A loud argument

I hear yelling and arguing

Behind my closed door

I cover my ears

But I am still able to hear the noise


I hear something getting smashed

I jump up

And open my door

On the floor is a broken glass


Dad is angry

Mom is crying

I hear crying from somewhere else too

It's my baby brother crying


My baby brother is only two

He doesn't understand

But it still hurts

When mom and dad is fighting


Suddenly I see mom lift her hand

And it hits dad

I hear the sound of a smack

And after that everything is dead silent


Nobody says anything

Nobody does anything

Time stands still

Only the snow outside my window is still falling from the sky, 

unaffected of what's happening in here


But then hell breaks loose


With all the force he's got

Dad pushed mom to the front door

And even though she's crying loudly

It doesn't stop dad


Dad opens the front door

And pushed mom out in the snow

Dad slams the door and locks it

Whereafter he walks away


I stand on the sideline

Following how my dad drags moms blanket

Until he throws it out in the snow to her

And tells her to get out of his sight


The door is locked again

But I can hear mom cry

I quickly unlocks the door

And runs into moms embrace


It's gonna be alright

I tell her

Tomorrow everything is better

I promise her


I don't know if what I'm saying is true

If everything really will be alright

But right now I have to believe

So mom also can believe

Please leave a comment down below and let me know your thoughts on this poem!

Love, Annalise~

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