
The world seemed like such a lonely place for the little girl. Enveloped by the silence, she walked through life without speaking to anyone. The silence became a huge wall standing between the girl and the rest of the world, and no matter how much she tried to break down the wall, nothing worked. The wall was unbreakable.

Still, the little girl wasn't all alone. She had a loving family who all cared for the little girl very much. So the girl pleaded to her family, begging them to help her break down the wall, but to her great sadness, they all refused. You see, her family didn't see the wall as an obstacle. Instead they saw it as a protection, a way to shelter their dear beloved girl from the world outside. The world that was filled with only pain and sadness.

So in the end the little girl gave up. She sat down in front of the wall and looked at all it's bricks and stones while sighing to herself.

As the little girl sat on the ground, everything started shaking around her and when she looked at the wall, the bricks began falling down one by one, leading in the bright sunlight from the other side.

You see, what the girl didn't know was this: Even though the wall was as hard as stone on her side, it was as weak as butter on the other side. So all it took was one person. One person willing to make the effort.

The little girl looked up and was met by two bright shining eyes. The eyes belonged to a guy and the guy looked down at the little girl who was still sitting on the ground. He sent her a sweet smile and then extended his arm towards the little girl. 

All her life, the girl was taught about people on the other side of the wall, how scary and evil they all were, but when she looked at the guy's small hand and his small cute fingers, she couldn't in her wildest dream believe he was evil. In her eyes he looked more like an angel sent down from heaven. 

So the girl took his hand and the guy pulled her from the ground.

"Come on," the guy said, "let's get out of here."

Hello everyone!

Welcome to this book, I hope you enjoyed the prologue and I was able to make you intrigued to read the rest of the story.

Please make sure to take care of yourself and don't forget to leave a comment down below, letting me know your thoughts.

Love, Annalise~

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