Chapter 2

"A silent impression"

If it was possible to bury oneself or disappear into thin air that was exactly what Jimin would do in this moment. But there was no escape and Jimin just kept standing in the same spot, continuing to look at Ha Na, who was looking back at him, still a bit startled after he grabbed her shoulder earlier.

"You big fat idiot!" Jimin said to himself as he facepalmed internally. Ha Na could see the frustration in Jimin's eyes and she was slowly getting more and more flustered, so she grabbed her phone and opened up "notes". Jimin was still scolding himself when suddenly he got a phone shoved in his face.

Can I help you with anything?

Jimin looked at the phone, then he looked at Ha Na and then back at the phone again. For a minute he had almost forgotten why he came to the library in the first place. Jimin held out his hand and Ha Na placed her phone in it.

I booked this book and I was suppose to pick it up today but I can't find it on the shelves

Ha Na's face immediately lit up as she read the text and she answered with.

Can I see the text you received?

"Ah, yes of course!" Jimin said without thinking twice and he reached down in his pocket to get his phone. Ha Na was standing completely still as she watched Jimin scroll through his conversations until he finally reached the designated text.

"There you go," Jimin said with a smile as he showed her the phone. Since she couldn't hear him he thought that he should at least show her the brightest smile possibly.

Ha Na's eyes moved back and forward as she read the text and Jimin, who had kept his eyes on her, suddenly saw her expression change into a faint smile as she let out a cute giggle. Jimin felt a little flustered, not understanding what could have caused such a reaction, but Ha Na then turned the phone and pointed at the top right corner of the text. At first Jimin didn't understand, but then his eyes fell on the date. He wasn't supposed to pick up the book today, he was supposed to pick it up tomorrow.

Jimin showed a small nervous smile as he grabbed the phone from Ha Na's hands. As if this day couldn't get any more embarrassing for him.

Thanks for your help

Jimin showed the note on his phone and then quickly turned around to get out of there as soon as possible, hoping he could find a big hole to bury himself in.

He had only taken a few steps ahead when suddenly, he felt something grab onto the hem of his shirt. He turned around and saw Ha Na standing behind him with her face to the ground. When she noticed Jimin had stopped, she quickly let go of his shirt. 

"What-" Jimin didn't get to finish when again he got a phone shoved in his face.

I'm sorry about this morning, I didn't know what to do.

Will you come again tomorrow to pick up the book?

"So you do remember me?" Jimin said, "Oh wait I shouldn't say it, I need to write it..." Jimin was fumbling with his phone again, when Ha Na started waving her hands in the air to get his attention.

If you speak slow and articulate the words, I can read lips pretty well.

"Oh really?" Jimin said and Ha Na nodded, "well that's pretty cool. But don't worry about this morning, I was the rude one, assuming things on my own." 

I'm glad you're not mad at me.

Jimin looked at Ha Na who was holding her phone up high so he could see the note while smiling brighter than the sun.

"Well I guess... I'll see you tomorrow then."

Ha Na did a quick gesture with her hand while soundlessly moving her lips.

"What does that mean?" Jimin asked. Ha Na felt her cheeks heat up as she realized she had used sign language without even thinking.

It means "see you later"

Ha Na showed Jimin the phone while shyly looking away herself.

"Oh really, like this?" Jimin said and tried imitating what Ha Na had done. When she looked at him, she couldn't hold back her laughter, seeing how cute and awkwardly Jimin was signing. She showed him the sign again and this time Jimin did it right.

"See you later!" Jimin said while signing. 

"See you later," Ha Na signed back and watched Jimin disappear from her sight.


As the clock reached 5 PM Ha Na took off her name tag and waved goodbye to Ji Eun who was closing down the computer.

"Thank you for today," Ha Na read off of Ji Eun's lips. Even at a long distance she could read it since Ji Eun said the same thing every day. Ha Na did a quick head nod and then sent her a smile.

When Ha Na stepped outside the library she started looking around and then took out her phone. While she was scrolling through her contacts, someone grabbed her phone out of her hands and Ha Na jumped back from the shock, but as she looked up a huge smile formed on her face.

"Why are you looking at your phone when a man this amazing is standing in front of you?" said the ridiculously tall man looking down at Ha Na, carefully holding onto her phone. Ha Na just swung her arms around him and gave him a tight hug as a greeting.

"Okay okay I know I am great, but we just saw each other the other day, there is no need for hugging." Ha Na didn't hear what he said, but soon let go and then started speaking in sign language.

"Did you have a good day, Hakyeon Oppa?" Ha Na signed.

"It was fine, I am just tired," signed Hakyeon back at Ha Na, "shall we get going before it gets too late?" Ha Na nodded and they started walking side by side down the street.

There wasn't much conversation on the way home as it was hard speaking in sign language while walking. In the end it would take too much focus off of your surroundings and last time that happened, Ha Na had walked directly into a streetlamp. Not only did she get an ugly bump on her forehead, she had a pulsating headache for a week. So ever since then, Ha Na and Hakeyon had an unspoken rule to just enjoy the silence while walking home together.

When finally reached the street where they both lived and stood in front of Ha Na's house, she turned to Haekyeon.

"Are you eating at our place tonight as well?" Ha Na asked.

"Yes, since I am also planning on playing video games with Namjoon," Hakyeon answered back in sign language.

"Then you have to play in Oppa's room, I am watching Kdrama with Jung Hwa Unnie."

"What? We didn't agree to let you girls have the big TV screen, you can't just-" Ha Na didn't care to let Hakyeon finish his sentence but just spun around on her heels and went up to the front door.

"This girl..." Hakyeon sighed and shook his head, whereafter he followed right behind her.

"HA NA!" Jung Hwa screamed when she saw Ha Na enter through the door and the biggest smile appeared on Ha Na's face as she ran into Jung Hwa's embrace.

"How come you girls greet each other like that when you see each other every day?" Hakyeon said out loud while signing so Ha Na also understood.

"Because that is how deep our love is for each other!" Jung Hwa signed and stuck out her tongue at her big brother.

Ha Na suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder and when she turned around Namjoon was standing behind her with a big warm welcoming smile on his face.

"Welcome home!" he signed and Ha Na then gave him a hug too.

"What's with her today?" Namjoon said while Ha Na was still clinging on to him.

"I don't know, she seems to be in a very good mood today," Hakyeon answered and in the same moment Ha Na let go of her brother.

"Is mommy home?" Ha Na signed.

"No she has a parent-teacher conference tonight, so she said to eat without her. Same goes for dad, he will also be home late." Ha Na looked at bit down, but as soon as Jung Hwa noticed, she hurried over and grabbed both her hands to get her attention.

"That means we will have the house for ourselves tonight," she signed while sending a smug smile. Ha Na couldn't hold back her laughter and gently hit Jung Hwa on the shoulder for acting like that.

These two pairs of siblings seemed just like a family, but having known each other all their life you wouldn't expect anything else. Not only had Hakyeon and Jung Hwa lived in the house next door since they were born, Namjoon and Hakyeon were also the same age, so that probably also had an impact on their relationship and how close they were. They both acted like brothers towards each other. After they finished school they both set out on very different career paths, but that didn't change their friendship and they still hung out every day.

Jung Hwa was one year older than Ha Na, but since Hakyeon always hung out with Namjoon, Jung Hwa used to tag along and soon, she and Ha Na were inseparable. 

After discussion for a long time who would get the big TV screen, the girls finally managed to push through and get it their way; in exchange for making dinner of course. Nothing in life comes for free. But the girls didn't mind cooking, in fact they loved it. Ha Na always found cooking to be fun, but she loved it even more when she did it together with Jung Hwa. Also, she didn't trust Namjoon in a kitchen, actually she didn't trust Namjoon anywhere near stuff that could break. She remembered one time where he wanted to help and Ha Na let him crack eggs into a bowl, but in the end the bowl cracked along with the eggs. 

So with the girls in the kitchen and Namjoon far far away, everyone felt more at ease.

The girls were moving like one organism in the kitchen, not even asking each other what to do next, and the food was done in no time. After they finished eating, they began clearing the table and Jung Hwa once again noticed the big smile on Ha Na's face, which had been there all afternoon.

"Did something good happen today?" Jung Hwa signed after putting down the pot she was holding. Ha Na's face quickly changed from happy to nervous and she looked like she was stumbling over her thoughts while her lips kept moving soundlessly.

"Today..." Ha Na then signed as discreet as possible, "I met someone. A boy. And I had a conversation with him."

At first, Jung Hwa looked at Ha Na with great curiosity, but while Ha Na was waiting for a reply, Jung Hwa's face suddenly turned pale white. Confused to see the sudden change of expression, Ha Na turned around and gulped as she saw her brother looking at her with cold eyes.

Ha Na immediately cursed herself for not being discreet enough, but that is the problem with sign language. You can't whisper like you can while talking. If you sign and people are around they will see whether you want them too or not.

"Why did you talk to a boy?" Namjoon signed and Ha Na looked down. Jung Hwa took a step back but then bumped into her tall older brother who was also watching from a distance.

"Don't look so scary, Oppa," Ha Na signed, "it was work related. He needed help to find a book."

"Why are you acting so secretive if he was only asking something work related?"

"Because you are such an overprotecting brother." Hakyeon couldn't help but burst out laughing when he saw the last sentence Ha Na signed, but he immediately stopped when Namjoon turned around to give him a deadly glare.

"Come on Namjoon Oppa," Jung Hwa then interrupted, "Ha Na doesn't get to meet a lot of people, I just think she was happy to talk to someone new today." As Namjoon looked at Jung Hwa trying to figure out what to say next, Ha Na quickly signed a "thank you, Unnie" behind her back and Jung Hwa smiled.

"I guess I overreacted. He just needed your help, right?" Ha Na nodded, "and you probably won't see him again." Ha Na held her breath as she looked at her brother who was waiting for another nod. Then, just as Namjoon was about to lose it, Ha Na sent him a nod and the most convincing smile she could muster.

"Alright then," Namjoon said, "should we go play in my room?"

"YES! Finally!" Hakyeon said and before Ha Na could take another breath, they were out of sight. Ha Na was still standing by the sink, her mind far away. Jung Hwa slowly neared her before she jumped up and wrapped her arm around her shoulder dragging her to the living room.

"Forget about your brother!" Jung Hwa then signed, "who needs a brother when you can have Lee Minho!" Ha Na laughed and then nodded.

"I love you, Unnie," Ha Na signed and Jung Hwa blushed.

Jung Hwa rolled her eyes and Ha Na quickly signed "what", confused by her hostile reaction.

"You always say these cheesy things and I don't know how to react!"

"You could say you love me too," Ha Na signed, "unless you don't love me. Don't you love me, Unnie?" Ha Na moved closer to Jung Hwa while pouting and Jung Hwa just started laughing.

"You stupid girl! Of course I love you," Jung Hwa said, but then continued, "but I also love Lee Minho, should we figure out what to watch?"

"Yes, and remember to put subtitles on."

"Of course I will! I am not that stupid." Ha Na sent Jung Hwa another smile and then hopped on to the sofa. Once Jung Hwa had turned on the tv and found the remote she sat down next to Ha Na. While Jung Hwa scrolled through the different Kdramas on the screen, Ha Na quickly grabbed a blanket. After wrapping the blanket around herself, she cuddled up next to Jung Hwa. 

Jung Hwa couldn't help but feel a warmth spread inside her chest and she then sat more comfortably so Ha Na could cuddle up even closer to her. Jung Hwa then clicked on one of the many Kdramas Lee Minho was starring in and she turned her eyes to Ha Na, asking for her consent and when she saw a saw a confident nod, she pressed "play", whereafter both of the girls went silent and turned all of their attention towards the story.

Hello everyone!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, make sure to leave a comment and let me know what you think.

Also, remember to take good care of yourself and stay safe.

Love, Annalise~

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