ways as it was getting late. Well in all honesty it was mostly Taehyung talking, Min Ji crying and Na Ri sitting in awkward silence while she patted Min Ji on her back once in a while.
As she walked away from the dorm, she looked at the time on her phone and immediately felt her mood drop even more. If she went straight home she would maybe be able to get just a few hours of sleep, but she still hadn't been to work. So with the tiny bit of energy she had left in her body, she dragged herself to the library and cleaned like a maniac until she nearly dropped dead right there on the floor.
As she sat with her back against the window, she took out her phone. She wouldn't be able sleep for even 5 minutes if she were to make it to University on time. If she walked really fast, she might be able to go home, change clothes and still get to class without being late.
So with that thought in her mind, she got up and started walking home with big, firm steps. On her way, the sun was slowly starting to rise and the sky got filled with red, orange and yellow colors. Because of the cold weather, the sky was clear, making for an even more beautiful canvas.
Once she reached her apartment, it was bright enough that even the streetlights switched off, but Na Ri didn't feel even the slightest bit more energetic. As she stepped into the elevator and pressed the button of her floor, she suddenly noticed a young lady running towards her in a high speed.
"Wait!" the lady yelled and Na Ri quickly put a hand on the elevator so it wouldn't close it's doors before she reached it.
"Thank you so much," the lady said when she got in and Na Ri nodded her head in response. As they went up, Na Ri couldn't help but sneak a peak at this beautiful lady. She looked older than Na Ri, but still in her twenties. Maybe her late twenties. She was tall like Na Ri, but with a much more feminine taste, something which suited her figure, making all her best features stand out.
The elevator finally reached their designated floor and both women got out of the elevator. When Na Ri had walked almost the entire way to her apartment and the woman was still following right behind her, she started getting a bit nervous. And when she stood in front of her door, Na Ri decided to turn around and ask what she wanted, but right when she did that, she saw the woman standing in front of Namjoon's front door, carefully placing three knocks whereafter she waited in anticipation.
Na Ri tried to mind her own business while looking for her keys, but when she heard a doorknob turn, she couldn't help but turn around again
"Namjoon-a!" the woman yelled when the door opened, and before Namjoon could even move a muscle, the woman threw herself in his arms, enveloping Namjoon in a long, deep hug, all the while Na Ri stood in front of her door with her key still in her hand, unable to take her eyes of the two.
Hello everyone!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Remember to stay warm and eat healthy and take care of yourself. Stay safe.
Also, don't forget to leave a comment down below.
Love, Annalise~