Chapter 28

"The last drop"

Hoseok looked at his watch and almost as on cue, his stomach started growling like a wild beast. He sighed and then swung his bag over his right shoulder while he looked at Jimin who was still practicing with everything he had in him. Fearing for his life, Hoseok turned off the music and Jimin looked at him with an annoyed look in his eyes.

"Come on Jimin, we have been practicing for hours," said Hoseok, "it is getting late and we haven't even had dinner."

"I am not hungry, you can just go," replied Jimin, "I will practice a bit longer."

"Jimin," sneered Hoseok at him just as Jimin was about to press play on the radio, "you need to relax as well. Now come and eat with me." Jimin looked at his friend who seemed genuinely worried about him and he finally gave in and agreed to stop for the day.

"You have really improved these last three weeks since you started as a trainee," complimented Hoseok Jimin as they walked towards Jimin's apartment with take away in their hands.

"Thank you," said Jimin with a smile that didn't seem to reach all the way to eyes.

"What is wrong?" said Hoseok, immediately catching on.

"Nothing," mumbled Jimin, but then continued, "everyone is just so much better than me. They all started out really young, I feel like this was all a really bad idea."

"Remember why you chose this path," said Hoseok, "not to be the best or to earn the most money, but because you love to dance. I wouldn't want that joy you always have while dancing, to disappear."

"You are right," said Jimin, with a bigger smile this time, "I will try to hold on to that joy, rather than comparing myself to the others."

"That is the spirit!" said Hoseok and Jimin laughed a little.

"Come on," said Jimin, "let us walk faster or the food will be cold before we reach my place."


"Very good," complimented Sang Hoo Ha Na while he was looking at the photos she had been editing as a learning process, "you are getting much better at this." Ha Na sent a smile as a reply, but then noticed that Sang Hoo turned his head towards the door, so she looked as well and noticed two customers who had entered the shop.

"I will take care of them, you just get back and keep working on this," said Sang Hoo and Ha Na nodded, just about to walk away when she saw him continue speaking, "oh and we really have to do something about this bell, because you can't hear when customers enter. Maybe a light?... Never mind, let us talk about this later." Ha Na nodded and Sang Hoo moved on to greet the customers.

After Ha Na sat down at the counter, she opened up Youtube on the computer and found those tutorial videos Sang Hoo had suggested she watched. When she put on the captions it was easy to follow along and she really did learn a lot from them.

After a few minutes, she looked at her phone, just as she had been doing every second minute for the last hour, waiting for a reply from Jimin, and just then, a message arrived.


From: Park Jimin ❤️🐨

I'm sorry but I can't meet up with you today. Everyone has to stay late at the company but I think I have some time tomorrow evening if you're free.


To: Park Jimin ❤️🐨

That's okay, you just make sure not to overwork yourself. I'll try to clean out my schedule for tomorrow evening. 

I miss you.


From: Park Jimin ❤️🐨

I miss you too.


When Ha Na looked up from her phone, she was startled to see Min Sung standing in front of her and she almost fell of the chair.

Sung just bowed and said a quick "hi" before she moved past her and then walked upstairs, like she did almost every day. On her first day at work, Sang Hoo made sure they got introduced to each other, but Sung seemed to be a little shy and she rarely spoke to Ha Na.

But she was rather early today, maybe her class got canceled, or maybe she didn't feel good?

"Was that my daughter just now?" asked Sang Hoo when he got Ha Na's attention and she nodded, "seriously, that girl! She should greet her father when she comes home." Ha Na giggled silently, but when Sang Hoo looked at her with a lifted brow, she stayed quiet and got back to work.

The morning went by in a flash and just as it was time for lunch, Ha Na was startled by Sung once again.

"Excuse me," said she while looking down, which made it harder for Ha Na to read her lips, but she somehow managed, "would you like to go out and have lunch with me?"

A little confused, but still very happy, Ha Na nodded along and then grabbed her purse, ready to leave with Sung. They didn't interact at all and Ha Na just followed along while Sung moved down the small streets until they reached a food vendor where they both bought some hot fish cakes. Once in a while Ha Na looked at Sung and wondered why she asked her to come when she didn't even talk, but maybe she just didn't want to go out alone. No matter the reason, Ha Na was more than happy to accompany her.

"I am sorry if I have been a little unfriendly," said Sung after they had both sat down on a bench with a cola in their hand, "I... I didn't really know how to approach you."

Because I am deaf?

Sung looked at the message on Ha Na's phone and even though she hated to admit it, she nodded along anyway.

"I am really sorry, I know I shouldn't be keeping a distance just because of that, I want to make up for it somehow." Ha Na just smiled and shook her head, telling her not to make a big deal about it.

"Then, do you want be friends?" asked Sung and held out her hand, which Ha Na shook immediately while she nodded, which seemed to make Sung relax a bit more.

For a little while no one said anything, they just silently drank their cola, until Sung then turned to Ha Na again.

"You have a boyfriend right?" Ha Na blushed when she saw that question and it brought a smirk to Sung's face, "I knew it! You always have your phone close by and you answer it immediately when you get a message! So... what is he like?"

He is very sweet and caring. He is a dancer.

"Really? Wow that is pretty cool, but then he must be busy, right?"

He is, he works really hard. Lately, we haven't been able to meet a lot.

"That is too bad," said Sung, "but there is nothing to do, he has to work hard in that industry."

Is it really that hard?

"Of course it is hard," started Sung and they quickly got into a rather long discussion about the entertainment industry and Ha Na didn't even notice how time passed by until she saw that it was 30 minutes past her lunch break.

I am late, I have to run back!

"It is okay, I will explain it to dad." Sung tried calming her down, but Ha Na just shook her head and immediately started running, leaving Sung alone at the bench a little surprised at her eagerness, but she just laughed it off before getting on her way as well, since she had to get back to University for her afternoon classes.

When the day was coming to an end and the sun was starting to set, Ha Na said goodbye to Sang Hoo and told him to tell his daughter thank you for having lunch with her.

After getting off the bus, it didn't take long before she reached home. The photography shop was further away than the library so she had to take a bus, but she didn't mind that at all. That way she had 10 minutes to sit and relax before she got home to her family who always had a million questions about her new job. If you really could call it a new job after working there for 3 weeks.

But Ha Na didn't even reach the doorknob to her house before Jung Hwa came running from behind and scared her to death

"Finally!" signed Jung Hwa when Ha Na's soul had returned to her body "you are not with Jimin today?"

"No, he had to stay at the company, " signed Ha Na without being able to hide her sadness, but Jung Hwa didn't allow her smile to fade as she smacked both of Ha Na's cheeks before signing:

"Don't be sad, you can have lots of fun without your boyfriend! Your parents aren't home tonight, they are at some event with my parents so we are cooking dinner at our place."

"Oh okay," signed Ha Na and rubbed her sore cheeks before following Jung Hwa to their house, but when they arrived inside, they were met by absolute disaster.

"What on earth is going on?" yelled Jung Hwa while coughing from all the smoke that filled the kitchen.

"You were taking so long, so we thought we would start cooking," said Namjoon and he waved his hands in the air to see through the dark smoke.

"HAKYEON OPPA!" shouted Jung Hwa.

"WHAT?" shouted he back.

"YOU LET NAMJOON OPPA COOK?" continued she and walked into the kitchen to turn off the stove and immediately opened a window to get the smoke out. Ha Na was standing in the door to the kitchen while she continued to cough and hadn't been able to understand anything that had been said.

Once the smoke decreased a little, Hakyeon noticed Ha Na and immediately rushed to her side, asking if she was okay. He quickly got her a glass of water to which she thanked him.

"Why aren't you getting me a glass of water?" asked Jung Hwa a bit annoyed.

"Get it yourself," replied he before turning to Ha Na again with a big smile on his face.

After shoving out Namjoon and Hakyeon, Ha Na and Jung Hwa started cleaning up in the kitchen and threw out the men's sad dinner attempt, before they started from scratch. 

It didn't take long before the dinner was ready and in the meantime, everyone's hunger had only grown bigger and so all the food was devoured down to the last grain of rice.

"That was great," said Namjoon while signing, all four of them sitting in the living room.

"It is good to have sisters," added Hakyeon and Namjoon agreed immediately.

"What should we do?" asked Ha Na and they all looked at each other without any ideas popping into their heads.

"Why aren't you with Jimin today?" asked Namjoon, "yesterday you said you had plans."

"He suddenly had to stay at the company," replied Ha Na and Jung Hwa internally scolded Namjoon for bringing up this subject.

"That is how it is in the beginning," signed Jung Hwa, "right, Hakyeon Oppa?" They all looked at Hakyeon who hadn't been paying attention since the name "Jimin" got mentioned.

"I am sorry, what?" said Hakyeon and Jung Hwa sighed deeply.

"Isn't it like that at your company as well?" asked Namjoon, "sudden change of schedules, late night practices?"

"Oh, yes. He will get used to that," responded Hakyeon, hoping this conversation would end soon.

"I have been thinking about something," signed Ha Na and everyone waited for her to continue but when she didn't, Jung Hwa asked:

"What is it?"

"It is stupid," signed Ha Na, "but I have been thinking, how does Jimin's voice sound?" Hakyeon rolled his eyes, but Ha Na didn't seem to notice.

"Why are you asking about that?" signed Jung Hwa.

"I don't know, I have just been thinking about it a lot lately," replied Ha Na with blushing cheeks.

"I guess he has what I would call a soft voice," said Jung Hwa in sign language painting the words to give the best possible description, "when he gets embarrassed his voice goes higher pitched and so does his laughter." Jung Hwa stopped for a minute and looked at Ha Na who was completely emerged in what Jung Hwa signing.

"You know that feeling you get when you see him smile and you are sure it is the most brightest smile you have ever seen, even brighter than the sun. That is exactly how you feel when you hear his voice."

"Really?" asked Ha Na and Jung Hwa nodded, "I knew he had a beautiful voice."

"What is all this crap?" uttered Hakyeon suddenly and Ha Na looked at him in confusion, "Jimin has a girly voice. It is high pitched all the time and is simply annoying to listen to. You should be happy that you are deaf."

"What is with you tonight?" said Jung Hwa, Ha Na being too shocked to say anything.

"I thought you liked Jimin?" signed Ha Na with her big doe eyes staring at Hakyeon, the guilt building inside him.

"I do," replied Hakyeon, "Jimin is a good guy.

"Then why do you say such mean things about him?"

"I-" Hakyeon was interrupted by Namjoon who suddenly cut in.

"Hakyeon is just jealous that you are spending so much time with Jimin and not with him."

"He is right, Ha Na," added Jung Hwa, "ever since you started spending time with Jimin, Hakyeon has been acting weird."

Namjoon then continued while laughing: "one might even think he is in love with you."

"That is right."

The small giggles and light atmosphere in the room suddenly became dark and silent as everyone was staring at Hakyeon, trying to understand what just happened.

"Dude, I was only messing with you," said Namjoon after a while in silence.

"But what you said is true," said Hakyeon without blinking while Ha Na stared at him from her seat, "I like her. Now you all know. I like Ha Na."

Ha Na tensed up looking at Hakyeon and she was struggling to comprehend this entire situation, but before she was able to ask about it or even just say anything at all, Hakyeon got up from his seat and walked away.

Just before he left the living room, he felt a tiny hand grab onto his shirt and he sighed before turning around to see just the person he was expecting. She was almost trembling, her eyes wide open as she stared at Hakyeon.

"I... don't understand what is going on," signed Ha Na with shaking hands and Hakyeon rolled his eyes in response.

"Of course you don't," said he, not even caring to use sign language, "you are to busy with your own life, you would never stop and think about others." 

With those words, Hakyeon left Ha Na behind, standing alone in the door opening between the living room and the hall.

Smashing the front door behind him, Hakyeon walked outside in the dark night and the autumn wind was sending chills down his spine.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" shouted a voice behind him and he turned around to see his sister walking towards him with a furious look.

"What the heck was that all about?" said she once she stood right in front of him, "you like Ha Na? When on earth did that happen? And why, OH MY GOSH why would you bring it up now and in such a manner that would make her feel awful about herself."

"I am sorry, but I wasn't in the mood to talk about her and Jimin all night, like we always do."

"Can't you just be happy on her behalf?" said Jung Hwa.

"No, I can't just be happy on their behalf!" said Hakyeon.

"Why not? And why have you never mentioned this before, not even to me?"

"Come on, like you and I have ever been good at that stuff," said Hakyeon in a sarcastic tone.

"Maybe not, but then why haven't you told Ha Na before?"

"I just haven't!"

"Why not? Why did you wait until she finally met someone and fell in love so you could bash this news on her and make her even sadder."

"Because I didn't know!" shouted Hakyeon in a trembling voice, "I didn't know I liked her that way. I thought I was satisfied with the friendship we had, as long as she was by my side, it was enough for me. But then this guy turns up out of nowhere, and suddenly, Ha Na wasn't by my side anymore. I started having all these feelings and I didn't know what to do, I couldn't tell Ha Na because she was falling in love with this guy and I couldn't tell you because she is your best friend and how would I ever tell Namjoon that I like his little sister?" Jung Hwa looked at her brother who seemed to be welling up, as he spoke so earnestly about his feelings and she felt like a knife cut into her heart.

"I am sorry you had to go through all this alone," said Jung Hwa in a softer tone, but then shifted into a firm voice before continuing, "but it is too late now, she is with Jimin and you have to accept that. You have to find a way to be happy for them, otherwise you will end up loosing her entirely."

"Why do I have to be the overbearing one? Why do I have to hide away my feelings all the time? Act like I am okay when I am not? It is killing me inside every time I see her face and remember that she can never be with me. And it is tearing me apart whenever she is with Jimin or even just talks about him and I see that smile on her face and know that I could never make her smile like that. I am sick of this! I am sick of being the sweet and supportive friend when in reality I am slowly dying a little with each day that goes by... I... Jung Hwa I am trying... I really am..." The tears were starting to stream down his face and Jung Hwa slowly moved closer to him, gently stroking his arm.

"It is okay," said she and felt her eyes fill up with water as she watched her brother break down in front of her, "I am so sorry I haven't been there for you. I should have noticed these things and asked you about it. I just... I never thought you would need my help. I mean, you are my confident older brother that never seems to worry about anything." 

The two siblings stood across from each other, both of them crying their eyes out. Jung Hwa then moved a little closer and gently put her arms around her brother, his own arms resting down his side while he kept sobbing. Jung Hwa buried her face in his shoulder and held him close, not allowed him to push her away.

"I can't do this anymore," sobbed Hakyeon before also putting his arms around Jung Hwa, feeling comfort and warmth from her embrace.

"Don't say that, you are not allowed to give up, I won't let you!" said Jung Hwa with a faint trace of irritation in her voice, but her continuous sobs made it impossible for her to sound intimidating and her brother's cry made her heart soften up even more.

"Let us not talk anymore about this for now," said she while sniffling, "for now, just let me be here and let me hold you. Forget everything and just cry until you have poured out all your emotions. I won't leave you, just let it all out."

And then, as the autumn wind came by again and gently played with their hair and tickled their neck, Hakyeon did just that. Without asking himself why, without blaming himself and without restraining himself, he stayed in his sister's arms for as long as he needed.

Hello everyone!

My oh my was this an emotional chapter to write, and reading it again was equally as emotional for me. Seeing Hakyeon break down in front of his sister really gets to me. I am sorry Hakyeon, that I made you go through these hardships.

What did you think of the last scene of the chapter? Did it seem realistic to you? Please let me know in the comments down below!

Remember to take good care of yourself and stay safe!

Love, Annalise~

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