
"Not a real date"

Spring 2019

While Minah walked down the empty halls of the company, she clutched her sketchbook to her chest like it meant her life, keeping her eyes on her feet. Not a soul was to be found in the building, it was still way too early for anyone else to be in, besides her. Walking alone in the hallway like this, made her feel like she was able to breathe more freely, the air felt much lighter and the halls much bigger. Once a few hours had passed and the building slowly got filled with people, she felt like the walls were closing in on her every time she had to walk down the hallways. Because of this, Minah preferred to get to work earlier than anyone else and preferred to leave much later as well. Others might view her as a workaholic, but in reality, she just valued her alone time at work much more than most people.

When she reached the end of the hall she started fumbling through her bag to get out her keys and when she did, she quickly unlocked the door to her work room. After turning on the lights and feeling slightly blinded for a while, she took a look around while breathing in. She had only been gone for a few days but it felt like an eternity since she had stepped inside her work room.

After putting down her bag and taking off her coat, she quickly started organizing the materials and fabrics which had all been scattered around the room, looking like a war had taken place in the time she had been gone.

Once the work room looked at least slightly organized, Minah sat down in front of her desk and took out her sketchbook. She immediately turned to the side with her latest drawing and looked it over. Now that she was back, she finally had time to make the alternations she had come up with in the meantime, since she first started working on the stage costume. 

His costume.

After taking out her sewing kit and finding the costume from one of the closets, she quickly got completely immersed in her work and didn't realize that the time rushed ahead while she had her head buried in her work.


Minah was startled when a female voice suddenly screamed out her name and she, a few seconds later, found herself embraced by her fellow colleague and friend, So Eun.

"Good morning So Eun," said Minah and gently pushed So Eun away.

"YOU ARE BACK!" yelled So Eun while looking at Minah.

"And you are screaming," said Minah s she turned around in her chair.

"How can you be so cold," said So Eun and pouted, "I have felt so lonely after you quit your job, you have no idea how happy it made me when the director told me you were returning."

"Well... I am glad I have such a devoted colleague as you," said Minah with a smile, "now go away, so I can work."

"You haven't changed one bit, SERIOUSLY, I HAVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" screamed So Eun again and hugged Minah for the second time.

"Yes yes I understand, now let go of me," said Minah.

"But what made you come back? You seemed dead set on quitting back then," asked So Eun and Minah looked at her with a faint smile before shrugging her shoulders.

"Oh well, It doesn't really matter, as long as you are back," said So Eun and seemed to have calmed down a bit, "oh, do you want to go out for drinks after work? As a celebration that you are back?"

"I am sorry, but I have plans today," said Minah while her eyes where focused on the costume.

"That doesn't sound like you," said So Eun, "what are your plans?"

"A date."

So Eun didn't even have time to pass out from the shock after hearing what Minah just told her, because the girls' conversation suddenly got interrupted when a door opened.

"Ah, good morning Hakyeon," said So Eun when she saw Hakyeon walk inside the work room, "I will leave now, but Minah, we are not done talking!"

"If you say so, now leave," said Minah and So Eun nodded before exiting the room.

There really isn't anything to talk about, thought Minah to herself, it isn't even a real date.

Hakyeon walked with slow and careful steps through the room until he was standing next to Minah and he nervously crossed his arms, not knowing what to do or how to behave.

"Welcome back," said he and Minah finally looked up from her desk and into Hakyeon's eyes.

"Thank you," said she before quickly looking away again, "I made some alterations in your costume since I didn't get to finish it before... before I left. Here, just try it on when you have time."

"I will," said Hakyeon and took the costume that Minah held out in front of him, "so, what do you want to do on our date?"

"I..." started Minah, but was baffled when she felt her cheeks heat up and she quickly turned her head, making sure Hakyeon wouldn't see her with such an embarrassing expression.

"A movie," said she without looking at Hakeyon.

"A movie? Sure, that sounds great. Should we just meet after work then?" asked Hakyeon while looking at the ceiling.

"Yeah, that sounds great. We can just meet at the lobby," said Minah and got up, walking around the work room while trying to stop herself from shaking.

"Alright, then I will leave you to work," said Hakyeon and walked to the door, "and Minah, it is good to have you back."

Minah turned around in her spot, but Hakyeon had already left the room and closed the door behind him. She walked back to her chair and sat down and reached for her chest where her heart was beating so fast she felt like she had just run a marathon.

Stupid heart, calm down. It isn't even a real date, scolded Minah herself while she focused on her breathing, slowly calming herself. She then shook her head and decided not to think anymore about that matter, but instead focus all her energy on her work.

And time really went by fast when she was focused. A lot of people came by throughout the day to say hello and express their happiness about her return. She even had a few idols and dancers come in with a costume request or just to take a break from their busy schedule. Her work room had always been like an escape for the people in the company, a place they could go and relax or pour their heart out if they wanted to.

"Ah finished!" said So Eun while stretching out her body, "how was your first day back?"

"It was nice," said Minah while packing up her things, "I had forgotten how much I love my job. Maybe it was a good thing I quit and went away for a while. It made me realize how lucky I am to work here." So Eun looked at Minah after hearing probably the longest sentence she had ever heard her friend utter and she immediately swung her arms around Minah.

"I am so glad you decided to come back," said she as she nuzzled her head into Minah's neck and for a minute, Minah didn't even bother pushing her away. She just allowed herself to feel the warmth of her friend and to be happy that she found the courage to return.

Walking down the halls so early in the afternoon felt weird, since she usually went home later in the evening. Everywhere around her there was noise and people gathering up in the corners to talk about the day. The elevator was the worst part, someone always thought it had room for at least one more person, until they were all jammed together like fish in a can, no one being able to move a muscle.

When she finally made it to the lobby and took notice of Hakyeon who stood a bit near the entrance, she let out a sigh of relief as she walked towards him.

"Hi," said she when she stood in front of him.

"Hi," replied Hakyeon, "so, the movies? Are you ready?" Minah just nodded and then followed along as Hakyeon lead the way.

After reaching the cinema and having a long and awkward conversation about what movie to watch and how much candy to buy, they finally settled on a popular action movie and bought two large popcorn, even though Hakyeon felt slightly unsure if she would be able to finish it. After their small argument about the popcorn, the atmosphere finally seemed to lighten a bit and Minah was happy when she noticed that Hakyeon started acting like himself around her, teasing her and making fun of her without being shy or awkward.

"Now don't start jumping in your seat when you get scared," whispered Hakyeon after they got to their seats, "you will just end up embarrassing yourself."

"As If I will get scared," whispered Minah back, "why don't you just focus on not embarrassing yourself."

"If you say so," said Hakyeon and at the same time, the lights turned off and the movie began. 

In the beginning it was easy to follow and Minah even enjoyed the movie, but as time went by, she suddenly started feeling much more aware of the fact that Hakyeon was sitting next her in this dark room and she suddenly couldn't focus on anything but the fact that his arm was resting on the armrest next to her. Her heart was beating faster with every second she looked at his arm and she had to force herself to look at the screen once in while, in fear that Hakyeon would notice her stare.

Pull yourself together, scolded Minah herself, this isn't a real date, just focus on the movie.

But that was easier said than done and when the movie finally came to an end and Hakyeon asked for her opinion, she felt at a loss for words.

"It was entertaining," was the only thing she could think of saying.

"I think so too, I am glad we chose this movie."

"Me too," said Minah while they walked out of the cinema.

"So, what do you want to do now? Should we grab something to eat before we call it a night?"

"Are you sure? You don't have to!" said Minah quickly, but Hakyeon's calming smile assured her that it was completely fine.

"I am hungry so let us chose a place to eat," said Hakyeon, "any ideas?"

"What about... pizza?" asked Minah.

"Pizza?" asked Hakyeon, having thought she wanted to go somewhere fancy on a date.

"Well," said Minah and nervously started moving her feet," I am not really dressed to go anywhere fancy."

For the first time, Hakyeon took a closer look at Minah. She was wearing her denim overalls, ones he had seen her wear many times and she had a white t-shirt under it. Her hair was put up in a ponytail, practical for her work as a tailor and she had two small earrings, flowers, that complimented her feminine features. Even if her look wasn't much different from how Hakyeon had seen her every day for the last seven years, it felt like it was first time he really looked at her, and for some reason, he didn't feel like looking away.

"So..." said Minah after some time.

"Yes?" asked Hakyeon, finally coming out of his daze.

"Are we going for pizza then?"

"Oh yes, yes let us do that!"

The atmosphere was nice in the small family restaurant and Hakyeon was happy they chose this place. So was Minah who had said yes the minute she confirmed that the tables were placed far enough away from each other, that she wouldn't be bothered by the other customers.

While waiting for their pizza their conversation seemed to stay at smalltalk subjects; the weather, work, family and hobbies. But once the food arrived and they had both been stuffing their faces for a while, Hakyeon suddenly looked at Minah with a more serious face than before.

"Minah," said he and Minah looked up, "can I ask you something even if it makes the atmosphere a bit awkward?"

"S... sure..." said Minah, already feeling her hands getting sweaty.

"For how long have you liked me?" 

It suddenly felt like everyone else in the restaurant turned completely silent and when Minah looked at Hakyeon, she felt like they were the only two around.

"I am not sure, I think I liked you almost from my first day at the company," said Minah, making sure to keep her eyes on the table while she played with the straw in her drink.

"Do you remember you came in to get a costume done and you were so specific about it that I had to alter it five times?"

"Did I really ask you to change it five times? How could that make you like me, it would have made more sense if it made you hate me."

"I don't know why. But every time you came into my work room, the air seemed lighter and I would always end up smiling. And the more you came by, the more comfortable you got with me. Because I am very shy and introverted myself, it astonished me how someone could be as bright and open as you. It even made me gather up the courage to confess. That was... until you told me about Ha Na." Minah stopped talking and for the first time looked at Hakyeon and he noticed the sadness in her eyes.

"I am really sorry," said Hakyeon and sighed.

"Don't be, you couldn't know I had a crush on you," said Minah, "I decided to give up on my feelings, but when you told me about this Jimin and how it seemed that he and Ha Na liked each other, I couldn't help but get my hopes up again. But this just caused me to get even more depressed when I realized Ha Na was still the only one in your heart."

"Why didn't you just tell me to shut up?" said Hakyeon, a bit too loud since he noticed a few stares, "I mean, it must have been awful to listen to me talk about Ha Na all the time. I know how I felt every time Ha Na talked about Jimin, it felt like someone ripped out my heart over and over again. I never wished for anyone to experience that, especially not someone I care about as much as you."

"Thank you," said Minah and felt her cheeks heat up again, "it is all my fault for being such a hypocrite. I hated listening to you talking about Ha Na, but I also felt special every time you confided in me. I didn't have to courage to tell you my feelings, but at the same time, my heart couldn't take anymore."

"I understand that, but I still think it was a bit extreme of you to quit your job," said Hakyeon and tried to smile a bit to lighten the atmosphere.

"It was a bit extreme," said Minah and chuckled, thinking about how stupid she must have looked, "I think I just acted on my emotions because I had been keeping everything in for so long. If you hadn't confronted me about why I was quitting, I probably never would have told you."

"Then I am happy I confronted you," said Hakyeon, "and I am happy you decided to come back to work. I can't imagine having anyone else as my tailor. Not just because of your skills and not just because you always listen to me rant, but because you are my friend and I feel comfortable with you. So don't ever try to quit again, okay?"

"Okay, I promise," said Minah.

"So, you said your sister is getting married?" said Minah then to change the subject and Hakyeon seemed to return to himself the minute she said those words.

"Ah yes, they will get married this month since she is moving to Busan to start work in June."

"Really? So she is all finished with her education then?" asked Minah.

"She is, she graduated with great scores so I am really proud of her," said Hakyeon, "and even if I am slightly annoyed that she is marrying my best friend and moving to the other end of the country, I really hope she will be happy."

"And you never knew Namjoon liked her?" asked Minah.

"I didn't," said Hakyeon and laughed, "but then again, he never knew I liked Ha N- I mean, I... argh I am sorry, I mentioned her without thinking."

"That is okay, don't worry about it," said Minah while laughing, "but you people really are strange, you have known each other all your life, but in the end it turned out that you didn't really know each other that well anyway."

"I guess you are right," said Hakyeon with a sigh, "maybe we all just needed to grow up."

"Maybe," said Minah.

After a few more lighthearted conversations, a few more laughs and a lot of smiles, Hakyeon and Minah left the small restaurant and began the journey towards Minah's apartment.

"You don't have to walk me home," said Minah.

"Just let me do it, it is not a real date if I don't walk you home," insisted Hakyeon.

A real date...

"Okay then," said Minah and gave in and walked next to him on the sidewalk. They didn't share much conversation as they walked, but just enjoyed the silence and felt refreshed by the chilly evening breeze.

A real date...

"Then, thank you for today," said Hakeyon when they stood in front of the door to her apartment complex, "I will see you tomorrow at the company."

"Wait!" said Minah and felt her heart racing like crazy as she looked at Hakyeon.

"I... I know this isn't a real date. I know today doesn't change anything and I know that you only agreed to this because it was my one condition when you asked me to come back to work. But even if this isn't a real date, I want to remember today as a day with no regrets, so please forgive me for what I am about to do."

"What are you-" Hakyeon was cut short when he suddenly felt a pair of lips being slammed against his and he widened his eyes in shock as he looked down and saw Minah having wrapped her arms around his neck while gently pushing her lips onto his. She was standing on her tiptoes just to be able to reach and she still had to stretch out her entire body.

He should push her away, he shouldn't allow there to be any misunderstandings after this. But instead, he closed his eyes and just pulled her closer. And for a moment he forgot everything else and the only thought on his mind was the feeling of Minah's soft and warm lips against his.

Until suddenly, Minah pulled away in an instant and she moved back, her eyes staring at the ground while she moved her feet nervously from side to side.

"I am sorry," said she, "goodnight."

"Minah wait!" yelled Hakyeon, but Minah had already run inside the complex and disappeared up the stairs. 

For a moment, Hakyeon stayed in front of the door and just stared into the air, until he took in a deep breath and then turned around, deciding he better start making his way home as well. But no matter how much time passed by, the feeling of Minah's lips on his remained with him and the more he thought of it, the more his heart would beat inside his chest. When he finally reached home and found his way to his room, he just allowed himself to collapse on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

Was this a real date?

Hello everyone!

I hope you enjoyed this epilogue, marking the true end of this story. Remember to stay warm and eat healthy and take care of yourself. Stay safe.

Also, don't forget to leave a comment down below.

Love, Annalise~

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