Chapter 35

The next day Ven showed up to meet Vassillissa as she had told him the day before, the small white table was already waiting for him when he got there. Guessing Vassillissa was late, he sat down and poured himself a cup of coffee as he thought about the previous day. It had been a productive training session; he had managed to teach Nikita a couple of tricks with her baton. After Natalie and himself, she was the most skilled at close combat. The others were slightly better than amateurs.

“Sorry I am late,” said Vassillissa as she sat down, today she was wearing a bright yellow sleeveless dress.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen Vassillissa in so many different dresses,” remarked Ven as he poured a cup for her.

“I always loved looking pretty in a nice dress, it just wasn’t practical to be prancing around in one when we were at war,” said Vassillissa.

“Fair point,” said Ven as he nodded, “So, what’s the plan for today?”

“I didn’t really make any plans as I wasn’t even sure if you would be here today,” said Vassillissa.

“They decided to not report me to the Honor Guard,” said Ven with a large smile.

“Congratulations, but please don’t be so reckless in the future,” said Vassillissa.

“How are your wedding preparations coming along?” asked Ven.

“Very smoothly, I don’t have to do anything, there are people taking care of everything,” said Vassillissa.

“And how’s Ravendra?” asked Ven.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen the man smile so much, it’s uncanny! But I suppose I should tell you about our plans,” said Vassillissa.

“Oh, something special?” asked Ven as he sat up straight.

“I suppose you could say that. Next week we are going to have our weeding rehearsal, Rendall and Lillian have already been invited to it. I am fairly certain Rendall is going to try and do something,” said Vassillissa.

“What makes you say that?” said Ven as he tried to keep his voice steady.

“It’s what I would have done in his place. It’s the perfect venue to have an assassination,” said Vassillissa.

“I haven’t heard anything about any of this,” said Ven.

“Either he’s found someone else or he doesn’t trust you enough to tell you until the last moment,” said Vassillissa.

“Why are you telling me all this?” asked Ven.

“I am going to make sure you get an invite to the rehearsal; can you promise to protect me if he tries something?” asked Vassillissa.

“Of course, you don’t even have to ask, I wouldn’t let him hurt you,” said Ven, “But if I am the one he asks, he’s going to threaten to hurt my team if I refuse.”

“I am going to be the bloody Queen! I can protect all of them, I just need to survive until the wedding,” said Vassillissa, “I can make sure you’re no longer forced to follow anyone’s orders! You can be a freeman once again.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to help you, but you have to remember I am giftless. There’s not much I can do in a one on one fight against those guys,” said Ven.

“I am not asking you to fight them, all I need is from you is to pretend you’re helping them while ruining their plans,” said Vassillissa.

“He doesn’t trust me; he blames me for Barbra’s death. I doubt he will tell me what he’s planning,” said Ven.

“Pressure him, think of something. I don’t really have anyone else I can trust,” pleaded Vassillissa.

“I’ll talk to him, but if he’s found someone else for the job. Cancel the rehearsal, it’s the best solution,” said Ven as he stood up.

“Where are you going?” asked Vassillissa.

“To talk to Rendall, where else? We don’t have the luxury of time,” said Ven as he strode off.

Once again Ven found himself sitting in Rendall’s office, he had been here innumerable times since coming to Genesis. William was missing today, perhaps out running a task only he could. He was thankful for the privacy; he wasn’t exactly sure how things were going to go with Rendall.

“I didn’t call for you,” commented Rendall with a furrowed brow.

“You didn’t, this is me taking initiative. You should be commending my industriousness,” said Ven coldly.

“Is that so? The last time you showed initiative, one of my most trusted Knight’s murderers escaped,” said Rendall.

“We’re never going to be able to work together unless you let that go,” said Ven.

“Trust isn’t something you can be given on a platter whenever you ask for it. You have to earn the privilege of me trusting you again,” said Rendall.

“Perhaps this will help towards that goal,” said Ven as he saw an opportunity, “I’ve heard about the wedding rehearsal. As her servant, I am going to be attending it. It’s the perfect chance to get rid of her.”

“You have a plan?” asked Rendall as he narrowed his eyes.

“Yes,” lied Ven.

“What is it?” asked Rendall.

“Trust isn’t something you can be given on a platter whenever you ask for it. You have to earn the privilege of me trusting you again,” said Ven as he repeated what Rendall had said to him earlier.

“You dare!” shouted Rendall angrily as he stood up causing his chair to fall.

“You threatened me and my team! Don’t think for a second I’ve forgotten!” shouted Ven as he stood up.

“It was to keep you line!” said Rendall as he pointed a finger at Ven.

“That tactic might work with the usual bootlickers you have working for you! It just makes me think of you as a disgusting Knight!” said Ven.

“I should kill you right here for your insolence! No one speaks to me like this!” shouted Rendall as he picked up his sword.

“Go ahead! Do it and you lose your one chance to get rid of the woman you despise!” threatened Ven as he stood defiantly.

“I don’t trust you, but at least I know you’re not working for someone else! You’re sure your plan will work?” asked Rendall as he threw his sword down after a moment’s hesitation.

“Sure, if everything goes according to plan,” said Ven as he started pacing in Rendall’s office.

“What do you need?” asked Rendall.

“A detailed map of this place would be the biggest help, that and if you can tell me where the rehearsal is going to be held,” said Ven.

“Done, you’ll get them today. Is that all?” asked Rendall suspiciously.

“Could arrange it so that the Knights who are providing security at the rehearsal don’t interfere with my team and me?” asked Ven.

“Not possible. If I could trust the Knights so easily, I wouldn’t be stuck with you,” said Rendall.

“You said there were others you trusted besides Barbra,” said Ven.

“I do and they are out on missions,” said Rendall, “However, I can arrange things so that the Knights on duty are those you can handle more easily.”

“I suppose it’s better than nothing,” said Ven as he stopped and thought it over.

“What’s your plan?” asked Rendall.

“Not going to tell you,” said Ven.

“Son, you’re testing my patience,” said Rendall through gritted teeth.

“You don’t need to know it, the fewer who are in on it, the fewer chances of things leaking,” lied Ven, “What’s most important is it gets done, not how.”

“Why are you suddenly so eager to do kill her?” asked Rendall suspiciously.

“I should have been executed for what I did, but I didn’t because of her. I agree she has him under her sway. While I don’t agree with the things His Majesty has done in Nagiri, who knows what she will make him do in the future. At the very least we have stability right now,” said Ven.

“Perhaps there’s still hope for you,” said Rendall approvingly, “Very well, I won’t press you further, but you better succeed. I don’t expect there to be a second chance.”

The plot thickens, just what is Ven doing? Whose side is he really on?

Tune in next week to find out!

And as always stay safe out there and take care of yourselves.


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