Chapter 11

"Kung Fu noodles"

"And you are sure I didn't do something stupid or said something upsetting?" signed Ha Na.

"For the 100th time, no!" replied Jung Hwa, "you didn't do anything stupid, they even said to tell you they all had a fun day and they would like to get together another time."

"Then why isn't Jimin answering my messages?"

"Maybe he is busy?" signed Jung Hwa and began pulling her hair backwards to make a ponytail.

"For a whole week?" Jung Hwa stopped her hands motion and let go so her hair once again hang loosely.

"I am sorry Ha Na, but I don't know..." signed Jung Hwa, "but I am sure Jimin will explain when the time comes. You just have to trust him."

"Okay..." signed Ha Na and lowered her head, but Jung Hwa put her hand underneath her chin and lifted it up again.

"Aren't you going go to work today?" signed Jung Hwa.

"Yeah yeah..." replied Ha Na and stuck out her tongue, "I will leave now, I am sorry for bothering you." Ha Na took a step forward, but suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around her small body. No words were needed because Ha Na knew exactly what that hug meant and it immediately soothed her worried heart.

At work, Ha Na tried focusing all her energy on the books and the people in need of help, so she could forget about Jimin, at least for a little while. She went to the shelve with returned books, ready to put them back into place. She grabbed a few and began her journey through the library. After putting down the second last book she saw what book was underneath it. She gulped when she realized it was the book Jimin had borrowed the first time she met him. 

Did he return it without even saying hello? Did nothing really happen that night or had Jung Hwa been lying to protect her from sadness? A lot of thoughts ran through her mind as she went to put the book back. She made a huge sigh, but her spirit almost left her body when someone poked her shoulder in that same moment. A smile crept up on her face and she turned around immediately, but was utterly disappointed. 

The man in front of her was looking her directly in the eyes. His face was more handsome than possible to explain with the human language and she caught herself staring at him. As the man seemed to notice this, he quickly winked at her which seemed to bring her out of her daze.

"Can you help me find this book?" Ha Na read from his lips and saw the note he held in his hand. She looked at the title and then nodded and tried to put on a customer-friendly smile.

The man followed Ha Na around the shelves and watched as she looked through the many books. That was until she stopped and turned around with a puzzled look on her face and she stood still for a while. Then she raised her finger in the air like an idea just popped into her head and she started walking again, the confused man following along.

He followed her to the counter, but stayed on the customer side of it as Ha Na went around and opened the computer. She searched up the title of the book and then looked at the man with an apologetic face. She grabbed the notebook and pen lying on the counter and started writing.

I'm sorry, someone borrowed the book yesterday, but I can put you on the waiting list?

The man was a little confused when he saw the note, but then finally noticed her name tag and a smile found is way to his lips, which made his face look even brighter than before. 

Maybe he was a model, thought Ha Na, or an actor.

"Yes, please write me on the waiting list!" said the man with good articulation so it was easy for Ha Na to read his lips. She nodded once and held out her hand. The man just looked at it until he finally understood.

"Yes of course, my library card!" he said and reached for it in his pocket. Ha Na ran it through the computer and quickly put him on the waiting list and then gave him back his library card.

You will receive a text message when the book is ready for pick-up.

"Thank you," said the man, but then sent her a concerned look, "why do you look so sad?" 

Ha Na's eyes widened when she read his lips and she didn't know how to respond.

"I don't know what would make such a pretty girl have a look like that," continued the man, "but come by my restaurant later and I will treat you to a free meal." The man took out a business card and handed it to Ha Na.

"I promise you, after tasting one of my dishes, you will have a smile on your face again." Ha Na nodded and thanked him through the notebook.

"Promise you will come by for a meal!" said the man once last time before he turned around and left the library. Once he was out of sight, Ha Na took a closer look at the business card. 

Kung Fu noodles

Restaurant owner: Kim Seokjin

Ha Na couldn't help but laugh when she read the name of the restaurant. Thinking back on the man she had just met, she could have sworn he would own some sort of big 5 star Italian restaurant. His handsome face didn't quite say "Kung Fu noodles", but then again, who was she to judge someone by their look?

The day was almost over when Ha Na felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and she nearly dropped it when she rushed to take it out.

From: Yeonnie Oppa 💙

I'm waiting outside, are you done soon?

Reply to: Yeonnie Oppa 💙

Yes I'll be out in a sec.


Ha Na finished up the last couple of things and shut down the computer. She said her goodbyes to Ji Eun, who was staying behind to go through some administrative papers. When she walked outside, the sun felt warm on her body and it made her smile at least a little bit more.

She looked around and saw Hakyeon sitting on a bench with his phone in his hands. She was about to go over and say hello, but suddenly got another idea instead. She walked behind him and sneaked up on him as silently as she could, unable to tell if she in reality was silent. Then, just as she was about to jump up and surprise him, Hakyeon turned around and instead scared the crap out of her so she nearly fell backwards. Hakyeon realized Ha Na was about to fall and quickly managed to put his hand on her back and catch her. With a deep sigh of relief he helped her stand straight again.

"Would you be careful?" signed Hakyeon with a worried look, "you could have gotten hurt."

"But you were the one who scared me?" replied Ha Na with a glare.

"Whose idea was it to scare someone in the first place?" Ha Na held her breath.

"You knew I would surprise you?" asked she, "how?"

"Sneakers," signed Hakyeon and pointed at her shoes. Ha Na looked down and then back up at Hakyeon for a better explanation. "Your sneakers make this kind of rubber sound when you walk so I can hear you miles away. Had you been wearing your pumps I wouldn't have been able to hear you." Ha Na made an annoyed face and stomped her foot at the ground.

"It is not fair, you are not allowed to scare me anymore!" signed Ha Na.

"Why not?"

"Because I would never be able to hear you no matter what shoes you wear. You have too great of an advantage." Ha Na looked at Hakyeon with the most serious face she had, but it was hard keeping it up when he suddenly burst out laughing. In the end she couldn't keep a straight face and ended up laughing as well.

"I am sorry but I don't think I can make that promise," signed Hakyeon when he was done laughing, "you are too much fun to tease," he continued and then grabbed Ha Na's small red cheeks and squished them while making a pout. Ha Na slapped his hand away and sent him a glare.

"Do you wish to die?" signed she and then raised her hand.

"No I would much rather get going," signed Hakyeon without even flinching, "shall we go?" Ha Na nodded and followed along next to him.

They walked for a bit in silence and then reached the first crossing out of several. The light went green and Ha Na began walking, but only for a short while until she noticed Hakyeon had stayed behind. She was already halfway over and standing at the break point, but as she was about to go back, the light turned red. Ha Na Looked at Hakyeon, trying to figure out what had happened, but the fast cars kept blocking her view.

Hakyeon lifted his head from the ground and looked directly into Ha Na's eyes, his gaze only interrupted by the bypassing cars.

"What is it?" tried Ha Na to sign, but she wasn't sure he could see it.

"Can't we?" Ha Na read his signs from across the street, "stay here a bit more before we go home?"

The light finally turned green again and Ha Na ran towards Hakyeon with a worried look in her eyes.

"What is wrong?" asked Ha Na him, once she was in front of him again.

"I don't know... I just suddenly got the feeling that I don't want to go home yet," replied Hakyeon.

"Why not?"

"I want to spend more time with you."

"Do you want to eat dinner at our place then? We can ask Jung Hwa-"

"No!" signed Hakyeon and yelled at the same time, scaring the people around them, "no, I want to be with you alone. It has been so long since we were together just the two of us." A smile crept up on Ha Na's lips and she nodded.

"You are right, it has been a while," signed she, "but what do you want to do?" Hakyeon stood still and thought about it for a while until Ha Na suddenly jumped up in the air.

"What is it?" asked Hakyeon.

"I know what we can do!"


Hakyeon looked at the sign above the restaurant and had a very questionable look in his eyes.

Kung Fu noodles

"What on earth is this place?" signed Hakyeon.

"Come on it can't be that bad," replied Ha Na, "besides, he said he would give me a free meal if I came today."

"But still... is this even worth it if it is free?" 

Ha Na sighed and didn't even bother replying, but just grabbed him by his arm and dragged him inside. To their big surprise, it was completely full and they had trouble finding a place where both of them could sit. Then, as they were walking around, another couple got up from their seats and left, so the two of them hurried over to take it before anyone else saw.

"Woah, this place seems quite popular," signed Hakyeon.

"See, it wasn't such a bad idea after all?" Ha Na signed and Hakyeon sent her a big smile.

"You came?" Hakyeon heard a man's voice from behind him and turned around to see a stunning man looking at Ha Na. Ha Na also noticed the man; Seokjin, she remembered from the business card.

"And you brought someone, I see," said Jin and Ha Na nodded, "well I guess it was stupid of me to think that a pretty girl like you would be single." Ha Na was just about to correct his mistake when Hakyeon cut in.

"You are right, how could a pretty girl like her be single," said Hakyeon. Jin just looked at him with a smile and took out his pen and notepad.

"What can I get you?" said Jin and looked at Ha Na and Hakyeon. Ha Na signed something and counted on Hakyeon to translate for her.

"She said, since you promised a free meal, you should decide," said Hakyeon.

"I guess I should, and since it is free you have to promise me to come back if you liked the food." Ha Na immediately nodded and Jin then turned around and walked away.

While waiting for the food to arrive, Ha Na and Hakyeon spoke about all sorts of things, and for a while she forgot how sad and worried she had been earlier. 

Jin came over and served two bowls of noodle soup, looking delicious and they both started eating.

"That was actually really good," signed Hakyeon when he was done eating.

"See you shouldn't judge so easily!" Ha Na scolded him.

"You are right, you are right!" signed Hakyeon, "should we go home before they start getting worried?" Ha Na nodded and got up from her seat. Hakyeon took the two bowls and went to the counter.

"Thank you for a lovely meal," said Hakyeon to Jin and handed him the empty bowls.

"You are welcome, I hope you will come back," said Jin.

"I am sure we will." Jin sent Hakyeon a smile and then moved a bit to get a glance of Ha Na.

"It looks like my food did cheer her up," said Jin in a low voice and then looked directly at Hakyeon, "I hope you are not the reason she has been sad."

"The reason what?" asked Hakyeon, utterly confused and startled.

"She is your girlfriend, but you don't even know she has been depressed all day?" said Jin with a sigh, "just make sure she stays happy for the rest of the day. She is ten times prettier with a smile on her face."

"Don't worry about her, I will take care of her," said Hakyeon in a firm voice, "goodbye."

As they were walking through the city, towards their home, Hakyeon kept looking at Ha Na who seemed just as carefree as usual.

Had she really been depressed? And if she had, then what was the reason?

Ha Na, on the other hand, was full and happy and didn't even think about all the worries she had earlier in the day. She didn't notice Hakyeon's gaze either, she just kept walking forward with one foot in front of the other. That was until she saw someone ahead of her that made her eyes widen.

Dressed in blue jeans, a black shirt and a cowboy jacket, complimented by a pair of stylish sunglasses that hid his eyes. But even if she couldn't see his eyes, she knew it was him, and once confirmed in her head, she didn't even think before she started running towards him as fast as she could.

"HA NA!" yelled Hakyeon, but she couldn't hear, "HA NA LOOK OUT."

Hello everyone!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and shout out to my good friend Anderoth for coming up with the name of the restaurant!

What do you think will happen next and why do you think Jimin hasn't been texting her? Let me know in a comment down below.

Remember to take good care of your health and stay safe.

Love, Annalise~

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