Interlude Part 2

Interlude pt 2

A few days later

A loud ruthless sound woke Byung Ho from his sleep and he groaned loudly as he sat up on the bed, turning off his annoying alarm clock. After stretching out his body and yawning, he noticed the spot next to him on the bed was empty. 

Byung Ho got up and walked towards the kitchen to see if maybe his wife had already started preparing breakfast, but as he walked past Ha Na's bedroom he noticed the door wasn't closed. He quietly peaked inside, not wanting to wake up his sick daughter, but there, next to his daughter's bed was his wife who was resting her head on the bedside.

"Eun Ji," whispered Byung Ho as he gently shook her.

"Mm," mumbled Eun Ji as she slowly started opening her eyes.

"Why are you sleeping here?"

"Mm... what?" Byung Ho sighed when he looked at his exhausted wife. With one quick movement he lifted her up and helped her stand, whereafter he brought her out in the hall.

"Did something happen last night?"

"She just started crying really loudly," said Eun Ji, finally starting to wake up a bit, "she called for me and when I went to her, she was crazy hot and she wouldn't stop coughing."

"Why didn't you wake me up?" asked Byung Ho in a firm voice.

"Because you need to go to work."

"So do you!"

"I can't go to work when she keeps feeling this bad. I will stay home today."

"Alright then, but you need to rest, you look exhausted and you have huge dark circles under your eyes." 

"How can I rest when my daughter is sick?"

"She seems to have calmed down now. Weren't she sleeping like a baby just now?"

"Yes finally, I hope she is able to sleep a bit and get better."

"Mom, dad," said a tired Namjoon who just came out of his room while rubbing his eyes, "what time is it?"

"Good morning son," said Byung Ho, "it is still pretty early, but what do you say we make breakfast together so your mom can rest? Don't you think she look tired?" Namjoon opened his eyes wide up and took a good look at his mom who tried to put on a bright smile.

"Yes! Mom you go relax. Me and dad will make you breakfast!" Namjoon said while rolling up the sleeves on his pajamas.

"You don't have to d-"

"Shush honey," said Byung Ho and put his finger on Eun Ji's lips to stop her from talking, "just go lay down on the sofa, then we will call you when breakfast is ready."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! And if Ha Na is still feeling this sick when I get home from work then we are going to the doctor again. Otherwise this will end up affecting your health too." Eun Ji couldn't help but smile at her caring husband. She gave him a quick peck on the cheek and then went to the sofa to lay down.


But Ha Na didn't feel better. Only a little while after Eun Ji had sent Namjoon off to school and said her goodbyes to Byung Ho, Ha Na woke up and felt just as awful as earlier. So Eun Ji went back to the routine she started the night before.

The paracetamol did help bringing down the fever and the cough drops stopped Ha Na from coughing so she could rest, but it all only lasted a couple of hours until the effect wore off and she was back to feeling just as bad as before. Looking back on the last few days since they first visited the doctor, Eun Ji simply couldn't see any improvement in Ha Na's state and it worried her.

So when it reached early afternoon, Eun Ji called her husband and asked him not to take in extra work and just get home as soon as possible to take her and Ha Na to the doctor.

"Well hello again," said the young doctor from last time, "I hear our brave little patient hasn't been getting better?"

"No she just keeps coughing and her fever won't go down I... I don't know what... to do," Eun Ji had to hold back her tears and Byung Ho put his hand on her shoulder to calm her down a bit.

"Please doctor, we are starting to get worried," said Byung then in a pleading voice, "Ha Na can barely even hold up her head because she is so tired."

"I understand, I can't imagine how you must feel. Believe me when I say I will do everything to make your daughter feel better."

"Thank you doctor."

"It seems that your daughter doesn't just have a normal flu, but more likely a strong infection." Just those words were enough to bring Eun Ji to tears again. The lack of sleep and constant caring for her daughter left her with no energy. Byung Ho took her hand and squished it tight.

"I will prescribe some antibiotics that will fight off the infection. Remember to read the instructions that comes with the medication."

"Yes doctor, we will read it carefully."

After talking a bit more, the small family left the doctor's office, Byung Ho carrying Ha Na in his arms while Eun Ji walked next to him with a stuffy nose and swollen eyes.

"I don't think it is a strong infection," said Eun Ji.

"What makes you say that?" asked Byung Ho.

"I just think so, and I don't think these antibiotics will help either."

"We need to trust the doctor, he is the one with an education, not us."

"I might not be a doctor but I am a mother and I know when something is wrong with my child!" Byung Ho looked at his wife while sighing and then opened the car door for her. As Eun Ji got into the car she looked at her husband once more and said:

"Something is wrong, I just know."

Hello everyone!

Fact #2 about sign language 🤟🏻

Sign language wasn't made by hearing people but by the deaf. And sign language develop naturally over time just like the spoken language does. So the way you would express yourself in sign language 10 years ago can very easily have changed today.

What did you think of this continuation of the first interlude? Let me know in the comments down below!

Take good care of yourself and stay happy and healthy!

Love, Annalise~

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