Chapter 37

"Another blind date"


Jung Hwa hummed a happy melody to herself while she was in the middle of curling her hair, getting ready for her blind date. It was already late afternoon and since it was getting colder outside, she had chosen a simple outfit including a long pencil skirt and a warm, soft knitted sweater that went well with the skirt.

"Another blind date?" Jung Hwa turned around the minute she heard her brother's mocking tone coming from the door to her room and she simply stuck out her tongue in response.

"At least I go on dates," spat she, "are you just going to sit around all day and do nothing?"

"Why? Am I not allowed?" asked Hakyeon, "it is Sunday, God's day! It should be forbidden to do anything on a Sunday."

"As lazy as ever," said Jung Hwa and sighed while packing away her curling iron. She walked around her room, not minding that Hakyeon was still standing in the door, looking at her.

"You look beautiful." Jung Hwa nearly had a heart attack and turned around to make sure it wasn't just her imagination playing a trick on her.

"Are you sick?" asked she walking closer to take a better look at her brother.

"No I am not sick!" said Hakyeon a bit annoyed, "I just... thought you looked beautiful and thought that was something I should tell you."

"Well... thanks... I guess." An awkward silence suddenly filled the air and the two siblings just stood in front of each other without knowing how to continue the conversation.

"Well then... have a nice date," said Hakyeon.

"Ah yes," uttered Jung Hwa, "have a nice Sunday!"

After parting ways with her brother and her parents, she started walking towards the inner city. The wind was cold and harsh. It didn't take long before her former perfect wavy hair had been turned into something that very much resembled a bird's nest. Looking at her reflection on her phone she sighed deeply, but then reached down her coat's pocket and took out a scrunchie which she used to tie up her hair.

"I hope he likes the casual look," whispered Jung Hwa to herself as she slowly neared the restaurant Min Ji had told her to meet the date. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw, it wasn't a high class fancy place like last time and she excitedly started looking around for a young man who would seem just as confused as her. She did spot a few men, but the all walked past her and she was left with disappointment again and again. That was until someone gently patted her shoulder and she turned around, ready to greet the man with a big smile, but that smile didn't last for long.

"Namjoon Oppa?" said Jung Hwa, both confused and annoyed, "what are you doing here?"

"I am going on a date," said Namjoon while smiling.

"Really? That is funny because- wait," Jung Hwa looked at Namjoon with suspicion, "are you my blind date?"

"That is correct!" announced Namjoon proudly, "you are welcome."

"What?" said Jung Hwa in a harsh tone, "are you saying you ignored me for a week and then made me believe I had a date today when in reality it is just you pranking me?"

"No wait, that is not what this is!" said Namjoon and tried soothing Jung Hwa so she didn't explode and kill him on the spot.

"Alright, I am sorry I ignored you, I have been very busy and I have had a lot of things on my mind. But please let me make it up to you by giving you a good Sunday evening. I even went through all the trouble getting Min Ji to set me up with you."

"You actually went to Min Ji yourself?" said Jung Hwa, looking like she didn't really believe him.

"I did, she laughed at my for 5 minutes until she realized I wasn't joking. I didn't even have her number so I had to go to your University and I went around looking for her the entire day." Jung Hwa looked at Namjoon while she processed the situation in her mind.

"Well... it does sound like you went through a lot of trouble," said she, "so I guess I could go on a date with you."

"YES!" shouted Namjoon and Jung Hwa widened her eyes in surprise, "ah, sorry about that!" Jung Hwa shook her head, mimicking it was alright.

"Shall we go in?" asked Jung Hwa.

"Yes, but first you have to promise me something!" said Namjoon.

"What now?" sighed Jung Hwa.

"You have to act like you don't know me."

"And why do I have to do that."

"Because otherwise it won't feel like a real blind date!"

"But it is not a real blind date, I have known you for more than 20 years."

"I know, I know," said Namjoon, "but can't you just play along? Just this once." Jung Hwa stood in front of Namjoon with crossed arms and glared at him with a raised eyebrow and a questionable look.

"Alright then," said she, still not looking completely comfortable with the situation, but Namjoon didn't care about that as long as she agreed.

After finding a table in the small family restaurant, Jung Hwa awkwardly moved around in her seat while waiting for the food to arrive. She especially made sure not to have eye contact with Namjoon and instead tried to act occupied.

"So," said Namjoon when he realized Jung Hwa was acting distant, "what is your occupation?"

"Seriously?" asked Jung Hwa, but she quickly swallowed her words when Namjoon sent her a glare and she instead answered his question.

"I am a University student, majoring in psychology," said she, playing along with Namjoon's game, "I finish my education this spring."

"Really? Then what is your plan after that?" asked Namjoon, very interested.

"I don't really know," said Jung Hwa a bit dejected, "I want to start up my own practice but it is a bit hard to do. If I do that I have to be very patient, because not many people will come to me since I don't have a lot of experience yet."

"That makes sense," said Namjoon, "but I am sure you will be able to make it in time! Have you ever thought about working in a psychiatric hospital for a few years to gain experience?"

"I have... I just think I am a little confused because of all the options. For years I have studied and that has been my entire life, so it is a bit scary having to go out in the real world."

Before Jung Hwa had realized it, she was having the most serious talk with Namjoon that she had had in years and it didn't even feel the slightest bit weird or awkward. He somehow made her feel at ease and she felt like she was filled with newfound energy, ready to meet the world.

"Here, I got your coat for you," said Namjoon as he went to Jung Hwa's side.

"Thank you," said Jung Hwa and let Namjoon help her put on her coat, "but wait, we need to pay."

"I already did," said Namjoon and winked at Jung Hwa. For a semi second, Jung Hwa felt a weird sensation form in her chest, but she quickly pushed it aside.

It is all just a game anyway, thought she to herself as she followed Namjoon outside the restaurant.

"Well, thank you for a nice date," said Jung Hwa and held out her hand to say her goodbye.

"Oh but the date isn't over yet!" exclaimed Namjoon and Jung Hwa looked surprised.

"There is more?" asked Jung Hwa.

"Yes, you just wait there, I will be right back," said Namjoon and disappeared before Jung Hwa could ask any questions at all. She moved her feet a bit back and forth as she impatiently waited for Namjoon to return, until a stunning red car pulled up next to her. She didn't look through the window, afraid she would be rude, but when she heard the window roll down, she couldn't help but take a peak.

"Get inside," said Namjoon with a smile and Jung Hwa nearly dropped her jar to the ground.

"You have a car now?" asked Jung Hwa while putting on her seatbelt.

"That I do," said Namjoon, "now just pair your phone through Bluetooth and put on some music, we are going to drive for a little while."

"Okay," said Jung Hwa and started navigating through the car audio system, "should I even bother asking where we are going?"

"Nope," said Namjoon while shaking his head, "just lean back and enjoy the smooth car ride."

"We will see if it is going to be smooth," said Jung Hwa and sent Namjoon a teasingly look.

As the drove through the city and soon left Seoul, Jung Hwa couldn't help but start wondering where they were going, but she came to the conclusion that it was better to just be patient and wait and see. The sun had already set and once they reached the country side roads, it was way too dark for her to see where they were and if the place looked familiar.

While listening to some soothing music on the car speakers, Jung Hwa felt her eyelids getting heavy and before she knew it, she dozed off and entered the land of dreams.

"Jung Hwa."


"Jung Hwa, wake up."

"Mm what..." Jung Hwa slightly opened her eyes and stared into Namjoon's big hazel brown eyes that were only a few centimeters from hers. She got up quickly and Namjoon moved a bit away, but still not diverting his eyes.

"We are here," said he and Jung Hwa looked around but all she could see was the pitch black night.

"Where are we?" asked she.

"Oh you don't know?" asked Namjoon, "wait a minute." While Jung Hwa sat confused as ever, Namjoon rolled down the window and then signed for her to listen. As she focused all her energy on listening, she widened her eyes as she heard the sound of gentle waves hitting the shore and she looked at Namjoon with the brightest smile he had seen today.

"We are at the beach!"

"Bingo!" said Namjoon and opened the door, whereafter he went to open the door for Jung Hwa, "what do you say we take an evening stroll at the beach?" Namjoon held out his arm for Jung Hwa to hold onto and she looked at it for a short while until she eagerly nodded her head and reached for his arm.

"That sounds wonderful!"

They walked together down the lonely and quiet beach, not talking, only listening to the soothing sound of the waves that went back and forth in long, gentle strokes. Looking at the black ocean at night made it seem mysterious, like something that would draw you in, something that would calm you down and wake you up at the same time.

While Jung Hwa focused on the sea, she felt Namjoon stop in his pacing and she turned her face to meet with Namjoons beautiful eyes that looked at her with so much love. Not thinking about anything, Jung Hwa just looked back and smiled as brightly as she could.

Then suddenly, as another wave hit the beach and the chilly wind blew past them, Namjoon gently put his hands around Jung Hwa's neck and pulled her face towards his until they met in a sweet, heartfelt kiss.

But the heartfelt kiss didn't last longer than a second as Jung Hwa immediately lunged at Namjoon, hitting him hard enough to make stumble several steps away from her.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" Namjoon looked at Jung Hwa who stared at him with glistering tears appearing in her eyes.

"This might all just be a game to you, but that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want!" yelled she, "you are taking this "blind date" thing too far." Without sparing Namjoon another second of her time, Jung Hwa turned around and walked in a fast pace towards the car.

"Wait, Jung Hwa wait a minute!" yelled Namjoon and grabbed Jung Hwa's hand, "this isn't a game to me! It isn't, just... just hear me out for a minute." Jung Hwa looked at Namjoon and then walked closer to him, looking into his eyes as she waited.

"Then talk!" said she. Namjoon let go of Jung Hwa's hand and instead rubbed his neck while sighing and looking up at the starry night sky. After a while he looked down and then again at Jung Hwa with sadness written all over his face.

"I am moving to Busan."

It was dead silent while the two stood in front of each other without saying anything, just looking into each other's eyes without blinking.

"You... you what," Jung Hwa was finally able to utter.

"I have been promoted, that is why I could buy a car. But the promotion also means I am being transferred to the prosecutor's office in Busan."

"When are you leaving?"

"Next week on Friday."

"Woah..." said Jung Hwa and crossed her arms, "is that why you have been avoiding me? Because you were afraid to tell me you are leaving?"

"No," said Namjoon to Jung Hwa's surprise, "I have been avoiding you because I knew I had to confess my feelings to you before I left and that scared me more than anything." Jung Hwa backed up a bit as she loosened her arms from the stiff posture.

"It is getting late... we should get back now," said Jung Hwa nervously, but Namjoon didn't let her off that easily.

"I love you!" said Namjoon loud and clear, all the anxiety he had before gone with the wind.

"I don't want to live without you, I want to be able to see you everyday, to hold you, kiss you, take care of you, grow old with you, I want all that. I know you are still finishing up your education, but when you are done I want us to get married and have you move to Busan with me."

"I... you... what..." stuttered Jung Hwa as she wavered around on the beach, Namjoon running to her side so she wouldn't fall down.

"Are you feeling unwell? Let us get back to the car," said Namjoon and helped Jung Hwa walk. When they reached the car, Namjoon first helped Jung Hwa get inside and then turned to go behind the wheel. As they sat next to each other, Jung Hwa suddenly looked at Namjoon and he looked back at her.

"How long have you felt that way?" asked Jung Hwa.

"I don't know. One day I just realized I missed you every time we weren't together and that you were the one thought that always occupied my mind."

"Why haven't you told me before?"

"Because I am stupid and I am a coward!" said Namjoon without hesitation and Jung Hwa couldn't help but laugh.

"I love it when you laugh." Jung Hwa quickly contained herself and looked out the window.

"Namjoon Oppa... I don't know what you expect after telling me these things, but I don't think I can give them to you."

"I know." Jung Hwa looked shocked when she heard the words spoken by Namjoon.


"I know this is all coming as a shock so of course I don't think you will just say yes to everything. Like seriously, I just asked you to marry me and we have never been anything more than friends. Of course you will need time to process all that."

"No Oppa, I don't need to process it, I-"

"Please," Namjoon looked at Jung Hwa with pleading eyes and a saddened look, "after finally pouring out my heart and soul to you, can't you wait until later untill you break it?" Jung Hwa didn't reply but just stared at Namjoon until she then turned her head and looked out in the dark night. Namjoon then stayed quiet as well and instead began the long journey home.

Without speaking a single word to each other, the two reached home after a few hours and they quietly left the car and walked towards the entrance of their houses.

"Then... goodnight," said Namjoon to break the ice and finally let Jung Hwa go, but as he turned around, ready to walk inside his house, he felt a pair of arms wrap around his stomach. Without hesitation he spun around and embraced Jung Hwa and held her tight in his strong arms.

"I will miss you so much," cried Jung Hwa in his arms, "why can't things stay the way they are? Why do you have to have feelings for me? Why do you have to leave?"

"Because... things change, that is just life, you said so yourself," said Namjoon in a soothing tone.

"But I don't want that, I want you to stay. Think about Ha Na, she needs you as well!"

"Ha Na is all grown up. If there was a perfect time to move away I would say it is now. I know Ha Na and Jimin will work things out, they have each other now."

"But....What about me? My head is a mess and I don't know what to do about all this. Tell me what to do." Namjoon listened to the words spoken in between the consistent sobs and he felt his heart scatter into a million pieces.

"Just forget about all this," said he and Jung Hwa pulled away, looking Namjoon in the eyes.


"Just forget about all the things I said, we will stay as friends. Our relationship will stay the way it is now and I won't ever mention my feeling again. Even if I move away I am always here, I am just a phone call away and if something happens I will not hesitate to come home." Namjoon stroke Jung Hwa over her head and smiled.

"How does that sound?" asked he her.

"I am sorry," said Jung Hwa and took a few steps back, her heart racing inside her chest, "I can't just forget about it."

"Okay," said Namjoon, "then... thank you for being with me today, I am happy I got to spend a full day with you before I left. I am sorry to have burdened you with this. Goodnight." Namjoon turned around and grabbed the handle. He let out another sigh as he was about to turn the nob, but then heard Jung Hwa take a step closer and he turned around again.

"Can you... give me... some time to think about your offer?" Jung Hwa looked at her feet, moving them nervously from side to side and Namjoon's lips curved up into a relieved smile.

"You say that like it's some kind of business offer," said Namjoon and chuckled slightly, but then turned back to a more serious but soft tone, "of course you can have some time. Take all the time you need."

Hello everyone!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Remember to stay warm and eat healthy and take care of yourself. Stay safe.

Also, don't forget to leave a comment down below.

Love, Annalise~

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