Chapter 13

"Dance competition"

Just another normal day at work and Ha Na was walking from book shelve to book shelve with a huge smile on her face. Even though Jimin hadn't texted her a lot lately, she somehow felt happy and giddy all the time, not knowing why.

While arranging the books on one particular shelve, she felt a light poke on her shoulder and quickly turned around. Her smile didn't fade for one second when she recognized the handsome man in front of her. She politely greeted Jin with a wave and he kindly waved back.

"You look happy today," she read of Jin's lips, "I am glad. I hope you and your boyfriend enjoyed the meal the other day." Ha Na gave Jin a weird look before grabbing her phone and writing:


"Yes, that tall man was your boyfriend, right?" said Jin after reading her note. Ha Na looked at Jin for a while until she remembered how Hakyeon failed to correct Jin when he called him her boyfriend. Ha Na then started writing on her phone again.

No, Hakyeon Oppa is my friend, not my boyfriend.

"Oh is that so?" said Jin with a laugh, "I guess he is the jealous type, seeing how he didn't correct me," mumbled Jin and Ha Na didn't quite understand what he said, but she just brushed it off and wrote:

What can I help you with today?

"Oh nothing really, I just came to drop off a book and saw you, so I thought I should say hi."

That is very kind of you.

"It is no big deal," said Jin, "be sure to come by my restaurant again and bring your friend as well."

I will.

"I will be going now, goodbye," said Jin and Ha Na waved at him until he turned around and walked to the entrance of the library.

The rest of the day was pretty slow, as no one really needed help and Ji Eun left early due to some personal stuff, so Ha Na was left in charge of closing down everything at the end of the day. Once finished, Ha Na walked outside and began looking for Hakyeon who should have been there by now, but he was nowhere to be found. Ha Na took out her phone and noticed an un-read message from earlier.


From: Yeonnie Oppa πŸ’™

I'm sorry but I can't walk home with you today. I'll come by tonight though, see you then.


Ha Na quickly replied back and was about to put her phone back in her pocket, but suddenly stopped her motion. She went to her contacts list and scrolled down until she saw the contact with the koala emoji next to it. She looked at it for a while, sighing again and again while her heartbeat only became louder and faster. Her finger neared the message button and just as she was about to press it, her phone started vibrating and she threw it up in the air. Looking like a crazy person she started jumping around trying to catch her phone, and after bouncing it back in the air multiple times, she ended up catching it. Once her heart had settled down again, she went to check the message, assuming it was from Hakyeon.


From: Park Jimin 🐨

Hi Noona, I was wondering, if you don't have any plans, do you wanna come by the dance studio? πŸ˜„


Reply to: Park Jimin 🐨

Only if I won't be a disturbance to you or Hoseok ☺️


From: Park Jimin 🐨

You wont, Hoseok says he'll be happy to see you again πŸ™ƒ


Reply: Park Jimin 🐨

If that's so then I'll come by in a minute ☺️


Ha Na shoved her phone back in her pocket and began walking in a fast pace towards the dance studio. The route was easy to remember and she got there in no time. Once she reached the door to their practice room, she gently knocked it, since she wasn't able to hear how much noise she made. When nothing happened, she tried knocking a bit harder, but still nothing happened. She reached for her heart that was beating incredibly fast and then slowly turned the doorknob and stuck in her head, praying she went to the right room. And as soon as she looked inside, she knew she was at the right place, because in the middle of the practice room was Jimin and Hoseok, dancing so the glistering sweat was dripping of their bodies. Not wanting to interrupt what looked like a hard routine, Ha Na walked inside as quietly as she could and closed the door very gently and very slowly. After what felt like an eternity Ha Na turned around, but she almost had a heart attack when she saw Jimin standing right in front of her.

"Hello, Noona," signed Jimin with a proud smile on his face.

"Woah, it looks so cool when you speak in sign language," said Hoseok, "I will try it too," continued he and tried to mimic what Jimin had just done. Ha Na couldn't help but laugh and replied:

"Hoseok looks cute when he signs."

"Cute?" repeated Jimin, since that was the only sign he understood, "who is cute?" asked he without using sign language. Ha Na just shook her head and took out her phone.

I'm sorry I interrupted your dance practice, I tried to be quiet.

"You didn't interrupt, we were just about to take a break," said Jimin and went to grab a towel which he used to wipe of the sweat on his forehead, whereafter he left it hanging around his neck. Ha Na suddenly felt her cheeks warm up and she quickly looked away. Jimin noticed Ha Na's diverting eyes and walked up to her.

"I am sorry," said Jimin when he got her attention, "I always end up sweating like crazy when I dance. It is a bit gross, right?" Ha Na's eyes widened and she started waving her hands in the air and shaking her head, trying to make him understand that she didn't think that at all. Not wanting to dig more into it, Jimin changed the subject.

"Do you want something to drink? I am going to get another bottle of water for myself." Ha Na gave Jimin a quick nod and soon after he left the practice room. Ha Na looked at Hoseok who had sat down on a chair not too far away and he signaled for her to come sit as well. With a happy smile, Ha Na went over to Hoseok and sat down next to him.

You always practice so hard.

"I have to if I want to get better," said Hoseok after reading Ha Na's note, "but Jimin works much harder than me, besides, he has to deal with school as well." Ha Na's smile seemed to fade a little when she thought about how hard Jimin worked to be able to do what he loved. She never worked hard at anything, she never even had a dream to pursue.

"Don't look so sad," said Hoseok, "he is a big boy, he can manage." Ha Na turned her lips upside again and nodded at Hoseok. That was when she noticed something on the wall behind Hoseok and her eyes couldn't seem to look away. The poster was easy to spot with all it's colors and the big font used on the title.

With the silhouettes of 4 people dancing taking up most of the space from the top to the middle of the poster, below it, Ha Na read the words; "Dacing under the stars".

Ha Na reached out her arm and Hoseok moved away so she could grab the poster from the wall. While pointing to the poster, she looked at Hoseok for some kind of answer.

"Ah that, yes it is a competition held next month," said Hoseok. Ha Na unlocked her phone that was still in her hands and started writing.

Are you entering?

"No, my schedule next month is too strict so I can't, but I have entered a lot of competitions before."

What about Jimin?

"I have tried getting him to join, but he won't do it."

"What won't I do?" heard Hoseok Jimin say and Ha Na also noticed Jimin when she followed Hoseok's eyes to him. Jimin walked up to the two and handed the water bottle to Ha Na whereafter he noticed the poster in her hand.

"Are you talking about the competition?" said Jimin and followed with a sigh, "I already said I am not going to enter." Ha Na's smile faded away and she reached for her phone and typed so fast that Jimin suddenly felt a bit scared to read whatever she was so intense about writing.

Why not? You love dancing and you work so hard? Isn't this a chance to show your talent to the world and find out if you could live of dancing? I thought dancing was the thing you loved the most? Then why aren't you entering?

Jimin gulped when he read the long rant on Ha Na's phone and he suddenly felt at loss of words.

"Well I... I am just a bit busy and-"

"That is not it," said Hoseok and Ha Na nodded in agreement when she read Hoseok's lips.

"You are scared."

"I am not scared," said Jimin, but Ha Na wasn't convinced. She reached for her phone again without hesitation.

It's too bad though. I would come watch you dance if you entered. I'll be going no matter what since Hakyeon Oppa is entering.

"Hakyeon Hyung is in the competition?" asked Jimin and Ha Na nodded.

"Who is Hakyeon?" asked Hoseok.

"Why is he entering? Isn't he already a professional dancer?"

He likes to challenge himself so he often enters various competitions.

"Really? That man is really something."

"Hey, who is this Hakyeon dude we are talking about?" asked Hoseok again, feeling slightly annoyed.

He's my childhood friend and a professional dancer.

"Oh," said Hoseok, "I bet you are even more scared to enter now, since you know a professional dancer is entering," continued he while looking at Jimin. With a sour face Jimin snatched the poster out of Ha Na's small hands.

"I will think about it, alright," said Jimin and both Ha Na and Hoseok started laughing simultaneously.

"You two really shouldn't spend so much time together," mumbled Jimin to himself.

After relaxing for a bit, Hoseok and Jimin started dancing again, while Ha Na sat and watched without looking away for even one second. Dancing had always been one of Ha Na's favorite things to watch because it reminded her of the thing called music. She still vaguely remembered listening to music when she was little, before she lost her hearing, but it was too long ago that she really remembered it in details. But whenever she saw someone dance, she felt like she was watching music instead of hearing it like other people. Through the dance moves she felt the vibe of the music, the story behind the song, the theme, the atmosphere, she felt all the emotions other people felt. But somehow, all these feelings were intensified when she watched Jimin dance and it made her incapable of taking her eyes of him.

While sitting in a daze, Ha Na felt her phone vibrate, and without removing her eyes off of Jimin, she reached for her phone and put it in front of her face. Quickly, she unlocked the phone to see who had been contacting her, but was left in shock when she looked at the time.

From: Yeonnie Oppa πŸ’™

Are you gonna stay out all night? Your family keeps asking me about you, what should I tell them?

Ha Na got up from her chair in one quick motion and released a gasp of fear, getting the attention of Hoseok and Jimin who immediately stopped dancing. Ha Na started typing faster than someone would think possible and sent the message to Hakyeon.

Reply to: Yeonnie Oppa πŸ’™

I'm sorry Oppa, please cover for me a little more πŸ™πŸ» 

I was with Jimin and Hoseok but I'm on my way right this moment, I'll be home soon!!!

After sending the message and putting away her phone, Ha Na started running around in the practice room to grab all her things while the two boys just looked at her confused. She almost left without saying goodbye, had it not been for Jimin stopping her.

"What is wrong? Is there a fire somewhere?" asked Jimin and Ha Na started signing hastily, but quickly Jimin stopped her. "I am sorry, but I am not that good yet, I can't understand you." Ha Na let out a sigh and took out her phone again.

I didn't tell my family I'd stay out late so they're worried where I am. I have to leave before they send out a search team.

Jimin wanted to say she was overreacting, but thinking back on the time he met her family, he came to the conclusion that they might actually send out a search team.

"Should I follow you home?" asked Jimin, but Ha Na quickly shook her head.

I need to hurry but I'll see you later. And make sure to tell me if you're entering the competition, there's only a few days left until submission ends.

"Yes yes, just worry about yourself and get going," said Jimin and gently pushed her out the door. Ha Na made sure to wave goodbye to Hoseok who was standing in the other end of the practice room and he kindly waved back.

Running past at least a hundred people, Ha Na finally reached home and allowed herself a second to catch her breath before she walked inside the house. She didn't get to take more than two steps until her mother was standing in front of her with a worried face.

"Where were you? Why didn't you text if you were going to be late? I hope you weren't with some stranger!" Ha Na was bombarded with questions, but before she could see her life ending, Hakyeon came to rescue her.

"Didn't you have to stay late because ms. Ji Eun needed your help?" said Hakyeon while signing and Ha Na's mother shifted her eyes back and forth between Hakyeon and Ha Na.

"Yes," signed Ha Na finally, "I am sorry mom, I should have texted you, but I was really busy." Eun Ji let out a sigh of relief.

"Fine, but promise me you will text me next time." Ha Na quickly nodded and crossed her heart.

"We decided to have a late dinner since the Cha family is away, so Hakyeon and Jung Hwa will eat with us, but Jung Hwa isn't here yet."

"Okay, I will wait upstairs with the boys until we will eat," signed Ha Na and followed Hakyeon upstairs.

"You are finally home," read Ha Na off of Namjoon's lips, since he didn't want to pause his game and use sign language, "you are late."

"I am sorry," signed Ha Na while Namjoon looked away for a second to see her.

"Hakyeon Oppa, thank you for covering for me," signed Ha Na when her brother had turned his attention to the game again.

"For the record, " said Hakyeon while signing, "this is the last time I am covering for you, for being with that guy." Ha Na shushed Hakyeon the best she could, but it was too late.

"Wait that?" said Namjoon and instantly put down the controller, "were you with that boy again? I can't believe this," signed Namjoon.

"What do you all have against him, I am actually having a lot of fun when I am with him!" signed Ha Na in a harsh and firm manner.

"I just don't trust him, he is young and immature-"

"How do you know he is immature?" Ha Na cut Namjoon off, "you haven't spoken to him for more than 2 minutes."

"The way you talk about him makes me nervous as well, it sounds like you think he is perfect and can do no wrong," stated Namjoon.

"Of course I stand up to him when all you do is speak ill of him," replied Ha Na.

"Hakyeon Oppa, please help explain to my brother that Jimin is not a bad person," signed Ha Na and looked at Hakyeon with pleading eyes, but Hakyeon just stayed quiet.

"See, Hakyeon doesn't agree with you either," signed Namjoon, "that is it, I have to talk to mom and dad about this!" Namjoon got up from his seat and walked towards the door, but Ha Na didn't hesitate one second and got in between him and the door and sent him a glare that could kill.

"No you won't," signed Ha Na while keeping her eyes locked on Namjoon.

"Why not? You obviously like this boy and you will end up doing something stupid like you always do! You just don't think about the consequences of your actions!"

You could almost feel the heat from Ha Na's boiling blood and had she not been a master of controlling her temper, Namjoon would not be alive anymore.

"Why do you keep babying me? I am a grown woman, whether you want to acknowledge that or not! There is a reason I didn't tell you or mom or even dad about my friendship with Jimin, because you would make sure to scare him away like you scare everyone away who show the slightest interest in me! Just because I am disabled, should I not be allowed to have friends? Should I not be allowed to fall in love?" 

Hakyeon and Namjoon both felt their bad conscience nagging them while they kept looking at Ha Na without interrupting her. 

"I don't know if I like Jimin as more than a friend, but I would like to know him for long enough to find out! And if, if I ever start liking him and unbelievably he likes me too and we start dating, then I will tell mom and dad. Not you, I will tell them, because it is my life and I am allowed to make my own decisions and make my own mistakes."

It was dead silent in the room and no one moved a muscle even minutes after Ha Na was done scolding. It took a while for Ha Na herself to realize what she just did and it was like all the adrenaline she had used in her anger, was rushing right back in her veins making tears stream silently down her face.

While this drama-like scene was going on, the door opened and a happy Jung Hwa entered, only to be shocked by the gloomy atmosphere.

"What in heavens name happened here?" asked Jung Hwa, "and why is Ha Na crying?"

Jung Hwa was shocked to hear how Namjoon and Hakyeon talked about Jimin and she didn't hesitate to give them both a beating untill they were on their knees begging for forgiveness.

"What do you say, Ha Na," signed Jung Hwa, "do you want to forgive them or should I give them another beating?"

"It is fine..." signed Ha Na and sat down on Namjoon's sofa whereafter she grabbed his controller. He was playing some kind of car racing game and Ha Na didn't care if she ruined his high score or anything, but simply started playing.

"Look, you made her all depressed." Jung Hwa scolded the boys once again.

"I am sorry, I just don't want her to get hurt," said Namjoon, rubbing his forehead where Jung Hwa had flicked him twice.

"And what about you? What is your excuse for making Ha Na sad?" asked Jung Hwa her brother, "Ha Na trusts you more than anyone, sometimes I even think she trust you more than me. Why would you act this way?" Hakyeon, who had been looking at the floor until now, finally lifted his face and looked at his sister.

"Fine, I admit, I acted selfish," said Hakyeon, "I will make up for it, alright?"

Hakyeon went over and sat next to Ha Na, whose eyes were glued to the TV screen, where she was racing past all the other cars. He gently waved his hand in front of her face to get her attention, but she didn't look away from the screen. Then he put his hand on top of hers and watched her eyes soften and her grip on the controller loosen until she completely let go and all the cars drove past her.

"I am sorry," signed Hakyeon while Ha Na looked at his hands, avoiding eye contact, "I am not acting like myself these days, I have been selfish and angry and judgmental against Jimin, even though he genuinely seems like a nice guy." Ha Na still diverted her eyes from his and Hakyeon signaled for Namjoon to come over.

"Yes, I am sorry too, little sister," signed Namjoon, "I will try to be less overprotective. Maybe I just have to spend more time with him to trust him a bit more."

"Yes that is it, we should all hang out together," said Jung Hwa, "he is even learning sign language to be able to speak with Ha Na more freely."

"What?" said Namjoon while signing, "is he really learning sign language?"

"Yes," signed Jung Hwa and Ha Na simultaneously.

"I didn't expect that," signed Namjoon.

"It is true, I saw him signing with Ha Na a while ago," stated Hakyeon, "I was shocked as well."

"It must have made you really happy," said Namjoon and sent Ha Na a smile, which also brought a smile on Ha Na's face.

"I was very happy," replied Ha Na.

"Eun Ji is calling," signed Jung Hwa, "dinner is probably ready." Everyone nodded and got up and walked to the door. Just before reaching the staircase, Namjoon grabbed Ha Na by the shoulder.

"I will try to be more supportive, I promise," signed Namjoon, "but I will say just one thing. If anything ever happens between you two and you decide to tell mom and dad, be prepared. It is going to get ugly." Ha Na looked into her brothers brown eyes that were dead serious. She sighed once before replying with:

"I already know that."

Hello everyone!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, in spite of it being very very long. I have been continuously working on getting better at expressing myself in short and I do think I have come a long way.

Please let me know what you think of the story in the comments down below and don't forget to keep warm, stay safe and take good care of yourself!

Love, Annalise~

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