Chapter 23

The next day Ven had a small talk with the four guardsmen in the ballroom about being able to stay there with Nikita until the rest of his team had arrived, they were quite happy and relieved to have the extra help, as they felt just four guards to protect Lady Lilliana weren’t enough. They had voiced their concerns several times, but Lady Lilliana wouldn’t accept any more guards in her ballroom.

So, six guards stood silently around the ladies which sat in the center of the ballroom that day. As Ven stood there passively listening to the conversation between Lilliana and her handmaids, he realized the handmaids were actually collecting information about the different Nobles in Genesis and bringing it back to Lilliana. They were her information network, not that they brought anything dangerous to the table, it was mostly just gossip. But here and there were tidbits which may come in handy in the future, he just hoped Vikram could keep track of all they were talking about, because he certainly couldn’t.

As the day progressed, Ven started getting impatient, Audrey had said Ravendra’s betrothed would be coming to meet Lilliana in the morning, it was almost noon, and she hadn’t shown up.

At around one o’ clock, one of Lilliana’s handmaids finally commented on the woman’s tardiness and lack of basic courtesy, leading to the conversation instantly dying as everyone looked to Lilliana to see how she would react.

“She is someone who was a nobody until a few days ago. Most of us here were unknown nobodies at one point in our life, this sudden fame and attention she is receiving will take some time for her to get used to. Let’s give her a chance,” said Lilliana with a smile.

Immediately after Lilliana had spoken the circle broke into a series of comments and compliments about how Lilliana was such an understanding and forgiving person, while belittling Ravendra’s betrothed, commenting how she was lucky she was meeting Lady Lilliana and not someone else who would have had her thrown out the moment she finally arrived.

“That being said, will someone call and find out where this woman is, if she is not coming, I would like to get some other things done today,” said Lilliana as she interrupted everyone who was speaking.

As one of the guards scampered around the ballroom to fulfill Lilliana’s request, the ballroom doors opened, and a small procession of people walked in. Instinctively, the four guardsmen formed a line to block off Lady Lilliana, Ven and Nikita joined them a moment later.

“Identify yourself!” said one of the guardsmen.

The procession parted and a tall dark woman walked forward, Ven immediately recognized her as one of the Knights he had seen at the Honor Guard meeting Rendall had arranged, although he couldn’t remember what her name was.

“Knight Divya and her team are accompanying Lady Vassillissa to her meeting with Lady Lilliana,” said the tall dark woman.

“I hope you understand Knight Divya, but I cannot let so many armed individuals come so close to Lady Lilliana, for the sake of security you would be so kind as to wait outside with the rest of your team,” said one of the guards humbly.

“We’re all trying to do our job here, my team will wait outside, but I will stay here by Lady Vassillissa’s side, I hope you will be understanding as well,” said Knight Divya.

The guardsman looked Divya up and down once before signalling for the others to make space for them to to pass.

Divya nodded at the guard before signalling her team to go outside and wait. As her team moved to make way for Vassillissa, Ven stiffened, the resemblance was definitely there, she looked like Vas, with long blonde hair and blue eyes, the blue dress she wore bringing out the colour in her eyes to an astonishing extent. But the similarities went beyond the superficial. Her behaviourisms were also similar, the way she walked, the mocking smile she carried, it was uncanny, how could this woman years apart from Vas copy his wife so well!

“I am sorry I am late, Ravendra would not let me leave,” said Vassillissa with a mocking smile.

“Think of it as water under the bridge,” said Lilliana dismissively as she gestured for the maids to bring two chairs for the guests. “Tell me, as everyone here can attest, it is no doubt you look exactly like Lady Vassillissa, but that most certainly isn’t your name, why do you use it?”

“Ravendra insists everyone call me Vassillissa,” said Vassillissa.

“I am sure he insists you call him without honorifics too?” asked Lilliana.

“Yes, as a matter of fact he did insist on that,” said Vassillissa as she and Divya took the seats which were arranged for them.

“So, tell me young lady, why did you want to meet me today?” asked Lilliana.

“I was hoping we could talk privately,” said Vassillissa as her gaze went over the crowd around them.

“But of course,” said Lilliana as she raised her left hand and snapped her fingers, “Audrey, you stay.”

As Lilliana’s snap rang around the ballroom, all the groups stopped what they were doing, curtsied towards Lilliana and slowly made their way out. As the rustling and shuffling of feet continued, the four Ladies sat quietly in the centre of the ballroom with the six guards forming a silent circle around them.

“Audrey is my most trusted handmaid; you do not have to worry about her repeating what she hears to anyone else. As for my guards, well, you have Knight Divya with you as well, so you know how stubborn our protectors can be about leaving us alone,” said Lilliana with a warm smile.

“Yes, I am coming to realize that,” said Vassillissa with a smile as well, “I am here today, because I would like to personally invite you to our wedding, we haven’t picked an exact date yet, but it will be held in two to three months. Ravendra doesn’t want to wait.”

“I see, congratulations. But tell me this, you have just met him, you do not know him at all, so why are you marrying him?” asked Lilliana.

“Who would say no?” asked Vassillissa back.

“So, it is out of pragmatism you said yes?” asked Lilliana.

“It was definitely pragmatic to say yes, I would get a life of comfort, but also, Ravendra is a good man, he has been alone for so long, and he has sacrificed enough for nation. Isn’t it about time he was allowed to be a little selfish and happy?” asked Vassillissa.

“Please don’t make it sound like you’re doing this out of a sense of duty,” said Lilliana.

“But I am,” said Vassillissa.

“Sweetheart, you aren’t even from Nagiri,” said Lilliana.

“All Bangarans are a part of Nagiri now, and let’s not forget this is a nation which does not belong to one people, it has always been a mixture, immigrants and refugees have always been welcome here,” said Vassillissa.

“Yes, I know, I have been a part of some of those decrees Ravendra made,” said Lilliana, “Tell me this, right now Ravendra is enamoured with you because you are the splitting image of his deceased wife, but what happens when time passes and he starts to notice the differences between the two of you. At the end of the day, even if he insists on calling you Vassillissa, you and Lady Vassillissa are two different people, no matter how much he wishes for it to be otherwise.”

“Why are you being so negative? As someone who has known Ravendra so long, haven’t you seen him silently suffering his whole life? Do you not want him to finally be happy? Even if that happiness is but for a short time?” asked Vassillissa passionately.

“It’s because I am his friend that I am worried for him! He has never gotten over Lady Vassillissa, imagine what would happen to him if something were to happen to you? Imagine what would happen to him if he were to lose his beloved Vassillissa again?” asked Lilliana as she rubbed her forehead.

“Nothing is going to happen to me, and I can promise you I do not plan on leaving him. Will things change, certainly, but they will change for the better, not for the worse. As such I hope both you and Knight Captain Rendall will continue to support Ravendra in the future as you have already done for so many years,” said Vassillissa.

“We would have done that, even if you hadn’t shown up,” said Lilliana, “He is more than our King to us; he is our friend!”

“I am thankful to hear that. We will be arranging a wedding rehearsal next month, I hope you can make time to join us,” said Vassillissa as she stood up and curtsied before turning around to leave.

We finally get to meet Vassilliss! What did you guys think about her? Are you intrigued or do you already dislike her?

Looking forward to hearing your opinions :)

As always, stay safe out there.


Annalise - Aug 04 2021
Yeah this Vassilissa is such a beach. Idk why, she just is and she suss! I can’t even remember what happens so I get the joy of experiencing everything again!
Anderoth - Aug 04 2021
Hahahaha, yeah things are really picking up in the story now, full speed ahead!
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