8 years

No it's true

I just re counted



8 years has gone by


8 years since my anxiety began

8 years since I first went to a psychologist

8 years since I spoke to the courthouse

8 years since I went to the police station


I've forgotten a lot of things in 8 years

What I wore on my first day in 6th grade

What my first grade was in math

What I ate for dinner, just last week


Little by little your brain throw out the unnecessary things

The memories of my elementary school becomes fragments

The faces of my teachers is blurred out in my memory

And even their voices seem distant to me


But even still

I will never forget when I saw the insanity in your eyes


I remember lots of things from that day

I remember I was wearing my rainbow colored pantsuit

I remember I was wearing sock that didn't even match

I remember I had stayed home from school because I was afraid

Of you


I remember I just had to make a copy in my stepmom's office

I remember we both saw you outside our house

And I remember that at that moment

My heart had already started racing


We didn't open the door for you

But that didn't make any difference

You just went around the house

And broke in the back door




That's what you yelled right before you grabbed me

And tried to drag me away


Do you remember how much I screamed?

How much I fought to break free from your arms?

I remember


Do you remember how my stepmom tried to calm you down?

Du you remember how the dogs were barking next door?

I remember all of it


I hit

I kicked

I screamed from the full capacity of my lungs

And for a while it looked like I was winning

But that was until you called HIM


He was taller than you, stronger than you

And he went straight up to me and grabbed me

I screamed and screamed, begging for help

I extended my arm towards me step mom

While using the other hand to hold on to the bookshelf

So i wouldn't get dragged away


But she didn't do anything

She only stepped further away with horror written on her face

And she just focused on getting in touch with someone on the phone


Why didn't she do anything?


Today I know why she didn't do anything

Why she didn't interfere

But at that time, I was scared to death

And I needed help


He dragged me through the garden

Until he bot tired of me screaming and struggling

So he picked me up

And cared me with him


I saw how all the neighbors were watching

And I screamed even louder in a plead for help

But I was still thrown in the car

The car were my 6 year old brother was sitting

Tears still glistering in his eyes

He looked terrified

But so did I, cause I was terrified

And I couldn't do anything to help him or comfort him


So even if the brain threw out some things

There are things I will never forget

Even if people don't understand how it still affects me

It does

Even 8 years later

I can recall this episode

And relive it all over again

Please leave a comment down below and let me know your thoughts on this poem!

Love, Annalise~

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