Chapter 13

The training grounds in the Palace were abuzz with life and activity. Someone had gone and done the unthinkable, they had challenged Knight Captain Rendall to a one-on-one sword duel! Rumor had it that it was the newest Knight to join the Honor Guard. Everywhere in the palace, guards and staff tried to find excuses to be relieved from their posts so they could watch the show. It wasn’t everyday Knight Captain Rendall showed off his sword skills, mainly because there weren’t so many knights which bothered to learn what they considered was an obsolete skill. No one dared to say that in front of the Knight Captain, but it led to there being very few sparring partners for the Knight Captain.

As it was a duel with swords, everyone expected the Knight Captain to win hands down, so in the crowd of spectators there were quite a few who shouted words of encouragement at Ven. As for the more ambitious UTF members, they looked at this as an opportunity to earn some favor with the Knight Captain, so they made it a point to insult Ven from the railings.

Ven looked around at the crowd and couldn’t help but smile, he had experienced similar situations in his past. At least some things were still the same in this world, he could work with this, he knew this, all he needed now was a sword.

“I’ve asked William and your chauffeur to make sure no one gets too close, so you won’t have to worry about accidentally hitting someone with a swing. Speaking of which I notice you don’t have a sword. As someone who claims to know how to use a sword, how is it you’re lacking a sword?” asked Rendall.

“I lost my sword a few years ago,” said Ven, which wasn’t a lie as he had lost everything he owned when he got pulled out of the simulation.

“I see, that is most unfortunate. Well, let’s use training swords then,” said Rendall.

“What are the rules of this duel?” asked Ven.

“We fight until the other cannot continue or yields. No gifts, no armor and of course no outside interference. I am guessing these rules are acceptable?” asked Rendall.

“Thanks for the handicap,” said Ven. “Where do you keep these training swords?”

As if waiting for Ven to ask about the swords, Rendall snapped his fingers and an assortment of different types of swords appeared and fell on the ground between the two of them.

“That was impressive,” said Ven as he started going through the training swords.

“It’s a popular trick at parties,” said Rendall with a smile as he picked up a two-handed sword. “See anything you like?”

“I think this is the closest to the sword I am used to using,” said Ven as he tried a couple of swings and thrusts.

“Longsword? Well, at least you won’t be blown away too easily. Shall we get started?” asked Rendall as he took up his stance.

“Sure,” said Ven as he took his stance, it had been a couple of years since he had used a sword, observing Rendall’s style was the prudent way to go about things.

Both Rendall and Ven stood still for a couple of seconds, sizing each other up as they walked in circles. Rendall made the first move with a large swing of his sword towards Ven’s left shoulder. Ven instinctively ducked and rolled out of the way with the crowd’s shouts getting louder by the minute.

“Is dodging how you will show this old man your skills with a sword?” jeered Rendall.

“Insults probably work on the rabble you’re used to sparring with, won’t work on me,” said Ven.

“Is that so? What about this then?” said Rendall as he launched into a thrust, which he followed up with a feint that caught Ven off guard. Ven reeled back from the jab to his solar plexus. Not giving Ven a chance to recover, Rendall charged forward, ready to end the duel with the last swing of his sword. Ven realizing what Rendall was planning, reversed the grip on his longsword and moved forward as well. The reduced gap between the two made it impossible for Rendall to complete his swing and left him open to Ven’s attack.

“I didn’t expect you to use the hilt of your sword,” said Rendall between short breaths as he massaged his stomach.

“I didn’t think you would punch me,” shrugged Ven.

“Well, since it seems you certainly have used a sword before. I won’t be going easy on you from now on,” said Rendall as he got ready to charge. But as if anticipating this move Ven charged forward as well, causing Rendall to lack space for swinging his two-handed sword again. This time Ven started with a punch that Rendall dodged by twisting his body out of the way. Not relenting, Ven followed it up with a swing towards Rendall’s right shoulder, which at the last minute he changed into a straight thrust. Rendall brought his two-handed down and the clang of the two swords connecting filled the grounds. Catching Ven off balance Rendall sent his knee into Ven’s stomach followed by pushing him away to get enough distance to swing his sword.

Ven tried to get his balance back as he saw Rendall start an overhead swing, but he knew there was no way he would be able to block the swing in time. So, he made a split-second decision and dived forward to try and tackle Rendall, he missed but Rendall didn’t manage to land a hit on Ven either. As Ven quickly got back to his feet he realized he was bleeding from his lower lip, that was it, Ven snapped and he rushed forward taking charge of the flow of the duel for the first time. Yes, this is how he normally fought, he charged in and attacked relentlessly until the enemy gave up.

Surprised by the sudden change in Ven, Rendall tried to create some distance by blocking and defending as he continuously moved backwards. But Ven wasn’t stopping, he was in charge of the flow of this battle, he felt the blood rush to his head, the feeling of exhilaration that only the battlefield could bring, the feeling of putting your life on the line to take out your opponent. Acting on both reflex and instinct he went for a lethal blow to Rendall’s head.

Being a veteran sword fighter, Rendall immediately recognized the danger he was in as he saw Ven’s sword, instinctively he teleported behind Ven and took him out with a blow to the side of the head with the pommel of his two-handed sword.

As Ven crumbled to the ground, Rendall felt his legs give way as well, and he sat on the floor panting. A series of questions popped into his head as he took deep breaths. When was the last time someone had pushed him around like this? When was the last time he had felt his life was in actual danger? Why did this boy’s fighting style feel so familiar to him?

Amongst the cheers of the crowd, Rendall was helped up by his chauffeur, William. He eyed the unconscious Ven once more and made his decision.

“You there, tell him I lost the duel when he wakes up, I broke the rules of our engagement. Bring him here tomorrow morning, from now on, he works directly under me,” said Rendall to Frank as he walked away with the help of William.

We have the conclusion to the duel! Although it might be more accurate to call it a brawl with the way they were fighting each other. Was it what you expected? Did you enjoy it? Looking forward to your thoughts.

Take care and stay safe out there.


Annalise - May 31 2021
I really enjoyed this chapter, even though I read it before. I remember being impressed the first time I read it as well, it was a lot more fun reading than I thought. I think you did really well and I'm enjoying myself, reading it again!
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