
Your short red hair

On which you probably spend hours doing this morning


Your green eyes

The same color i saw in my own eyes


Your empty look

There was no life to be found in your eyes


It all seem so familiar

And yet it also felt so foreign


I looked at you

But you didn't see me

Was it because you didn't want to?


My heart was razing like crazy

Was I angry?

Was I disappointed?

Or was I simply afraid?


Afraid you would come talk to me?

Afraid you wouldn't?


Afraid you would cause a scene?

Afraid you would pretend I wasn't even there


I got up and I ran

Ran away before you even saw me

Because my heart was razing at an alarming speed

And I was yanked for air


With my hands covering my face I sat down on a bench

Only now did I discover how much my hands were shivering

And how fast my heart actually was razing

Not even when I was exercising

Had I ever experienced my heart like this


I felt a hand on my back

It was my husband

He had a worried look in his eyes

But he didn't say anything


I was blaming myself

And he knew that

So he hurried and said to me:

It's okay to cry


And with those words my body let go

The tears were pouring out

And I didn't even know why


Was it because I missed my mom?

Or because I was still mad at her?

I didn't know

The only thing I knew, was


I was afraid

Please leave a comment down below and let me know your thoughts on this poem!

Love, Annalise~

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