Interlude Part 1

Interlude pt 1

Winter 1998

The streets were covered in white, and small snowflakes fell from the sky giving a somewhat magical feeling. It was late afternoon and most people were probably sitting at home with their family, making sure to keep warm, either by drinking something hot or wrapping themselves in a soft blanket. But in one particular house, on one particular street, this wasn't the case. Instead of a quiet and cozy evening, the house was filled by the loud noise from someone coughing. 

A few days ago, the youngest daughter started coughing and had a running nose which, at first, didn't alarm the parents very much. She seemed to have gotten a cold and should stay in bed to get better. But since last night, she had developed a fever and just wouldn't stop crying and complaining no matter what they tried to do to make her feel better.

"Maybe we should take her to the doctor?" said Cho Eun Ji as she looked at her 5 year old daugther.

"I feel a bit silly going to the doctor for something that looks like the flu," answered her husband Kim Byung Ho, but then continued on, "but seeing her like this is making me a bit worried."

"Mom, dad... Is Ha Na going to be okay?" said Namjoon with a frightened look in his eyes. Namjoon was 8 years old and even though he usually looked at Ha Na as an annoying little sister, he really hated seeing her crying.

"Of course she is going to be okay," said Eun Ji, "just go do your homework, then your dad and I will take your sister to the doctor."

"Okay," said Namjoon, still looking a bit worried.

"She is going to be fine," said Byung Ho, "it is winter and your sister is sentive to the cold. After getting her some medicine, she will get better in no time."

"Okay dad," said Namjoon and tried showing him a smile. Byung Ho gave his son a reassuring pat on the shoulder and then smiled back.

"Alright, let's go to the doctor then."


"Your daughter has all the typical symptoms pointing to a flu," said the young doctor after he was done examining Ha Na. Eun Ji was holding her crying daughter close to her chest, trying to calm her down, while Byung Ho carefully listened to the doctor's word.

"I will prescribe some medicine, some cough drops and you have to make sure she sleeps a lot and stays hydrated. It is very important that she drinks plenty of water."

"Of course doctor. I will make sure we do exactly as you said. I really can't bear to see my daughter this sad," answered Byung Ho

"She will be alright. If you give her the medicine and make sure she gets a lot of sleep and a lot of water, it won't take long for her to recover."

"Thank you so much doctor," said Byung Ho and shook the young doctor's hand.

"My pleasure, have a nice day," answered the doctor and then turned to look at Ha Na, "now you make sure to get well soon," Ha Na just looked at the doctor while cuddling into her mom's embrace.

"Can you say thank you to the nice doctor?" said Eun Ji to Ha Na.

"Thank you," Ha Na said but quickly hid her face in her mom's chest again, tears still streaming down her face. Eun Ji just looked at the doctor with a nervous smile and then said her goodbyes.

"Come on my princess," said Byung Ho as he took over and carried Ha Na to the car, "let's go to the pharmacy and make sure you feel better soon."

Hello everyone

Fact #1 about sign language 🤟

Most people think sign language is universal (the same everywhere) but it's not! There's just as many forms of sign language as there's languages in general. And there's dialects too, even in a small country like Denmark I can tell the difference depending on where the person I'm signing with is from.

Remember to leave a comment down below and stay safe!

Love, Annalise~

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