A Hero's Tale

Last updated at: 2 years ago


A loud thundering gong reverberated through the room again, while golden words started forming in the air in front of Ven. Vassillissa had forced him to learn how to read and write as she claimed it was an essential skill for a leader. Slowly he spelled the words out in his head before reading them out syllable by syllable. 


Just when Ven thought he had triumphed and ended the war; he lost it all.

In a shadowy organization's underground lab, he learns the truth about himself.

Everything he had experienced in his life - his wife, friends and family, everything was a lie. Even his name. It had all been a simulation.

Now he is thrust into a new world, a new time, and a new struggle.

A world of intrigue and assassins with one goal. To kill King Ravendra, no matter what it takes.

But who can Ven trust and who does he side with?

The shadowy organization who is willing to go to any lengths for their goals or the King who has created a divided yet flourishing country for his people?