Chapter 32

Once again Ven was floating in a sea of faces and voices, faster than the last time he had been here. This time, he knew where he had to look to find her, he had been here before. He turned around and there she was, his Vas. But this time she wasn’t alone, she stood next to the woman who looked like Vas. With both side by side, the differences between them became easier to spot. The other woman was slightly taller, had longer hair and her features were sharper than Vas’s. But for him, she was nothing compared to his Vas. She was the most beautiful woman in his eyes.

“You need to pick,” said Vas.

“Her or me,” said the other Vas as she stepped closer to Ven and placed her right hand on his shoulder.

“Always Vas,” said Ven as he ignored the other Vas and went towards his Vas.

“Very well,” said both in unison as they slowly faded into nothingness.

In the blink of an eye he was back in the room where he had lost Vas, she lay there by the wall, where he had last seen her. Slowly her head turned upwards to look at him.

“You did this,” said Vas.

Ven woke up with a start, he looked around confused, he didn’t recognize this place. He was in an empty room except for the bed he was lying on. It was well lit and bright, too bright for his liking, it was giving him a headache. He looked down and realized he still had his armor on, but his sword, phone and Assistant were missing.

Pulling the blanket aside, he got out of bed. His head ached in protest to the movement, but he fought through the pain as he made his way to the only door in the room. He heard raised voices as he got closer to it.

“What do you mean you can’t find them! A bus and two vans didn’t disappear into thin air! These people killed our men, I want them found!” shouted Rendall angrily.

“Knight Captain, we are doing everything we can to find them, but for all we know they had a gifted who could move them to another location,” said a voice Ven didn’t recognize.

“I don’t have time for your excuses! I want results! Don’t bother coming back here without results!” shouted Rendall angrily.

“Yes, Knight Captain,” said the same voice.

Ven paused at the door, waiting to hear if there was anything else, he could learn from their conversation. When he heard nothing, he assumed the man Rendall was talking to had left, so he turned the doorknob and entered.

He looked around in bewilderment, as he saw William at his desk in front of him. He was in Rendall’s office, but he had never seen a second door in this office before. There was only way to enter and exit.

“Don’t look so surprised, it’s a hidden room in my office. William, take a break, and you sit down we have a lot to talk about,” said Rendall as he pointed at a chair.

“Where’s my team?” asked Ven as he took a seat.

“You should be more worried about yourself. Son, I like to think I am an understanding and patient man, so I’ll give you a chance to explain to me why you let Barbra’s murderers get away,” said Rendall as he stood staring at Ven.

“What have you heard?” asked Ven.

“You had captured their leader but instead of using it to your advantage, you made a deal to spare them in exchange for his life,” said Rendall, “That’s the gist of everyone’s testimonies.”

“They aren’t lying, it’s exactly what I did,” said Ven as he leaned back in the chair.

“I can’t remember the last time I was so absolutely and completely wrong about someone. You’re a disgrace to the Honor Guard. I am tempted to execute you myself, right here and right now! But your lucky streak is holding up, I promised I would bring you to Ravendra when you woke up,” said Rendall as he stood up and snapped his fingers.

Ven fell to the ground as the chair he was on dissipated. He got up with a groan as he looked around to figure out just where he was. The sound of water was the first thing he heard and so he looked to the left to see the large fountain he had once seen before in Ravendra’s room. Rendall stood next to it, glaring at Ven.

“I brought him as promised!” shouted Rendall angrily.

“We meet again, Inspector. Are you regretting your decision to join the Honor Guard yet?” asked Ravendra as he walked around the fountain with Vassillissa.

“Should I regret it?” asked Ven as he looked defiantly at Ravendra.

“In your situation a humbler demeanor might be best,” said Vassillissa.

“Or you’ll have me thrown into one of those facilities for the rest of my life?” asked Ven sarcastically.

“Mind your tongue, son, I won’t say it again,” said Rendall as he stood next to Ravendra.

“Going to attack an unarmed man, Knight Captain?” mocked Ven, he didn’t care anymore he was sickened by what Ravendra was doing in this city.

“What’s he talking about, my love,” asked Vassillissa as she turned towards Ravendra.

“He’s babbling nonsense, my dear. Inspector, you have one chance to tell me why you did what you did. I recommend you choose your words wisely,” said Ravendra.

“I saw what you had done to their bodies. I saw the look of desperation in their eyes when I had the chance to send them back to the facility. You’ve made them into slaves. You might call them something else, but you treat them like slaves. There was no way I could deny them their freedom. Would you have done differently if you were in my shoes?” asked Ven as he looked squarely at Ravendra.

“Yes, I would have sent them back to the facility. Every single one of them is a criminal, they broke laws and were simply paying the price for their crimes. A land without law and order wouldn’t have stood as long as Nagiri has,” said Ravendra calmly.

“Then nothing I say will change your mind. You know why I did what I did. Have me executed and be done with it,” said Ven.

“My love, would you really have such a brave man executed for standing up for what he believes in?” asked Vassillissa.

“He let the enemy escape, my dear. He needs to be punished,” said Ravendra.

“And you’re the King, you make the law. I think he’s a good man, can’t you forgive him for my sake?” asked Vassillissa as she looked at Ravendra with pleading eyes.

“Why are you persistent about him living?” asked Rendall as he interrupted.

“I don’t want our wedding to marred by an execution! It’s a joyous occasion!” exclaimed Vassillissa.

“But I can’t let him off without a punishment, my dear. It will give the other Knights ideas about doing as they please,” said Ravendra soothingly.

“Then make him my personal servant until our wedding,” said Vassillissa.

“My dear, that is hardly a punishment,” said Ravendra.

“Perhaps not physically, but for a Knight to be a servant, surely it is a great dishonor!” said Vassillissa.

“My love, you are so innocent and pure, to see honor in such a man,” said Ravendra as he held Vassillissa’s hand in his.

“Do you agree to my request, my love?” asked Vassillissa.

“Anything for you, my dear. You hear that boy; you should be grateful to your kindhearted future Queen. She just saved your life,” said Ravendra, “Now, leave us!”

As promised, the weekly updates are back! 

Enjoy and remember to stay safe out there 


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