Chapter 25

"The Zoo"

Jimin was leaning against the brick wall that build the entrance to the Zoo and he frantically looked around, trying to spot Ha Na in the crowd, but he couldn't see her anywhere. He thought the Zoo would be less crowded on a week day, but in the summer vacation, week days or weekends weren't what mattered. If the sun was shining, people would be out and outdoor places like theme parks or the Zoo would be crowded.

As time passed and the opening hours approached, the line got longer and Jimin once again looked at his watch, but just then, he felt someone's presence near him and when he looked up, Ha Na stood only a few inches away from him and he jumped back from the surprise. Ha Na laughed in response before apologizing for being late. 

"It is okay, you are not late," said Jimin while trying to sign the words he knew, "should we get in line?" Ha Na nodded and took Jimin's hand in hers, walking over to stand at the end of the line. 

There was no conversation between the couple while they waited for the line to move, they simply enjoyed each other's presence. Jimin looked at Ha Na in her blue denim overalls that made her look both kind of feminine but also casual, perfect for an outdoor date like today. She had a pair of stylish sunglasses places on her head, a set of flower shaped earrings and a camera bag swung over her shoulder, making Jimin smile knowing that she liked the gift her bought for her.

Ha Na turned her head and now realized that Jimin was staring at her and she lifted her left brow and gave him a smirk, which made him divert his eyes by the second, acting like the had never laid eyes on her in the first place. Ha Na just laughed while Jimin tried hiding his flushed cheeks.

After what seemed like an eternity, the line finally moved forward and they got to the counter and paid for two tickets before they moved inside and started spotting animals wherever their eyes would fall. Jimin was about to turn around and ask Ha Na where she wanted to go first, but she was already gone and stood in front of the lion's cage while jumping up and down in joy. As Jimin started walking towards her, he saw her taking out the camera and once he was beside her, she started taking photos of the lions.

"I have a feeling you like lions," said Jimin when he finally got Ha Na's attention and she nodded eagerly before putting the camera back in her bag.

"They look like big soft cats, I wish I could hug them!" replied she in sign language and Jimin laughed nervously.

"I don't think that would be a good idea," said Jimin and Ha Na stuck out her tongue in response.

"I know that, but I am allowed to dream, you said so yourself," replied Ha Na in sign language and Jimin couldn't deny that.

After standing in front of the lion's cage for quite some time, they moved on to look at some of the other animals and Ha Na seemed to have made a pact to take photos of every single one in the zoo, which made their journey longer, but Jimin didn't mind that.

Once the sun had reached the top of the sky, Jimin told Ha Na to sit down on one of the many benches around the Zoo while he went to buy them something to drink. 

"Here, it is important to drink a lot when it is hot," said Jimin and handed her the water bottle while Ha Na nodded before she took a big sip of the water.

For a while they both sat in silence and drank their water, looking at the people walking by. Couples hand in hand, entire families, small children running around and groups of friends having fun and laughing together.

"Should we move on or-" Jimin noticed the fallen look on Ha Na's face and he gently put his hand on hers, making her look up at him.

"Is something wrong?"asked he and Ha Na turned her lips up in a smile, but it only appeared shortly before disappearing again.

"I keep thinking about something…" signed Ha Na and looked like she wanted to continue, but she didn't.

"Tell me, maybe it will help to talk about it," said Jimin while signing.

"You will think I am stupid," signed Ha Na and Jimin aggressively shook his head.

"I would never think you are stupid, please tell me what is troubling you." Ha Na was about to start signing, but then thought it might be hard for Jimin to follow a longer explanation, and decided to turn to her phone instead.

The man you met at the library a while ago, Min Yoongi, he told me that I could get a job at his uncle's photography store. He saw my pictures and said they were good and he thought I should check out the shop. I didn't do anything about it, I love my job at the library, but everyday I start to enjoy taking photos more and more, every time I see something pretty or special, I want to capture the moment with my camera. I'm feeling torn… I don't know what to do.

Jimin looked at Ha Na after carefully reading the long message on her phone and then took a deep breath.

"Why didn't you tell me about this before?" asked he, not angry or annoyed, but worried.

"I thought it didn't matter since I wasn't going to do anything about it," signed Ha Na and when Jimin had trouble understanding, she ended up typing that as well.

"But now you are thinking about if you actually want to work as a photographer?"

"Yes… no… I don't know what I want," signed Ha Na and sighed deeply, before reaching for her phone again.

I love my job, Ms. Ji Eun was so kind to even give me the job in the first place in spite of my handicap and she has always been helping me, supporting me and giving me advice. I can't imagine working somewhere else. But I am starting to feel a passion that I have never felt for anything before. And I am feeling like… I want to pursue it, but I also don't want to leave Ji Eun, but… 

"I think I understand," said Jimin and stopped Ha Na from typing any more on her phone, "you are torn, it makes sense. But let us not worry in advance. That man, Min Yoongi, he only told that his uncle is looking for someone, that doesn't mean you will be hired no matter what. So what about going to the shop, talk to the uncle. Find out a bit more about this job, maybe you don't even want it when you learn more about it. Then after going there, you can make an informed decision." 

"You are right," signed Ha Na, "I shouldn't worry in advance, things might not work out when I go there. I should see what it is before I start thinking about quitting my job and starting a career."

"I am happy you told me about this," said Jimin while signing.

"I am happy you would listen to me," signed Ha Na and smiled.

"Do you want to move on now?" Ha Na nodded and they both got up from the bench, but they didn't get to take more than a few steps when they noticed a little child walking past them all alone, while crying. The two shared a look and then both ran towards the little boy.

"Hey there," said Jimin and squatted down and the little boy looked up at Jimin, still crying, "what is wrong, why are you crying?"

"My mom!" cried the kid and Ha Na now also squatted down, trying to read the boy's lips.

"Your mom? Did you lose your mom?" The boy nodded and wiped away some tears, but new ones still streamed from his eyes.

"We will help you find your mom, me and Noona, we will help you," said Jimin but the boy still wouldn't stop crying, "it is going to be alright," Jimin continued, starting to panic a little, but before he could say anything else, Ha Na started signing, immediately gaining the kid's attention.

"Don't cry, it is going to be alright," signed Ha Na and then gently put her arms around the kid and patted his back. When Ha Na moved away, the boy stood frozen, his eyes locked on Ha Na and his tears gone.

"What is Noona's name?" asked the kid Jimin as he held Ha Na's hand. 

"Her name is Kim Ha Na," replied Jimin, still a bit disappointed that he would only stop crying after Ha Na's interference.

"Can't Noona speak?" asked the kid.

"She can't hear, she has a voice, but she never learned how to use it." The kid looked up at Ha Na who only looked back at him with a smile and she tightened her grip on his hand for a short while.

"Why can't Noona hear?" asked the kid and Jimin sighed, having to think of a way to explain this to a kid his age. After a short while, Jimin stopped in his tracks and so did Ha Na and the kid.

"You see, when God created Noona, he made her too perfect in every way possible, so he had to give her at least one flaw or else it wouldn't be fair to everyone else." The kid looked in awe, his mouth wide open, but Ha Na quickly interfered by hitting Jimin on he back of his head.

"Ouch," said Jimin.

"Don't tell the kid strange things like that," signed she without being able to hide the faded pink on her cheeks and Jimin just laughed.

"But, if Noona is deaf, why does she understand what you say?" asked the kid as he watched the conversation between the two. Jimin now squatted down again and looked the kid in his eyes.

"Noona can read my lips," said Jimin and pointed at his lips, "she can read yours too, she practiced for a long long time so she is able to understand hearing people. Try looking at Noona and say something." The kid turned around and looked at Ha Na, a little shy, and Ha Na also squatted down to his level.

"Noona, do you understand me?" said the kid and Ha Na responded.

"Yes, it understand you," said she in sign language and the kid looked awestruck before exclaiming a "woah," which made both Jimin and Ha Na laugh.

"DO YUN!" a female voice cried out and Jimin looked up and saw a woman running towards them, the kid's face lighting up the same second.

"MOM!" yelled Do Yun and ran into his mother's embrace, Ha Na and Jimin watched at a distance.

"Thank you so much for looking after my son," thanked the woman and they both bowed and smiled.

"You have a very sweet son," said Jimin and looked at Do Yun.

"Mom, Noona can't hear or speak, but she can still understand me, isn't that cool?" The mom looked at her son, a little baffled about how to respond to that and she looked at Ha Na, afraid he was making her uncomfortable by yelling out such a thing, but she still had her unbothered smile on her face. Ha Na then looked at Do Yun and he looked her, sensing she wanted to tell him something.

"Make sure to be a good boy and stay by you mother's side. Don't run away, but have fun and make sure to see all the different animals." Do Yun had his eyes completely focused on Ha Na as she moved her hands in all sorts of movements.

"What did she say," asked the mother Jimin and he translated the best he could. 

"You two are a beautiful couple, I hope you have a nice day together," said she and grabbed her son's hand. 

"Thank you," replied Jimin and they all waved goodbye to each other. 

"What a cute little boy!" said Jimin once they had walked for a bit and Ha Na nodded.

"I hope our kids will be that cute," signed Ha Na and Jimin almost choked on his own saliva as he read her signs. It also occurred to Ha Na what she just signed and she immediately diverted her eyes, deep in embarrassment. 

"I… I am sorry," signed Ha Na, "I didn't mean to say… I don't know why… I-" Jimin stopped Ha Na by grabbing both her hands and then looked her deeply in the eyes.

"It is okay, I was just surprised, but I don't mind talking about that sort of stuff," said Jimin, making Ha Na blush even more, "and by the way, our kids would be a thousand times cuter."

After walking around the rest of the Zoo, looking at several animals and of course taking pictures of all of them, Ha Na and Jimin decided to call it a day and started walking towards Ha Na's house.

Not wanting to let go of Ha Na's hand, Jimin ended up following her all the way to the door, ready to get slapped in his head by Eun Ji, but to his surprise, they were both startled when the door opened and Jung Hwa stuck out her head.

"HAH!" yelled she and scared both of them, "I thought I saw you two through the window, well aren't you two looking all lovey-dovey."

"Stop teasing," signed Ha Na with an annoyed look, "why are you here?"

"We are all hanging out in the living room, our parents our out together, so we can party all night! Or at least until they return…" Ha Na laughed at her friends enthusiasm.

"I guess I will leave then," said Jimin, but Jung Hwa quickly grabbed his arm.

"Didn't you hear what I just said? We are partying and that means you as well, now come inside!" Neither Ha Na nor Jimin had a say in this and before long, they were all squeezed together in the sofa, Hakyeon and Namjoon eyeing the couple sitting very close to each other.

"You didn't go home, I see," said Hakyeon and Ha Na sent him a glare when she read his lips.

"No… I didn't," said Jimin a little nervous.

"Come on, we should all get to know each other better since Jimin and Ha Na are now officially dating!" said Jung Hwa and Namjoon nodded along while Hakyeon just sighed deeply.

"So tell us, what happened with this talent scout at the competition?" asked Namjoon while Hakyeon just looked away uninterested.

"I am going to audition, actually, the audition is the day after tomorrow, so I am starting to feel slightly nervous about it."

"It will turn out just fine," signed Ha Na.

"I hope so, even though I will be sad leaving the dorm room and leaving Taehyung and Jungkook."

"Who is that?" asked Namjoon, not thrilled to hear other names of boys Ha Na maybe knew.

"They are my friends and roommates," said Jimin, "but if I stop my education to start as a trainee, I won't be able to keep living with them."

"Oh no," signed Ha Na with a saddened face, "I hadn't even thought of that."

"It is okay, I might not even get in through this audition, I have never tried to pursue dancing as a career, so I have no idea what it will be like."

"Hakyeon can probably give you some advice," said Jung Hwa and Hakyeon glared back at her, but she ignored him completely and continued, "tell Jimin how the audition goes, maybe you help ease his mind a little." Everyone look at Hakyeon and especially Jimin waited in anticipation.

"Well…" started Hakyeon and felt a lump in his throat as he noticed Ha Na's hand on Jimin's, "It… It has already been 10 years since I debuted and even longer since I auditioned, they probably changed it so much I wouldn't be able to tell anything useful." 

"Come on, you must be able to give some advice," said Jung Hwa and looked at him with sharp and cold eyes.

"I guess…" said Hakyeon, "just practice hard and show them everything you have got in you! I have seen you dance and I am sure it will turn out well."

"Thank you, Hyung," said Jimin and Hakyeon tried to send back a smile.

"Why don't you show us what you have prepared for the audition?" asked Namjoon and Ha Na nodded excitedly.

"Yes, please show us!" signed she and Jimin nervously started rubbing his neck.

"I don't know… there is no music and-"

"I have Spotify connected to their speakers," said Jung Hwa and shut down Jimin's only excuse."

"Then… I guess I will show you."

"Woohoo!" yelled Jung Hwa and started clapping, the rest following along; even Hakyeon, as Jimin moved to the front of the sofa table.

After Jimin told Jung Hwa what song to put on, he got into position, ready to show the routine he had prepared at home, his heart beating when he knew Hakyeon would be watching. But then his eyes fell on Ha Na instead and her soft expression pierced into his heart and filled it with warmth and happiness. She looked happy, excited and somewhat proud, all these emotions giving Jimin the energy to begin his routine.

"Alright," said Jung Hwa, "are you ready?" Jimin looked at Ha Na for one more second and then turned his eyes to Jung Hwa.

"Yes," said he, "I am ready."

Hello everyone!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I remember how I thought up this scene all the way back to the beginning when I first started planning out the story. I was really looking forward to writing this chapter and I had a lot of fun doing it.

Please don't forget to leave a comment before you move on and take good care of yourself!

Love, Annalise~

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