A mask of lies

What is the definition of a lie?

Is a white lie

Also a lie?

And is it still a lie

If it's told on the 1st of April?


Is a lie always a lie

Or are there times and situations

That can justify telling a lie?


I look around and I see lies all around me

In the TV

On the internet

And between us


"Sometimes you have no choice but to lie"

That's what I was told at the age of 9

I didn't really understand

I didn't really like it

But I still believed it

Cause It was told by a grown-up


I was told to lie


Many times

But I hated it every single time

No matter how much i told myself

"this is the right thing to do"

It still felt wrong


I still don't understand the phrase

"Sometimes you have to lie"

If you strive to do the right thing

Then why would you have to lie to anyone?

Why did YOU lie to me?


You lied to me so many times

More times than I can count

I trusted you

I was loyal, faithful

So why did you feel the need to lie to me?


Maybe you were afraid

Afraid that I would leave you if I knew the truth

If I knew you weren't perfect

If I knew you had flaws too

I bet that till this day you think I left you for that reason

But the truth is

I left you because of the lies.


Isn't that really why people lie?

To protect themselves?

But isn't that just selfish?

Instead of admitting your mistakes

You hide behind a mask of lies


You always have the right to remain silent

No one can take that away from you

Even Jesus used that right

But he never lied

So why should we?


It took me many years to understand why you were hiding behind that mask

To understand that you'd been lying for so long

That you had begun to believe those lies yourself

The mask became your true face

And you would do everything to uphold that mask


The day I found out how many times you'd lied to me

Was the day I found out how much a lie can affect people around you

I looked around and thought

How different would my life have been if you hadn't lied to me all these years?

I understood how much pain a lie can cause

And I understood that the truth sets us free

Please leave a comment down below and let me know your thoughts on this poem!

Love, Annalise~

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