Chapter 17

"Through your eyes"

In the small dorm room, Jimin was sitting in his chair looking over the exam materials one more time, his forehead almost drenched in sweat no matter how many times he wiped it away. 

He was trying to focus, but the chit chat between Taehyung and Jungkook in the background made it too hard.

"Could you guys please be quiet!" turned Jimin around and said, "shouldn't you be studying as well, Tae I know your exam is tomorrow just like mine!"

"I already studied," said Taehyung, "if I study anymore it will hurt my brain and I won't do well tomorrow." Jimin just rolled his eyes and turned back to his books and papers. Taehyung got up from the sofa he had been sitting in with Jungkook and slowly walked over to the table where Jimin was seated.

"Shouldn't you be dancing instead of studying? You are always the top of our class, but you have never been in a dance competition before!" Jimin lifted his face from the book and glared at Taehyung.

"I am only one person, I can't do more than one thing at the time!" said he with very little patience left in his voice, "and I spend all day yesterday practicing the dance I will be showing tomorrow."

"Are you excited hyung?" asked Jungkook from the sofa.

"More like scared to death," answered Jimin.

"Because of Ha Na Noona?" asked Jungkook.

"Yes," said Jimin and closed his book as he had a feeling those two wouldn't leave him alone after this.

"Why are you scared because of her? I am sure she will cheer you on tomorrow," said Jungkook.

"Because, when Noona watched me dancing, it is different somehow. Maybe it is because she is deaf, so all the input she gets is from her eyes. I am just scared I will mess up and she will notice it immediately. I really want to do well." The two boys nodded in union after listening to what Jimin explained

"Speaking of Ha Na Noona," said Taehyung, "didn't you buy that camera for her." Taehyung was shamelessly pointing at the nicely wrapped camera that stood on the table next to all the books. Jimin widened his eyes like this was the first time he saw the camera and he immediately picked it up.

"Why is this still here?" asked Jimin both Taehyung and Jungkook.

"Probably because you haven't given it to her yet," said Taehyung in a sarcastic tone.

"But," said Jimin and restlessly got up from his chair, still holding the camera, "I had planned to give it to her long ago, what happened?"

"Exam preparation, dance practice with Hoseok-" started Taehyung.

"-sign language course," continued Jungkook.

"Exactly," said Taehyung, "basically, you have been too busy and your head has been so full of things that you forgot about it."

Jimin looked at Taehyung and then looked at Jungkook before he ran to his dresser and took out a sweatshirt.

"What now?" asked Taehyung.

"I am going to give it to her now," replied Jimin with his head in the sweater.

"Now?" asked Taehyung.

"Yes, or else  will forget about it again!"said Jimin, "I can't focus on my studies when I have this camera on my table. I need to get it to her so I can focus!"

"Alright then," said Taehyung and watched as Jimin ran past him to the door.

"Say hi to Noona for me!" yelled Jungkook while Jimin disappeared from their sight.

The sun had set a long time ago, but because Jimin had been sitting inside with closed curtains, not caring enough to look at the time, he had no clue of how late it was. Maybe she had already gone to bed? Her parents would surely kill him if they found out he called her out at this hour.

Once he reached the neighborhood and slowly neared her house, Jimin took out his phone and sent Ha Na a quick message, asking if she was still up. Faster than expected, Ha Na replied with a "yes" and a question mark.


Reply to: Noona 🌸

Can you come outside for a moment?


From: Noona 🌸

Now? Are you outside?


Reply to: Noona 🌸

Yes, I'm outside. I'll make it quick I promise.

From: Noona 🌸

Okay just wait a minute.


Jimin went to stand underneath a streetlamp, both making it easier for Ha Na to spot him, but also to seem less suspicious to the rest of the neighborhood.

Finally Jimin heard the sound of a door opening and he saw a silhouette of a person sneaking out. Once closer, he confirmed it was indeed Ha Na, walking outside in her pink pajamas with a black sweatshirt over to keep her warm. She was barefooted in a pair of slippers and looked really cozy, like someone who came straight out of bed.

Ha Na seemed to now have noticed Jimin and she showed him that beautiful smile she always showed and started waving as she walked up to him.

"I am so sorry to call you out this late," said Jimin, hoping the streetlamp gave enough light for Ha Na to read his lips. "I didn't realize how late it was until I was outside and now I have woken you up-"

"You didn't wake me," signed Ha Na and interrupted Jimin.

"I didn't?" asked Jimin, "but you are... wearing... pajamas?" Ha Na took out her phone as she felt the conversation could go on for a while and typed in:

I was in my bed but I hadn't fallen asleep yet.

"Oh, really? I am happy I didn't wake you," said Jimin and somehow drifted off, forgetting the reason why he was there as he just looked at the ground.

Jimin was swept back into reality when Ha Na waved her hand in front of him and then showed her phone.

Why did you want to talk to me?

"Oh, sorry!" said Jimin, "I didn't want to talk to you, I wanted to give you something." He took out the present from behind his back and gave it to Ha Na who looked at him with huge eyes and a startled expression. Without waiting for permission, she started opening it to ease her curiosity, all the while Jimin stood silently with his heart beating fast inside his chest.

Once the wrapping had been torn apart and the real present came to light, Ha Na just looked at it. A minute went by like that before she lifted her face and looked at Jimin for some kind of explanation.

"I don't know why I bought you this. Well, I do know... but it might sound stupid when I say it out loud," started Jimin explaining, "when you told me you never had a dream it made me sad, not because it is wrong not to have a dream, but because it seemed like you actually wanted a dream to pursue. So when I saw the camera, I wanted to give it to you, because maybe this would be something you would like. I thought that since you see the world differently than others, since you use your eyes more than us, it would be interesting to see what kind of things you would capture with this camera. I guess I just wanted to see the world through your eyes." 

Jimin had been blabbering on while looking at everything else except Ha Na, which meant that until now he hadn't realized that she was crying. With the camera in her hands, the wrapping paper all curled up into a ball, she just stood there looking at him while the tears slid soundlessly down her cheek.

"Wait, why are you crying? Getting a gift isn't suppose to make you sad!" said Jimin in panic and walked closer to Ha Na as she frantically tried to wipe away her tears with the help of her arm. Seeing how she didn't have enough hands, Jimin used the sleeve of his sweater to wipe away the remaining tears and only then noticed how close he was standing. 

Their bodies were only a few centimetres apart, so close that Jimin could smell the remains of her perfume and he slowly drifted away again. With his hand still caressing Ha Na's cheek, Jimin walked a step closer, now closing the small gab between them and Ha Na looked up and locked eyes with Jimin. He only had to tilt his head slightly and their lips would meet, but while Jimin neared, Ha Na let out a breath that reached Jimin's lips and sent chills down his spine, waking him up from his daze and he immediately moved away from her, both of them awkwardly looking away.

Ha Na used the strap on the camera to secure it around her neck, so she again had a hand free to use her phone.

Thank you Jimin, I'm sorry I got so emotional, but no one has ever given me a gift simply because they felt like it. I was just really happy.

"That is okay, I am just relieved you are not sad," said Jimin, still feeling a bit awkward, "but don't feel like you have to use it just because I gave it to you. If you don't like it then just hide it away in a drawer or a closet or something." Ha Na nodded as answer.

Can I try it?

"The camera?" asked Jimin, "yes of course, go ahead." Ha Na put her phone back in her pocket and picked up the camera and stood for a while, trying to figure out all its buttons and features. When she finally turned on the camera, she held it up to her eyes and started looking around through the lens. Then suddenly, she pointed it at Jimin who immediately got flustered, his cheeks turned into a faded pink.

"What are you doing?" said he and covered his face. Ha Na lowered the camera and used her right hand to sign, but Jimin had trouble understanding so the phone had to be taken out again.

Can I take a picture of you as the first picture I take with the camera? You're the one who gave it to me after all.

"Well..." said Jimin, not completely comfortable, "when you put it that way... I guess you can." The smile returned to Ha Na's face and she guided him to the place with the best lighting before she started preparing to take the picture. The long wait was slowly killing Jimin from the inside, but then the flash went off and he could breathe again. Ha Na looked at the picture and showed a satisfied smile before she did a thumbs up to Jimin.

"If you are done tormenting me, I will let you go back to bed now," said Jimin and Ha Na nodded while letting out a silent giggle.

"Thank you," signed Ha Na with her right hand and Jimin replied "You are welcome."

"I will see you tomorrow at the competition, right?" Ha Na quickly nodded again.

"Fighting!" she signed and Jimin couldn't hold back his smile at her sweet gesture.

"I will do my best, now go to bed before your mom comes out and kills me, then I won't get to participate tomorrow." Ha Na giggled at Jimin's comment, but knew it was indeed something possible and she started backing up.

"Goodnight," signed Jimin.

"Goodnight," signed Ha Na, "sweet dreams."

Hello everyone!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, make sure to leave a comment and let me know what you think.

Also, remember to take good care of yourself and stay safe.

Love, Annalise~

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