Chapter 26

"MS Photography"

Ha Na was walking down the unfamiliar street with her phone in her hand, carefully following the directions on her phone. She made sure to look up frequently, so she didn't walk into something or someone, not being able to hear if anyone called out to her. 

After she went around another corner, she smiled when she finally saw her destination not too far from her, but in the same moment, a message turned up on her phone's screen. 


From: Park Jimin ❤️🐨

I'm on my way to the audition now, I think I'll pass out from my nerves. 


To: Park Jimin ❤️🐨

Don't worry, it'll be just fine. That man wouldn't have asked you to come if he didn't think you had the potential. 

Just take a deep breath and them show them what you've got  


From: Park Jimin ❤️🐨

Thanks Noona... can we meet later when you're done working? 


To: Park Jimin ❤️🐨

Sure but I took the day off. I'm visiting the photography shop today. 

I can text you when I'm done, then we can meet up. 


From: Park Jimin ❤️🐨

Deal. And good luck at the shop. 


To: Park Jimin ❤️🐨

Same to you, good luck at the audition. 


Ha Na put her phone in her pocket, she didn't need to look at "maps" anymore since she had been standing in front of her destination for the last five minutes while texting Jimin. But now, as she finally took a good look at the building, she noticed how beautiful it was. It had yellow brick walls and a black roof, with two floors, the ground floor being the shop and the 1st floor being residential. As a contrast to most of the city with its tall buildings and grey concrete, this area didn't have a single building over 3 floors and the houses were filled with colors and a feeling of life. 

Over the door to the shop was a big sign that said "MS Photography". She wondered what "MS" stood for, maybe the M was for "Min" like in "Min Yoongi".  

On each side of the door was two large windows where pictures and portraits were displayed. Ha Na took a moment to look at them, one was from a wedding of the bride and groom, one was a family photo, a few of them were passport photos and the rest were outdoor pictures of landscapes and animals. 

When she had taken a careful look at every picture, Ha Na took a deep breath and clenched the strap on her camera and checked her pocket for the piece of paper written by Yoongi. 

She opened the door, whereafter she felt the vibrations in the door from what she assumed was a bell to notify the staff that customers were coming. Ha Na looked up and her speculations were confirmed as she saw the golden bell over the door. 

After walking a bit further inside, towards the counter at the end of the shop, a man swooped out from a room next to the counter and showed Ha Na a big smile. 

He was a middle-aged man, but his eyes were full of youth and life. He had a few wrinkles on his forehead and his hair was black with some grey tints starting to show. Over his lips where a smile was still present, he had a little moustache that somehow made him look even friendlier. 

"How may I help you, young lady?" said the man and looked at Ha Na who quickly took out the piece of paper, handing it to the man. 

"Ah, I see," Ha Na read off of his lips as the man lifted his eyes from the paper and again looked at Ha Na, "so you are the person my nephew kept talking about, the deaf girl?" Ha Na nodded eagerly and was ready to pull out her phone where she had pre-written a message, but the man started speaking again before she got that far. 

"I am sorry, but I am actually with a customer right now, do you mind waiting for a bit, then we can talk?" Ha Na shook her head and made an "OK" sign, one that everyone could understand and the man made a relieved smile.  

After the man disappeared into the room right next to the counter with the text written on the door "Photography room", Ha Na moved around the corner of that room to a small waiting area and sat down on a chair. 

On the coffee table, different folders and photo books were displayed, probably filled with pictures taken by the shop owner. Since Ha Na didn't know how long she would have to wait, she decided to flip through the pages of the books and she was mesmerized by the beautiful pictures. Not only did he seem to have great technique, but he also had an ability to capture the people's emotions. Ha Na noticed a name at the bottom off most of the pictures. 

Min Sang Hoo. 

That must be his name, Ha Na thought to herself. 

After looking through almost every photo book, Ha Na got up and instead looked at the pictures displayed on the wall opposite of the waiting area. She found the same name occurring again and again until suddenly, a girl's name showed up. 

Min Sung.

It was rare to see a name with only two syllables, but she found the name quite beautiful, and so was the photo. It was very different from the other pictures she had seen. It was much more, aesthetic and artistic, almost like an abstract painting. But when she looked closely, she could easily tell it was a photograph. It had the sun in the background as it was setting behind the calm water in which the reflection of the sun was seen. It was simple, yet beautiful. 

Ha Na jumped a little to the side when she felt someone's presence next to her and when she turned around her eyes met with the man from before, Sang Hoo. 

"I am sorry you had to wait for so long," said he and looked apologetic, "I see you are looking at my daughter's photography. Do you like it?" Ha Na didn't feel like a nod would be enough to answer that question and she quickly took out her phone and started typing in her message. 

I love it, your daughter is very talented. She will without a doubt become an artist one day. 

"She already is," said Sang Hoo after reading Ha Na's text, "she is attending Seoul University as an art student. That is why I need help around the shop, so she can focus on her studies, without worrying about me."  

Does the MS in the shop name stand for Min Sung? 

"You are quite clever," said Sang Hoo with a smirk, "most people think they are my initials, but they are my daughter's. It has been just me and her for a long time so she is the person I care about the most." Ha Na looked at Sang Hoo and the somehow sad expression he showed when he talked about his daughter. 

It sounds like you have had a hard time. 

"No no, it is okay," said Sang Hoo and tried brushing it off like nothing, "my wife died when Sung was very young, she always had poor health, but we have gotten along just fine, Sung and I." Sang Ho suddenly stopped talking and started laughing instead. 

"What is this? We are supposed to talk about you and the job position, but here I am, talking about myself, I am so sorry." Ha Na was about to tell him it was okay, but he interrupted her and instead asked her if she wanted to go sit down. Sang Hoo went to the self serve drink dispenser and got a cup of coffee for both of them. Ha Na wasn't very fond of coffee, but couldn't bear to say no, now that he already got it for her. 

"So, can you tell me a bit about yourself?" asked Sang Hoo and Ha Na immediately found her phone, thrilled that she could finally show the pre-written message she had written down earlier. Sang Hoo thoroughly read her explanation about age and former occupation and family situation and of course, her handicap as well. 

"Everything seems okay to me, your handicap wouldn't be a problem either, we will just learn to work around that. But now to the most important thing, can you take pictures?" Ha Na's heart slowly started beating faster when she handed the camera to Sang Hoo and he started scrolling through the pictures. 

"Not the best... I guess this is okay... well what to expect with this camera's lens... too little emotion in this one... seems a bit stiff." 

Ha Na nervously started biting her nails when she saw the negative reactions to her pictures and she was about to take back the camera when Sang Hoo's face suddenly lit up in a smile. Ha Na looked to see which picture could spark that reaction and saw the picture of Jimin. 

"This is the best picture you have taken!" said Sang Hoo and Ha Na made a confused face, "everything that could be technically wrong with this photo, is wrong, but the emotions in it are real and I can tell you were happy when you took it, am I right?" Ha Na nodded, a little embarrassed, as she told herself to remember to remove that picture from her camera when she got home.  

"Is he your boyfriend?" asked Sang Hoo and Ha Na nodded again. 

He is the one who gave me the camera, the day I took that picture. 

"I see," said Sang Hoo and gave her back the camera, "you are hired!" 

Ha Na almost fell off the sofa from the shock and when Sang Ho went straight into talking about working hours and payments, Ha Na stopped him. 

I am sorry, but can I think about it? I didn't really think I would get this job, I already have a job I love, but this was something my heart told me to try and pursue. But if I have to take this job, I will need to quiet my other job and for that, I need some time to think and plan.

"You are a tough girl to do business with," said Sang Hoo jokingly, "but I understand. I do need some help fast, so I can't give you more than a week." 

I understand, I will make sure to reply as fast as possible. But can I ask, why would you hire me after saying all those negative things about my pictures? 

"Well," said Sang Hoo and thought for a while, "you can always teach the basic techniques and how to work with lighting and lenses and such, but to capture emotions and to put your own emotions in the pictures you take, that can't be taught. Luckily, you have a natural talent, so I am willing to teach you how to become a real photographer." Ha Na almost couldn't believe the words that left Sang Hoo's mouth and she held her breath the entire time as she wrote the response on her phone.

Thank you so much for this offer, I will think about it well and then get back to you. 

Ha Na got up, held out her hand and then shook Sang Hoo's hand gently before waving goodbye and leaving the shop. 

Ha Na walked a few meters away from the shop and then spotted a bench where she hurried over before she would collapse. Completely dehydrated, after sweating out basically every fluid in her body, she had to take a minute before she could walk any further.  

She sat on the bench without knowing how long, simply letting time move on as she looked at the busy people walking past her again and again. Her thoughts were killing her, the whole conversation kept replaying in her head and she remembered the adrenaline that filled her body when she was talking about photography. She also couldn't forget the photo taken by his daughter, Sung. She wondered how old she was, maybe a bit younger than Jimin, knowing that she just started University. She wanted to meet her. 

While her thoughts kept filling her mind, slowly increasing the headache she had, her phone vibrated and she saw a message from Jimin. 


From: Park Jimin ❤️🐨

Can we meet? 


To: Park Jimin ❤️🐨

Sure, I'll send you my location, where are you? Maybe we can meet halfway? 


From: Park Jimin ❤️🐨

I'm almost at the other end of the city. Let's meet at this café and get a bit to eat while we're there. 


To: Park Jimin ❤️🐨

Alright, I'll take a bus there, I'll see you soon. 


After typing in the address on her phone, Ha Na found a bus she could take and slowly started walking towards the bus stop. She was dying to know how the audition went and had to control herself to not ask over text right now. But she was sure it couldn't be too bad, because then he probably wouldn't want to meet at all

When Ha Na got off the bus, Jimin was already there waiting for her and he gave her a quick hug, making sure not to make people uncomfortable by the public display of affection. 

"How did it go?" signed Ha Na before they started walking, her curiosity getting the best of her, and Jimin laughed nervously. 

"It... went alright, I guess," said Jimin while rubbing his neck, "because, I got in." Ha Na's eyes widened to twice the size and she had to ask Jimin to repeat that. 

"I GOT IN!" shouted he and Ha Na jumped into his embrace again, this time without worrying about other people. 

"Congratulations Jimin!" signed Ha Na after she let go of him. 

"Thank you!" said Jimin with a huge smile, "I still can't believe it. I felt like they had already made the decision before I started dancing. They just asked me when I was able to start as a trainee. So I said in a week. Then I have time to call my dad and maybe talk to the school since I have to leave the dorm." 

"That is so exciting! I am so happy for you!" 

"I am happy too, I just hope I will do well since I am starting a bit late," said Jimin, "but what about you? You went to the shop?" 

"Yes," signed Ha Na, "it all sounded amazing and I would love to work there. But I need to think about it first." 

"Do you want to talk about it?" 

"No, I want to make this decision on my own. And if I decide to quit the job at the library, I will have to talk to my parents as well." 

"Of course," said Jimin, "take your time and think about it and then tell me when you have made a decision." 

"I will," signed Ha Na, "you have become really good at understanding my sign language, but you rarely sign yourself. Why is that?" 

"I guess I am a little shy," said Jimin while signing and Ha Na couldn't help giggle at his facial expression when he signed "shy" and truly did look shy. 

"You are so cute," signed Ha Na and then squished his cheeks. 

"Stop it," said Jimin embarrassed and gently removed her hand from his cheek, "I... I will try to become better at signing, I promise," said Jimin in sign language and Ha Na nodded. 

"Thank you," signed Ha Na, "come on, let us go! I am really hungry." Ha Na grabbed Jimin's hand and started dragging him with her while he followed along, laughing. 

"Wait up," said he and walked up to be next to her. While they walked side by side, with their fingers intertwined, Jimin looked up to the sky and said: 

"I promise I will do my best, I won't let you get hurt anymore, I will make sure to protect your smile, forever." 

"Did you just say something?" signed Ha Na when she looked at Jimin. 

"Me?" Jimin pointed at himself.

"No, I didn't say anything. Come on, let us walk faster so we can get something to eat."

Hello everyone!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and like how the second half of this story is progressing. I really enjoyed writing about Jimin and Ha Na's relationship and I hope it is entertaining for you to read.

If it is, please let me know in the comments down below. Take good care of yourself and stay safe!

Love, Annalise~

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