Chapter 20


It was quiet in the small dorm room where four people were seated, squeezed together in the sofa while the morning sun was shining through the window, enlightening the room. Jungkook looked like he hadn't woken up quite yet, while Hoseok looked just as bright, if not brighter, than the sun and full of energy. Jung Hwa seemed a bit out of place, not sure what to do with herself and Jimin just glared at Taehyung who had been standing in front of them for the last 5 minutes without saying anything at all.

"Thank you, everyone, for coming today!" said Taehyung with a deep voice while articulating every word, "we are gathered here today, to help our dear friend in need." Everyone in the sofa turned their head to look at Jimin and he couldn't hide the redness that appeared on his cheeks.

"Can we please move on?" said Jimin when nobody had said anything for a while and Taehyung cleared his throat.

"Yes yes," said Taehyung, "now let us begin the meeting titled 'How to win Ha Na's heart'."

"Excuse me," said Jungkook raised his hand.

"You don't have to raise your hand, Jungkook," said Jimin with a sigh, "just speak."

"Okay. I just have a question regarding the title of this meeting."

"Come on-"

"Let the man speak!" interrupted Taehyung Jimin's plead.

"I thought Jimin had already won over Ha Na's heart and he just needed help on how to confess to her." Jungkook finally got to say what he wanted.

"Yes, I thought the same!" said Hoseok.

"I am pretty sure Ha Na is head over heels for you," said Jung Hwa and winked at Jimin.

"Alright, let us change the name then!" said Taehyungand threw his hand in the air as a sign of defeat.

"The name doesn't matter!" yelled Jimin annoyed, "can we please start discussing the important thing?"

"I agree, we are wasting time," said Jung Hwa and leaned forward in the sofa, "but Jimin, I really don't think you have to be so nervous about it! Just tell her how you feel."

"I can't just tell her!"

"Why not?" Hoseok joined in.

"Because... if I don't plan it out I will ruin it."

"Then what do you want to do?" asked Taehyung asked, "do you want to take her out to a fancy restaurant?"

"No, those places are too expensive and the atmosphere is so stiff."

"You could take her to a theme park and go on the Ferris wheel!" exclaimed Jungkook happily.

"That is a bit cliche, but..." Jimin thought about it for a while, "it could work, right?"

"Wait!" said Jung Hwa, "it won't work! I just remembered, Ha Na is really scared of heights. You will never get her on the Ferris wheel."

"Really?" said Jimin.

"That is too bad!" said Jungkook and sighed.

"Why not invite her out to eat at a small and cozy restaurant and then take a walk to a park nearby or something?" said Hoseok, surprising everyone with his simple and cute idea.

"That sounds like a good idea," said Jung Hwa.

"I just wish I didn't have to use these," said Jimin and pointed at the crutches leaning against the side of the sofa.

"It will be alright, Hyung," said Jungkook and showed him a wide smile, his front teeth visible, making him look like a cute bunny.


From: Park Jimin 🐨

Do you have plans after work today?


Reply to: Park Jimin 🐨

No, I'm all free today.


From: Park Jimin 🐨

Then let's go out to eat today. I'll come to the library when you're done for the day.


Ha Na looked at her phone and felt a weird sensation in her chest, like her heart just skipped a beat, and with her phone still in her hand, she ran through the hallway and into her brother's bedroom.

Since it was his day off he was still in bed, calmly sleeping with his bedsheets tugged in between his legs, but Ha Na ran directly over to his side and shook him again and again until he opened his eyes.

"What is going on?" said Namjoon and sat up in his bed. After rubbing his eyes he finally looked at the person responsible for waking him up on his day off, but when he saw her worried look, he couldn't possibly be mad at her.

"What is the matter?" signed Namjoon and Ha Na immediately shoved the phone in his face. Namjoon took the phone and read the texts from Jimin, then looked back at Ha Na for an explanation of her strange behavior.

"Is it a date?" asked Ha Na in sign language. Namjoon just gave her a questioning look, causing Ha Na to continue talking.

"I have been out to eat with Hakyeon oppa alone several times before. Why does it feel different when Jimin asks me to eat with him? I feel unsure of what to wear and how to behave." Namjoon looked at his little sister who in this moment seemed incredibly cute in his eyes.

"Just be yourself," signed he.

"That doesn't help me!" signed Ha Na and wiggled her body in annoyance of her brother's helplessness, which only made Namjoon laugh.

"It feels different because you and Hakyeon are like brother and sister, but Jimin is a friend that could maybe turn into more than that. I think that is why you are nervous."

"Really?" asked Ha Na.

"You really are oblivious sometimes," replied Namjoon with a sigh, "come on, let us go pick out some clothes to wear."


While Ha Na stood in her blue summer dress with white polka dots and a ribbon tied around her waist, she looked at her watch one more time. After Ji Eun had seen how pretty she looked, she easily caught on and gave Ha Na permission to leave early. But this didn't help in any way, as it only gave Ha Na extra time to get nervous.

Then, while looking at the many bypassing people, a person came walking towards her with the support of two crutches. When she realized that the person was Jimin, she hurried and ran to meet him on the way, making sure he didn't walk more than necessary.

"Are you really okay walking around already? Does it hurt?" started Ha Na signing and Jimin tried his best to follow, but only understand something about being hurt.

"Hurt?" said Jimin as he had no free hands to sign, "no I am fine. You look pretty." Ha Na's cheeks turned blood red when she read Jimin's lips and she quickly changed the subject.

"Where are we going?" signed she.

"I was actually thinking about that noodle place you have talked about before. You went there with Hakyeon once, right?"

"Yes Kung Fu noodles!" signed Ha Na and made a few punches in the air resulting in a light giggle from Jimin.

"Do you want to go there?" Ha Na nodded very enthusiastically. She couldn't wait for Jimin to taste the food at that place, and to meet Jin of course.

Once they entered the small restaurant, Jimin was ready to go find a table quickly, as he noticed how popular a place this was, but Ha Na didn't move one inch from the front door, eagerly waiting for Jin to come greet them, only to be disappointed when a beautiful young woman came instead.

"Welcome to Kung Fu noodles," said she and sent both of them a smile, "let me show you to a table." Not wanting to be rude, Ha Na followed along while she and Jimin were showed to a table, but once she sat down, Ha Na grabbed her phone and typed in:

Where's Jin?

"He is in the kitchen," said the woman, "should I call him?" Ha Na wanted to say no, but the woman had already yelled out and Jin almost ran from the kitchen to her side. He looked just as dashing as ever and Jimin glared a bit when he saw the tall man in front of him and saw the bright smile he sent Ha Na.

"Ha Na, you are back!" said Jin and Ha Na nodded along, "I see you brought someone else this time, you sure know a lot of boys." Ha Na blushed a bit, but the woman next to him quickly gave him an elbow in the side.

"You can't say stuff like that to customers!" said she angrily while Jin rubbed the place she had hit.

"Oh really, I am sorry then," said Jin and bowed, "it is a good thing I have Soo Jin by my side to tell me off." As soon as Ha Na read Jin's lips, she hurried and grabbed her phone.

Do you have the same name?

Jin and Soo Jin looked at the phone and then started laughing in union.

"It is almost the same, maybe it is hard to see the difference when you just read my lips. Can I borrow your phone?" asked Jin and Ha Na gave him the phone.

Seok Jin and Soo Jin

Ha Na looked at the two names typed into her phone and she giggled a bit and then started signing.

"What did she say?" asked Jin and Jimin had to ask Ha Na to sign it again so he could do a proper translation.

"She said you are a cute couple, the Jin-Jin couple," said Jimin after carefully watching Ha Na's signs.

"What?" said Soo Jin and started laughing, "we are not a couple!"

"But we could be a couple," said Jin and looked Soo Jin deeply in her eyes.

"I am sorry, can you take their order? I will go clean up some tables," stuttered Soo Jin and then left after bowing to Jimin and Ha Na one last time.

"I am sorry about that," said Jin, "she doesn't like it when I show her too much affection."

"Do you like her?" asked Ha Na in sign language and Jimin translated.

"I do," said Jin boldly, "but I think she needs a bit of time before she is ready for a relationship. But that is okay, I am just happy she is by my side." Ha Na and Jimin looked at Jin who seemed completely in love when he spoke about Soo Jin and they didn't know what to say, but that didn't matter as Jin quickly changed the subject.

"Shall I take your order?"


"That was really good!" signed Jimin after he had finished eating and Ha Na nodded, happy that Jimin liked the place she recommended, "I will go pay and then we can leave." Without Jimin having to ask, Ha Na quickly handed him the crutches so he could walk to the counter without hurting his foot.

"Thank you for the meal, it was lovely," said Jimin when he was paying Soo Jin at the counter.

"I am glad you enjoyed it, please come by again," said Soo Jin with a smile.

"We will," said Jimin and walked back to Ha Na who were already standing in the door, ready to leave.

"What now?" signed Ha Na when they were outside.

"I thought we could go for a walk," said Jimin, "if that is not too boring for you." Ha Na shook her head and smiled, happy to know the date wasn't ending yet.

Jimin felt his heart pounding while they were walking side by side, slowly nearing the park he had decided to go to. He looked at Ha Na's small hand that hung loosely by her side and he wished he could hold it and keep it warm and safe in his.

Stupid crutches, thought Jimin and continued walking, this stupid injury is ruining all the romance.

Ha Na looked at Jimin and saw his gloomy look in his eyes and she wanted to ask if something was wrong, but before she had any time for that, she felt a drop of water fall on her heads. They both looked up to see all the dark clouds that had filled the sky and in a matter of seconds, the few droplets turned into a wild and heavy rain.

Ha Na and Jimin looked at each other, trying to decide what to do, as they both slowly got soaked from all the rain. Then suddenly, before Jimin could even say anything, Ha Na had turned around and run away as fast as she could, leaving Jimin alone with his strained ankle and a confused look on his face.

Jimin looked around for cover, but there wasn't really any place to go, luckily it didn't take long for Ha Na to return and that with an umbrella in her hand.

"Thank you," said Jimin when Ha Na had opened the umbrella and held it to shelter both of them from the rain. They started walking again, but since both of them had worn thin summer clothes, they were already completely soaked, the clothes sticking to their body and every bypassing wind making them shiver.

I guess we can't go to the park now, thought Jimin to himself, maybe we should just go home.

"Noona," said Jimin and looked at Ha Na which made her turn her head and look at Jimin, "what should we do?" Ha Na noticed how much Jimin was shivering, he probably wasn't good with cold, thought she.

While holding the umbrella in one hand, she typed into her phone.

The library is just around the corner and I have a key. Should we dry up in there before going home? Otherwise you'll get sick.

"Is that really okay?" asked Jimin and Ha Na nodded and then started walking again, every step bringing them closer to the library.

Jimin watched as Ha Na unlocked the door and turned off the alarm, then welcoming Jimin to go inside in the huge, dark and quiet library.

It felt weird being here without any people and it felt even weirder when Jimin realized he would be alone with Ha Na in this big place.

Ha Na didn't have time for thoughts like that. She was busy running around, turning on the heating and finding some towels to dry their hair. She forced Jimin to take off his shoes and socks so she could put them on the radiator together with her own. She noticed the blue mark around Jimin's right ankle when he took off the shoe and she felt a stab in her heart. Without giving Jimin a change to object, Ha Na got down on her knees and gently dried his feet with the towel. Then she gave him another clean towel to dry his hair.

After they both had dried up as much as possible, they sat down with their back against the radiator, feeling the warmth enter their bodies and slowly getting dried up. Ha Na had put some towels under Jimin's foot so it was elevated and wouldn't hurt too much.

For a long time neither off them said anything or even tried to start a conversation, both too shy since they were all alone. Even still they sat pretty close and Jimin again looked at Ha Na's hand that was lying only a few centimetres away from his. Slowly, he moved his hand a bit closer, and then a little bit more until his pinky touched hers. It sent an electric shock through Ha Na's body and her hand moved a bit from the sudden touch. But she didn't move away completely and Jimin took it as a sign and slid his hand under hers, intertwining his fingers with hers. His heart felt like a racing horse let loose and he used all his energy, concentration on his breathing.

This was it, thought Jimin, I have to tell her now.

Ready to pour out his heart and emotions, Jimin turned his head to look at Ha Na, but he was startled by a pair of lips that landed directly on his in a spontaneous kiss. 

With widened eyes, Jimin looked into Ha Na's equally large eyes, before she quickly moved away and held her hand over her mouth.

"What..." started Jimin, but he was still in too much of a shock to speak, "did you... kiss me?"

Ha Na immediately bowed down in deep apology and then sat up and started signing, too fast for Jimin to possibly understand any of it.

"Ha Na," said Jimin, completely forgetting all about "Noona", but she kept signing, her cheeks read from the embarrassment.

"Ha Na... no... wait..." Jimin grabbed her hands, holding them tight in his to make her calm down for long enough that he could tell her something.

"I am not mad, so just relax. I can't understand anything if you speak so fast, okay?" Ha Na nodded slowly and Jimin let go of her hands. She then took out her phone and after typing in the sentence, she showed him the note while bowing her head to the floor, to embarrassed to even look at him.

I wanted to give you a kiss on the cheek... I'm sorry.

Jimin looked at the short but cute sentence typed into the phone and he couldn't hold back his giggles when he read it. Ha Na looked up and felt her anxiety grow bigger when she saw Jimin laughing at her text. She took back her phone and was about to get up and leave, when Jimin noticed her discouraged look in her eyes and he quickly grabbed her hand.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to laugh at you!" said Jimin, "please, come here and sit down so we can talk." Ha Na hesitated a bit, but eventually did as he said and sat down next to him. Jimin took a deep breath and tried to remember the sentences Jung Hwa had taught him earlier in the day.

"I like you," signed Jimin and looked at Ha Na who was blushing uncontrollably, "I don't like you the way I like Taehyung or Jungkook. Or the way you like your family. I like you as a woman. I have... fallen in love with you and... and I think you feel the same way about me." 

Ha Na couldn't say anything, too shocked by the sweet and honest words from Jimin. She truly didn't know what to do of herself and just sat still like a statue, looking at Jimin who was waiting for a reply with an impatient heart, beating in his chest.

"Ha Na?" said Jimin, having decided to completely lay off the "Noona" for now and he waved his hand in front of Ha Na's face. It seemed to make Ha Na return back to reality and her cheeks turned even redder when she looked at Jimin.

"I like you too..." signed Ha Na then while diverting her eyes from Jimin's, "I also like you as a man and... I think I have liked you for a while."

A relieved smile finally turned up on Jimin's face and unable to hold himself back, he grabbed Ha Na pulling her into his arms and gave her a big and warm hug. As Ha Na was embraced by Jimin's strong arms and was pressed against his body, she felt his heart beat in his chest, almost synchronously with her own heart. Jimin then pulled away a bit and looked at Ha Na and said.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" and Ha Na responded with a huge smile and a nod.

Jimin happily put his hands on both of Ha Na's cheeks that were hot from blushing so much and he slowly moved closer, feeling a force pulling him towards her lips.

"You know, that thing before... that wasn't a real kiss," said Jimin, "can I kiss you for real?" Again, Ha Na responded with a nod and smile, but a smile that was slightly more nervous than before.

Jimin then closed the gab between them, with slightly parted lips he reached Ha Na's and Jimin then closed his lips over hers in a deep, heartfelt kiss. While sliding his hands away from her cheeks and instead to her neck, Jimin kissed her again and then moved one of his hands further up in her hair and felt a shiver from Ha Na, her body responding to his touch. He gave her one last kiss before parting from her, resting his forehead on her forehead and brushing his nose against hers, which resulted in a small cute giggle to be heard from Ha Na. Without hesitation, Jimin once again pulled Ha Na into a hug and took a deep breath, forever wanting to cherish to moment he had with her right now.

Hello everyone!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, make sure to leave a comment and let me know what you think.

Also, remember to take good care of yourself and stay safe.

Love, Annalise~

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