Chapter 14

"Dream a little dream"

Jimin was sitting in class while impatiently tapping his finger on the table, his eyes locked on the clock above the professor. There was still a while before class was over and Jimin let out a sigh whereafter he grabbed his pen and started clicking it until a classmate glared at him and Jimin quietly put down the pen again.

The professor kept talking like there was no end to it, and Jimin wondered if he was even interested in the things he talked about, because the way he was talking made it seem so boring. 

Making sure the professor wouldn't see, Jimin took out his phone and looked at under the table.

No new messages.

It had been about a week since he last saw Ha Na at the dance studio and they had only been texting rarely, last time because Jimin wanted to tell Ha Na that he had signed up for the dance competition.

It seemed like she was holding back as well, making sure not to text him too much. Maybe she was scared he would get stressed out because of all the things he had on his hands right now. But this actually stressed Jimin even more and he was about to go crazy if it went on like this much longer.

Jimin was brought out of his daze when he heard the noise of all the students moving around. Apparently the professor had finally finished talking and Jimin didn't even notice until now. Quick as a cat he got up from his seat and packed his back before he ran out of the classroom.

He wasn't done with classes today. He wasn't done with all the homework piled up at his desk. He hadn't been practicing dance enough and in fact he had to go to his sign language course tonight. But in spite of all this he was not the least in doubt of what to use his break in between classes on. He didn't hesitate a second, but kept running with his schoolbag swung over one of his shoulders until he reached his goal.

He stood for a while catching his breath, looking at the huge building and then started moving towards the library's entrance. Jimin hadn't walked far inside the library before a tall woman with a smile on her face approached him.

"You are Park Jimin, right?" said she in a sweet voice with her head slightly tilted to the side.

"Yes ma'am," said Jimin and suddenly realized who she was, the librarian and Ha Na's boss. She noticed how his eyes widened and Ji Eun let out a quiet laugh.

"I am guessing you are looking for Ha Na?"

"I guess I am," said Jimin shyly.

"She is behind those book shelves, let her know I said she could take a short break."

"Thank you ma'am, you are too kind."

"Yes, yes, now go find your girl." Jimin blushed at the phrase "your girl", but he somehow didn't want to correct her so he just nodded and moved along.

After he went behind the shelves, his eyes searched the area and quickly spotted the back of Ha Na. Her hair was braided and was resting down her back, a hairstyle Jimin hadn't seen Ha Na with before. She was tip toeing, trying to reach one of the top shelves, but it was clear that her height wasn't cut out for this. Jimin couldn't help but let out a giggle as he thought about how cute she looked. But that was until he watched her lose balance and in one quick movement Jimin ran over and caught her before she fell backwards.

While resting in Jimin's embrace, Ha Na looked up and was shocked to see who her rescuer was, but then a big smile formed on her lips and her eyes lit up in joy. Without thinking, Ha Na turned around and slung her arms around Jimin.

After a short while, Ha Na let go of Jimin and looked at him, but was confused when she saw the stiff expression on his face.

"I am sorry," signed Ha Na, "I shouldn't have done that!" Jimin was slowly getting better at sign language so he understood the essence of her sentence and was brought out of the shock he had been in.

"No no, it is completely okay," said Jimin while trying to complement with some of the signs he knew.

"Okay?" signed Ha Na with an inquiring look and Jimin nodded.

"Yes, okay," said Jimin.

After properly greeting each other, Jimin told Ha Na what Ji Eun had said about taking a break and they decided to go outside to sit in the sun.

With flushed cheeks and a shy smile, Jimin turned around a bit so he was facing Ha Na.

"How.. Have you... been?" signed Jimin with a great effort. Ha Na just giggled shyly and replied in sign language.

"I have been well, what about you?"

"Good," signed Jimin and then stayed silent while he thought for a while until he sighed and then opened his mouth.

"I am sorry, but that is all I know, is it okay if you read my lips like usually?" Ha Na nodded and sent him an "ok" sign and then took out her phone, ready to reply to whatever he was going to say.

Firstly they talking about the competition and spend the rest of the time catching up, talking about Taehyung, Jungkook, Jung Hwa, and all the others. 10 minutes went by quickly and Jimin knew he had to leave soon.

"I am sorry I can't stay any longer..." said Jimin with a sad face.

It's okay, I was happy to see you. Are you going back to school now?

"Yes only for a little while, then I have to go practice with Hoseok, but not for long since the sign language course is tonight." When Jimin finished talking, Ha Na felt something sharp in her chest like a knife cutting into her chest. She then reached for her phone and wrote:

Are you sure it's not too much for you? You seem to have a lot of things going on at once.

Jimin looked at Ha Na and sensed how uncomfortable and worried she was.

"Don't worry about me, Noona," said Jimin with a smile, "school is something I have to do and it is really not that hard. On the other hand, sign language is something I chose to do and it is something I like. If we talk about dancing, it is something I could never give up, it is my dream after all. And when you work hard on your dream, it doesn't feel like working."


"Yes! Haven't you felt like that before?" Ha Na gulped and hesitated a bit before writing down her reply.

I have never had a dream.

Jimin suddenly became quiet and didn't know what to say, but that just made Ha Na even more nervous and she anxiously started typing while Jimin looked over her shoulder, reading her message.

I'm really weird I know it.. I don't know what's wrong with me. But my mom said a dream was a luxury I couldn't afford. So I thought I should just be grateful about what I have and-

Jimin stopped Ha Na from typing when he gently put his hand on her shoulder and she looked up to meet his calming and beautiful eyes.

"It is okay," said Jimin, "there is nothing wrong with you. It is not required of a person to have a dream."

So I'm not weird?

"That is really a different question," said Jimin teasingly and Ha Na hit him on his arm as a punishment for making jokes right now.

"I am sorry, but no, you are not weird." Jimin looked at Ha Na who seemed somewhat relieved. 

"But," added Jimin then, "a dream is not a luxury only some people have. Everyone is allowed to dream. Young people, old people, men, woman, everyone, including you."

Even if I'm deaf?

"Of course! How could you think you are not allowed to dream if you have a disability? You should dream all you want and dream big!" Ha Na looked at Jimin for a bit, looking like she was thinking really hard.

How do I do that?

"Well... you think about what you want to do and then you try to pursue it." Ha Na thought again.

I don't know what I want to do.

Jimin was running out of good advice and time was also running out.

"Don't stress yourself out. Just think about it. I am sorry, but I really have to go." Ha Na hurried and got up from the bench. She signed "see you later" and Jimin did the same, whereafter they waved goodbye to each other.


Even if Jimin tried to focus on school, he ended up spending the rest of the day thinking about Ha Na and the things she had told him. He wished she wouldn't be scared to dream, because she had just as much a right to that as anyone else.

Jimin suddenly felt his pocket vibrate and he took out his phone to find a new message.


From: Tae Tae 👻

JK is getting a new camera and he says it's boring to go alone.

Wanna come? 😏


Jimin looked at his watch, 5 more minutes and classes were over, but he had to go meet Hoseok before the sign language course. As Jimin started calculating his time, he got to terms that he had enough time to go with his boys. He had been neglecting them a bit so he wanted to go.


Reply: to Tae Tae 👻

Yeah sure I'll come. Send me the adress and I'll meet you there 👍🏻


After packing up his stuff, Jimin went on his way to meet Jungkook and Taehyung. When he arrived they were already there waiting for him.

"What took you so long?" asked Taehyung.

"Class had to end first," replied Jimin.

"It is okay, as long as you are here," said Jungkook, showing his bunny smile.

"Someone is excited to get a new camera," said Jimin with a lifted brow as the three of them walked into the store.

"Yes I am, because I didn't have the money to buy a new one when the other one broke."

"Then why do you have money now?" asked Jimin.

"Mommy," sang Taehyung teasingly before Jungkook could even open his mouth.

"Hyung!" said Jungkook with a sad face.

"But it is true!" stated Taehyung.


"Would you guys stop," said Jimin annoyed, "we are in public. People will think you are having a lovers quarrel."

"Alright we will stop," said Taehyung, "let us just look for a camera."

"Yes!" said Jungkook all excited.

While Jungkook got help from the store manager to find the most suited camera in his budget, Jimin looked around on his own. He didn't know anything about cameras and he never found an interest in taking pictures, but Jungkook really had a knack for it and he was happy he could finally take pictures after a while without a camera.

Somehow Jimin started thinking of Ha Na again and about how beautiful she would look in one of those pictures Jungkook took. In a park or by the sea at sunset. He could picture it all too easily.

"Can I help you with anything sir?" Jimin looked up and saw a male employee standing next to him with a smile.

"Well... I don't really take pictures," said Jimin.

"So a camera that is not to expensive and one that is easy for beginners?" Jimin was about to say something when the employee started showing off different types of cameras, but in the end he couldn't bring himself to do so and just went with the flow.

"-and this one is the newest model of this brand. It is perfect for beginners, easy to work with and not as heavy like other cameras. But the most important is, it is in a price zone most people can afford." Jimin looked at the camera and then at the employee. 

"Can I see that one?" asked Jimin, surprising himself.

"Yes of course," said the employee and handed Jimin the camera. It really was light, and it felt like it was easy to carry around. The more Jimin looked at it, the more he thought.

"Hyung, I bought a camera already," said Jungkook, popping out of nowhere with Taehyung beside him, "are you getting a camera too?"

"Yes," said Jimin and handed back the camera to the employee, "I will take this one."

Jimin walked to the counter with Jungkook and Taehyung following right behind with the most confused faces ever seen.

"Could you wrap it up for me?" asked Jimin, "it is... a gift."

"Yes of course," said the employee.

When Jimin turned around with the camera nicely wrapped, Taehyung and Jungkook both sent him a smirk.

"What?" said Jimin while walking out of the store.

"I think I know who the camera is for," said Taehyung.

"Noona is going to be so happy!" added Jungkook. Jimin turned around and sent both of them a glare, but they just diverted their eyes, acting like they hadn't said anything at all.

"You guys are too much, I have to go now, see you later."

"Say hi to Ha Na Noona from us!" shouted Jungkook, but Jimin just kept walking without responding.


While Jimin was walking towards the dance studio, Ha Na was still at the library, about to wrap up for the day. After talking to Jimin she had felt a rush of energy and had been running around for the rest of the day. In the end, Ji Eun had to tell her to take it easy, since she was afraid she would beat herself up.

While Ha Na was walking around, checking some of the last things, she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. With a smile on her face and a beating heart she took out her phone, but the minute she read the message, her smile faded and her eyes got filled with horror.

From: Joon Oppa 🦀

Ha Na please come home quickly, something happened to Jung Hwa.

Hello everyone!

Since this chapter was about having a dream, I want you all to hear one of my dreams. If I am able to live a long and happy life, writing down all the stories in my heart, and if people read those stories with joy, that would be my dream come true. When this chapter was first published on Wattpad, the book had just reached 2K reads. It felt unreal to know so many people were reading my story and for that I am deeply grateful!

Don't forget to leave a comment down below, letting me know your thoughts on this chapter and the story overall.

Take good care of yourself, and stay safe!

Love, Annalise~

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