Chapter 30


Ha Na looked through the lens while adjusting the focus, so the photo became clearer and she looked at the woman who was smiling happily, standing with her back against the white screen. Ha Na moved the camera a little to the left so the woman now appeared in the middle of the frame and she was almost ready to take the photo. Next to Ha Na was a pile of laminated papers and Ha Na looked through them until she found the one she was looking for. She held up the piece of paper for the woman to read, while Ha Na put on her best smile.

Please only smile with your mouth closed. You are not allowed to show teeth on passport photos.

The woman quickly nodded and closed her mouth whereafter Ha Na could take the photo. She took a few more and then gestured for the woman to come and take a look. After looking through them, the woman chose which photo she liked the best and Ha Na nodded along before showing her another sign.

You can pick up the photo in 3 days.

After waving goodbye to the kind lady, Ha Na went to the counter and sat down in front of the computer, where the photo editor was open. She was alone in the shop this afternoon, while Sang Hoo was out running some errands. At first, Ha Na had been a little skeptical when Sang Hoo suggested that she watched the shop alone as she had only worked there for a few months and didn't feel confident that she would be able to help out every customer that came by. But Sang Hoo quickly assured her that she would be fine and if someone came and wanted to book an event, she could simply scribble it down on a note and then Sang Hoo would teach her how to put it in their calendar system when he got back. So in the end, Ha Na agreed to be alone and once things started moving, she realized it wasn't as scary as she thought. Everyone was kind and understanding once they learned about her disability.

In between taking care of customers, Ha Na sat at the computer and watched YouTube videos, trying to improve her editing skills, but it was a slow process and she would sometimes get annoyed when things didn't turn out the way she wanted. Whenever that happened, she reminded herself to take a break and went for a cup of hot chocolate or just a glass of water.

After drinking yet another cup of hot chocolate, Ha Na unlocked her phone and looked through her conversation with Jimin and sighed when she scrolled up and down. Most of the messages was sent by her and it would often be one or two days between a reply from Jimin. But they did go out to dinner the day before yesterday and she thought that would help ease her longing for him, but instead, it only made it worse. She had asked him what his plans for today was and unexpectedly, he replied within a few hours, saying he had plans to practice with Hoseok after leaving the company. Maybe she would be able to go meet up with him if he was still there when she went home from work.

While planning all this out in her head, the small yellow light installed on the counter started blinking and Ha Na knew it meant another customer had entered. Getting ready to greet them with a bow and a smile, she got up from her chair, only to realize it was Sang Hoo who had returned.

"I see you have managed quite well," said Sang Hoo and Ha Na smiled in response, "did you get many customers?" Ha Na showed with her fingers how many customers she had accepted and Sang Hoo simply nodded along.

"You have worked hard," said he and went to hang his coat, "I will go upstairs for a while but just come get me if anything happens, alright?" Ha Na nodded again and watched Sang Hoo disappear through the door to the staircase. After going back to her seat, she looked at the clock. Still an hour until they would close up the shop and she could go see Jimin. Just thinking about Jimin made her heart beat faster and she started looking for busses on the computer to figure out the easiest route to the dance studio.

After carefully looking through bus routes, the light on the counter started blinking again and when Ha Na looked up, a young girl was standing in front of her with a confused look in her eyes.

The girl seemed to be about Ha Na's height or maybe a little taller, but she looked younger than her. She looked like she was around Sung's age and she had a pretty face that was somehow innocent and kind looking. Her face was hidden in a grey hoodie, but when she pulled it down, her long brown hair was made visible and she looked even prettier than before.

Slipping out of her awe, Ha Na started looking for her sign so she could explain about her disability, but before she got that far, the girl started speaking.

"Excuse me, is Sung home?" read Ha Na off of her lips. Quickly grabbing her phone, Ha Na typed in a reply.

No, she is not home yet, do you want to wait for her?

Even though the girl seemed very confused as to why Ha Na was replying through her phone, she didn't question it and simply said:

"I would like that very much."

Ha Na guided her to the waiting area and made her a cup of coffee even though the girl said it wasn't needed, but Ha Na had already turned around and didn't get to read her lips.

"Thank you," said the girl and accepted the cup from Ha Na, "are you a new employee?" Ha Na nodded and the girl showed a hint of a smile even though she was still full of confusion.

"I am sorry but can I ask you something?" asked the girl and Ha Na nodded, "why don't you speak?"

I am deaf and I am not really comfortable using my voice. I can read your lips as long as you maintain eye contact and articulate your words.

"Really?" said the girl, "that is pretty cool that you are working in spite of your disability!"

Thank you.

For a little while, an awkward silence sneaked into the atmosphere as Ha Na kept standing in front of the girl, not wanting to go back and edit anymore photos, but not knowing how to start a conversation either.

Are you a friend from University?

Ha Na typed into her phone just to make some sort of conversation between them before silence would drown out their sanity.

"Yes," said the girl, "we are both in the art department. Ah, sorry for not introducing myself properly. My name is Jung Eun Sa, it is nice to meet you."

My name is Kim Ha Na, it is nice to meet you too.

The girls looked at each other while smiling brightly, but Ha Na then noticed that Eun Sa's eyes shifted to the door and when Ha Na turned around, she spotted Sung who had just walked inside.

"Unnie, and Eun Sa," said she as she was taking off her coat, "what is all this about?"

"Sung! Finally!" said Eun Sa and walked straight up to Sung who looked both confused and honestly a little scared as well. Not wanting to disturb them, Ha Na went back to the counter and sat in front of the computer.

"Woah slow down girl," said Sung as Eun Sa was already in the middle of a long explanation of something, "let me go upstairs with my things and then when I return I will listen to everything."

"Alright," said Eun Sa and followed Sung to the counter where she stayed behind as Sung disappeared upstairs. Eun Sa was impatiently tapping her finger on the counter, and Ha Na felt the small vibrations through the old wood. It didn't bother her, she wasn't working or editing, her mind had already zoned out for the day and she was basically counting down the seconds until she could leave work.

"I am back," said Sung, "now spill it, girl!"

Since Ha Na didn't follow the conversation closely, she wasn't sure what all the commotion was about, but when she looked up once in a while she did notice a few words and their expression filled faces. 

But then she noticed a word, no, a name that seemed to spike her interest so much that she couldn't hide anymore that she had been secretly peeping on their conversation.

I am sorry, can I ask something?

The two girls looked at Ha Na's phone and then looked at each other, whereafter their eyes shifted to Ha Na and they both nodded in union.

Did you just mention a Jeon Jungkook?

"Ah, you hear-, I mean you saw that," said Eun Sa a bit shy, "yeah, I was asked out by a boy in our University today. His name is Jeon Jungkook."

Ha Na looked at Eun Sa whose cheeks had the color of a faint pink and Ha Na simply couldn't hold back her laughter which made both Sung and Eun Sa look at her in confusion.

"What?" asked Sung, but Ha Na didn't notice because she was too busy laughing.

"What is it? Did I say something weird?" asked Eun Sa and Ha Na was slowly getting back to her senses, "is it that unlikely that I would get asked out?"

No no, I am sorry for laughing. I just know that boy very well.

"You do? Woah, what a small world!" uttered Sung.

"What is he like? Is he a sweet guy?" asked Eun Sa.

He is very kind, but don't let him lose if you are playing a game, he is the worst loser. And he is also whiny if he is hungry, or tired. He is practically a child inside. But he is has a good heart.

"It seems like you know him very well," said Eun Sa after reading Ha Na's message, "may I ask how?"

Ha Na almost began typing again but Sung stopped her before that.

"Girls, if we are doing this then let us go to a cafe or something. You are getting off work now, right Unnie?" Ha Na nodded, "then let us go."

Not knowing how to reject their offer by telling them that she had to go meet her boyfriend, Ha Na ended up following the girls to a nearby cafe, after of course shutting down the computer and saying goodbye to Sang Hoo.

Like everything else in this small area, the cafe was simply adorable and with a coziness on a whole other level. Inside it smelled of coffee beans and flowers, every Barista had a smile on their face and the customers all seemed calm and happy. 

After the three girls got something to drink, they sat down at a table to talk all this through. It didn't take long before they found out Jungkook was a good friend of Ha Na's boyfriend and this only made the girls even more excited. Eun Sa explained that Jungkook had invited her on a date to a theme park and she looked really excited when she talked about going there, something Ha Na couldn't understand since theme parks scared her.

"I am still shocked that you got asked out, have you ever even talked with him?" asked Sung while she was sipping the remains of her coffee.

"I haven't had a full conversation with him before today, but I have seen him walking around in the art department a couple of times," replied Eun Sa, "you know, with that guy Hyun Joo."

"Oh he is friends with Hyun Joo? Then he must have seen you and fallen in love at first sight."

"Stop it, Sung," Eun Sa brushed her off, "love at first sight doesn't exist."

"Of course it does, I bet Ha Na Unnie fell in love at first sight, right Unnie?" Both girls looked at Ha Na and quickly discovered that she weren't paying attention at all but rather looking at the time, but soon after, Ha Na realized the two girls were staring at her.

"Is there somewhere you have to be?" asked Sung and Ha Na wavered her head a little.

"I am sorry we are taking up all your time," said Eun Sa.

Don't be sorry, I am happy to talk to you two, but if you don't mind I actually have somewhere to be.

"Of course, just hurry and go!" Sung yelled out.

"Thank you for telling me about Jungkook, I am a little less nervous now."

Don't be nervous, Jungkook is a wonderful person and you two will have a lot of fun at the theme park.

"Thank you."

"Stop talking you two, Ha Na unnie has to go!" interrupted Sung, "I bet she is meeting her boyfriend."

"You are meeting your boyfriend?" asked Eun Sa and Ha Na nodded shyly, "why didn't you tell us. Quickly go or you will be late." Ha Na nodded and then waved goodbye before she left the cafe and ran with all her strength to the bus stop.

While she was sitting for the bus, her heart was racing like crazy and she couldn't wait to tell Jimin all the things that had happened today. How she had found out about Jungkook's secret date and how she made yet another friend. Eun Sa seemed like such a nice girl, innocent and honest, someone Ha Na wanted to become even better friends with.

Thinking back on the last six months, Ha Na had made more new friends than she had for the last 20 years of her life. Things seemed to be going well in her life, almost too good to be true. And just as she thought that, her brain reminded her of the little incident with Hakyeon a few weeks ago and her good mood faded a bit. But her spirit was still high as she knew she would see Jimin in a few minutes.

When she arrived, it was slowly getting dark outside, but she had already messaged her mom, explaining that she would be late and surprisingly, her mom replied it was okay.

When she reached the practice room, she knocked on the door a few times before opening it slowly and seeing Jimin dance with intensity, alone in the huge room. Ha Na entered as quietly as possible and she just sat down on the floor and observed Jimin, but it didn't take him long before he acknowledged her.

"Noona, what are you doing here?" asked Jimin while signing and Ha Na quickly ran over to hug him, but before she got that far, Jimin stopped her, "you don't want to hug me, I am very sweaty." Ha Na just gave him a weird look and then hugged him anyway.

"Alright, now tell me what you are doing here," said Jimin after Ha Na had let go of him.

"I just missed you," signed Ha Na, confused when she didn't get the reaction from Jimin she had expected, "am I annoying?"

"No no!" said Jimin quickly, "I am just a little busy so it will be boring for you to be here."

"Where is Hoseok?"

"He had plans so I decided to practice alone."

"Then I will keep you company," signed Ha Na and sat down on the floor again. She then wavered her hand at Jimin and signed, "just continue."

"No noona, just go home," said Jimin while signing, "I will be practicing for hours, you will get bored."

"I won't, I will just watch for a little while and then I will go." Jimin looked at her a little hesitant, but then eventually said:


Ha Na got comfortable on the floor and watched Jimin turn on the music again. She watched him move his body effortlessly across the floor, at some points it almost looked like he was floating. He was flawless in her eyes and she sure could tell how much he had improved since the time he joined that competition. At this point she wasn't sure who would win in a dance off between Hakyeon and Jimin, they almost seemed like they could be on the same level by now.

But when Ha Na moved her eyes from Jimin's body and to his face, she was frightened by the look in his eyes. There was no smile on his face and his eyes were burning with determination and concentration. There was no joy, no happiness, sure there was passion, but even that felt different than usual.

She noticed that his foot slipped for a brief moment and the anger was showing on his face in the same minute, but he quickly regained his position and moved on. Soon after, his foot slipped again and the anger seemed to increase, so when he made a wrong step for the third time and he fell on his butt, the anger seemed like a raging fire.

Ha Na ran to Jimin's side, checking if he was hurt anywhere, but he just shoved her away.

"Don't!" yelled Jimin and Ha Na moved away instantly, "I thought you said you would only stay for a little while."

"If you think I am a nuisance.... Then I will leave," signed Ha Na and Jimin looked at her with a sad expression.

"I think it is better if you leave," said he and got up from the floor whereafter Ha Na did the same, "I need to concentrate."

"Okay.... then I will leave," signed Ha Na and walked to the door, "let us make plans soon, okay?" Jimin didn't respond to that, but just started dancing again and Ha Na then left the practice room and started her journey home. 

Her heart was aching all the time and when she returned home, she told her mom she was feeling sick and went straight to bed. While staring at the ceiling of her bedroom, she kept replaying the scene of Jimin falling in the practice room and her chest hurt every time. She looked at the time and wondered if he was still practicing. Had he eaten dinner? Did he get enough sleep? All those thoughts kept circling her mind and she ended up reaching for her laptop that was on her nightstand. She found the picture she had taken of Jimin that night. She had deleted it from the camera and instead saved it on her laptop. Ha Na looked at the picture for what seemed like an eternity and her eyes kept focusing on that smile on Jimin's face. She wondered where that smile went. Would she see it again soon?

Hello everyone!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did, please leave a comment down below so I can hear your thoughts!

The origin of Jung Eun Sa:

While I was a member of Wattpad, I became good friends with a fellow writer, named Ashlyn. Ashlyn had written a Jungkook fan-fiction with the main character Jung Eun Sa. Living in different parts of the world, Ashlyn and I knew we would never be able to met in real life, but at least our characters could meet. In Ashlyn's book, Kim Ha Na had a cameo appearance. And in this book, her character, Jung Eun Sa, had a cameo appearance. 

A lot of things happened. Ashlyn became busy with her studies and we slowly drifted apart. In the end she was too busy for Wattpad and deleted her account and her stories as well. But I still remember them, I remember Jung Eun Sa and I am happy to have her appear in my story as a memento of our friendship.

Ash, wherever you are, I wish you all the best.

Please remember to take good care of yourself and stay safe out there!

Love, Annalise~

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