Chapter 23


The floor was creaking and squeaking under the feet of Hoseok and Jimin, while they were dancing along to the music blasting from the old CD player, the song sounding completely out of tune like always.

Hoseok looked at Jimin as they both turned around at the same time, they bodies totally in sync with one another and Hoseok couldn't hold back his smile.

The song ended and they both stopped moving at the same time, taking a few seconds before they both collapsed on the floor, breathing heavily and drenched in sweat.

"Woah," exclaimed Hoseok and looked at the ceiling, "I think that was the best we have done together so far."

"I think you are right, after my dad stopped nagging me about dance practicing, I feel like I am progressing much faster."

"I feel it too, I can't imagine how good you will be when you become a professional, you will end up better than me."

"Don't say silly things like that," said Jimin and laughed.

"You seem to be feeling much better today," said Hoseok with a questioning look.

"I do," said Jimin with a smirk, "because I have a plan."


Eun Ji ran inside the house when she returned home from work, so fast that she almost tripped over her own feet. She finally made it to Ha Na's bedroom where her daughter was lying under her covers, sleeping soundly.

She is okay, whispered Eun Ji to herself and slowly backed out of the room again, closing the door so she wouldn't be woken up by the light, or be disturbed when Namjoon or Byung Ho returned home.

Once she had returned downstairs, Eun Ji started emptying the dishwasher and hummed a happy melody, thinking about what to make for dinner. It hadn't been her most proactive day in the school, but she was sure her students didn't mind taking a slow day, especially on a Friday just before the weekend. Her mind just wouldn't let her think about anything besides Ha Na, and even though Ha Na was a grown-up and had no problem being on her own, Eun Ji couldn't help but wish she could stay by her side all day when she was sick.

After Eun Ji had finished putting everything back in its place, the sound of the doorbell echoed in the entire house. She remembered that Jung Hwa had promised to come and check in on Ha Na, so with a huge smile on her face, Eun Ji opened the door, only to let the smile fade the minute she locked eyes with the person on the other side.

"Good afternoon," said Jimin with a huge smile on his lips and a firm voice, not shaking or sweating like the other day, and Eun Ji was startled by his sudden appearance and display of confidence. While Eun Ji just stood frozen on the spot, too startled and confused to say something, Jimin continued:

"How is Ha Na Noona today, is she feeling better?"

"Ha Na?" said Eun Ji and was pulled in by Jimin's huge doe eyes, "she is sleeping... which is a good sign. She is on antibiotics and- " it suddenly occurred to Eun Ji who she was speaking to and she stopped herself and immediately transformed from flustered, to a protective mother.

"Why are you here, Jimin?" said Eun Ji.

"Ah I am sorry," said Jimin, "I didn't mean to disturb, I just wanted to know how she was. Goodbye then."

Watching in complete awe, Eun Ji stood in the door while Jimin turned around unbothered and walked away. Only for half a second did he turn around and waved at Eun Ji.

After she came back to her senses, Eun Ji shut the door closed and stood in the hall with her back against the door.

What just happened, thought Eun Ji to herself.

But as fast as that thought entered her mind, just as fast did she shrug it off. She walked back into the kitchen and looked around, trying to remember what she was in the middle of doing just a while ago.

That is right, I should start getting ready to make dinner, thought she to herself and then went back into work mode.

She started going through the refrigerator and while she checking up on the spices, she heard the sound of a door opening, followed by a female voice.

"Hello Eun Ji," said Jung Hwa who was walked into the kitchen.

"Hello, Jung Hwa," said Eun Ji, "Ha Na is sleeping right now, but I will wake her up when dinner is ready so you are welcome to stay and eat with us."

"That is very kind of you, I will let my parents know I am eating here," said Jung Hwa with a smile, but it slowly faded when she continued, "was someone here before me? I thought I saw a person leave." Eun Ji looked directly at Jung Hwa and said:

"No one was here."

"Really?" said Jung Hwa, "I must have seen it wrong." An awkward silence filled the kitchen until Eun Ji lit up in a smile.

"Do you mind helping me by cutting some vegetables?" Jung Hwa shook her head and rolled up her sleeves, ready to help.

There was no need to tell her about Jimin, she would just tell Ha Na and make her excited about nothing, because surely, she would not see him here again.


Shocked, Eun Ji looked at the young boy who was standing in front of her with the same unbothered smile as yesterday and for a moment, she lost the ability to speak.

"Good afternoon," said Jimin, "I was out in the city yesterday and saw this tea that I heard is good when you are sick. So I thought I should buy it for Noona." Jimin handed the tea to Eun Ji, who was too flustered to do anything else but accept it.

"Then... I will be on my way," said Jimin and bowed before he turned around and walked away.

"Who was that?" asked Byung Ho when Eun Ji walked inside again.

"It was Park Jimin."

"Really?" said Byung Ho, "what did he want?"

"He wanted to give this to Ha Na," said Eun Ji and held up the tea so he could see it. Byung Ho looked closely and then started laughing loudly.

"What is so funny?" asked Eun Ji with an angry voice.

"That boy sure is something," said Byung Ho, "I think we should expect to see him again very soon."

"What? Why?"

"I just have a hunch that he doesn't give up that easily."


"Good afternoon," said Jimin as he again stood before Eun Ji, who looked almot bored today, leaning against the door frame. If it was because it was Sunday and she was tired, or because she was getting used to this behavior, she wasn't even sure of herself, but she was not in the mood to argue.

"I am sorry to bother you on a Sunday, but I was just in the neighborhood and thought I would stop by to see how Ha Na Noona was feeling today."

"She is still not well enough to see anyone," said Eun Ji and yawned.

"Is that so?" said Jimin, "thank you for taking care of her."

"Of course I am taking care of her, she is my daughter." Jimin didn't say anymore, but just smiled and then walked away again.

He didn't even reply, thought Eun Ji as she walked inside again, how rude of him.


"Ha Na, you are up?" signed Eun Ji when she saw Ha Na sitting in the living room, rolled up in blankets and her eyes on the TV where "The Heirs" was playing. She looked at her mom, but she didn't want to unwrap her arms of the warm and fluffy blanket, so she only nodded along and tried to smile.

"How are you today?" asked Eun Ji and Ha Na shook her head a bit from side to side, signaling that she was alright.

"Did you take your antibiotics today?" Ha Na nodded again and Eun Ji nodded back with a satisfied smile. She was about to walk out in the kitchen when she suddenly remembered the last couple of days and the returning guest, so she turned to Ha Na again.

"Did someone come by today?" Ha Na looked a little confused, thinking about who would come by in the middle of the day and she just shook her head to which Eun Ji made a sigh of relief.

I guess he gave up after all, thought Eun Ji and walked towards the kitchen, but just as she walked passed the front door, she heard the doorbell ring and she rolled her eyes in annoyance. Before opening the door, she made sure to check that Ha Na wasn't looking. Luckily she was too emerged in the TV show and also looked a bit like she was about to fall asleep.

With an annoyed look on her face, Eun Ji opened the door and without hesitation she yelled:

"What is it this time?" But when Eun Ji looked up at the person in the door she wished she could just disappear.

"I am sorry, is this a bad time?" asked Hakyeon who looked a little perplexed and Eun Ji hurried and apologized.

"No no come inside please," said Eun Ji and Hakyeon walked in, "I thought you were someone else."

"Who?" asked Hakyeon and he took off his coat.

"Just someone really persistent and annoying," said Eun Ji while she walked into the kitchen.

"Ah," said Hakyeo as he was taking of his shoes, but in the same moment, a knock on the door was heard, "that must be Jung Hwa, I will open."

"Sure," said Eun Ji who was taking out leftovers from yesterday's cooking. When she turned around, after closing the door to the refrigerator, Hakyeon stood in front of her.

"Where is Jung Hwa?" asked Eun Ji.

"It wasn't her, it was Jimin."

"What?" said Eun Ji, "what did he want?"

"He said he wanted to thank you for taking care of Ha Na and he wanted me to give this chocolate to you." Hakyeon handed the box of chocolate to Eun Ji, but she refused bluntly.

"I won't accept it," said Eun Ji before she whispered, "it will be like accepting him." Hakyeon looked at Eun Ji for a little while, still holding the chocolate in his hand, before he said:

"Should I just throw it out then?"

"No, that will be a waste. You can share it with Ha Na, but don't you dare tell her who it is from!"

"I won't," said Hakyeon and couldn't hold back a silent laughter.


"WHAT?" yelled Eun Ji when she opened the door and Jimin jumped back a few steps, but he didn't lose his confidence because of that and just lifted his head high.

"Did you like the chocolate I bought for you?" asked Jimin.

"I didn't eat it."

"Oh really? I guess I don't know your taste very well," said Jimin and rubbed his neck, "what do you like? I want to get you something."

"The only thing I want is for you to stop disturbing our peace and quiet!" yelled Eun Ji, "Ha Na is still very sick and every time you come, I spend time on you, precious time I could spend on Ha Na instead, do you understand?" Jimin looked at Eun Ji and showed his deepest respect by silently listening to every word she spoke, not interrupting or looking away.

"You are right," said Jimin, "I have been too persistent, I just think about Noona all the time and I feel like I can't breathe if I don't come here to make sure she is alright." Eun Ji looked at the young man in front of her who spoke his mind so earnestly and she gulped, not knowing how to respond.

"I won't disturb you anymore, goodbye." With those words, Jimin turned around and walked away without looking back, Eun Ji staying in the door opening, watching as he disappeared behind the bushes.

That is right, this is for the best, thought Eun Ji once she was back inside, he won't do any good, coming into Ha Na's life like this.


"Thank you for dinner, honey," said Byung Ho whereafter he got up from his chair and started gathering the plates together, even though there weren't many as Namjoon was working late tonight and Ha Na ate earlier and was now sleeping in bed.

"You don't have to do that, I will clean up here," said Eun Ji, but Byung Ho shook his head with a soft smile.

"No I want to help you," said he, "you have been working so hard lately, taking care of Ha Na and at the same time taking care of your job, not having a single minute to rest."

"You are over exaggerating!" said Eun Ji and took two pots she carried to the kitchen, Byung Ho following right behind her.

"I am not over exaggerating!" said Byung Ho and pushed Eun Ji away from the sink so he could take over the cleaning of the dishes, "you are the most hardworking person I know and you never complain about it. How did I ever get someone like you to marry me?" Eun Ji looked at her husband and got butterflies in her stomach, the same ones that had been there since the first time she met Byung Ho. She walked up behind him and gently put her arms around his stomach, resting her head on his shoulder while he kept cleaning the dishes unbothered.

"I am the one who doesn't deserve you," spoke Eun Ji, "even though there were so many girls chasing after you in your younger days, you took this plain and emotionally unstable woman instead." Byung Ho dried his hands and then turned around, Eun Ji leaving her arms wrapped around him as they now stood before one another while looking each other deeply in the eyes.

"None of us are perfect, but together we are a pretty good team, don't you think?" asked Byung Ho, "I mean, we have two amazing children who both grew up to be kind and gentle to people around them. We must have done something right for them to turn out that well."

"You talk too much," said Eun Ji and gave him a quick peck on the lips and then tightened her grip as she went in for a big, warm hug.

"By the way," said Byung Ho after they had both let go of each other, "did that boy come by today?"

"Who? Oh Jimin?" said Eun Ji who was already on her way to get the rest of the dishes, "no, he didn't. Maybe I scared him away last time."

"Honey," said Byung Ho in a more serious tone, "don't you think he deserves a chance, he seems to be very fond of Ha Na and that feeling goes the other way as well." Eun Ji made a huge sigh and walked back into the kitchen where she handed the dishes to Byung Ho.

"I don't trust him!"

"Of course not, we don't know him, but maybe if we got to know him, we would at least find out it we can really trust him or not." Eun Ji looked at her husband and then sighed again.

"It doesn't even matter, he won't come here again. He said so himself."


As the morning sun was rising, marking the beginning of another beautiful day, Jimin sat in the dorm room and looked out of the window with a distant look in his eyes.

"Good morning," said a deep hoarse voice and Jimin turned around to see Taehyung standing before him with messy bed hair and half open eyes.

"Good morning," said Jimin.

"Why are you up already?" asked Taehyung and sat down next to Jimin.

"I couldn't sleep, I keep thinking about Ha Na."

"Then why don't you go there? I thought you had planned to keep pushing until they accepted you?"

"That didn't work out," said Jimin, "and now I am out of ideas."

"You know, it really doesn't seem like you to give up on something," said Taehyung, his voice starting to sound a bit more like normal. Jimin looked at him and felt his large hand gently patting him on the shoulder, "I am going to take a shower, cheer up, alright?"

Taehyung had only barely shut the door to the bathroom and turned on the hot water, when he heard the front door was unlocked, opened and then slammed close again.

I guess he still has some fight in him, thought Taehyung to himself.

It was only when Jimin reached the city and noticed the unnatural lack of people that he realized how early it was and he decided to go for a walk until it felt appropriate to go knock on someone's door. As the time went by, the city was slowly filled with people, shops were opening and putting out their signs or their tables and chairs. Chatter and noise from cars filled the air and to every side, Jimin saw people doing their everyday thing, enjoying the lovely summer weather.

It didn't take him long before he was standing in front of the door he had become so strangely familiar with lately and the pounding in his chest had returned.

With two firm knocks on the door, it opened in less than minute and Jimin gulped when he saw Eun Ji in front of him with a much more harsh facial expression than the other times he had come to visit.

"G... Good morning Mrs. Eun Ji," stuttered Jimin, cursing himself for showing his insecurity, "I am sorry to disturb you again after-"

"You have got some nerve showing up again after last time, don't you?"

"I... I know, I am sorry," said Jimin, "but I couldn't sleep last night and I had to know how Ha Na Noona is feeling."

"She is much better," said Eun Ji and Jimin's eyes lit up in the same second.

"Really? I am so happy about that." He looked at Eun Ji, expecting some kind of reply, but when he didn't get anything, he instead continued:

"Now that I know she is okay, I won't disturb you anymore, goodbye." Jimin turned around and took one step forward when a voice called him back.

"Park Jimin," shouted Eun Ji and Jimin turned around, ready for the biggest scolding of his life.

"Do you... want to come inside?"

After what felt like a semi heart attack, Jimin found himself sitting in a very comfortable sofa with Eun Ji sitting across from him, looking like she was staring into his soul. Next to Eun Ji, Byung Ho was seated, but he looked much more relaxed and almost smiled at some moments. When none had spoken for several minutes, Jimin opened his mouth.

"Thank you for inviting me in," said he, "is Namjoon Hyung not home?"

"He is working on a tough case these days, so he is out a lot," said Byung Ho, "but I am glad that you know our son as well."

"He is a very nice person, and he looks after Noona really well."

"He has got a good heart, that is right," said Eun Ji.

The awkward silence returned, but that was only until Jimin heard footsteps behind him and when he turned around, he looked directly into Ha Na's beautiful eyes. She looked startled and a little confused, while Jimin seemed a bit more shocked to finally see her after this long and he had to control himself to not run up and hug her.

"Ha Na, come sit down," said Byung Ho while signing and Ha Na nodded, still looking confused. She sat down on the sofa, only a few centimetres away from Jimin and she immediately felt her heart rate increase and for a minute she wasn't sure if she felt warm because of her fever or because of Jimin.

"So, Jimin," said Byung Ho while signing, "what is it that you do?"

"I... I was studying law until recently," said he, feeling unsure if this would help his current situation.

"You say that like you are not studying anymore?" said Eun Ji, seeming a bit suspicious.

"That is because I stopped after this semester, I realized that I can't keep doing something that won't make me happy."

"Then what is it, that makes you happy?" asked Byung Ho while Ha Na carefully followed the conversation.

"I want to be a professional dancer."

"Oh, like Hakyeon," said Byung Ho, "he is our neighbor and Ha Na and Namjoon's good friend."

"Yes, I know Hakyeon as well."

"So you know both Namjoon and Hakyeon, I bet you know Jung Hwa as well then?" continued Byung Ho.

"I do."

"Of course he does," said Eun Ji in a spiteful tone, "she was the one who covered for Ha Na when they were sneaking around." The conversation seemed like it would take a step in the wrong direction, but Ha Na cut in before that could happen.

"Jimin participated in the same dancing contest as Hakyeon not to long ago," signed she.

"Really?" said Byung Ho.

"Yes and he got scouted!" continued Ha Na.

"You got scouted?" asked Byung Ho Jimin.

"I wouldn't say I got scouted, but a man did give me his card and told me to visit their agency."

"I think that means you got scouted," said Byung Ho and winked.

"So, Jimin," interrupted Eun Ji, "what does you parents have to say about you giving up on law?"

"My father wasn't too happy about it in the beginning, but he agreed to support me in the end."

"And your mother?" asked Eun Ji and Ha Na felt a knot tie around her heart as she looked at Jimin in worry.

"My mom passed away 4 years ago." Eun Ji's expression softened and she lowered her head for a second before she looked at Jimin with a expression he had never seen on her before.

"I am really sorry to hear that," said she in an earnest voice.

"Thank you," said Jimin and tried to focus on his breathing, to avoid getting too emotional.

"I am sure she would want you to follow your heart and dreams, don't you think so too, Eun Ji?"

"I do," said Eun Ji and didn't divert her eyes from Jimin for even one second.

Jimin smiled while playing with his hands that were getting sweaty from this personal conversation and Ha Na seemed to notice because she suddenly grabbed Jimin's hand and held it tight. But she let go quickly and then looked at her parents.

"Why don't we invite Jimin to stay for dinner?" signed she and Byung Ho looked at Eun Ji who just sighed, but then put on a smile.

"That is a good idea, honey," replied she, "Jimin, why don't you stay for dinner? Namjoon said he will be home later in the afternoon so we can all eat together."

"REALLY? I mean... I would like that very much," said Jimin, having trouble hiding his happiness.

"Alright, but don't get too happy about this, it doesn't mean I trust you yet," said Eun Ji and Byung Ho continued.

"Eun Ji is right, we accept that you two want to be together, but we have some things to establish first." Ha Na and Jimin looked at Byung Ho, nervously waiting for him to continue.

"First of all, we want to be involved in your relationship. Don't sneak around like before. Tell us if you are together and let us know your plans. We won't try to control you, but this will help ease our concern."

"Of course, I will make sure we always tell you if we have plans!" said Jimin.

"That is good, the other thing we would like, is for you to refrain from being alone together. You might be adults, but Ha Na is still living at home and she is still our child."

"Dad, stop it!" signed Ha Na, feeling embarrassed, "we understand, of course we won't be alone together," continued she and thanked herself from never mentioning the rain/library incident.

"I am not sure what Noona said, but I will make sure to follow your wished," said Jimin, "I really like your daughter a lot and I want to establish a good relationship with my in-laws, one that is built on trust and honesty."

"Fine, then that is settled!" said Eun Ji and clapped her hands together, "I will go make preparations for dinner."

"Can I help with anything?" asked Jimin, but Byung Ho just shook his head as he got up.

"You two haven't seen each other in a while, why don't you catch up while I go help Eun Ji instead."

"But-" Byung Ho just winked at Jimin, the second time today, before he walked away without saying anymore.

Jimin and Ha Na were sitting on the sofa alone in the living room and for a minute they didn't dare look at each other, but just sat with their eyes focused on the floor. Ha Na looked at Jimin's hand that were placed next to his thigh, the hand she had held briefly just a while ago and she slowly moved her hand towards his again, intertwining her fingers with his. Jimin finally looked up and locked eyes with Ha Na whose lips turned into that smile he had missed for so long. Jimin squeezed Ha Na's hand before he let go and then signed:

"I have missed you."

Hello everyone!

This chapter is one those I feel most insecure about. I wish I had gone about this matter differently when I first wrote the story, but it is too late now unless I actually edit the entire story, I don't see myself doing that anytime soon.

I remember a lot of people commenting about how overprotecting Ha Na's parents were, and I don't disagree. But the part about them setting up rules, isn't actually something I think is wrong. No matter how old you are, if you are living at home, your parents are still the ones making the rules and if you don't want to follow them, move out.

We also have to remember the cultural difference. It is normal for "kids" to live at home with their parents for a very long time. Unless they have to go to a school far away and need to live in a dorm, or if they get a job far away, they often stay at their parents house because it is more convenient that way and it isn't something that is looked down upon in the society.

Anyway, don't forget to leave a comment down below before you move on and take good care of yourself and stay safe!

Love, Annalise~

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