A Lost Voice

Last updated at: 2 years ago


Then suddenly, as the girl was walking down the street with her head in the clouds and the guy was walking with his head to the ground, and the cool spring breeze flew by them, they collided.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" Jimin said as he held out his hand to help the girl up from the ground, but she didn't look at him and she didn't answer either. She just got up on her own, gave him a quick bow and then hurried and left.

"Wait! Are you just gonna leave like that?" Jimin yelled at the girl but she didn't even stop to listen. Jimin lifted his brow as he watched the girl disappear from his sight. "What a rude girl," he said to himself as he also continued walking.

Kim Han Na became deaf when she was 5 years old. She lives a quiet life while working at the library, but her life will soon change as she encounter the sweet and caring Jimin who helps her see that the world is still open, even though your voice is lost.