Chapter 3

"Walking Home"

All around Jimin it was filled with the sound of music coming from the old CD player standing in the corner of the practice room. The speakers on the CD player did in no way show justice to the song playing, but you could still follow the beat and that was all that mattered.

Jimin could follow his own movements, as well as Hoseok's, his friend, who was dancing next to him. Every move Hoseok did was sharp and precise even though they only started practicing this routine a few days ago. Jimin on the other hand was struggling to just follow along and he was constantly cursing himself mentally while his breathing kept increasing. The song stopped and Jimin let himself collapse on the floor, panting for air.

"Maybe we should take a break," said Hoseok while wiping away the sweat from his forehead. Jimin didn't even have enough energy to answer and just gave him a thumbs up.

"I will go get us something to drink," said Hoseok and disappeared out of the room.

When Jimin felt his heartbeat slowing down little by little, he sat up on the floor and looked at his reflection in the mirror. 




That was what he saw when he looked at himself.

"There you go," Jimin was so absorbed in his own thoughts, he didn't even notice that Hoseok was back before he handed the water bottle to him.

"Thank you, hyung," said Jimin and swallowed almost half of the water in no time.

"Woah slow down! You will end up choking." Jimin just gave a quick smile and then closed the bottle. "How is school going?" asked Hoseok then.

"Like usual. Every time I finish studying for one test, a new one comes along. There seems to be no end to it."

"Well I am happy you can still find the time so we can dance together."

"If I don't do that I will go crazy! I just wish I could pursue dancing like you. I can tell I am falling behind when I dance beside you."

"You are not falling behind! And just the fact that you practice so hard despite your busy schedule, I am really impressed!"

"But just now you danced everything perfect and I had trouble simply keeping up."

"It is true I tend to learn the routines faster than you and maybe your moves weren't super sharp today. But Jimin, I don't know anyone who dance with the same feeling and passion as you do."

"Thank you, Hyung," said Jimin again, not knowing what else to say. Hoseok was about to add something when their conversation was interrupted by Jimin's ringtone.

"Hello," said Jimin as he answered the call.

"Hi Hyung," Jimin heard the sound of Jungkook's voice over the speaker. "Are you practicing with Hoseok Hyung?"

"Yes, well... we are taking a break right now."

"Oh.. Okay... say hi to Hoseok Hyung from me."

"Seriously Jungkook, get to the point!" Jimin suddenly heard Taehyung shout in the background, "forget it, give me the phone!" There was a bit of a rustling sound and Jimin then heard Taehyung clear his throat.

"Hey Jimin Hyung, when are you done with dance practice?" said Taehyung in his deep voice.

"Soon I think, why?"

"You wanna go out and have fun with us? Your favorite roommates?" Jimin laughed a bit at Taehyung's eagerness towards him.

"That sounds fun but-"

"What do you mean but? You just said it sounds fun!!"

"I know I know," said Jimin in a calm voice, "but I need to go to the library and then go straight home and study. Shouldn't you guys also be studying?"

"Of course we also need to study but it is important to take a break sometimes, right Jungkook?"

"Ah ye...yes," said a startled Jungkook in the background."

"Listen Tae, it's sounds very fun but I can't today. I promise you when the next test is over we will go out and I will pay."

"Really? Woah I will remember you said this, so don't try to go back on your words," said Taehyung.

"Of course not, now I will hang up."

"Alright, say hi to Hoseok Hyung from me."

"I will, bye."

Jimin finally ended the call and turned to Hoseok who had been listening to everything in the conversation.

"Tae and JK says hi," said Jimin.

"Thank you, it has been a while since I last saw them, how are they doing?"

"They are doing fine. They go to school and study hard. At least most of the times they do."

"Not everyone has the stamina to study as hard as you."

"I don't study that hard because I want to. You know how my farther will react if I get a bad score on a test."

"I know."

The atmosphere suddenly felt much more heavy and dark so Hoseok hurried and got up from the floor.

"Should we practice the routine one more time before we stop for today?"

"Yes let us do that." Hoseok walked over to the CD player to play the song again, when he stopped for a moment.



"Why are you going to the library again today? Didn't you also go yesterday?"

"Ah, well... it is a bit stupid, but I misread the date so I couldn't pick up the book yesterday. That is also why I need to go home and study since I couldn't get anything done yesterday without that book."

"Oh okay, too bad you have to go again today."

"I guess," said Jimin. Hoseok then started the music and they both got into position, ready to give it their all, one last time today.


Jimin had walked into the University library many times before, but never before had his heart been pounding so much. He took another deep breath whereafter he walked up to the door which opened automatically.

The library was nice and quiet like usual; even though a lot of people were there, they all did their best to keep their voices down in concern of those reading and studying. Jimin looked around to see if he could find Ha Na anywhere but she was nowhere to be seen.

Maybe she wasn't working today? Jimin thought to himself.

"Can I help you young man?" said a voice behind him said and Jimin turned around to find the librarian, Ji Eun, standing behind him.

"I.. Eh... well..." stuttered Jimin, trying to find the right words.

"You were also here yesterday, am I right?"

"Yes, yes you are right."

"You were talking to Ha Na, are you looking for her right now?"

"Well, I was just checking to see if she was here today as well."

"She is here, try the language area, I think she is rearranging the books down there."

"Thank you but I wasn't-" Ji Eun didn't care to let Jimin finish, but just winked at him before she vanished. Jimin sighed and looked at the area Ji Eun had pointed at.

Now that I know where she is, I might as well check it out, Jimin thought to himself.

With firm steps Jimin found his way to the language area and in no time spotted Ha Na who was surrounded by a fort of books, while she very neatly placed them on the shelves.

With slow and calm motions Jimin approached her, in fear of reliving what happened yesterday. Carefully, he poked her on the shoulder and in a quick movement she spun around and looked at him with her sweet innocent smile, that only got bigger when she saw who it was. She eagerly waved at him and Jimin waved back, feeling a bit silly, but he didn't know how else to greet her.

"I am back again," said Jimin, remembering to articulate the words more than usual, "did you have a good day?" Ha Na nodded her head and then took out her phone.

Did you find the book you booked?

"Um..." Jimin said while rubbing his neck, "I didn't really get that far y-" Ha Na didn't let him finish, but just grabbed his wrist and dragged him along. Without having enough time to think or act, Jimin just followed along until they stood before the "Pick-Up" shelves. Ha Na moved her bangs a bit so she could see better and then bend down and started searching through the books. Then, after a while, she took out a book in the middle of the many others and handed it to Jimin.

"Thank you," said Jimin, "but how did you know which book it was?" Ha Na's cheeks seemed to turn a bit pink when Jimin asked his question and she just took out her phone again without looking at Jimin.

I saw in the text message yesterday, so I remembered.

"That's impressive, I could really use a memory like yours for my next test." Ha Na let out a small giggle and then went to type something again, but was cut off by a message that popped up.

From: Yeonnie Oppa 💙

I'm sorry Ha Na but I can't walk home with you today. 😔 

I'm stuck at dance practice and will probably eat dinner with the others today, will you be okay?

Jimin didn't mean to pry, he simply stood close enough to Ha Na and accidentally saw the message. He looked at Ha Na where her smile seemed to have fainted a little.

Reply to: Yeonnie Oppa 💙

It's okay, I'm a big girl, I can get home on my own!

After sending the message Ha Na looked up and saw directly into Jimin's light brown eyes. She got a bit startled, having almost forgotten about him for a second.

"Is everything okay?" Jimin asked and Ha Na did an "OK" sign with her hand and smiled.

"You sure?" Ha Na nodded. "I can walk you home you know." This time Ha Na's eyes widened as she read Jimin's lips.

What did you say? Can you please write it down?

Ha Na wrote on her phone and gave it to Jimin. Jimin calmly accepted it and typed in something before giving it back to Ha Na.

I can walk you home if you want me to.

When Ha Na read the text she was knew she didn't misread his lips earlier and she frantically started waving her hands in the air, trying to show him she didn't mind walking home alone and he shouldn't go out of his place for her sake.

"I am not offering to walk you home because I feel like I have to, I am offering because I want to. When do you get off work?"

5 PM

"That is soon! I can just read until you are done." Ha Na's face was getting more and more flustered and her fingers didn't seem to type fast enough since they were shaking a little bit.

I don't even know you

"Ah I am sorry, I guess I never introduced myself. My name is Park Jimin, I am a law student, and a dancer in my spare time. Now you know me. I will go sit over there, so make sure to let me know when you are ready to leave." Ha Na hurriedly started typing again, but when she looked up Jimin had already left. She turned around and saw him sitting at a table already indulged in his book.

Ha Na went back to the shelves she had stripped for books and continued what she had started. When the clock neared 5 PM, Ha Na went up to the counter where Ji Eun was standing.

"Ha Na," said Ji Eun and waved at Ha Na to get her attention. "That boy is still here, is he someone you know?" Ji Eun said it almost without any sound, but she made sure her lip movements where sharp and easy to read.

Ha Na started answering her in sign language, Ji Eun had expressed she wanted to learn, but when Ha Na realized she didn't understand anything she was signing, her expression completely blank as she looked at her, Ha Na stopped. Ji Eun then took a deep breath.

"Sign language... Only... little..." Ji Eun signed and Ha Na quickly signed "sorry" which she knew she understood. Then Ha Na unlocked her phone once again.

I don't know him, but I think he wants to be friends.

"That is great Ha Na! I always see you hanging around that tall boy, but never other people. Getting new friends is healthy."

I should leave, he is waiting for me. Thanks for today.

"Yes yes, hurry and leave," said Ji Eun and Ha Na bowed before she left the counter and walked up to Jimin. At first Jimin didn't notice Ha Na standing next to him, so she gently patted him on the shoulder.

"Oh are you done?" asked Jimin and Ha Na nodded, "then let's go." Jimin got up from the chair and started walking next to Ha Na with the book in his hand.

Jimin felt a little awkward because of the silence between them while they were walking down the street and he was sure people around him would think they had a fight or something like that. He caught himself stealing glances at her once in a while and when their eyes met he just smiled, not knowing what else to do.

"Do you live far away?" Jimin asked when they were waiting for the traffic light to turn green at a cross road.

You don't have to follow me all the way home.

"Never mind," he just said as they crossed the road, regretting he ever asked.

The neighborhood they walked in wasn't one he was familiar with and he was starting to worry about finding his own way home, but luckily he had GPS on his phone. It seemed like a cozy neighborhood though. Family friendly and homey, nothing like the University dorm he was living in.

Once they reached Ha Na's house, she stopped in her tracks and Jimin almost bumped into her, being too absorbed in the neighborhood.

Thank you for walking me home.

"You are welcome," Jimin said when he saw the text on Ha Na's phone. Ha Na then turned around, about to walk up to the door and Jimin panicked and quickly grabbed her hand. Startled, Ha Na turned around to face a very insecure Jimin.

"I... I was thinking... could I maybe get your phone number?" Ha Na looked a bit surprised but then showed him a big smile which made Jimin calm down a bit. Ha Na reached down to her pocket and took out her phone, but once she was about to hand it to him, he had a terrified look on his face. His eyes were widened and they were staring blankly into the air. At least that was what Ha Na thought until she turned around and saw what Jimin was so scared of. Ha Na's facial expression now also turned from smiling happily to eyes wide with fear. She quickly put her phone back in her pocket and then signed:

"Oppa, let me explain!"

Hello everyone!

When I first published this on Wattpad, I had 100 reads at this point in the story and i still remember how huge that was for me. Over the years I got 82K reads on this book. I will forever cherish the time I spend on Wattpad and the huge amount of readers and followers and friends I gained there. 

But I really hope this website of mine will be a success and the people finding their way here will enjoy my stories, just like the people on Wattpad.

Do you like the story so far? Please let me know in the comments down below!

Love, Annalise~

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