Chapter 36

Back at the mansion he called a team meeting again, they didn’t have a lot of time to come up with a plan which would work. The plan would have to work, Rendall was right, there wouldn’t be a second chance.

“Did something happen?” asked Natalie immediately noticing something was wrong.

“Yes, something has happened. I have a chance to kill Ravendra,” said Ven.

“How?” asked Natalie. 

“I am invited to their wedding rehearsal as Vassillissa’s servant. The Knight Captain expects me to kill Vassillissa at the rehearsal, so he’s on our side and will be supporting us, but instead of her, I’ll kill Ravendra,” said Ven.

“You realize there is no way you’ll get out alive after killing him,” said Nikita.

“I do,” said Ven resolutely, “Don’t worry I’ll make sure none you get blamed for my actions.”

“This is crazy! Things are happening too fast! I am not mentally ready for this!” said Agni.

“The rehearsal is next week; I won’t get a better opportunity again. I need to do this now,” said Ven adamantly.

“Do you have a plan?” asked Brutus. 

“Not yet, but I do have a detailed map of the Palace and where it’s going to be held,” said Ven proudly as he put the copy he had received from Rendall on the table.

“It’s a start,” said Natalie as she pulled the map towards herself, “Only one way in and out of the room. Any ideas?”

“We’re severely outnumbered in the Palace. If we could create some chaos, it would work in our favour,” said Nikita.

“If I had the right kind of explosives, I could blow up this beam and cause this whole section to collapse,” said Brutus as he pointed towards a beam in the North Wing.

“Pick another beam, somewhere with a smaller chance of hurting innocent bystanders,” said Natalie.

“How’s about the Training Hall? It’s always empty,” suggested Brutus. 

“Much better suggestion, we’ll go with that,” said Natalie.

“Wont an explosion just cause security around His Majesty to get tighter? We were always taught to form a protective wall around our escort if something unexpected happens,” said Agni. 

“We could use their training against them. It won’t seem unnatural if you join them in forming a wall around His Majesty,” said Brutus as he gestured towards Ven, “The closer you are, the harder to miss.”

“You’re forgetting the other Knights will be closer to him as well. It will be easier for them to spot any suspicious movements he makes,” said Nikita. 

“Only if they can see what he’s doing,” said Natalie, “If we could plant some smoke and flash bangs in this room before the rehearsal. It would reduce their visibility.”

“It would reduce my visibility as well,” said Ven. 

“Just flash bangs then,” conceded Natalie, “If you’re looking away it shouldn’t affect your visibility.”

“And even if the other Knights happened to be looking away as well, such a loud flash, there is no way their attention won’t be towards the source,” said Nikita as she nodded approvingly. 

“And while everyone is looking away, you can finish him off,” said Natalie, “Probably best to use a poisoned blade of some kind instead of a gun. You’ve got a horrible aim.”

“Wow, you guys are really good at this stuff. I didn’t think it would be so easy to plan it!” said Ven as he looked at everyone around the table.

“We’ve trained our whole lives for stuff like this,” said Nikita and Brutus in unison. 

“I couldn’t have asked for more reliable teammates,” said Ven.

Can I really call this is a chapter when its so short? You know what, I am going to call it a chapter even though its so short ;P

Plans are falling to place, Ven is actually being sneaky for once. Let's see how things go in the next exciting chapter of 'A Hero's Tale'!

And as always, do take care of yourselves out there!


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