Chapter 22

Nikita had a grim expression on her face as she followed a step behind Ven and William’s assistant. Aaron had made up for the delay in his custom armor by delivering Nikita’s equipment the very next day. Ven was a little surprised Nikita had ordered so many things, besides the standard body armor, she had a shotgun, throwing knives, grenades and a baton. How a girl of her size could carry all that was beyond him, but besides walking a little slow, she seemed to be used to the extra weight.

He had told her the story about Audrey having a stalker they needed to catch. A task which wouldn’t be a problem since the stalker didn’t exist. She had commented on the fact she didn’t see any of her teammates, but Ven had changed the topic to try and cover up his lie. He didn’t like lying to her, but it was something he would address later.

Unlike most of the Palace, the wing where Lilliana resided was decorated with shades of white and yellow, an immediate change from the azure he had seen everywhere else in the Palace. It was also lacking in statues of knights, instead the halls were decorated with paintings and flowers. It was a pleasant change from the theme the rest of the Palace had. But while it had a softer touch to it, it didn’t mean it was lacking in security, soldiers and guards could be seen patrolling the hallways.

Upon reaching their destination, Ven realized he was standing in an enormous room which immediately reminded him of Ravendra’s room. But instead of art depicting Vas this room was full of people and activity. There were several distinct groups, some were practicing a synchronized dance while musicians provided the music, others painted, some walked around from group to group, and maids stood ready at attention to spring into action the moment anyone gestured. But it was the group in the center of the room which William’s assistant led them to, as they got closer Ven saw Audrey.

Audrey’s group sat in chairs while gossiping and giggling about the trivial happenings around the Palace. Four guards stood around them forming a square, their eyes were constantly surveying the room, making sure nothing was out the ordinary. At the moment, the two guards who were closest to Ven signaled the other guards and they formed a line blocking the group of ladies from Ven.

“Identify yourself,” said one Guard loudly.

“I bring with me with Knight Ven and his associate,” said William’s assistant.

“We were informed he would be coming,” said the Guard as he saluted and gestured for the other guards to return to their posts.

“I’ll be taking my leave,” said the assistant as he left with a nod.

“Knight Ven is here to see you, My Lady,” said the Guard whom Ven assumed was in charge.

The fake Lilliana had long blonde hair which matched with the color of the long flowing dress she wore, as the Guard spoke, she lazily turned towards Ven, as she did so the giggling women stopped talking and a hush fell over the room.

“So, you’re the one Rendall sent to keep an eye on Audrey. Make sure to keep her safe, I am rather fond of her,” said Lilliana as she shifted to get a better look at Nikita, “Making a young lady carry so much, while you seem to have almost nothing on you, not very knightly of you.”

“I asked Knight Ven for all this, he didn’t force them on me, My Lady,” said Nikita quickly with a small bow.

“Is that so? If you say so, young girl. Audrey, you’re dismissed for the day, get to know your protectors and tell them what you know of this stalker,” said Lilliana as she turned away and signaled for a maid.

“The Lilliana!! I never thought I would be able to meet her!” exclaimed Nikita as soon as the door to the ballroom closed behind them, “She is more beautiful in real life and so graceful!”

“You got all that from watching her sit there and talk to you two for a minute?” asked Audrey coldly.

“It was enough, surely as someone that meets her every day, you know I am right!” exclaimed Nikita.

“Let me show you my room,” said Audrey as she ignored what Nikita had said.

“Don’t let her beauty distract you from your job,” said Ven with a smile as he gave Nikita a pat on the shoulder.

The size of Audrey’s room made Nikita let out a wow as they entered, Ven had expected it since he knew her real identity, but for Nikita this was something incredible. The room was fully carpeted and decorated with bright yellow curtains, a large closet on the north side of the room, a king-sized bed and large desk with Audrey’s personal items were the only other furniture.

“This room is bigger than my apartment!” Nikita exaggerated as she looked around.

“All of Lady Lillian’s handmaids have a room this size, it’s nothing special,” said Audrey dismissively, “So, is there anything you want to ask me?”

“Knight Captain Rendall didn’t want to give me a physical copy of Lady Lilliana’s daily schedule as he feared it falling into the wrong hands, so, you’re going to have to keep us updated on what your plans are for the next day,” said Ven.

“If Knight Captain Rendall feels you would lose something so important so easily, it speaks volumes about how responsible he feels you are,” said Audrey, “Are you sure you two can keep me safe?”

“Knight Ven has a sword and I have a shotgun, only a fool would dare to come close and try something,” said Nikita confidently.

“When the time comes, I hope you can back up that confidence,” said Audrey.

“We are dealing with a stalker, just the sight of us will be enough to scare him away,” replied Nikita.

“This is a man who has access to the Palace, which means he is probably a guard or someone in the UTF. Forgive me, but I do not feel he is an ordinary stalker who can be scared by brute force,” said Audrey.

“As I said when I called you yesterday, more people will be bolstering our ranks soon enough. If we remain near Lady Lilliana until then, and have her four guardsmen around as well, I do not feel anyone will dare try something,” said Ven, “As an added measure, both Nikita and I will be stationed outside your room until we catch this man.”

“Thank you, that is very reassuring to hear,” said Audrey with a slight tilt of her head, “Lady Lilliana’s day to day schedule isn’t fixed, she does as she pleases. But I can tell you that tomorrow she will be entertaining a guest in the ballroom, so naturally, all of us handmaids will be there.”

“Who is visiting her?” asked Ven.

“King Ravendra’s betrothed,” replied Audrey.

The world stopped for a moment as the words left Audrey’s mouth. Her, the woman who looked like Vas, he was going to meet her so soon. Good, he thought, he would be able to prove to himself she was nothing like his Vas, this was a different person. Vas was gone, forever.

“Knight Ven are you ok?” asked Nikita.

“Yes, I am fine, I just didn’t expect to meet someone of her stature so soon,” lied Ven.

“You’re a Knight now, you’ll be meeting all the bigshots in the Kingdom, it’s part of the job,” said Audrey with a laugh.

“I suppose you’re right. Do you know the purpose of her visit?” asked Ven.

“Who doesn’t want to meet Lady Lilliana? The woman with the gift to give people their youth back. After His Majesty she’s the most famous person in Nagiri,” said Audrey, “You saw how your colleague reacted.”

“Without Lady Lilliana’s gift, King Ravendra would age and pass away,” said Nikita solemnly.

“Yes, he would. Without him to lead us, we are nothing,” said Audrey seriously.

“Have you met His Majesty before?” asked Nikita suddenly.

“Of course,” said Audrey smugly.

“I hope I am able to meet him once,” said Nikita enviously.

“I would like to meet him again as well,” said Ven seriously, a surprise attack with his sword, it was all he would need.

“I didn’t expect my protector to be such a big fan,” said Audrey with a laugh.

“What do you mean?” asked Ven.

“Don’t you even dare and deny it, a sword which looks exactly like the one His Majesty used to have and the name Ven. Everyone knows it was His Majesty’s nickname when he was younger. Is it even your real name or just something you like to be called?” asked Audrey jokingly.

“Even I noticed the sword, and no one uses a sword nowadays,” said Nikita as she agreed with Audrey.

“Was it that obvious?” asked Ven jokingly, thankful he had been mistaken as a fan of Ravendra, maybe he could use it as an excuse in the future to cover up any slips he made.

“I’ve met my share of His Majesty’s fans, but for one to go so far as to use a sword, you took it to a new level. Just be careful and don’t become a stalker like the idiot who is bothering me,” said Audrey with a wink.

“I’ll try not to,” said Ven with a smile.

A short chapter this week, but full of some fun moments. What did you guys think about Vas? Did you like her?

As always, stay safe out there :)


Annalise - Jul 28 2021
Finally up to date! I'm excited to read what happens next and hopefully I get to meet Natalie again soon.
Anderoth - Jul 31 2021
Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode XD
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