Chapter 12

"Sign language"

"HA NA LOOK OUT!" yelled Hakyeon, but of course Ha Na couldn't hear and she didn't see the bike that was coming right at her at a fast speed. With his heart racing Hakyeon ran as fast as he could, but he wouldn't be able to make it. Then, just as the bike was a few meters from her, Hakyeon watched Jimin grab her arm and pull her into his embrace, sheltering her from the bypassing bike. Hakyeon, who had been running insanely fast before, suddenly felt like he was frozen on the spot and he couldn't do anything besides watching the two from a distance.

Ha Na felt her heart stop for a moment when she got pulled towards Jimin and now buried in his chest, so close she could feel his heartbeat. After what felt like an eternity, Jimin loosened his grip and pushed Ha Na away and looked directly into her eyes. Ha Na was so happy to see him again that she couldn't stop smiling, but Jimin didn't look happy at all, in fact he looked angry.

"Noona, what are you doing? You scared me!" she read from his lips, but she didn't understand what he meant. 

"That bike was just about to hit you!" Ha Na looked around confused. She didn't remember seeing any bike. She quickly took out her phone and wrote down:

I didn't see any bike, did I scare you?

"Of course you did! I was scared to death!"

So you were worried about me?

"Of... of course I am worried when I see you are about to get hurt!"

I thought you were mad at me.

"What? Why?" said Jimin and Ha Na just looked at him with a sad face.

You ignored me this entire week.

"Ah... yes... I can explain why..." stuttered Jimin, "wait! No.. I don't have to explain it, I can just show you." Ha Na seemed even more confused, but she kept looking at Jimin who seemed to be struggling with something. Then he lifted his right arm and in the next second Ha Na's eyes became wide open.

"I... learn... sign language," signed Jimin the best he could, focusing all his energy on getting the signs right, "I... know... little... sign language."

Ha Na was about to jump up high in the air and just completely lose it, but she was held back when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned her head and looked into a pair of ice cold eyes.

"How could you run off like that?" began Hakyeon signing with anger present on his face, "don't you get that you can't hear? You can't hear if something is coming right at you, something could have happened!" Ha Na was startled by the scolding and she felt her chest tighten.

"Excuse me," said Jimin and cut in, "you are making Ha Na upset, please don't scold her like that." Hakyeon moved his gaze to the boy in front of him and Jimin gulped. But then, just as Jimin thought his days where numbered and his time had come, Hakyeon's expression softened.

"Thank you," said Hakyeon with a sigh, "I wouldn't have been able to reach her before that bike would crash into her. Thank you for saving her." Jimin just looked at Hakyeon with startled eyes. For some reason, nice Hakyeon felt much scarier than cold Hakyeon.

" are welcome," stuttered Jimin.

Ha Na stood in the middle of the two men's conversation and when she felt it had cooled down, she started waving her hand in front of Hakyeon's face.

"Oppa," signed she, "Jimin knows sign language!"

"What?" blurted Hakyeon out and looked at Jimin, "you know sign language?"

"I... well..." started Jimin, "I only know... little bit... sign language," signed Jimin again. Ha Na started jumping up and down, and Jimin couldn't hide his red cheeks, both caused by the embarrassment of signing, and by watching Ha Na getting so happy. Then Ha Na started signing something and Jimin tried really hard to understand, but the only word he knew was "sign", so instead he looked at Hakyeon for help.

"She asked you what other signs you know," said Hakyeon without making eye contact.

"Oh..." said Jimin and then looked at Ha Na again.

"My name is... Park... Jimin," he began signing, "I am... 22 years old. What is your name?"

"My name is Kim Ha Na." Jimin was delighted when he understood Ha Na's signs, but she did make sure to do it slowly and without being sloppy.

While smiling, Jimin noticed the time and was immediately brought back from the daze he had been in.

"I am sorry, I have got to go," said he and Ha Na's smile faded away. She looked at Hakyeon, but he had moved a bit away, so instead of relying on his translation, she took out her phone again.

If you're busy should I stop texting you?

"No!" yelled Jimin and startled everyone along with himself, "no, I will reply, I promise. I might not reply by the second, but I won't ignore you for an entire week like this time. It is just... summer vacation is coming up so I have a bunch of exams before that, and my dad has been calling nonstop to ask if I am studying. And all the extra time I have is spend on dance practice with Hoseok and now sign language course."

Don't overwork yourself

Jimin read the text on the phone and saw the worried look in Ha Na's eyes.

"I won't, I promise," said he and sent her a reassuring smile, "but I am sad I can't meet you for the time being." Ha Na nodded and looked at the ground until she quickly reached for her phone once again.

Can I come watch your dance practice once in a while?

"Sure you can, I would love for you to come but... won't it be boring for you?" Ha Na shook her head with a huge smile.

"Then... please come by often, Noona, "said Jimin and made a quick bow.

Ha Na waved goodbye to Jimin while Hakyeon just stood next to her, looking at the cracks in the pavement. As they walked the rest of their way home, Ha Na continued to have a huge smile on her face, meanwhile Hakyeon looked cold and serious.

"I will go hang out with Jung Hwa," signed Ha Na when they reached their houses and she was just about to sprint to Jung Hwa's room when Hakyeon held her back.

"Ha Na," said Hakyeon and looked at her with a concerned look. Then he started signing; "please be careful."

"What do you mean? You are not talking about Jimin, right?" signed Ha Na.

"He does seem like a nice guy but just... promise me you will be careful. I don't want you to get hurt." Ha Na sent him a smile and then took his hand and squished it tight. 

"I will be careful oppa," signed Ha Na after letting go of Hakyeon's hand. Then she ran off, directly into the Cha family's house and straight to Jung Hwa's room.

Jung Hwa almost fell off her bed when Ha Na ran into her room and she scolded her for scaring her like that.

"Unnie, guess what happened today," signed Ha Na and sat down on Jung Hwa's bed.

"I am sorry Ha Na I am too tired to talk..."

"Jimin is learning sign language."

"WHAT?" Ha Na read off of Jung Hwa's lips as she yelled it out.

"Never mind, I will tell you some other time," signed Ha Na with a smirk, "you were too tired, right?" Ha Na was about to get up when Jung Hwa pulled her right back into bed.

"You sneaky little!" signed Jung Hwa and squished her cheek so it turned red, "tell me everything!"

After Ha Na explained how Jimin saved her from a bike and Hakyeon actually thanked him and how Jimin showed what signs he had learned so far, Jung Hwa just sat back with her mouth open and her eyes wide open.

"That boy sure took me serious," whispered Jung Hwa and Ha Na asked her to repeat since she didn't quite get it, but Jung Hwa just changed the subject.

"So he wasn't ignoring you because he was angry?" asked Jung Hwa.

Ha Na shook her head.

"You didn't do anything wrong that night?"

Ha Na shook her head again.

"You didn't need to worry all this time?"

Ha Na shook her head again, but then felt a sharp pain when Jung Hwa hit her right on the top of her head.

"Why did you do that?" signed Ha Na with a pout.

"You... you... you have been annoying all week! Always worrying and complaining why he wouldn't reply and it turned out how? Just like I said! He was just busy, not ignoring you!" 

Ha Na looked at Jung Hwa who had an expression that was a mixture of anger and irritation, so Ha Na clapped her hands together looked at Jung Hwa with huge puppy eyes and pouty lips.

"No... no... I am not forgiving you just like that!" signed Jung Hwa, but Ha Na just pouted even more and moved as close to Jung Hwa as she could.

"No, n... UGH COME HERE!" Jung Hwa grabbed Ha Na and enveloped her in a big warm hug which made Ha Na giggle. Once Jung Hwa let go she signed:

"Do you want to sleep over tonight? It is already pretty late."

"Yes, I will just message my mom."

"Hey, do you remember when I began learning sign language?" asked Jung Hwa once Ha Na had sent the text message.

"Yes, it was when we were still really young, you were around... 9 years old?" signed Ha Na and moved closer as she felt this conversation was turning into the kind that could go on for the entire night. She grabbed a blanket and wrapped herself in it like a burrito, watching Jung Hwa recall the memories of the real start of their friendship.

Hello everyone!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. When this book was published on Wattpad, I had just reached 1K reads on it. It is amazing to think back on and I am still very grateful to every reader who took the time to give this book a chance. 

Fun Fact: The signs Jimin had learned was actually the very first sentences I learned as well. "I'm learning sign language," and "I know a little bit sign language". I can't believe how long ago that was, I am so happy I decided to learn sign language, it is so much fun and it has given me many new friendships because of it.

Remember to leave a comment before you move on and stay safe!

Love, Annalise~

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