Chapter 33

Back in Rendall’s office, the two men silently glared at each other with the only sound being William’s typing. Neither one of them would look away, their stubborn pride forcing them to stare each other down.

“If you two will be at this for a while, I am going to order some coffee,” said William as he made a call.

“You might not have killed Barbra, but what you did was just as bad,” said Rendall through gritted teeth.

“Killing those people wouldn’t have brought her back,” said Ven calmly.

“She deserves justice!” said Rendall as he banged his fist on the table.

“As do those you’re forcing to work in those facilities!” shouted Ven.

“Those facilities harbor some of the worst our society has to offer, they deserve nothing!” shouted Rendall back.

“Oh really? Are you telling me the children of criminals are inherently evil? If you believe in these lies you’re telling yourself, why are these facilities hidden from the public?” asked Ven angrily.

“The average person isn’t capable of seeing the bigger picture! They are too narrow minded! Just like you! Peace and prosperity without sacrifice is impossible!” said Rendall angrily.

“You really believe that, don’t you? You know what, just give me my stuff and I am out of here,” said Ven angrily.

“If the events of today have shown me anything, it’s this. That woman has far too much sway over Ravendra. For him to not have you executed! It would never have happened before. We’re going through with the plan, you’re going to take her out,” said Rendall as he snapped his fingers and Ven’s equipment appeared on the desk.

“After everything that happened today, why would I want to help you with anything?” asked Ven.

“Because if you don’t, I’ll have everyone you loved executed,” threatened Rendall.

“Useless threat, I am an orphan,” said Ven with a smile.

“I meant your team,” said Rendall.

“You wouldn’t go that far, you’re a Knight!” exclaimed Ven.

“Oh, he would,” said William from behind Ven, “Wouldn’t even be the first time he’s done something like this.”

Don’t waste your time trying to run, we won’t let you get very far,” said Rendall with a cruel smile.

“I’ll make you regret doing this,” threatened Ven.

“Empty threats from a giftless man. Get out and don’t come back to my office unless you’re called for,” said Rendall smugly.

Ven slammed the door of Rendall’s office as he walked out, he couldn’t remember the last time in his life he had been so angry. He managed to take two steps before he was knocked over by someone running into him. Instinctively he pushed the person off and reached for his sword only to realize he was looking at a crying Agni.

“I thought you were dead! I couldn’t hear anything you were thinking!” shouted Agni as she started sobbing even louder.

“I am not dead,” said Ven as he got up and helped Agni to her feet, he had no idea when the girl had gotten so attached to him.

“Sheesh Agni, could you please not be so loud, people are staring at us,” said Brutus as he ran over to them.

“I don’t care!” shouted Agni.

“There there, see I am alive, you can stop crying. Where are the rest, I want to get out of here,” said Ven as he awkwardly patted Agni’s shoulder.

“Frank’s waiting at the main entrance, while Natalie and Nikita went back to the mansion in case you showed up there,” said Brutus, “Are you hurt anywhere? I can carry you if it’s difficult to walk.”

“Just a headache, otherwise I am fine. But let’s go home, we need to have a team meeting,” said Ven.

“Sure thing, Boss, I’ll let Frank and the rest know we’re on our way,” said Brutus.

The drive back to the mansion was a quiet one, Ven kept his eyes closed as he tried to get his thoughts in order. He needed to decide how he was going to break the news to everyone, they deserved to know what was going on.

He opened his eyes as he felt the car come to a stop. He looked out the window and was surprised to see Ms. Agathe and Eric standing next to Natalie and Nikita. He hadn’t expected anyone to be at the door, it was a small gesture, but he appreciated it.

“Welcome home,” said Ms. Agathe loudly as everyone got out of the car, “I’ll have the boys polish your armor, it looks simply awful.”

“You’re right,” said Ven as he looked down at the scratches and dirt all over his new armor, “But it will have to wait until after our meeting. Ms. Agathe please have hot coffee sent up to the library, and keep it coming!”

“You had us worried sick, are you alright?” asked Eric as he stepped out of the way to let Ms. Agathe back into the house.

“I’ve been through worse, this is nothing, but I am glad to be back home. Right, we’re having a team meeting, everyone follow me!” said Ven as he walked past Eric with a smile, “Eric and Frank, you two should join us, we have a lot to discuss.”

Slow down, Ven. You just got back, shouldn’t you at least get some rest,” said Natalie as she tried to keep up with Ven.

“This can’t wait,” said Ven as he entered the library, “Frank close the door behind you.”

“At least sit down and have a cup of coffee,” implored Natalie.

“I’ll sit down if it makes you feel any better,” said Ven as he hopped onto the nearest couch, “Agni can you connect me and your uncle to the Mind Link, we are going to need some privacy.

“You’re the only one who isn’t on the Link right now,” as she walked towards Ven and touched his head.

“Thanks, Agni. I am certain, everyone here remembers our last conversation about Vassillissa, it’s not something you forget. Well, I just spoke to the Knight Captain and right now, he wants nothing more than to see me dead. There is no way he’s letting us walk free after assassinating Vassillissa. I have no intention of following his orders, and not just because I hate the man. All of you, besides Eric, saw what they had done to those people at the facility.”

“What are you planning on doing?” asked Natalie slowly.

“I’ve been assigned as Vassillissa’s personal servant until their wedding. I am certain the Knight Captain wants me to do the deed while I am so close to her. I won’t, I have only one goal now. I am going to end the way things are right now!” said Ven angrily.

“Ven, I think you’re too emotional right now. We should have this talk tomorrow after you’ve calmed down,” said Natalie quickly as she interrupted Ven.

“I haven’t been this calm since I woke up in this world!” snapped Ven, “I am not going to lead them without telling them what they are fighting for! Don’t you feel the same? Or have you become as cold hearted as our beloved King Ravendra?”

“Ven, I am begging you please stop talking!” shouted Natalie out loud.

“What don’t you want him to tell us?” asked Eric.

“I am going to kill Ravendra,” said Ven.

 “Sir, I think Ms. Natalie is right, you should rest, and we can have this talk tomorrow,” said Frank.

“My decision isn’t going to change, I can’t forgive him for what he’s done,” said Ven, “Of all people, Ravendra should have known better.”

“What did you mean since you woke up in this world?” asked Agni. 

“I suppose I should start from the beginning,” said Ven as he nodded.

And so, he told them everything, pausing only when a maid arrived with the coffee he had asked for. He started with the rebels and the simulation, how he had ended up being appointed on the Honor Guard although he was giftless. His uncertainties about Ravendra being a bad ruler, his shock at seeing Vassillissa for the first time. He finally stopped after he told them about what Ravendra had said when he had met him today.

“You really expect us to believe what you’re telling us?” asked Brutus with an incredulous look.

“Everyone of us heard the things he was thinking when we were caught in the firefight, you know he isn’t lying,” said Agni.

“This Mind Link, it’s a tricky thing,” said Ven.

“What do you want from us?” asked Eric as he walked towards Brutus and Agni.

“I want you to choose for yourselves. You know everything now, if you want you can stop working for me or you can report me to the Honor Guard,” said Ven.

“Those are the only two options?” asked Nikita.

I am afraid so. I’ll be reporting to Vassillissa tomorrow morning, those of you who want to help me, meet Nikita at the training hall. One thing became obvious today, we have no teamwork. Do what you think is right,” said Ven as he stood up and looked at each of them for a moment before leaving the room.

What's this a double post! From not posting for months to going all out!! That's just how we roll here!!

Hope you guys can keep up with the roller-coaster of things which are happening in the book right now!!

As always, stay safe out there and take care of yourselves!


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