Chapter 27

"A new start"

A million drops of sweat were sliding down her forehead, while her breathing still increased by the minute and her head was spinning so fast it was hard for her to even walk straight.

Ha Na looked down at the envelope again, internally reading the written words on the front, but just as she was about to head over to the counter in the library, she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and took it out to see a message from Jimin.


From: Park Jimin ❤️🐨

I don't think we can meet today. Since I'm moving out of the dorm tomorrow, I thought it'd be a good idea to go out with Tae and JK to have some fun on our last evening together.


Barely able to move her shaking hands, Ha Na quickly replied that it was completely fine and that she was hoping they would have a lot of fun. She then took in a deep, long breath and put her phone back in her pocket, whereafter she walked towards the counter, her entire body shaking on her way there.

"Oh, Ha Na," said Ji Eun when she saw Ha Na approaching her at the counter, "what is it?"

Ha Na only pointed at the door to Ji Eun's office and Ji Eun asked; "should we talk in there? I am getting all nervous now."

That sentence didn't really help ease Ha Na's beating heart, but she just followed along without showing any emotion in her facial expression.

After they entered the office, Ha Na shut the door behind them and sat down at the chair across from Ji Eun. Even with the lights turned on, the atmosphere felt gloomy and Ji Eun was beginning to sense, that this wasn't just a normal conversation.

"Ha Na, was is this all about?" said Ji Eun, but then noticed the glistering tears in Ha Na's eyes, "are you crying?" Ha Na didn't reply, instead she handed the letter to Ji Eun who looked a bit confused until she read the front of the envelope.

Resignation letter

Ji Eun looked up and saw how Ha Na was diverting her eyes, only looking down at her lap and she reached out and waved her hands in front of her to make her look up.

"Don't cry, silly," said Ji Eun and handed her a tissue she grabbed from her purse, "it is not like anyone is dying."

Ha Na looked at Ji Eun who showed a soft smile and Ha Na quickly wiped away her tears with the tissue. 

"So, you want to quit?" said Ji Eun and put down the envelope on the table, "may I ask why?"

Ha Na reached for her phone and typed in a short message as she sniffled a little, holding back her tears. 

I have been offered a job at a shop called MS Photography and I agreed to take it. I will learn how to take photos and learn different techniques so I can become a real photographer, it is a really good opportunity.

"You are right, that does sound like a good opportunity," said Ji Eun in a calm voice, "then I guess today will be your last day?"

I can stay until you find a new assistant librarian, I will talk to the boss about waiting a bit before I start working. 

"No, you should make a good first impression at your new job," said Ji Eun, "don't worry about me!"

Are you sure? 

"Yes I am sure," said Ji Eun and got up from her chair, "now get out there and finish up your duties on your last day here." Ha Na looked at Ji Eun who had been keeping her cool the entire time and she just nodded slowly and then turned around and left the office. After Ha Na closed the door behind her and Ji Eun was left alone in the cold office, she let out a huge sigh.

I guess I was bound to happen one day, she thought to herself, It would be selfish of me to keep her by my side for- 

Ji Eun's thoughts were interrupted when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her stomach and a small body pressed up against her back. She turned her head slightly to see Ha Na hugging her as tight as she could. Without pushing Ha Na away, Ji Eun shifted a bit so she now faced towards Ha Na and she then put her arms around her too, allowing Ha Na to disappear in her warm embrace.

"You have no idea how much I will miss you," said Ji Eun even though she knew Ha Na couldn't hear her, "but I am grateful for all those years you worked here so, thank you." 


From: Ha Na ❤️

I told Ji Eun that I'm quitting...

Jimin looked at his phone and felt his heart drop and Taehyung slightly peaking over his shoulder.

"Is something wrong?" asked Taehyung.

"Is Ha Na noona sad that you are hanging out with us tonight?" added Jungkook.

"No, she just had a rough day," answered Jimin, "I am just going to reply to her message and then I will be right with ya."


To: Ha Na ❤️

It must have been hard to tell her that. You did great, I'm so proud of you. 

And remember that you can always go and visit her.

Don't be sad, go home and rest tonight, then we can meet tomorrow and I'll treat you to some noodles.

After sending the message, Jimin put the phone back in his pocket and then walked into the karaoke room he and the guys rented for the next two hours. When he opened the door, Jungkook was already in the middle of passionately singing a song. It was BIGBANG's "Fantastic baby" and Taehyung was banging his head to the beat while Jungkook used all the strength in his voice to hit the notes perfectly.

Jimin quietly went to sit next to Taehyung and took a sip of the beer Taehyung had ordered for him. 

A few songs and beers later, Taehyung was having fun singing and dancing to Psy's "New Face" while Jungkook stuffed his face with some snacks they had bought.

"So, how is it going with you and Noona?" asked Jungkook, speaking loudly so the music didn't drown him out.

"It is going fine," said Jimin, "her parents are getting more used to the thought of me and her together, so that is good." 

"What is all this serious talk over here," said Taehyung as he plopped down on the couch next to them, "we are supposed to have fuuuuuuuun!"

"We are having fun!" said Jimin and laughed, "Jungkook was just asking about me and Noona." 

"Oh," said Taehyung with a smirk, "that is because Jungkook is in love!"


"Hyung, I am not!" protested Jungkook. 

"You so are," sneered Taehyung right back at him, "you sigh all the time and you keep turning the conversation into one about love."

"What, Jungkook is there really someone you like?" asked Jimin all excited, "is she someone from University?" 

Jungkook looked at his two friends who had their eyes widened as they waited for an answer and he let out a long sigh.

"Alright yes, she is someone from University," admitted Jungkook, "but she is not from our department." 

"What department is she in?" asked Taehyung.

"She is in the art department."

"What is her name?" 

"I..." stuttered Jungkook as his cheeks turned a little pink, "I know her face, but I don't know her name."

"What? You don't even know her name?" said Taehyung disappointed.

"Then how do you even know her?" added Jimin.

"I just happened to see her," started Jungkook, "I was going to the art department to meet with my old friend from high school, Hyun Joo. When I found him, he had to go get some of his supplies from the art room so I followed him there. And when we got there, a girl was sitting alone while painting. She seem so emerged in her work that she didn't even notice our appearance. She had her hair tied up in a pony tail and looked so cozy in her over-sized hoodie..." 

"Someone is hit hard," said Taehyung and started laughing, but Jimin shut him up by punching his arm.

"Why didn't you ask Hyun Joo about her?" asked Jimin, "he might know her when they are in the same department." 

"I was too embarrassed," whined Jungkook, "let us not talk more about this I am starting to feel awkward, come on Jimin Hyung, let us sing a song together."

"Sure, but I still think you should try to find out a little more about that girl," said Jimin, "you never know how it could turn out. Maybe she is the one."

"Ugh," said Taehyung and fake gagged, "you have been such a romantic after getting together with Ha Na Noona, I can't take it." 

"I am sorry, I will stop now," said Jimin, "come on Jungkook, you choose a song."

Several songs later, a few shots and some soda, Jimin was walking home with Taehyung and Jungkook waltzing around, acting a bit tipsy as they kept singing and doing some small dance moves which only kept Jimin amused. 

"You know, I am going to miss you guys," said Jimin and they both turned around to look at their sober friend walking behind them.

"I love you, man!" yelled Taehyung and ran over to hug Jimin, but Jimin immediately pushed him away.

"Stop it!" said he.

"I love you too!" yelled Jungkook and hugged Jimin as well, "don't ignore us after you become a big star!"

"I won't, of course I won't" assured Jimin them, "you two are my best friends."

"Good," said Taehyung and wrapped his arm around Jimin's shoulder, "because I will need your help if Jungkook is ever going to get that art department girl." 

"Hey, I can take care of myself," exclaimed Jungkook.

"You can't even talk to a girl without blushing," said Taehyung. 

"You are not any better, it is not like you have a girlfriend."

"I could, if I wanted to!" 

"Yeah right."

Jimin looked at his two friends arguing and just shook his head before he walked past them, and they both soon realized that they were being left behind

"Wait up, Hyung!" shouted they both as they ran towards him.

"Being out with you two is like taking care of little kids," said Jimin, completely forgetting about the time he drunk texted Ha Na and Taehyung had to take away his phone.

"I am not a kid!" said Jungkook, "I amm going to get that girl's phone number, I will ask her out on a date and I will make her fall deeply in love with me." 

There was a short while of silence until Taehyung broke it with a loud mocking laughter.

"It is true, I will really do it!" 

"I will believe you when I see it."

"You will see it, alright." 

Jimin looked at the two and then swung his arms around them and started walking forward.

"Alright people, that is enough arguing for tonight," said he as he dragged both of them along with him, "seriously, who is going to look after you two when I leave?"

Hello everyone!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it was a little sad. I mean, it's an end of an era. Ha Na leaving the library and Jimin leaving the dorm. But what new things await them? Let's find out!

Please don't forget to leave a comment before you move on, and stay safe out there, take good care of yourself!

Love, Annalise~

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