Chapter 9

"The Arcade"

Jung Hwa and Ha Na were walking down the street with their arms linked together. Ha Na had received a text message from Jimin with a time and place so right this moment, that was were they were headed.

Jung Hwa was wearing a pair of black jeans and a printed shirt plus a leather jacket. She didn't bother doing anything with her hair so she just let it hang loose and put on a cap.

Ha Na was also wearing casual clothes but she still put in a little more effort than Jung Hwa. She was wearing light blue, high waist jeans and a white shirt with puffy sleeves, which she had tugged into her jeans. It was warm so she wasn't wearing a cardigan, but she did bring a jacket in case it got cold in the evening. She wasn't an expert in hairstyles so after countless of tries she gave up and just did a low hanging ponytail and then put a bow on to make it a little more fancy.

Jung Hwa did give her "the look" when she saw the effort she had put in, but Ha Na just changed the subject quickly and then started walking.

"It should be around here somewhere," signed Jung Hwa when they reached the location, "do you see them anywhere?" Ha Na started looking around and then, after a little while, she noticed Jimin standing a few steps ahead of them. 

Ha Na started waving eagerly to get his attention, but it was one of the guys standing next to him who waved back. Jimin now finally noticed her and the three boys walked up to Ha Na and Jung Hwa.

"You are here, was it hard to find?" said Jimin while looking at Ha Na who just shook her head in response.

"Ah and hi, Jung Hwa Noona, I am glad you could make it too."

"Thanks for inviting me," said Jung Hwa with a smile. Jimin was about to say something else when he felt an elbow in his side and he looked at Taehyung who just mumbled for him to introduce them as well.

"These are my friends and roommates, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook," said Jimin and the two boys bowed politely, and so did Ha Na and Jung Hwa.

"It is nice to meet you," said Jungkook and waved at Ha Na, "wait, Noona can't hear me..." Jungkook anxiously started running his hand through his hair when suddenly both Jung Hwa and Ha Na burst out laughing.

"Just look her in the eyes when you are talking and she will be able to read your lips," said Jung Hwa when she had stopped laughing, "otherwise I will translate for you."

"Is that so? Can you ask Ha Na how she is doing?" asked Jungkook curiously. Jung Hwa nodded and turned to face Ha Na whereafter she signed the question for her. Ha Na's lips turned into a huge smile and she turned to face Jungkook and did a few signs.

"She said she is doing just perfect since she is able to make new friends today," said Jung Hwa.

"I want to try it too!" said Taehyung and raised his hand while Jimin, who was standing next to him, sighed deeply, "can you ask her what she thinks of Jimin?"

"Hey!" said Jimin, but Jung Hwa was already translating the question for Ha Na. This time she looked a bit more flustered, but she still turned around and answered Taehyung's question.

"She said she think he is a very nice person and she is happy to have become friends with him." Taehyung playfully hit Jimin on his arm while Jimin focused on hiding his red cheeks from Ha Na.

"Okay that is enough fun for you guys!" said Jimin in a firm tone, "should we stand here all night or should we get going?" Taehyung and Jungkook giggled, but when Jimin sent both of them a glare, they stopped.

"Yes, let us get moving," said Taehyung and Jungkook nodded along. Ha Na and Jung Hwa followed right after the boys until they stopped in front of a big door. Ha Na looked at the sign over the door and her eyes widened in joy when she read it.

Gaming Arcade

As soon as Jimin pulled open the door, Ha Na ran inside and looked in awe at all the machines and gaming devices around her. There was a basketball game, arcade games like pac man and some shooting games that she had absolutely no interest in, but then she found it. Her favorite game!

She didn't hold back, but immediately ran over and grabbed the steering wheel attached to the car simulator. She was about to get in the seat when she noticed someone holding the other steering wheel. When she lifted her head she looked directly into Jungkook's eyes.

"Do you like this game too, Noona?" asked Jungkook and Ha Na nodded, "do you want to play it together?" Ha Na nodded again, even more eagerly than before. 

"Alright then!" said Jungkook and got in the seat, just as Ha Na did the same.

"Does Ha Na Noona likes those kind of games?" asked Jimin Jung Hwa while they were standing behind Jungkook and Ha Na.

"Yes, she likes them a lot, and she is quite good at them," replied Jung Hwa.

"So is Jungkook," said Taehyung, "and he is very competitive. I just hope Ha Na won't get too sad if she lose."

Jungkook and Ha Na were both getting ready to play when Jungkook turned and got eye contact with Ha Na.

"I have played this game too many times to be counted, so don't be sad if you lose," said Jungkook, "I could go easy on you if you would like me to?" 

Ha Na replied back in sign language and Jung Hwa was quickly next to her so she could translate.

"She said not to go easy on her. She would like to play seriously and she promise she won't get sad if she lose," said Jung Hwa.

"Alright then," said Jungkook, "let us begin."

When the game began it was easy to spot how shocked Jungkook was when he saw the level Ha Na was at, but he didn't give up just because of that. He was determined to beat her and put in all his effort. Jung Hwa stood next to Ha Na, cheering her on. When something good happened by sending her a "nice one" sign, and when something not so good happened, by sending a "keep going" sign. Taehyung was standing next to Jungkook following the game intensely. He kept shouting what Jungkook should do, but Jungkook just shouted back to make him shut up. All the while Jimin was standing in the midst of everything observing this strange situation.

It was ten seconds to the end and they were awfully close with Jungkook leading. Nine, Ha Na started getting closer to Jungkook. Seven, Taehyung yelled at Jungkook for him to go faster. Six, five, four, the sweat was sliding down the Jungkook's forehead. Three, Ha Na pulled even closer. Two. One.

"NO!" yelled Jungkook with all the lung capacity he had, so everyone else in the arcade turned around to look.

"Noona actually won," said Taehyung in deep shock while Jung Hwa was busy high-fiving Ha Na.

"No... no..." blabbered Jungkook, "no, this is not over! I want a re-match." He looked at Ha Na who didn't quite get what he said until Jung Hwa explained it to her. She opened her mouth like she was saying "ah" and then sent Jungkook a nod.

"Wait!" said Jimin and went to Ha Na's side, "you don't have to play just because he is sad he lost."

"It was beginner's luck!" yelled Jungkook in the background while Taehyung quietly followed up, "I really don't think that was the case."

Ha Na looked at Jimin with her beautiful brown eyes. She didn't look bothered at all, in fact she looked quite happy. She started signing something and Jung Hwa said:

"She said she would like to play a bit more with Jungkook, if it is not too much trouble."

"Of course not!" hurried Jimin and said, "you should have all the fun you want, that is what today is about anyway." Ha Na smiled and nodded before getting back into the seat. Suddenly, Jimin felt a hand on his shoulder and he turned around to find Taehyung standing very close to him.

"Jungkook will not stop until he wins and seeing how well Ha Na plays, it could take a while," whispered Taehyung to Jimin, "should we go play something too?"

"I think I will stay and watch," said Jimin and gently pushed Taehyung away. Taehyung looked at Jimin. Then he looked at Ha Na where Jimin's eyes were glued to. Then he looked back at Jimin with a huge sigh.

"I guess I can't drag you away from her," said Taehyung.


"Nothing!" said Taehyung with a smug. Jimin was about to ask again when Jung Hwa interrupted.

"I will play something with you, if you don't mind? I am getting bored looking at them driving cars over and over."

"Great!" said Taehyung and soon only Jimin was left watching the competitive Jungkook and the way too happy Ha Na competing. While Jungkook looked dead serious and had his body pressed against the steering wheel, Ha Na was sitting comfortable in her chair, laughing and smiling to the fullest. Jimin couldn't help but smile too when he looked at her and at moments he found himself forgetting both time and place.

"I can't believe I only won 1 game out of nearly 30..." said Jungkook with a pout as they left the arcade.

"At least you won in the end, right?" said Taehyung, trying to cheer him up.

"I am pretty sure Ha Na let him win so we could finally leave the arcade," whispered Jung Hwa in Taehyung's ear.

"Shh!" whispered Taehyung back, "or we will never hear the end of it!"

"Did you have fun?" asked Jimin Ha Na as they were walking next to each other with a bit of distance to the three others in front of them. Ha Na nodded and then took out her phone. She stopped for a minute to type.

I had a lot of fun. Your friends are really nice. 

But what now? Are we done for today?

"If you are tired and just want to go home that is okay-"

"What are you talking about Hyung?" yelled Taehyung and scared the crap out of Jimin. Ha Na just laughed when she saw the little jump Jimin did.

"Don't creep up on me like that!" said Jimin annoyed.

"Alright I am sorry," said Taehyung, "but what do you mean 'we are done for today'? Aren't we going buy some food and eat at our dorm?"

"Tae, you know we are not allowed to have girls over," said Jimin with a sigh.

"But they are not our girlfriends or anything," said Jungkook, "they are just friends.

"They are still girls," replied Jimin.

"But we are having so much fun and the night is still young," said Taehyung.

"Can't we just sneak in?" proposed Jung Hwa, leaving everyone speechless. Then Taehyung turned to face Jimin with a smirk.

"See, this is the mindset I was looking for!" said Taehyung. They all started moving forward again and even Ha Na, who wasn't really sure what was going on, followed them. For a second, Jimin stayed in the place he was standing until he let out one last sigh before running up to the others.

We are so dead...

Hello everyone!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Remember to stay warm and eat healthy and take care of yourself. Stay safe.

Also, don't forget to leave a comment down below.

Love, Annalise~

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